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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 Class page. 


Hello and a warm welcome to our Year 4 class page. We have so much to look forward to this term and I can’t wait to get started!


English work this term will be based around the text ‘Cinderella’ by Shirley Climo. We will be producing our own diary entry, narrative, recount and instructions for how to cross the River Nile.  During guided reading, we will be reading ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll and using this book to develop our VIPERS skills (vocabulary, inference, predict, retrieve, summarise).


In Art, we will have fun exploring how we can use colour, line and shape to create patterns, including repeated patterns.  We will look at several artists who use tessellated patterns in their work, such as M. C. Escher.


In Maths, we will focus on place value, looking at the value of each digit in a 4-digit number, finding 100 more or less, estimating, rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000 using this knowledge to solve number problems.  We will also consolidate our formal column method skills, using this method to add and subtract 4 digit numbers. Please remember to log on to Times Table Rock Stars at home and also complete the My Maths homework set each week. 


For this half term, homework will be set via Seesaw on Wednesday and will also include spellings and reading.


In History, the children will look at the life of the Ancient Egyptians. They will look at society from this stage of History, how their lives impacted our lives and who the important characters of the time were.


Our Science topic this half term is Living Things.  During our lessons, we will learn about the basic parts of the digestive system and begin to identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions.  We will also construct and interpret a variety of food chains, identifying producers, predators and prey.


Tuesdays will be especially fun-packed!  Every morning, the children will receive Spanish lessons from Mrs Doodson, one of the Mossley Hollins language teachers.  The children will also have their Music lesson on a Tuesday morning, where they will be learning to play the recorder.  On Tuesday afternoons, some of the children will undertake swimming lessons at Active Copley, while the remaining children will undertake a variety of PE activities within school. 


On Wednesday afternoons, they will do dance with our Active Tameside coach.  Please ensure that the children have their swimming/PE kits on the correct days


Children should bring a refillable water bottle to school every day.  If you do want to provide your child with a snack, please ensure that it is a piece of fruit or something equally as healthy (a piece of cheese, a small cracker etc).


If you have any concerns or information you want to share with me, please send a message on Seesaw or Dojo and I will reply as soon as possible.


Thank you for your support.


Miss. Snioch and Miss. Hulmes

