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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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It has been a lovely final week of term. The children have enjoyed their end of term activities, parties, Y6 hyperbowling experience and our summer raffle! I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy and restful summer. Enjoy the holidays and we will look forward to seeing you on 3rd September.


In Nursery this week, the children have enjoyed a fantastic pirate party. The costumes were amazing and the children enjoyed a pirate feast and games.


Reception have enjoyed their last week of the summer term. They have been learning about pirates and enjoyed their EYFS Pirate party!


The children enjoyed playing ball games in PE where they learnt different ways to throw. They also developed their concentration and fine motor skills by making loom bands this week. They showed lots of perseverance and made jewellery for their friends!


Year 1 have had a Superhero party to celebrate the end of year. This tied in with their English text ‘Nat Fantastic’ and the children have enjoyed becoming Superheroes for the day!


It’s been the final week in year 5 and what a week it’s been! To end the year with a bang Year 5 held their very own talent show. From comedy to gymnastics, to football and magic, we saw it all! The children enjoyed watching each other and cheered everybody on. What a lovely way to end the year!


We can’t quite believe that the final week of term is upon us and our Year 6s have certainly been making the most of their final few days as Micklehurst pupils. As well as working hard to prepare for their Leavers Assembly on the final day of term, the children were treated on Wednesday to a hyper bowling trip. They travelled to Denton Wellness Centre where they battled it out to see who would reign supreme on the bowling alleys. The children loved the range of interactive games available from hyperbowling to mad bowling and there were certainly a fair few strikes to celebrate! Year 6 have also been competing wholeheartedly in our final ever round of The Pirate Game - the children eagerly plotted their coordinates and hid their treasures before competing in a fearsome fight to destroy their enemies and build the healthiest bank balance in the class. 


On Friday afternoon, Year 6 came together around the campfire and enjoyed their final afternoon at Micklehurst by toasting s’mores and sharing some of their favourite primary school memories. We wish them every success as they take their next steps and hope they will come back and visit us next year! 

It has been another fun week in school. On Monday, some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Mossley Olympics at Mossley Hollins. It was a fantastic afternoon and the children took part in a range of events including long jump, the javelin throw, an egg and spoon race, a skipping race, a sack race, the 50m sprint and the relay. Our team performed really well and lots of them received medals. The winners were St Georges but well done to everyone who took part.


On Thursday, two of our Y6 children had the privilege of carrying the Olympic torch to Buckton Vale Primary School where they handed it over to two pupils before it continued its journey to Millbrook Primary.


On Thursday, we also had the Bouncy Castle in school and the children thoroughly enjoyed bouncing with their friends. Friday was our Summer Fair and the children were excited to have their faces painted and then spend the afternoon winning prizes and taking part in a range of games. Thank you to everyone who has supported the event.


Africa has been the topic this week in Reception. The children found Africa on a map and noticed it was far away from England. The children learnt that Africa is hot as it is near the equator and they have been learning about animals they might see on a Safari. The children enjoyed watching videos of elephants, zebras, hippos and a lion with its almighty roar and writing sentences to describe them.


In Maths, Reception have been delving deeper into the concept of heavier and lighter. They tested four different boats in the outdoor water tray, investigating how many marbles each boat would hold before it sinks. They found that the paper boat sank with only four marbles and the plastic boat was the strongest, holding all twenty of their marbles! The children then got busy creating their own boats to test.


In Year 1 it has been the final week of Arts and Crafts club and the children have completed a collaborative large-scale model of a wave. They have then decorated it with sea creatures. They are super proud of their model.


In Year 2 this week, the children had a fantastic trip to St George’s Church in Mossley as part of their RE unit based around special places of worship. Before the visit they had generated many questions that they wanted to ask Reverend Denise about the Church and how she came to be in her role. The children loved exploring the Church and listening to Mrs Chapman playing the organ! The children’s behaviour was exemplary, and they were a credit to the school.



This week, Year 3 have been engrossed in their guided reading text, The Butterfly Lion. They made some super inferences about the main character called Bertie and they could verbally back their ideas with evidence from the text. The disgruntled groans that rang out when the final session of the week ended and on a cliffhanger too was a definite sign they are hooked.


In English, they have continued to write their own innovated version of the story ‘The Man on the Moon’. They used some super expanded noun phrases and some fantastic prepositional phrases too. They are looking forward to sharing them when they are finished.


In Science, Year 3 have loved learning about famous scientists. They thoroughly enjoyed learning about the work of Marie Curie and they loved researching about her life with many children finding out more information than they needed due to their interest in her. They were equally as fascinated when learning about the work of George Washington Carver and the number of uses he discovered for peanuts. 


This week has been another busy one in Year 4.  In Maths, the children have continued their unit on shape, looking at quadrilaterals and their properties as well as other polygons.  In English, they have been using interesting pictures as stimulus for their writing.  The children have enjoyed undertaking some creative writing challenges where they have been able to show-case everything that they have learned this year in terms of vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. 


In History, they have learned more about the impact of the railways in Britain and in RE they have explored why people choose to get married and how different religions prepare for and celebrate marriage.  The children have also enjoyed lots of other fun events this week, including Mossley Olympics, the bouncy castle and the school’s summer fair.  All events were a great success and were enjoyed by everyone who attended.


This week in Year 5 the children have been extremely busy collecting all the donated raffle prizes for our Summer Fair. We are super grateful for all the donations we have received and we are really proud of the children's efforts in collecting all the raffle prizes, well done everyone. The children have completed their very first SATs papers this week ready for Year six. The children absolutely smashed it, and I am sure they will do great when it’s the real thing! 


It’s been another busy week in Year 6; the children have been working hard to prepare for our upcoming Leavers Assembly and the classroom has certainly been abuzz with the sound of music. It promises to be an impressive celebration of our wonderful Year 6s and the children cannot wait to share it with their friends and family. 


The children have also been putting all of their electricity knowledge from our science unit in to good use in our Design & Technology lessons this week. They have been tasked with researching, designing and making a Steady Hand Game complete with a working circuit to bring the game to life. There have already been some brilliantly creative design ideas from cars manoeuvring around race tracks to rockets touring the solar system and we can’t wait to make our games next week!

It has been a brilliant week in school because we have celebrated Science Week! Our week began with an exciting assembly led by Katriana from Science Boffins. The children loved watching a range of experiments and observing the chemical reactions that took place. They have then been involved in a range of activities throughout the week including making their own marble runs, making slime and finding about famous scientists to name but a few!


On Tuesday, Year 3 and Year 4 showcased their musical talents as they performed for the school and their parents, carers and family members. It was a fantastic performance and the children demonstrated super concentration and enjoyment.I was very impressed with how much progress they have made and how well they played their ukeleles and recorders. Good job everyone!


Our KS 1 and Y3 Cheerleading team took part in Tameside’s Cheer Fest at Copley on Wednesday and the children had a fantastic time performing. They have worked so hard practising their routine and they came in fourth position. Well done to the team!


Science week in Nursery has been amazing.  The children have been trialling a variety of experiments and have been predicting, changing variables and evaluating.


Experiment 1 – the children used skittles and hot and cold water for this experiment.  They laid the skittles in circles on a plate, then they predicted which plate of skittles would make colours the fastest using hot or cold water. The hot water worked the fastest.


Experiment 2 – the children mixed different colours to see what they would make, then they painted with them.


Experiment 3 – with celery, food colouring, water and a glass. Does water travel up the celery? The children put coloured water in the cup and waited to see if the water travelled up the celery and made it a different colour.  Lots of them didn’t think it would work but it did, and the celery turned blue inside.


Experiment 4 – Can an egg bounce?  The children didn’t believe this, so they set about trying to find out if it was possible.  They filled a jar with white vinegar, placed an egg in the vinegar, put the lid on the jar and waited for 24 hours.  They are still waiting to see if an egg can bounce!


Reception have been Scientists this week and have enjoyed their experiments. The children observed capillary action in a rainbow colour mixing experiment. They also enjoyed adding raisins to sparkling water and watching them ‘dance’. Making slime was their favourite activity this week as they loved getting messy!


In line with Science Week, the children have been learning about Marie Curie. They learnt that she invented X-rays during the war, so the children used white paint and art straws to make their own model of an X-ray.


Their maths focus has been making complex maps and drawing a map of their journey to school.

In RE, the children read the story of Muhammad and the kittens. They reflected on how they can care for animals and thought about what their favourite animals are and why.


This week in Year 1, the children have been exploring and observing changes over time. They have explored how chocolate, ice and a stone changed when they held it in their hands for 3 minutes. The children had a good discussion about how some of these items changed and why. They have also completed the skittle experiment but changed the variables from water to milk.


In Year 2 this week, the children have LOVED celebrating whole school Science week. They enjoyed kick starting the week with some fun experiments with Science Boffins, this involved creating their own lemon sherbet and it really got their taste buds going! In class they have been exploring the concept of time – this has involved creating their own marble runs that had to start and finish in 15 seconds. They enjoyed working as a team, trying different angles on their runs, and using the timers to measure how successful they had been.


Science Week has not disappointed in Year 3 and it began with an explosive start. Rockets launched, containers exploded and taste buds where all tested during the Science Boffins workshop.


Learning about the famous scientist Sir Isaac Newton also caused a buzz of excitement and discovering about his law of gravity got Year 3 asking many questions. They loved finding out about the moment Newton discovered gravity and re-enacting the moment the apple fell from the tree sparked lots of enthusiasm too. Year 3 really enjoyed the opportunity to share their research about him in their own way. Some children made posters, leaflets, books and some used Seesaw to create informative slides about him.


With time as the focus for the week, Year 3 explored boats through time. Having found out about the three important things a boat must do, they then experimented with different natural materials to find out which could float, which could travel in a straight line and which of the natural materials could carry a strong load. Following the investigation, they made super conclusions about which material would be most suitable to make a boat. Having found out that the sailing boat came next, they loved making their own sailing boats and loved testing them to see if they could float and move in a straight line.


Year 4 have had a really exciting week.  This week, it has been Science week, and the theme has been ‘time’.  The children have therefore conducted a variety of experiments and carried out research linked in with this theme.  They have looked at reaction times as well as creating different pendulums and recording how many swings in a set period of time.  They have looked at patterns and tried to create their own hypothesis based on their scientific knowledge. 


They have also learnt about the planets in the solar system and the varying lengths of days and years on each planet and why this is.  The children created solar system mobiles to help them remember the order of the planets from the sun.  Linked in with space, they also learnt about Mae. C. Jemison, who was the first African-American woman in space.  Year 4 carried out research into her life, achievements and legacy and created Mae. C. Jemison biographies. 


