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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

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Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 web page. 


Can you believe that this is the final term of Year 4? Our final term is an exciting one, full of fun, facts, skills and creativity!


In English this half term, the children’s writing will be inspired by the classic novel The Railway Children by E. Nesbit.  This historical text links in with our history topic on railways.  Using this text as inspiration, we will be writing some poetry, persuasive letters, recounts and our own railway themed stories.


In maths, we will be looking at a variety of subject areas, including time, shape, statistics and position and direction.  The children have studied these topics in previous years and so we will build on and consolidate this knowledge within our maths lessons, focusing heavily on using mathematical reasoning and problem solving.


As already mentioned, in history this term, we will be learning all about the development of the Railways in Great Britain and some of the significant early locomotives. The children will also investigate some important historical events, such as the opening of the first passenger carrying railway lines and the Rainhill Trials and they will learn about some of the key people who were influential in the development of the railways. In addition to this, they will learn about the development of locomotive technology and examine the differences between steam, diesel and electric locomotives. The children will also learn about the growth and development of the railway network in Great Britain and will use their geographical skills to map out some key routes.


Science this term also has a historical focus as we will be learning about significant scientists and inventors.  The children will learn about Alexander Graham Bell and his invention of the telephone, as well as modern improvements to his invention by inventors like James West and Gerhard M. Sessler.  The children will also look at the early uses of solar energy in homes, invented and built by Maria Telkes and Eleanor Raymond.  They will learn about the many inventions of Lord Kelvin, the man who determined the temperature of absolute zero, and explore the work of Thomas Edison and Lewis Latimer.


In RE, the children will consider why many people view life as a journey, exploring non-religious and religious milestones.


We shall continue to learn the recorder on a Tuesday and we are looking forward to sharing our learning at the Bridgewater Hall with the Halle Orchestra soon. On Tuesday afternoons, some of the children will continue with their swimming lessons, while the remaining children will undertake a variety of PE activities within school.


Children should remember to bring a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle.


Children identified as needing a little extra support with their reading will read their reading book in an additional 1-1 session with an adult at least once weekly.  All children will be heard reading during our daily class Guided Reading sessions too.  The children are expected to take responsibility for changing their home reading book as and when required and reading at home is encouraged on a daily basis.


If you have any concerns or information you want to share with us, please send a message on Seesaw or Dojo and we will reply as soon as possible.


Miss Snioch and Miss Hulmes

