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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Subject Leader: Miss Trelfa

Intent, Implementation and Impact

At Micklehurst All Saints, PSHE forms an essential part of our curriculum in order to empower the children to connect with themselves, their families and friends, their community, and the rapidly changing wider world. Our PSHE curriculum helps our children to embrace the challenges of creating a happy and successful life beyond our school. We want our children to have the knowledge and skills to enable them to stay mentally and physically safe and make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health, and relationships. They will have self-efficacy and understand that everyone faces difficulties in their lives. They will understand how to be present and enjoy the moment they are in, not be distracted by the past or worried for their future. They will understand and regulate their thoughts and emotions and know how they are able to relate to the world in ways that make others feel comfortable relating to them. 


We will help to equip the children with skills to manage their minds, feelings, and emotions. Our curriculum fosters an understanding and appreciation of exercise and nutrition, why sleep is important, the impact of the outdoors on their physical and mental health and the benefits of good hygiene and how to be safe online. Our Sex and Relationships Education aims to promote healthy relationships and the understanding that there are different families, friendships, and relationships.