They have also managed to fit in their usual Maths lessons this week where they have learnt about the properties of different triangles, quadrilaterals and polygons.  On Tuesday, the children showcased their performance talents during their musical show.  The children were fabulous and Miss Snioch was very proud of them.


Science Week has been a blast in Year 6 and the children have proven themselves to be quite the budding scientists as they’ve worked their way through a range of enquiries, investigations and research tasks. The week started with a wacky workshop experimenting with different senses – the children combined a range of elements to make snow, sherbet and even a tornado in a bottle.


In class, they’ve been exploring technology through time and the children discovered the chronology of some major scientific innovations, such as the telegraph and the mobile phone. They also created a communication device using an electric circuit and then used this to decipher morse code – Year 6 had great fun sending messages to one another even though it was slightly more complicated than WhatsApp!


Later in the week, the children were tasked with creating a working vacuum cleaner. They experimented with different motors and fans and learnt all about vacuum flasks in order to build their own machine. There was a lot of trial and error involved but before too long, the children were busily cleaning the classroom with their innovative vacuums!

It has been a very exciting week in school as the children have experienced their transition morning in their new classes. They have all enjoyed being in their new classrooms, meeting staff and getting to know all about their next year group. We also welcomed our new Nursery children and some new children who will be starting Reception in September.


Some of our Year 3 and 4 children represented school in the Tameside Quad Kids event at East Cheshire Harriers on Wednesday. The team took part in four events including the 400m, standing long jump, a vortex throw and a 60m sprint. The children performed brilliantly and some of them had real success in certain events. We now have to wait until the points from every school are collated and we get the final results!


Reception have been busy this week learning about under the sea creatures. The children made a fact file about a sea creature of their choice; they enjoyed drawing pictures of the creatures and writing facts about them. The children were amazed to learn that jelly fish do not have a brain!


The children have worked hard in phonics and have learnt the new digraphs ‘ur’ and ‘er’. The children have been busy writing sentences to describe different under the sea creatures and included their new digraphs in their writing.


Their Maths focus has been models and maps this week. The children explored replicating small world models and construction scenes and made a giant map of their classroom layout.


This week in Year 1 as part of their English work, the children have been very excited to be part of their Talk for Writing process where they have been creating a story map based on their text Nat Fantastic. The children demonstrated how well they knew the story and added actions and punctuation to their story map. They will use this to support them when they come to writing their own Nat Fantastic stories next week.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been developing their Computing skills using Chrome Music lab. They have used shapes and pictures to respond to Gustav Holst’s work – they all had their own very different interpretations. They then used the music lab to draw and create sound pictures which sounded amazing!


Year 3 have loved starting their new maths unit, which focuses on shape. It began with them learning what an angle is and then what a right angle is. The enthusiasm they showed when finding right angles in the playground was a joy to see. Exploring 2D shapes to identify the angles within them was also particularly enjoyable for Year 3. They used their right angle checkers very efficiently to describe the angles within the shapes. They are now angle experts, who can identify acute angles, right angles and obtuse angles. Well done Year 3!


Innovating the character in The Man on the Moon was another highlight for Year 3 this week. They enjoyed generating new twists on the main character of Bob. Ideas ranged from a teenager on Saturn to a grannie on Neptune. Their creativity did not stop there because the story plans they produced were full of imaginative ideas. They can’t wait to write their stories next week.


This week has been another busy one for Year 4!  The children have begun writing their Railway Children recounts in English, learnt more about angles in Maths and carried out research into Thomas Edison in Science.  They went on an electrical appliances hunt around school and had a think about what life would be like without some of these things.


In History, they have learnt more about the growth of the railways in the 19th century in Britain and in RE they have learnt about the Hindu sacred thread ceremony.


The children are keen environmentalists in Year 4, so in Guided Reading they have learnt about why plastic is a problem for the environment as well as reading about the life and campaigning of Greta Thunberg. 


On Thursday, the Year 4 children spent the morning in Year 5, meeting their new teachers and familiarising themselves with the Year 5 classroom and routines. The children came back really excited about their next chapter in Year 5.


This week has been an exciting one for our Year 5s! They had transition day on Thursday which they loved! They took part in some lovely activities and came back to Year 5 excited to start in Year 6 in September.


Earlier in the week in RE, the children looked at the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony that young Jewish people take part in. They created some wonderful fact files! In English they have read some more of their class text and even more of the story is unfolding and making sense! In Science they looked at the life of Sir David Attenborough and created some brilliant pieces of work about his life and work.


There’s been an air of both anticipation and excitement this week in Year 6 as our soon-to-be Year 7s had their first real taste of high school life. The children have been really looking forward to their transition days – they’ve been keen to discover who their form tutor will be, what new lessons they will encounter next year and perhaps most importantly, how much homework they’re going to get!


As well as taking on the challenge of transition, our Year 6’s took on another kind of trial this week – a mock trial. Sean, from Greater Manchester Magistrates, visited school to lead the children through a mock trial complete with magistrates, an usher, a defendant and both prosecuting and defending solicitors. The children worked their way through the case of R v Jo Stockwell, which focused on the theme of knife crime - they had to listen to witnesses, hear the arguments from both sets of solicitors and then reach a final verdict: guilty or not guilty?

It has been another busy week in school! The children have all been enjoying getting their teeth into their new topics.


What a busy week for Reception! The children have enjoyed their ‘Under the Sea’ topic. Inspired by their class text, ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson, the children used collage technique to design their own shell. They then thought of their own adjective sentences to describe their shell and wrote them independently. The children also discussed the differences between the seaside in the past and in the present.


Miss Austin and Miss Burney have observed lots of language rich role play in the beach café role play area this week. The children have been making different flavour ice creams and pretending to build sand castles.


The children have enjoyed replicating and building constructions in Maths this week and have explored visualising a small world scene from different positions. They worked hard in pairs to build matching small world scenes.


This half term, Year 1 have been looking at the text Nat Fantastic as part of their English work. They have shared the story of Nat Fantastic and then used role play to create ideas for the next problem that Nat was going to solve.  The children had a great time performing their ideas to each other!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been combining nature and computing! In Science, they used the iPads to identify different types of trees – this involved taking pictures of the leaves and uploading them to a plant identification website. They used their observational skills to draw pictures of the trees and leaves and the also used tape measures to measure the circumference of the tree trunk. The children had lots of fun in the sunshine.


In Computing, they have been exploring and creating different rhythms using Chrome Music Lab – this was so much fun!


What a fantastic week it has been in Year 3! It began with a letter from John Fardell, the author of The Day Louis Got Eaten’, expressing his delight in the quality of the non-chronological reports that he had received from us. Their reports and the creatures they devised last half term were so good that the author decided it would just be too hard to pick out a winner. Instead, Year 3 all received a certificate from him and he included £10 in the envelope, which he said must be spent on something Year 3 all agree on. They cannot wait to vote on what to spend the money on.  


Starting work on the Victorians was another highlight for Year 3 this week. This unit began with them exploring a picture of a prominent figure during this time and recording any inferences they had made about them from looking at the image. It was of course Queen Victoria, which many pairs had correctly worked out. They loved playing detectives and exploring different sources to deduce what it was like to live in the Victorian period. The ideas they came up with were fantastic and they could explain their thinking too. There are definitely some budding historians in Year 3!


In English this week the children have been generating lots of ideas for a recount that they are going to write next week.  They have drawn story-boards and carried out role plays to help them with their writing. 


In Maths, they have been looking at time.  The children have looked at analogue and digital clocks and have converted between the two.  In Science, the learnt about the two scientists who discovered oxygen,; Antoine Lavoisier and Joseph Priestley.  They even carried out their own oxygen experiment, looking at how lit candles require oxygen to burn.  In History, the children have learnt about the growth of the railways and in RE, they learnt about the Jewish Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations. 


This week in Year 5 the children have been writing newspaper reports in English all about the treacherous boat rescue at Budmouth Point from their class novel, ‘Letters From the Lighthouse’. In Maths it has been all about decimals; they have added and subtracted decimals and the children are gaining confidence even when completing additions and subtractions with a different number of decimal places.


In RE, they researched a key Jewish event: Yom Kippur. The children created some beautiful and very informative pieces of work. In Science they looked at the life and work of Eva Crane and made some very amazing fact-files.


Year 6 have been busy writing some incredibly compelling setting descriptions this week. Inspired by their new text, The Matchbox Diary, they used their senses to bring to life a perilous journey across the ocean. The children combined a wide range of strategies, including personification and metaphor, to add detail to their writing and paint a very vivid picture of the tumultuous sea during a storm. They’ve also been thinking about what will happen to the main character in the story once he arrives at his destination: New York City.


On Thursday, the children took part in a workshop delivered by mental health charity, Kooth. The theme of the workshop was transition and there were lots of brilliant tips that the children can try over the summer to help them prepare for their first week of high school in September.

What a fantastic week we have had in school! The children have loved Sports Week and have thrown themselves into every activity on offer. Monday started with a visit from Freddy Fit and the children enjoyed a range of energetic exercises and activities. On Tuesday it was lovely to welcome parents, carers and family members to Sports Day and the children loved showcasing their skills in a number of races. On Wednesday and Thursday the children enjoyed Dance and Football sessions and on Friday each class experienced a yoga session.


On Monday, Year 6 attended the Leavers Celebration Service at Manchester Cathedral. It was alovely service and the children enjoyed singing and dancing with the entire congregation as well as saying The Lord’s Prayer in British Sign Language.


On Tuesday, Year 4 went to The Bridgewater Hall to the Come and Play with the Halle event. The children were in awe when they entered the hall and heard the orchestra playing. It was a wonderful experience for them to play and sing alongside the Halle orchestra and the children were fantastic ambassadors for our school.


In Nursery, Sports Week has been an amazing success. The children have enjoyed it from start to finish, they have shown amazing resilience and perseverance in learning new skills.  They have had Freddy Fit in showing them how to exercise their body, sports day with lots of fun games and races, cone it and dance.


The children have also been learning about England as one of the teams playing in The Euros. They have located it on a map, learnt about the capital and the flag.  They particularly enjoyed finding out that the lion was England’s national animal.


Reception have enjoyed all aspects of Sports Week. They had fun with Freddy Fit where they learnt to hula hoop and limbo and enjoyed their Sports Day races. They have also taken part in yoga and football sessions and they played team games in the hall.


Reception’s focus country has been Italy. First the children spotted Italy on a map and made Italian flags. They have been learning some Italian words such as ‘ciao’ and ‘grazie’ and found it funny to watch the Italian version of ‘let it go’ from Frozen. Reception have also learnt about Di Vinci’s Mona Lisa and designed their own vibrant and colourful version of the Mona Lisa using collage technique. The children very much enjoyed eating Italian pizza too! Other Italian activities this week included comparing different types of pasta, selling pizzas at their beach café and learning Italian numbers.


