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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6 class page!


We are hoping you have had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to an exciting 2024! This half term will be packed with lots of fun and exciting learning opportunities. We can’t wait to get started!


Mrs Flint will continue to teach Year 6 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoons and Miss Jarman will teach on Wednesday mornings, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Radley will be supporting the learning in Year 6 throughout the week.


We are starting this term with a geography unit of work, which will see us journeying across the Atlantic as we embark on a study of North America. During this unit, we will find where North America is and we’ll explore the 50 states that make up the USA. We will also identify the human and physical features of the Rockies. Our unit will end with a closer look at the Big Apple.


As well as learning about this geographical unit, Year 6 will also be exploring the unit, ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’ in science. We’ll describe how living things are classified into broad groups based on the similarities and differences between them. We’ll also make justifications about why we have classified plants and animals in the ways we have done. We will explore the work of Carl Linnaeus and the classification system that he invented. At the end of the unit, we’ll investigate how micro-organisms can affect food over time.


Alongside these interesting and engaging units of work, we’ll also be continuing to challenge our musical abilities during our weekly music sessions on Mondays and perfecting our Spanish on Tuesdays.


Some key information:

Music – Monday mornings

Spanish – Wednesday mornings

P.E. with Mrs Flint – Monday afternoons

Dance with Molly – Wednesday afternoons


Homework will be given on a Wednesday and will consist of maths and spelling activities. We expect that this homework will be completed by the following Monday. We are trying to prepare Year 6 for high school so if children do not complete homework, they will need to do it on a Monday in their own time (play time).


Year 6 are also expected to read at least three times a week for 20 minutes or more and need their reading diaries signed by a grown up at home. 


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Jarman, Mrs Flint and Mrs Radley

