Year 4
Welcome to the Year 4 Class page.
Hello and Happy New Year! We have so much to look forward to this term!
English work this term will be based around the text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balat. We will use this text as a stimulus for our writing, which will include a variety of genres: poetry, letter writing, a descriptive recount, newspaper reports and explanation writing. We will be using ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes for our guided reading text this term, focussing on VIPERS questions. We will also spend lots of time looking at how we can read with prosody (expression), spending weekly sessions thinking about rhythm, emphasis, pitch, tone and when to pause.
In art this half term, we will be looking at The Art of Display. We will explore how the way we display our work can affect the way it is seen and create artwork inspired by the idea of “Plinth”.
During this term, the children will continue to develop their understanding and grasp of the building blocks of maths. They will have several times tables tests a week and daily arithmetic questions are also completed. Within lessons, work will focus on multiplication and division, units of measurement and calculating the perimeter of rectilinear shapes and polygons. We will also begin learning about fractions and decimals. We will regularly work to solve problems and explain answers using our knowledge of the subject. Please remember to log on to Times Tables Rock Stars at home and also complete the My Maths set homework each week. For this half term, homework will be set via Seesaw on Wednesday and will also include a spelling/grammar task. Daily reading at home is also encouraged as it really does help your child to make greater progress with both their reading and writing.
In history, we will be studying the Romans and looking in detail at the Roman army and Roman soldiers, as well as analysing the impact that the Roman conquests had on the way of life of the people living in Britain. We will also spend some time studying Roman villas, using them to find out more about what day-to-day life was like for some Romans.
This term we will investigate the topic of Sound. The children will be describing and explaining sound sources and how they travel, exploring the ways to change the pitch of a sound and exploring how sounds change over distance.
In ICT, the children will develop their understanding of how digital images can be changed and edited, and how they can then be resaved and reused. They will consider the impact that editing images can have and evaluate the effectiveness of their choices. They will also think about the retouching of images and consider the moral implications of ‘fake’ digitally altered images.
On Tuesday afternoons, some of the children will continue swimming lessons at Copley Baths, while those not swimming will get to enjoy an entire afternoon of PE! On Wednesday afternoons, all of the children will also enjoy a dance session. Then, on Wednesday mornings, the children will continue to receive Spanish lessons from one of the Mossley Hollins language teachers. Within these Spanish lessons, the children will look at creating and designing pictures, explaining our facial features, learning to describe parts of our bodies, designing and describing monsters and using nouns to identify family members.
Children should remember to bring a healthy snack and a refillable water bottle in to school every day and also to ensure that they have their PE/swimming kits in school for the relevant days.
If you have any concerns or information you want to share with me, please send a message on Seesaw or Dojo and I will reply as soon as possible.
Thank you for your support.
Miss. Snioch and Miss Hulmes