Year 1 have been very excited as they enjoyed all the activities they have had a go at during Sports Week.


Year 3 have absolutely loved the challenges and fun of Sports Week. There have been some memorable highlights from the week, from working with Freddy Fit and learning how to play cone it, to Sports Day and a dance session with Becki. During each activity, Year 3 gave it their all and regardless of whether they won or lost, they displayed a positive attitude. Well done Year 3!


Year 3 also really enjoyed learning all about Germany! Year 3 loved playing ‘Each One Teach One’ to find out facts about Germany and then they created some fantastic posters displaying all the facts they had learnt during the game. To find out the names of other European countries, Year 3 played a game of ‘Maps from Memory’ and worked collaboratively in groups to fill a blank map of Europe with all the names of European countries. Towards the end of the week, they researched about a German football player using their iPads and produced some fantastic player profiles.


The children have been really active in Year 4 this week as it has been Sport’s Week.  They have done daily Wake-up Shake-up, Freddy Fit, cone it, dance, football and yoga.  As part of Sports Week, they have also enjoyed learning about The European Cup and have carried out research into Portugal, one of the participating countries. 


Tuesday was a particularly busy day as Year 4 performed at the Halle in Manchester which was an amazing experience.   On Tuesday afternoon, they also had our Sports Day, which was great fun!

This week in English, the children have written a persuasive letter in the role of Bobbie from The Railway Children.  In History, they have really enjoyed researching and learning about some of the earliest locomotives and in Science they learnt about and carried out some research into Alexander Bell’s life and inventions.


What a week for Year 5! The children have been so busy with Sports Week, I’m sure they will all sleep this weekend! They had a brilliant session with Freddy Fit on Monday, all the children loved it. Tuesday was Sports Day and Swimming, Wednesday they had a dance session where children worked in groups to create dances to show both Year 5 & 6. On Thursday the children had a fun football session where they brushed up on their football skills and Friday they had a lovely, calm yoga session followed by Mini Stations where children had to use different skills to complete a circuit.


In class, they have written non chronological reports and created some amazing informative videos using Adope Spark on the iPads.


They’ve had an incredibly active week in Year 6 – the children have taken part in a wide range of sporting activities throughout the week and really enjoyed each and every one, we’ve certainly got some athletes in our midst! On Monday, they took on the challenge of a session with Freddy Fit and pushed themselves to complete the exercises in time with some brilliant tunes! On Tuesday, the children competed in their final Sports Day at primary school – they showcased some pretty impressive skills as they battled it out to be sprint champion, hurdles hero and of course, to keep the egg on the spoon. They’ve also taken part in a dance-off with Year 5 during their lesson with Miss Becki, a football session and a yoga workshop.


On Monday, Year 6 also attended the Leavers Celebration Service at Manchester Cathedral. The cathedral provided a beautiful setting for the service and the children really enjoyed singing and dancing with the entire congregation as well as saying The Lord’s Prayer in British Sign Language.

Welcome back! We hope you have had a good holiday and a lovely break. It has been a busy first week back and the children have enjoyed learning about their new topics.


In Nursery the children have had an amazing first week back starting their new topic ‘Under the Sea’.  The children have loved their new story finding out about Little Fish.  There are lots of colours in the story and they have been learning them in Spanish.  Their favourite Spanish colour is Amarillo because they like the way it sounds.


In Maths the children have been sorting and categorising different mammals, sea creature and birds.  There are lots of mammals that also like to be in the water so they were a little unsure sometimes what category they were in.


Nursery have also been busy designing their display for the classroom.  During their squiggle and write session they made the sea using different arm movements.  They can’t wait to share it with you when it has all their work on it.


Reception have had a great first week back at school and have enjoyed sharing their half term experiences during a circle time and through drawing pictures and writing sentences. The children have been busy exploring role play opportunities relating to their new topic ‘Travel here, travel there…’ and enjoyed reading their new topic book ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson.


Their Maths focus has been sharing into equal groups and odd and even numbers. The children have been sharing objects equally between their three class teddies and investigating how to find out if a number is even or odd.


The children have also been working super hard during their phonics sessions and learnt their first trigraph this week: igh. They have worked really hard writing sentences on their handwriting boards.


Year 1 have had an exciting first week back and have been looking at their local area in Geography. They have used google maps and their walk through Mossley to make a map of Manchester Road and the surrounding area. They have really enjoyed trying to locate and position each place on their map.


In Year 2 this week the children have started their new, exciting topic all about Explorers of the past. They became historical detectives this week when they had to closely examine a variety of clues to find out about the life of Christopher Columbus. The children had some very interesting ideas about why Columbus was such a significant individual.


In Computing, the children have started their digital music unit – this has involved learning about Gustav Holst and some of his very dramatic pieces of music. The children used a variety of adjectives to describe his work and talked about how his music made them feel.


This week, Year 3 have thrown themselves into their brand new English unit. Having been given a picture from the text that they are going to read next week, they were tasked with completing three sentence stems based on what they saw in the image, what they wondered about the image and what they inferred. They made some excellent inferences and they were able to back up their ideas with evidence from the image itself. Having accurately inferred that the man in the image has an interest in space and the moon, the following lesson centred on researching about space and the moon. They thoroughly enjoyed working in pairs to do this and chose how they wanted to record the information they had found out from creating a poster to making informative pages on Seesaw.


That’s not the only subject that they have immersed themselves in this week. They have also really enjoyed their new art unit, which is based on animated drawings. The week started with them sketching two still images of a snail. They used their medium, a pencil, really well to create the outline, to shade and to add detail both to the snail itself and to the background. There are some definite budding artists in Year 3!


Year 4 have had a busy week back at school.  They have started their new History topic on the history of railways and their new Science topic on famous inventors and scientists.  Linked in with these topics, they are using E. Nesbit’s famous novel ‘The Railway Children’ to inspire their writing in English.  This week, the children have had fun reading and performing a variety of railway themed poems, including Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘From a Railway carriage’.  They used thesauruses to find synonyms for train related words and then used some of these words to write their own train themed poetry.


In Year 5 this week, the children have continued with their text ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’ in English and the children have written diary entries about the refugees that made it to Devon. In maths, they have being learning how to translate shapes on a grid, as well as reading and plotting co-ordinates.


There is only one word to describe the first week back in Year 6: fantastic! It has been a busy week filled with lots of amazing activities and we are really proud of the effort that every single child has put into their first week back of the final half-term. They have continued to practice their songs ready for their visit to Manchester Cathedral on Monday, and we are certain that their singing voices and dance moves will blow everyone away!


In science, the children have been introduced to their new topic: ‘light.’ For part of their first lesson, they were tasked with creating a list about all of the things that they already knew about light, alongside questions regarding what they would like to find out about light. As part of the weekly science experiment, the children were tasked with entering a darkened part of the classroom. They were then quizzed about this experience, and they had a whole-class discussion about how and why it can take a while for our eyes to adjust to darkened settings.


In P.E this week, the children have been learning all about the Olympics. As part of this, they have completed a range of athletic-style challenges, including: javelin, relay races and long jump. Alongside this, twelve of the year 6 children were selected to take part in a triathlon event, consisting of swimming, cycling and running. All of the children did a fantastic job and each received a medal for their outstanding efforts - we could not be more proud of them! 

What an exciting week! The children have enjoyed finishing off their units of work this week. Year 1 have been making tasty fruit salads and Nursery had a lovely time at their Bug Ball.


Some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children took part in the MCSP athletics festival at Mossley Hollins and enjoyed competing in a range of events including javelin, long jump, sprints and relay races.


The children from Year 1 up to Year 6 represented school in the Whit Walks today. It was lovely to be part of the procession as we walked with the other Mossley Churches and Primary Schools, accompanied by all the local brass bands. It was great to see so many parents and carers supporting the event.


Reception have had a busy week learning about flowers and gardens. After their nature walk, the children painted a picture of a flower, labelling the stem, roots, leaf and petals. Reception then wrote two sentences to describe their flower.


In RE, their focus has been observing the beauty of the natural world. The children drew pictures of some natural objects and thought of some adjectives to describe them.


In Maths, the children have enjoyed learning about sharing and have been finding ways to share equally between 2 and 3 groups.


The children have also enjoyed their learning about Alan Titchmarsh and have been designing their own gardens.


This week in Year 1, the children have been designing, making and evaluating a fruit salad as part of their Design and Technology unit of work. The children enjoyed tasting a range of fruits and deciding which ones they were going to have in their fruit salad. They’ve had a great time!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been looking closely at their plant experiment and have been using their maths skills to measure and compare results. They then wrote brief observations and each group fed back their findings. Year 2 have really enjoyed being scientists this week!


If you are wondering what the best conditions are to grow plants, Year 3 are definitely the people to ask. A couple of weeks ago, they set up an experiment to see what happens to plants if they are exposed to different conditions. Since then, they have been monitoring the plants closely and have taken photos of them on different days of the investigation. This week, they were very excited to make their final observations and conclusions.


Year 3 have worked incredibly hard this week on their handwriting and what has been most pleasing is that they have transferred their skills into their written work in English and history too.


Having finished their non-chronological reports, a group of children were given a challenge to include a diary entry within the report too to show a contrasting genre style. Together they discussed whether a newspaper report or a diary entry would be most contrasting. They came up with some great reasons as to why a diary entry would best. They produced some fantastic diary entries too!


The final week at school has been jam-packed full of hard-work and fun in Year 4.  In Science, they discussed and wrote up the results of their sock experiment from last week and the children now understand that the sock hanging from the window in the direct sunlight dried the quickest because the warmth allowed the liquid in the sock to evaporate (turn from liquid to gas).  The sock in the fridge is still wet because it is too cold in there for evaporation to take place.


In RE, the children learnt about Desmond Tutu and how his Christian beliefs affected his actions.  In Geography, they learnt about energy in the UK, looking at renewable and non-renewable energy sources and their impact on the environment.


In English, the children finished off their magical setting descriptions and in Maths they finally completed their work on fractions and decimals, completing end of term assessments which focused on this area of Maths.  The children did really well with their assessments. 


To finish off their learning this term, the children also enjoyed doing lots of still-life art work.  They learnt about Paul Cezanne and a number of other still-life artists; both traditional and contemporary and used their artwork to inspire their own, creating some Cezanne inspired still-life collages.  And finally, they had a great time taking part in the Whit Walks.  It was so nice to come together with all the other schools and churches to celebrate this local tradition.


It’s been another busy week in Year 6; the children have been using the green screen to transport themselves to the raucous jungles of the Australian wilderness in order to perform their I’m A Celebrity themed narratives. They’d worked incredibly hard to use a wide range of techniques to build tension in their writing and the finished pieces were incredibly impressive. Our Digital Leaders helped to support the other children in recording, editing and publishing their final videos and we think even Ant and Dec would be blown away by their dramatic tales of Bushtucker Trials.


The children have also been continuing in their preparations for the Leavers Celebration Service at Manchester Cathedral; they’ve been practicing the songs and have worked together to create a flag on the theme of ‘hope’. Inspired by two of our favourite class texts this year - Skellig and The Final Year - the children chose to combine painted feathers detailing their wishes for the future in order to create our flag of hope.


It has been another busy week in school. Our Year 6 children have been completing their end of Key Stage 2 assessments and we are very proud of how hard they have worked. They were focussed to the very last minute of the tests. Well done Year 6!


Some of our Year 3 and Year 4 children took part in the Tameside Glow Dodgeball competition on Tuesday at Astley Sports Village and the team enjoyed playing five games of dodgeball against five other Tameside primary schools. The team played really well and showed great sportsmanship.


In Nursery this week, the children have read ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’ by Eric Carle.  They have talked about how he kept trying and trying to make his wings chirp even though he was struggling.  The children discussed things that they have found difficult and things they need to keep trying with.  Perseverance is the new word the children have learnt this week. 


What a treat Nursery had on Tuesday when Sammy the Spanish teacher from Mossley Hollins came to read us ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’ in Spanish.  It was fun learning new words for the different fruits and minibeasts, our favourites were Mariposa – butterfly and Oruga – caterpillar.


Nursery have also recorded their class ‘The Busy Spider’ story from last week.  Parents and carers loved listening to it.


Reception have been learning about seasonal change this week and exploring the joys of spring. The children enjoyed a sunny spring walk around the school grounds; they found ladybirds, bird’s nests, buds, flowers, leaves, birds and sunshine! They ticked them off on their spring hunt tick lists and then came back to class to write some ‘I can see’ sentences and drawings about what they spotted on their walk.


The children have enjoyed their continued learning on shape this week and have been manipulating and rotating shapes to create new bigger shapes. They also used various 2D shapes to create three different shape houses for the three little pigs.


This week, Year 1 were lucky enough to have our Year 6 children come to share stories with them at the end of their SATs. Both Year 1 and Year 6 children thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks Year 6!


In Year 2 this week, the children have had lots of fun being creative architects! They have studied a variety of interesting buildings and created their own observational drawings. They have also looked at the work of Hundertwasser and created visual notes in response to his building designs. Then the fun began, and the children used various card boxes to create their own buildings – the can’t wait to show off their final outcomes next week.


With the deadline of the completion of their non-chronological reports looming, Year 3 have been busy editing and publishing their reports. They have worked incredibly hard: thinking of interesting ways to organise their reports whilst remembering the features that they identified at the start of the unit. John Fardell, the author of The Day Louis Got Eaten, is going to have a very tricky decision deciding which creature to choose. Their creature reports are all so informative and after reading their introductions, who would not want to read on to find out more.


In geography, Year 3 loved applying all their map skills and knowledge of ordnance survey maps to draw a map of the route they took on their local area walk last week. Not only did they draw fantastic maps, they also included a key to identify the features they had marked on their maps. Their finished products are fantastic!


Year 4 have been super busy again!  The children have had a vocabulary focused week as they have been gathering ideas for writing a magical setting description.  In addition to this, they also started gathering ideas for the ‘Once upon a dream’ poetry competition that the children are entering.  The children are writing poems on bad dreams/nightmares and so they have spent a lot of time discussing collecting spooky and terrifying vocabulary in preparation for writing them. 


In Maths, they have finished off their work on decimals and fractions and in Science they have carried out an experiment to find out where washing will dry the best.  The children now understand that the water in washed clothes does not simply disappear, but actually evaporates into gas!  They have also spent some time this week looking at the different industries in the UK as well as completing some further work on temptation in RE. 


This week in Year 5, the children have been making a new home in the Computer Suite due to SATS. The children loved their new learning environment and were enthusiastic about their working.

In Maths they have been identifying and calculating angles around a point and on a straight line. The children loved this type of investigative maths and did really well.


This week Year 5 bid farewell to Forest School in their last session where they made a fire to cook, created art pieces with clay and of course set up the hammocks and swings. The children loved Forest School and are already eager to start again.


Year 6 have proven this week that anything is possible if you put your mind to it; they have absolutely worked their socks off during SATs week and have done us all very proud. The children started each day with a special SATs breakfast of toast and cereals before showcasing their knowledge on each of the six papers. We can without doubt say that each and every Year 6 gave their all to the tests and we couldn’t have asked for any more!


On Thursday and Friday, there was a definite sense of celebration in the air as the children enjoyed some well-earned post-SATs treats! They loved being outside for extra football, competing in a round of Kahoot quizzes, reading stories to Year 1, pitting their wits against each other in The Pirate Game and relaxing in the hall for a movie afternoon complete with popcorn! 


The class have also been busy beginning preparations for the Year 6 Leavers Service at Manchester Cathedral: they have been rehearsing the songs and using their artistic skills to plan and create a class flag on the theme of hope that we can fly high on the day.  

It has been a fun filled week in school and it has been lovely to enjoy some warmer weather and some sunshine.


In Nursery this week, their Eric Carle story has been ‘The Very Busy Spider’.  The children have loved finding out about how spiders spin their webs and investigating why spiders don’t stick to their own webs.

The children have written their own ‘The Very Busy Spider’ stories changing the animals, the noises they make and the question that they ask the spider.  They can’t wait to share them with you.


This week, Reception have been busy making cards and pictures for the Nurses at MRI to celebrate International Nurses Day. The children also worked together to create some flower bouquets for the Nurses too.


The children have enjoyed learning about shapes this week and have been creating tangrams. They have been using their Maths word of the week ‘rotate’ to talk about their tangrams.


In RE, the children have been learning about how babies are welcomed into the Muslim faith. They talked about kind things they could whisper to the baby such as ‘we love you’ and ‘you are so special.’


This week, Year 1 have been working hard during their English lessons. The children have been using their story map to write their own version of Jack and the Beanstalk. Mrs Moorcroft is very impressed with the writing that the children have produced.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been making the most of the glorious sunshine. On Thursday afternoon, they decided to take their science investigation outside and planted their seeds in the school garden. The children are going to use their observational skills to investigate ‘Which materials seeds can grow in?’ Watch this space for their end results!


Although this has been a shorter week, it has still been jam-packed with excellent learning and lots of fun too! Year 3 absolutely loved their local area walk and being true geographers with their very own clipboards too. This field work enabled them to see first-hand the different human and physical features that are within their local area. At one of the points of interests along the walk, they recorded the different things they could see in the north, south, east and west. At another point of interest, Year 3 enjoyed using their senses to explore what they could see, hear, smell, feel and taste. They became very excited when they heard a train and a plane and some heard the leaves rustling too.


Year 3 were disappointed last week when they finished their guided reading text: The Sheep-Pig. However, their disappointment did not last long because they are already fully engrossed in their new book: The Butterfly Lion.  The first lesson centred on exploring the front cover of the text and then they completed different sentence stems that encouraged them to wonder, observe, predict and infer. The ideas they generated were fantastic!


In computing, Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed developing their publishing skills. After exploring different invitations and looking at the different fonts, text size, text style and colours that had been used, Year 3 then used Seesaw to create their own. Over the course of the lesson, they changed the size and style of the font, the colours and some children even added images to their invites too.


Despite it being a shorter week, Year 4 have managed to fit an awful lot in. In English, the children have been writing a non-chronological report on broomsticks which included rhetorical questions and subordinate clauses.  In Maths, they have continued with their work on decimals and fractions, making a whole with tenths and making a whole with hundredths.


In Geography, the children have been further exploring the physical and human features of the UK and how human activities can alter the environment. In RE they have been learning about Humanist beliefs and what ideas and rules this group are guided by.  They’ve done lots more too, including Music, PE, Guided Reading and Spanish! 


This week in Year 5, the children were busy practising for the Big Sing at Mossley Hollins. On Thursday they performed with other Mossley schools, our class were absolutely amazing and definitely did Micklehurst proud!


The children have opened their Wondrous Book Club books this week and the children are already loving the books, this term’s topic is ‘humour’.


In Maths they have been identifying and classifying angles and in English they have been writing diary entries in role as characters from our current class novel, ‘Letters From the Lighthouse’.


In the final week before Year 6 take on the challenge of those pesky SATs papers, the children have shown a real determination to be as prepared as can be. On Wednesday, they worked together to complete our mighty SPAG quiz! Hidden around the playground were 12 grammar questions and once they had been located, each team had to crack the code and collect the correct letters…the letters then spelt a mystery phrase and it was a battle to see which team would find the winning combination first! As well as practicing tackling a range of SATs style questions, the children have also been busy making their very own revision flip books – they’re very creative and packed full of helpful nuggets of information.


They’ve also been enjoying competing in a week-long tournament of Mathematical Pointless. Inspired by the BBC’s very own game show, the children have worked hard to find as many pointless answers as they could whilst revising key mathematical terms and concepts at the same time!

It has been an exciting week for some of our Year 5 children! They went to Mossley Hollins to take part in the Mossley and Carrbrook Schools Partnership Maths Challenge on Thursday and they worked really hard as a team to answer some quite tricky problems. It was a close competition right up to the final round, but I am thrilled to inform you that having used their logic and a systematic approach to the final problem they achieved full marks putting them in first place! Well done to our Year 5 team!


This week, Reception have been learning about growth. The children enjoyed observing their grass seeds as they grew throughout the week and have been drawing pictures of them.


Reception also used their phase 3 phonic knowledge to write simple instructions of how to plant grass seeds and have been writing spring ‘I can see’ sentences.


The children have also been developing their understanding of numbers to 20 this week. They have been busy writing number sentences to 20, using manipulatives and visuals to support them.


Their RE focus has been Baptism. The children enjoyed a circle time sharing ideas about how we might welcome a new baby into their religion and they had fun role playing a Baptism with dolls.


This week, Year 1 have been working with Emily, Dan and Kate from the Vale. They have

been helping to create a living dress. The children started their learning by picking dandelions to then boil to create a natural dye. After that they painted a piece of material with soya milk to make patterns and pictures. Once this was dry the children placed their material into the dye and left it for a couple of hours. Following this, they planted indigo plants and some seeds to create other colours of plants to make different colours of dye to be used to create other dresses. It was vey exciting and the children had a great afternoon.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about different seeds in Science. They been using their classifying and sorting skills to sort a variety of seeds using their own criteria. The children loved looking at a variety of seeds and they are very eager to plant them in the coming weeks.


What a fantastic week it has been in year 3! Year 3 loved being scientists this week when they dissected a lily plant. Using scissors and their hands, they split the lily into its different parts and, after removing each one, they placed it on a piece of paper and labelled it. They now know so many other parts of a plant and through discussion, they know some of the functions they perform too. There were many surprised faces when they felt how sticky the stigma was and how yellow the pollen was too.


Year 3 were very excited to be returning to fractions this week. To check what Year 3 had remembered from the previous fraction unit, they played a game of ‘Spend a £1’. During this activity, they loved showing off their fantastic knowledge and they had remembered so much of the fraction vocabulary too! 


This week in English, Year 4 have been continuing with their magic theme and have begun learning about and planning a non-chronological report about broomsticks!  In Maths, they have continued to learn about decimal numbers, comparing, ordering and rounding them. 


In Science, the children had great fun carrying out experiments on melting solids.  They used a thermometer to measure the temperature of water and the melting points of different solids.  They learnt about how particles are arranged in solids, liquids and gases and what actually happens to these particles when they are heated and cooled.  They had lots of fun pretending that they were particles!


In Geography, Year 4 researched the physical features of the United Kingdom and in RE they looked at the similarities and differences between The Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes. 


This week in Year 5 the children have been eagerly reading more of their class novel; Letters From the Lighthouse and they have produced some amazing pieces of work including a diary entry in character and character profiles of their choice.


In Maths they have been looking at statistics. The children have drawn line graphs and interpreted two-way tables.


In Geography this week, the children have been discussing what a town needs for families to be fit for purpose. They worked really well together to discuss this in small groups, then had a whole class discussion where everyone put their ideas forward in a polite and meaningful way.


Year 5 have also been discussing the dangers and risks of using social media when underage. Children were thoughtful and came up with plans together to make their online experiences as safe and enjoyable as possible. 


It’s been another busy week in Year 6 – the children are working incredibly hard to prepare for their upcoming SATs and we’re really proud of their determination to succeed. They’ve been revising key concepts and applying their skills to a range of tricky SATs style questions – the children have taken so much ownership of their learning and love it when they’re able to beat their own high scores!


Alongside their SATs preparation, they’ve also found time to complete their Design & Technology projects this week. The children were tasked with designing and building a set of playground structures – they combined a range of different media and techniques to construct their projects and have even evaluated their final products. 


They’ve been getting creative in our English lessons this week too! Inspired by a tense extract from Ian Fleming’s James Bond, the children have been planning and writing their own short pieces of narrative. They’ve used some of Fleming’s techniques to build tension in their writing but have innovated both the setting and the plot choosing to base their pieces around the terror-inducing Bushtucker Trials of I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.






It has been another busy week in school. On Monday we celebrated Earth Day and our Eco Councillors challenged each class to consider the damage single use plastic is having on our environment. Each class had to count how many items of single use plastic they disposed of in school on Monday so that our councillors could collate and analyse these figures.


Year 6 welcomed our resident author, David Mason, into school on Thursday. The children have written some excellent pieces of creative writing following this visit where they immersed themselves in a range of drama activities to really think about the emotions they would have been feeling in order to inspire their writing.


Nursery have been learning all about symmetrical patterns this week.  The children have made symmetrical butterflies and used mirrors to find out which objects in their classroom are symmetrical and which are not.


Nursery’s caterpillars have grown so much this week, they are already the size of their little fingers and the children can’t wait to see them transform into a cocoon.


This week, Reception have innovated their ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ text map. They enjoyed thinking of lots of different weird and wonderful foods the hungry caterpillar may have eaten and worked super hard to write sentences to innovate the story.


Teen numbers have been their Maths focus this week and the children have been using counters, numicon and ten frames to build the teen numbers. Reception have also been counting by rote up to 50 and they have played lots of games to develop their understanding of the number system. 


In RE this week, Reception have been thinking about different groups they may belong to. The children shared different groups they are a part of, such as Micklehurst All Saints school, football teams, dance classes and swimming clubs. They then talked about different religious groups people belong to, such as being a Christian or Muslim. The children were proud to be part of Reception and designed a badge for their class.


In Year 1 this week, the children have enjoyed Arts and Crafts Club where they completed observational paintings of Spring flowers. Don’t they look amazing!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring the life cycle of a sunflower. They enjoyed working in groups to act out each key stage in the cycle. They then drew their own life cycle in their science books and used scientific vocabulary to carefully describe each stage.


This week has been another busy and exciting week in Year 3! There were lots of gasps when they received a letter from John Fardell, author of ‘The Day Louis Got Eaten’, asking if they could create a new creature to eat Louis. There were some fantastic creatures created and some super expanded noun phrases used to describe them. Not only did John Fardell want them to create a new creature, he also wanted them to write a non-chronological report about their creature.  In preparation for writing the report, they worked in pairs and compared different non-chronological reports to find out the features.  


Year 3 also loved getting stuck into their science unit ‘Plants’. This week’s lesson centred on the different parts of a plant and the function that they perform. Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed exploring different flowers to see if they could identify the parts. They wowed us with their fantastic knowledge; some children even drew a labelled diagram of a plant. 


In Geography this week, Year 3 continued to develop their knowledge of the local area. Their learning focussed on human and physical features of Mossley. Year 3 loved working in groups to sort the features. Once they had sorted them in groups, they then worked with a partner to produce an advert persuading people to live in Mossley based on the human and physical features it has to offer. Some pairs recorded videos and others produced posters. There are definitely some budding estate agents in Year 3!


Year 4 have been busy again this week.  In Science, the children carried out some experiments, making predictions beforehand as to what they thought would happen.  They didn’t realise that if you mix white wine vinegar with Bicarbonate of Soda, it produces a gas.  The children carried out this experiment and the gas produced actually inflated a Latex glove! 


In English, the children began writing instructions for ‘How to brew an invisibility potion’. In Maths, they have been dividing 1 and 2 digit numbers by 10 as well as writing hundredths as both fractions and decimals.  In Geography, they enjoyed using atlases to locate the UK’s major cities and in RE they learnt about The Ten Commandments and discussed which of these rules they considered to be the most important.


This week in Year 5 the children have started their new English unit in historical texts which the children have really enjoyed. They are currently reading Letters From the Lighthouse and the children have been enthralled from the very first page. They have produced some amazing ‘missing’ posters for one of the characters and used their inference detective skills to help them.


In Maths we have been learning how to find area and perimeter looking at regular polygons and rectilinear shapes.


In Science this week, their focus has been on gravity and the difference between mass and weight. The children conducted an investigation where they used the same weight for a pendulum but different length strings to see if it had an affect on how long it swung for. They found out that the longer the pendulum the longer it swings for.


This week in Year 6 has been an absolute blast! The children have shown determination and perseverance during their final practice SATs - no matter how challenging they have been! They also played a super competitive game of Rounders in P.E with Jack - the results between the two teams were certainly close!


In Science, they have been looking at buzzers and testing decibels. They were tasked with finding out how the number of batteries used would impact the volume of the buzzer. As a whole class, they came to the conclusion that increasing the voltage across a circuit meant that there was an increase in the volume of the buzzers. Following this, they had the task of plotting their data on to a line graph which they successfully completed.


On Thursday, the children were privileged to be in the presence of David Mason (a renowned author) who helped them to create an astonishing piece of writing using their creative flair. Throughout the day, they used elements of drama - like freeze frames and slow motion - to come up with ideas for their piece of writing. They were also tasked with writing a piece of poetry entitled ‘Freedom’ - the results were both creative and from the heart and they certainly enjoyed writing with so much independence and experimenting with different styles and genres. 

Welcome back to school. We hope you have had a lovely Easter and a relaxing break. It has been lovely to see all the children return to school excited about their new learning.


This week in Nursery the children have started their new topic ‘In the Garden.’ The children were very excited by the arrival of caterpillars in class.  They were all very keen to have a look at them and see how tiny they were and the children can’t wait to see how big they get before they turn into butterflies.


The focus of this topic will be minibeasts with a particular emphasis on Eric Carle stories.  This week’s story is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, they have been on a bug hunt to see what they could find in the nursery garden, made a minibeast tuff tray together, cut out pictures from the story and linked their maths work to the fruits that the caterpillar eats.  The children worked hard building towers using the numbers 1-5 helping their friends and working together.  They can’t wait to show you their symmetrical butterflies.


Reception have had a fantastic first week back. During circle time, the children shared their favourite part of the Easter holidays. They then drew pictures and wrote sentences about the fun things they got up to.


The children have begun their new topic- In the Garden- and have been busy learning their text map for their new story, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.


The children have enjoyed a challenge in Maths this week as they have been learning the teen numbers. Reception have played lots of number games, practiced their number formation and have composed teen numbers using numicon and ten frames.


In RE, they have been thinking about the things that make us special. The children drew lots of pictures to represent all the things they are good at such as riding a bike or giving cuddles.


On Wednesday, Year 1 enjoyed their first dance session with Miss Becky. The children had a great time making poses and starting a dance routine. Watch this space for their completed dance routine at the end of this half term!


In Year 2 this week the children have been using lots of technology to enhance their learning! In Geography, they have started their new topic based on Zambia – they throughly enjoyed using the IPads to discover and research all about Zambia and they found some very interesting facts to share. In Computing, the children have started their new unit based on pictograms. They learnt how to create tally charts and they then displayed their data on Seesaw.


This has been a fun-filled first week back for Year 3 and has been filled with many firsts. Year 3 absolutely loved their first swimming session at Copley and the excitement was tangible even on the coach journey there. When in the pool, the teachers were wowed by their level of swimming ability. They did us proud!


In music this week, Year 3 had their very first lesson learning how to play the ukulele. Miss Hind was incredibly pleased with their ability to pluck the strings to make some notes. There are definitely some budding musicians in Year 3!


Not only do we have some budding musicians, but we also have some excellent geographers too! Year 3 loved getting stuck into their brand new geography unit, which focuses on the local area of Mossley. The unit began with a game called ‘Memory Mapping’, which involved the children working in groups to populate a blank map of the UK with the different countries and cities that it is made up of. They worked brilliantly in their teams and communicated their ideas clearly to their team members. Year 3 showed off their knowledge of continents of the world and they loved sharing a song that they had learnt to help remember them.


As usual, Year 4 have come back from their holidays and got stuck into their learning straight away!  In English, the have begun their wizard inspired unit on instructions.  The children have had fun designing and describing their own wizard characters as well as following instructions to make Harry Potter wands.


In Maths, they have been looking at tenths, both written as fractions and decimals.  In Science, the children have begun their new topic on states of matter.  They looked at a variety of materials and began sorting them into groups of solids, liquids and gases using a Venn diagram to do this.


In RE, Year 4 have also been thinking about rules and how they apply to religion and life in general. In Geography, they have begun their new topic on the UK and they have been using maps and atlases to help them learn about the different countries which make up the UK and the varying landscapes across these places. 


It has been a busy and exciting first week back in Year 5. In English they have started to edit their Brazil videos. The children have been able to set the Brazilian background themselves, add effects, edit video lengths and add background music all while thinking about the audience.


In Maths they have been looking at fractions, decimals and percentages and how they all go hand in hand. In Science, they investigated forces. They created their own data tables and estimated before recording how many newtons each activity took.


It’s been a busy start to the term for Year 6 as they’ve launched straight in to a Design and Technology challenge that is both complex and engaging at the same time. The children have been tasked with designing and making structures for a playground. They’ve carried out research in to playgrounds by both drawing on their own experiences and looking at online sources before experimenting with the strength and durability of different structures. It was then time to start making models of their playground structures – the children combined different materials and techniques to build slides, swings, climbing frames and other playground components.


In maths this week, they’ve been busy calculating the area of different 2D shapes from rectangles to parallelograms. They’ve even recapped their knowledge of the different types of triangles and the children have discovered the formula to find their areas. There have definitely been some tricky problems for our Y6 mathematicians to solve and they’ve relished rising to the challenge!



It has been a lovely end to the term this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed our Easter Bingo event with parents, carers and family members joining them to win some Easter goodies. We also had our Easter service on Wednesday and our Ethos group did a great job of leading our service and sharing the story of Easter and the meaning behind the cross as a Christian symbol.


In Nursery the children have been really engaged in their learning about the Easter Story and have enjoyed role playing the story. They have also been busy making Easter gifts.


Reception have had a fantastic week learning about the Easter story. On Monday, the children learnt about Palm Sunday. They made palm leaves and sang ‘Sing Hosannah’. On Tuesday, they read ‘The Easter Story’ and learnt that Jesus was crucified and then he came back to life. The children worked hard to sequence the Easter story pictures.


Reception have also been learning about how we celebrate Easter and we talked about the Easter bunny, chocolate and Easter egg hunts. The children worked hard to make baby lamb Easter cards for their grownups at home.


The children have excelled during our Maths sessions this week as they have been learning about repeating patterns. They made musical repeating patterns with their bodies such as ‘tap-tap-clap!’ and created Frozen patterns using Elsa gems and beads.


In Year 1, the children have been looking at making sculptures during their Art lessons. They have completed observational drawings of birds and feathers using different mediums. They then used their drawing of feathers to collage onto their bird shape. Finally, they made legs from wire and created 3D bird sculptures. They look fantastic!


Year 4 have had a busy final week before Easter.  This week has been Design Technology week, where the children have designed and made free standing structures.  The children learned about pavilions and designed their own, thinking about the aesthetics of their structure as well as how to make it stable by reinforcing it with card and tape.  The children then weaved card and created cladding roofs.  The project was quite a challenge, with some of the children’s completed pavilions being quite unstable.  They have therefore spent lots of time evaluating the finished structures, thinking about some of their problems and how they would overcome them if they were to make their pavilions again. 


The children have also had fun completing a Times Table Rock Stars inter school challenge this week as well as making Easter cards.  They finished off the week with some Easter bingo, with lots of prizes for all to enjoy.  The children have worked incredibly hard this term and we hope they all have a very well deserved Easter break.


This week has been a busy week in Year 5! They have been recording their tourism programmes about Brazil with the green screen and they have all been very enthusiastic! We have definitely seen some budding presenters in our midst!


The children have also worked very hard with their mid year assessments and Mrs Fernandez is so proud of everyone! Well done!


On their last day the children took part in Easter bingo which was lovely! We hope you all have a lovely two weeks off!


The children have had a very exciting week in Year 6! In Computing, they have been using an I.C.T program called Scratch. Through Scratch, they used elements of coding to design and create their own games. The aim of each game was to catch as many items as they could (using a basket as a prop), and they were tasked with collecting the highest amount possible. The children found this challenging at first, but they showed perseverance and determination as a whole class. By the end of the lesson, everyone had designed their own game - each one was absolutely brilliant!


They’ve had an eggcellent time celebrating Easter this week – the children put their art and design skills to the test in order to make some impressive Easter cards and they thoroughly enjoyed Easter bingo on the last day of term - the chocolate prizes proved particularly popular and we definitely ended the term on a high!


It’s been a busy week in school. We have welcomed some of our Governors into school to experience a science learning walk. The Governors really enjoyed their visit and were amazed by the scientific knowledge and use of technical vocabulary that they saw in lessons and that the children used when talking to them about their learning.


Year 5 have enjoyed their Experience easter event at Mossley Methodist Church this week where they visit a number of stations to find out about the Easter story.


This week, Reception have been learning about the story ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children were very excited to have a visit from Goldilocks on Monday. They put her in the hot seat and asked her lots of questions and Goldilocks then took them on an adventure outside to hunt for the three bears. The children have enjoyed retelling the story using props and masks and used their cutting skills to sequence pictures of the traditional tale.


The children also had a teddy bears picnic this week where they brought in their favourite teddy from home. The children learnt how to make porridge and enjoyed sharing it with their teddy bears.

3D shapes have been their maths focus this week and the children have been using lots of fantastic mathematical language to describe the shapes. They enjoyed creating shape pictures using paint and 3D shapes and they have been building towers too.


Year 1 have been busy listening to and then re-enacting the Easter Story through role-play this week. The children have considered how each person in the story would feel and how they acted and they have all got a very clear understanding of the main events of the story.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been completing their ‘eggciting’ Design Technology unit which has been exploring making leavers, pivots and linkages. They really enjoyed looking at a variety of designs and they used this inspiration to design, create and evaluate their own moving Easter mechanisms. All the children showed perseverance and determination when creating their linkages as it was quite tricky. Well done!


This week has been another brilliant week in Year 3! In R.E, the children wowed us with their knowledge of our Easter unit so far. They shared this knowledge during a great game of ‘Quiz, Quiz, Trade’. Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed learning about Maundy Thursday and they loved re-enacting the last supper.


In English, Year 3 have worked so hard on completing their innovated Manfred the Baddie stories. They really enjoyed sharing them with others. There are definitely some budding authors in Year 3!


Year 3 wowed us in science this week with their fantastic understanding of magnetic and non-magnetic materials. They remembered so much about friction and how it effects the movement of an object. Year 3 thoroughly enjoyed exploring to see if an object could be moved on top of a whiteboard when a magnet was placed underneath. They used this knowledge brilliantly to plan an investigation which we will complete next week.


The children have had another great week in Year 4.  In English, they have enjoyed writing poems on the different stages of a river.  They have used their geographical knowledge of the upper, middle and lower course of a river and combined this with their creative use of figurative language to create some wonderful poems.  The poems are especially fitting, because it was World Poetry on Thursday 21st, so they enjoyed sharing their poems on this day as well as reading and performing pieces written by some well-known poets. 


In Maths, the children have continued to learn about fractions, adding and subtracting fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.  In Science, they learnt about how wind-turbines can create electricity and they even had a go at making their own.


In RE, they learnt about the traditions of Lent and on Friday, they all enjoyed a fantastic trip to Park Gate, where the children were able to consolidate what they have learnt about rivers this term and to see first-hand, some of the features that they have been discussing in class. 


Year 5 have had a lovely week, especially their visit to Mossley Methodist Church for Experience Easter. The children took part in different activities to reflect on how Christians celebrate Easter. The children discussed how they can pray for others in need, they wrote about hopes and dreams on stones, learned about Holy Communion and Baptism.


They have been eagerly writing persuasive non-chronological reports on visiting Rio in Brazil. Once completed their aim is to create a tourism programme using the green screen which the children are very excited for.


Year 6 have been brushing up on their archaeology skills this week by delving further in to the lives of the Mayans. They’ve been thinking about how historians and archaeologists work together to infer what life would have been like in Central America more than 1000 years ago. The children were given images of a key piece of evidence from the discovery of King Pacal: a grand mask. They then worked together to establish key lines of enquiry and determine what this particular piece of archaeological evidence could tell us about Mayan culture.


In science this week, the children have been working hard to understand how simple circuits work. They were challenged with recognising a range of symbols, and they even had a go at building their own circuits!  Some of the children expanded on their simple circuit designs, adding extra batteries, bulbs and switches.

It’s been another busy week in school. Some of our Year 3 and Year 4 children participated in the MCSP Dodgeball competition at Mossley Hollins on Tuesday evening and both teams played brilliantly, earning them second place. Well done to both teams.


This week Nursery have been reading the Mick Inkpen book ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’.  The children have enjoyed being Jasper and each day they have looked at what Jasper did with his bean, and then they did the same with theirs.  They are hoping their beans grow into tall beanstalks!


They have also been focussing on mathematical language of short, shorter, shortest, tall, taller and tallest.  The children worked out who was the shortest and tallest in the class.


Reception have been busy learning their number bonds to 10 this week. They enjoyed learning and singing a new number bonds song and have been exploring different ways to make 10 using dinosaurs, conkers, cars and numicon; they have been writing number sentences too.


The children have enjoyed retelling the story of The Little Red Hen using their text map. They then had a go at writing the story using their phonics knowledge.


There has been some wonderful language rich role play from the children in the bakery this week. The children have been wearing baker’s hats and using flour and playdough to bake bread rolls and cakes for their friends.


The children in Year 1’s Arts and Crafts Club had a great week using their imagination to create junk models. They have created a spider that is also a man, a tree monster and an Easter Garden.


In Year 2 this week the children have been learning about volume and capacity. They have enjoyed looking at a variety of measuring jugs and cylinders and they have learnt to measure in millilitres and litres. In Computing, they have been learning how to use Scratch Jnr to programme characters and move them around the screen. Some of the children progressed further and also added voices and different backgrounds – the possibilities were endless.


This week has been a fantastic week in Year 3! In history, the children thoroughly enjoyed investigating the lives of rich and poor people in Tudor times.  They used a video clip, non-fiction books and information researched on their iPads. They enjoyed working in pairs to produce a creative poster showcasing what they had found out.


In science, the children have been continuing to develop their understanding of ‘Forces and Magnets’. They enjoyed investigating to see which everyday materials are magnetic and which ones are non-magnetic. They used some super scientific language too when sharing what they had found out.


Year 4 have had another jam-packed week, full of exploration, discussion and problem solving.  In Maths, they have learnt more about fractions and now understand what proper, improper and mixed fractions are.  They even learnt how to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions and to add and subtract fractions. 


In Science, the children learnt about the functions of switches.  They had fun making their own switches using card, split pins and paperclips. In English, they have spent the week writing diary entries, writing in character as the Tear Thief.  In Geography, the children learnt about the different stages of a river.  Next week, they plan on using their geographical knowledge to help them complete some cross-curricula writing in English. 


In RE they have enjoyed learning more about Jesus’ time in the wilderness and what he did prior to and after his time in the desert.  They have also enjoyed observing and holding the baby chicks.  The children will be very sad to see them go, but have loved having them in the class.


This week in Year 5, the children have been busy writing their own versions of Leon and the Place Between. The children have used some brilliantly adventurous vocabulary and amazing figurative language.


In RE they learnt all about Mother Teresa and discussed how Christians today follow Jesus’ teaching about justice and forgiveness.


In Science, the children looked at reversible and irreversible changes and heated different items to see if they changed. They even tried to make butter but this was a long process that they didn’t quite reach!


This week, our Year 6s were further immersed in to the world of William Shakespeare when we were treated to a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Young Shakespeare Company. The children were immediately enthralled by the show’s humour and mystical setting as the actors brought to life the characters and the plot in their unique twist of this treasured classic. Before long, the children themselves were playing a vital role in the play, adding sound effects, actions and even taking on some of the different characters too - who’d have thought we had such Shakespearean talent in our midst? As a class, we’ve decided that Puck was our favourite character although the ass was a close second! By immersing themselves in the production, the children gained an incredible understanding of what is an extremely complex tale!


They’ve also been experimenting with electricity in their science lesson this week; the children worked in teams to carry out a number of investigations involving wires, batteries, bulbs, switches and motors. They refreshed their understanding of simple circuits and then applied their knowledge to a series of problem-solving tasks!


It has been a fantastic week in school! On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day. Everyone dressed up as their favourite book character and the children and staff all looked amazing! Parents and carers were invited into school to take part in our Book Swap event and the children were able to swap a book of their choice from home for a new book to read. Throughout the day, the children enjoyed a costume parade, performed poems in our poetry slam and enjoyed lots of other activities in their classroom including Book Bingo.


On Monday, some eggs arrived in school and Year 4 volunteered to look after these until they hatched into chicks. We were thrilled to come into school on Thursday to find that we had six new chicks. We are hoping that the rest of the chicks hatch before the weekend. The children have loved visiting our new chicks and watching them play together.


In Nursery this week, the children have opened a garden centre in their role play area to develop their spring theme. They have been busy making special surprises for a special person on Sunday and have learnt a song about their Mummy to share. During World Book Day the children enjoyed dressing as their favourite book character and reading lots of stories. They also took part in the book swap event and enjoyed decorating their wooden spoons.  


Reception have had a visit from The Little Red Hen this week. The Hen left a huge mess of red feathers, flour and dough. On Monday morning, the children were excited to find a letter from the Hen asking them to make some bread. Reception had a fantastic day making bread rolls. They enjoyed mixing the ingredients, kneading the dough, adding jam and butter and most of all eating them!


The children saved a bread roll for The Little Red Hen and used their beautiful handwriting to write letters to her to say thank you.


Their Maths focus this week has been finding 1 more and 1 less. The children enjoyed singing lots of number songs such as ‘5 little men in a flying saucer’ and using manipulatives to act them out and write number sentences too.


In RE, the children have been focusing on Diwali. Reception enjoyed drawing mehndi patterns, watching videos of fireworks and decorating Diwa lamps.


This week Year 1 have been looking at the Easter Story and Easter symbols. The children have used what they have learned to design an Easter garden.


Year 2 have had a fantastic week in school. The children have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day and learning their poem, 'When Daddy Fell in the Pond,' for the Poetry Slam. They have also made some brilliant book characters using their wooden spoon.


This week has been another busy and exciting week in Year 3! The children were all really looking forward to World Book Day and it did not disappoint! They thoroughly enjoyed learning their poem ‘I’m Walking with my Iguana’ and some of them even did extra practice at home! In the afternoon, they performed the poem for the rest of the school as part of our ‘Poetry Slam’. They were all amazing!


In science, the children have been learning about ‘Forces and Magnets’. They know that to make things move they need to apply a force to them. The class thoroughly enjoyed investigating to see if the distance a car travels is affected by the surface it travels on.


The children have made so much progress with their knowledge of fractions this week. They now know the difference between unit and non-unit fractions. As well as this, they know, and can explain, the difference between the numerator and denominator. Well done Year 3!


This week Year 4 have been really busy with all sorts of activities.  In English, the children have been doing some drama and using this to help them plan a diary.  They are writing diaries as if they are the Tear Thief from Carol Anne Duffy’s book. In Maths, they have been learning more about fractions; looking at mixed numbers and improper fractions and how they can convert between the two.


In Science, the children have been looking at insulators and conductors.  They tested lots of materials to see whether they were insulators or conductors.  In Geography, they looked at how people use rivers across the world and in RE they have been thinking about what the word ‘temptation’ means and why this word is significant during Lent.  The children considered how they are sometimes tempted and whether they are tempted by the same things as Jesus was. 


They have also had lots of fun this week making Mother’s Day cards and celebrating World Book Day.  On World Book Day, the children enjoyed all sorts of activities including ‘Book Bingo’ and our whole school poetry slam.  They also enjoyed sharing some of their favourite books and had a go at some creative writing games. 


It has been a great week in Year 5. The children have been working hard in Maths finding fractions of amounts to finish off their fractions unit. 


In Geography they have been comparing climates with the UK and Brazil, naming countries in South America and their capitals. Children were very surprised to learn about time zones and loved finding out what children would be doing in Brazil at different times of our day.


I must admit, Year 5 smashed it at the Poetry Slam with their performance of World Book Day by MC Grammar. They were amazing, check out the video! We are so proud!


In Year 6 this week, they’ve thoroughly immersed themselves in to the world of literature in order to celebrate World Book Day. They’ve been mastering a classic Shakespeare verse for our whole school Poetry Slam and loved taking on the role of haggard witches conjuring a spell as they brought to life a famous scene from Macbeth – we can’t wait to go and see the Young Shakespeare Company perform A Midsummer Night’s Dream next week!


On World Book Day itself, the children enjoyed helping to run our whole school Book Swap event and loved helping some of our younger children choose a new book to take home. They’ve also been discovering which Hogwarts House they belong to by sporting the Sorting Hat and once they discovered where they belonged, they’ve found everything there is to know out about their houses in order to write a magically persuasive text.


It has been an exciting week in school. We were all very pleased to find out that Mr and Mrs Bradley’s little girl had arrived, weighing 7lb 5oz and is called Nancy Jayne. Mum and baby are doing well. Congratulations to them both!


The children have enjoyed their Top of the Tree reward activities at Tumbles, Summit Up and Doodle Pots this week. It was lovely to welcome so many visitors into school today for our achievement assembly. Lots of children enjoyed sharing their certificates with parents, carers and family members.


In Nursery this week, the children have started their new topic of spring. They have read a new text -‘The Trouble with Tadpoles’ and have found out all about the life cycle of a frog. They have made frog headbands and painted tadpoles and frog spawn.


In their maths work they have been jumping on lily pads and adding one more. They have used flip frogs to have a frog race and have placed the frogs in order. The children enjoyed messy play with jelly frog spawn and raisins!


Reception have enjoyed beginning their new topic this week- Traditional Tales. Their focus text is ‘The Little Red Hen’ and the children have enjoyed learning the text map to retell the story with actions. There has been lots of fantastic role play from the children as they have been retelling the story using puppets and small world with their friends.


Their number of the week has been the number 9 and the children have enjoyed exploring different ways to make 9 using numicon and building blocks. The children have all been practicing their number formation too.


In RE, the children have enjoyed their learning on the Jewish religious celebration- Sukkot. Reception have worked hard to design their own Sukkah.


This week, Year 1 have been looking at the story ‘Space Ant’. In the story there is a character called a ‘Tigeroo’ that is half tiger and half kangaroo. The children have been busy creating their own animals and will soon be writing non-chronological reports to describe their animals.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about measuring in centimetres and metres. They have enjoyed comparing lengths and heights and have used a variety of apparatus to measure different items around school.


This week has been busy and fun packed week in Year 3. It started with the exciting news that Mrs Bradley had welcomed her gorgeous new baby girl, Nancy Jayne. Year 3 wishes Mrs and Mr Bradley huge congratulations.


The children have been excited about their learning too! They were very proud of their finished letters to Manfred the Baddie and they could not believe it when they received a special delivery from him: a book entitled Manfred the Baddie.  The children could not wait to read it!


In history, they thoroughly enjoyed moving around the room and exploring different historical sources from the time of King Henry VIII. They then made conclusions about what his appearance and character was like.


They loved reading chapter four of their guided reading text, ‘The Sheep-Pig.’ They enjoyed using their super scanning skills to find different words in the text and then matched them to their meanings.


Year 4 have had another jam-packed week, full of exploration, discussion and problem solving.  In maths, they have learnt more about fractions and now understand what proper, improper and mixed fractions are.  They even learnt how to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions.


In science, the children learnt more about electricity; the components required within a circuit and how a circuit must be complete in order for electricity to light a bulb or make a buzzer work.  In English, they have written character descriptions and have just begun writing a persuasive letter.


 In Geography, they have enjoyed learning more about the features of rivers and in RE they have used the gospels to carry out research into what happened to Jesus in the wilderness.  The children have also enjoyed their second Forest School session and have begun rehearsing their class poem in preparation for the World Book Day poetry slam!


This week in Science, Year 5 have been investigating the difference between melting and dissolving and seeing which materials are soluble and insoluble. They predicted what their materials would be then used hot water to see if their materials were soluble.


In English the children wrote some super-impressive descriptions that Mrs Fernandez was so proud of! They described the infamous ‘Abdul Kazam’ from their new book Leon and the Place Between.


In Maths they have been multiplying fractions, the children were very confident with this and enjoyed the lessons! Check out their Homework Help video on Seesaw to see the methods they used!


Year 6 been thinking all about the future this week and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the MCSP Careers Fair at Mossley Hollins. At the event, the children were given the opportunity to visit stalls in small groups and ask questions to a wide variety of people about their careers – there was a police office, a paramedic, a nurse, an estate agent, a forensic scientist and even an ecclesiastical lawyer! The children asked some brilliant questions and there was lots of interaction on each stall, they even had a go at valuing a house with the Estate Agent and interpreting a historical document from 1888 with the lawyer.


The event also involved taking part in a workshop delivered by Scott from Live ‘N’ Learn. Through a range of problem-solving and interactive activities, Scott explored with the children the role that mindset plays in success.  They discussed effective communication, first impressions, teamwork and the fact that success usually only comes to those willing to work for it.

Welcome back to school! We hope you have had a good half term and are ready and raring to go for the next half term ahead. It has been an exciting week in school as the children have embraced their new topics and units of work.


In Nursery, the children have been celebrating Chinese New Year. They have used their passports to travel on an aeroplane to China and have been busy finding out how families celebrate Chinese New Year. On Tuesday the children had a special visitor, Mrs Lyness, who came to talk to the children about Chinese New Year and she showed them lots of artefacts from China.


In class the children have enjoyed role play in their Chinese Takeaway and have been busy mark making by copying Chinese symbols using chopsticks. The children have also listened to the story of Chinese New Year and have been role playing it using animal masks.


Reception have also been celebrating Chinese New Year this week. They have enjoyed listening to Chinese music, using chopsticks, exploring Chinese New Year decorations, making lanterns and writing Chinese numbers. The children also tried Chinese food this week; their favourite was the chicken noodles!


In Maths, the children have been learning about time. They have been singing their days of the week song and talking about the months of the year. They also looked at sand timers and challenged themselves to balance on one leg for 30 seconds.


This week in Year 1’s Arts and Crafts Club the children have been exploring printing with a variety of tools and materials. They had lots of fun experimenting with the different tools and materials.


In Year 2 this week, the children were thrilled to see their finished Van Gogh artwork being displayed outside their classroom – they really enjoyed creating different textures with the oil pastels. In Music, the children have been learning how to play the notes G and A on the recorder and in computing they began their new programming unit using Espresso Coding.


Mrs Flint has had a lovely week getting to know Year 3! The children have thrown themselves into all aspects of their learning from their new Life in Tudor Times topic to their English work based on the book Manfred the Baddie.


On Monday, the class received an email to inform them that there was a possible stolen bag on the school premises. When they investigated, they found a bag hidden outside Year 3 and when they inspected inside the bag, they made conclusions about who the owner of the bag could be and why the bag was on the playground. Later in the week, the children discovered Manfred the Baddie had stolen the bag and they have begun to write a letter to him urging him to stop this villainous behaviour. They just hope he listens to their pleas.


The children have loved the start of their history work all about life in Tudor times. They were given the challenge of seeing if they could identify Henry VIII’s portrait amongst six other portraits. They made predictions about what he might look like and then once they had looked at all of them, they decided which one was of Henry VIII. Year 3 were very shocked to find out that they were all portraits of him from different times during his life.  After this, they played a game called ‘Each One Teach One’ to find out more about Henry VIII.  


The children have got straight back to work in Year 4, starting all of their new topics and beginning to read new texts.  In English, they have started to read ‘The Tear thief’ by Carol Ann Duffy and they will be using this text to inspire their writing over the next few weeks.  In English, the children have looked at figurative language and used some of these literary techniques to write a class poem.  They have also begun to plan a persuasive letter which they will begin writing next week. 


In Maths, they have begun their new unit on fractions.  The children have been looking at how fractions are equal parts of a whole and have begun understanding unit fractions. In Science, they have started their new topic on electricity, and they began this unit by thinking about electrical appliances and sorting these into groups, depending on whether they are mains or battery powered.  They realised that some appliances are both mains and battery powered, such as mobile phones and laptops. 


In Geography, Year 4 began their new Geography topic on rivers.  They looked at the geographical definition of rivers and began thinking about and learning some of the correct terminology for their features.  In RE, they commenced their new topic on Lent.  The children started this topic by looking at the significance of Ash Wednesday and discussed the meaning of the word ‘sin’ and why admitting to sins can be hard. 


They also started their new Guided Reading text this week which is ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo.  It looks like it’s going to an action-packed and mysterious book and the children are all looking forward to reading more of it next week!  As well as all of these new topics, they have also managed to fit in their weekly PE/Swimming, Spanish, Music and Forest School lessons.  What a busy, fun-packed week it’s been!


In Year 5, the children have had a fun first week back! They kicked off their new English topic with a bang! The children entered the classroom that had been turned in to a circus! They enjoyed candyfloss and popcorn, watched the acrobats and even tried juggling. The children had a great morning immersing themselves in the new book: Leon & The Place Between.


In Maths they have started using the bus stop method for division which the children are becoming very confident at. In Geography they identified famous human and physical features of South America.


In Science they conducted an investigation to separate materials and the children had to think about which strategy would be the best to separate one material from another.


Year 6 have made a particularly fantastic start to the new term; they’re already hooked on their new class text: Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them. After exploring some of the beasts within the beautifully illustrated book and even joining Newt Scamander on a tour of his suitcase with a clip from the film, the children were gifted their own unique beast. They’re now tasked with helping Newt write a second edition of Fantastic Beasts and the children are each going to write a non-chronological report detailing the peculiarities and wonders of their very own wondrous critter. We can’t wait to see what they’ll produce next week!


The children were also keen to get started with their new science unit this week: electricity! They’ve shared what they already know and have been researching the lives and inventions of two key scientists: Alessandro Volta and Thomas Edison. They’re looking forward to carrying out some experiments with electricity in the coming weeks.


It has been a fun week leading up to half term. The children have celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day and have been involved in a range of activities to celebrate these events.


Year 6 enjoyed their visit from Safe Squad where they discussed how to keep themselves safe in lots of different scenarios, from being safe online to safety near water, fire safety and lots of things in-between.


It was lovely to see so many parents, carers and family members join us in school on Tuesday morning for our Year 3 and Year 4 musical performance. Each class shared some of the songs they have been learning and played a number of tunes on their instruments under the guidance of Miss Hinds from Tameside Music Service. We were all very impressed with how much the children have learned and how confidently they performed. Well done!


Some of our Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in the Tameside Multi Sports Panathlon event at Ashton Sixth Form College on Thursday and enjoyed participating in a range of sports.


In Nursery this week the children have been learning all about Valentine’s Day. They have made Valentine’s cards and hats. The children also enjoyed a session with our Digital Leaders finding out all about Safer Internet Day.


Reception have enjoyed a week full of love as they too have been learning about Valentine’s Day. The children enjoyed making and giving gifts to one another in the tuff tray and using their cutting skills to make a bouquet. They made Valentines crowns and enjoyed a love themed number hunt. Reception are learning to be kind and thoughtful and have enjoyed complimenting each other and drawing pictures for their friends. They have also worked hard to make Valentines cards for a loved one.


The children have been busy with their Maths learning this week. They have been using lots of maths vocabulary such as longer, shorter and taller. They enjoyed building tall towers and finding long and short objects around the classroom.


This week in Science, Year 1 have been completing experiments using their senses. They have had a great time tasting crisps, completing a feely bag task and using their noses to guess smells.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been enjoying their art week. They have been looking at expressive artwork and using acrylics to create different techniques. They are building up to their final piece which will be inspired by Vincent Van Gogh.


Year 3 have had another extremely busy week this week in school. They have been making their own volcanoes. They started by making the volcanoes using lots of newspaper, they then painted the volcanoes and exploded them.


Year 3 have had their music performance this week, where they did a fantastic performance for their parents, carers and family members.


In RE, the children have been designing their own multifaith prayer room. They have used the knowledge that they have learned looking at what different religions do during prayer. In Science, they have been looking at what their bodies need to stay healthy and have looked at the different nutrients they need and what they do for their bodies. They have also designed their own healthy meal.  


In Geography, the children have been looking at earthquakes. They have located on a world map four famous earthquakes and have looked at the impact of the earthquakes on people and the measurement on the Richter scale. They have also looked at the long term and short-term impacts of earthquakes on the people and on the land.


Year 4s final week in school before the holidays has been a super busy and fun one as it has been Art week.  The children really enjoyed learning about plinths and how they are used to display sculptures and other pieces of art.  The children learned about ‘The Fourth Plinth’ in London and also studied the sculptors of Thomas J Price.  The children began to appreciate that anything can be art and enjoyed considering how plinths help to display creations, giving artist’s creations status and grabbing people’s attention.  Creating their own plinths and selecting their own objects to be displayed, the children curated their own pocket-sized art gallery. 


Linking in with their History topic on Romans, the children also created mosaic tiles.  The children created a piece of art-work based on Jesus. They spent time looking at different of representations of Jesus on the internet.  Each child selected and printed one or two of these images. They then put them together to create a large, class collage, including some of their own representations of Jesus created using printing techniques. 


The children have been so excited setting up their own art-gallery, especially since local artist, Chris Cyprus, had agreed to come along to take a look at their creations.  In tribute to him, they also created their own Chris Cyprus inspired class collage.  As you can see from the photos, we think that Chris was quite impressed! 


This week in Year 5, the children have been creating maps using the bold drawings and typography techniques that they have learned over the half term. The children were so proud of their maps and they should be, they were amazing!


In Spanish the children were creating Valentine’s Day poems and were able to translate them and write them in both English and Spanish.


In English they wrote speeches to show how the Big Bad Pig had changed to a Big Good Pig. Once finished and edited they used an app to bring them to life!


On Monday, Year 6 were treated to an afternoon of workshops delivered by Tameside’s Safe Squad. Our visitors led the children through a series of hands-on activities and engaging talks surrounding issues of personal safety, online safety and community safety. The children particularly enjoyed learning about Basic First Aid, which included spotting signs and knowing what to do in an emergency as well as having the opportunity to practice CPR on specially designed manikins. Year 6 responded to each session brilliantly and asked some extremely pertinent questions!


Their geography lessons have transported them to the continent of North America this term and they’ve really enjoyed getting to know everything they can about its physical and human features. As their unit of work comes to a close, they’ve focused on one of the continent’s most vibrant and eclectic cities: New York. The children explored what it’s like to live in the Big Apple and how it differs from their own town of Mossley. They also used a little bit of green screen magic to recreate an iconic photograph from 1930s New York: Lunch atop a Skyscraper.

It has been a busy week in school. Some of our Year 5 and Year 6 children took part in the Tameside Athletics heats on Wednesday at Denton Community College. The children felt they performed really well, so they are hoping they have got through to the next stage in the competition. They also took part in the MCSP basketball competition at Mossley Hollins on Tuesday. Despite playing well, they didn’t make it into the top three on this occasion.


This week in Nursery the children have been continuing their work on healthy food and healthy bodies. They have looked at their healthy lunch boxes and sorted lots of different fruits and vegetables. The children have enjoyed selling healthy fruit and vegetables in their market shop.


The children have enjoyed exercising and playing games outside to keep their bodies healthy. They have talked about the importance of hygiene – washing their hands and wiping their noses. They have also talked about what happens if their bodies are hurt and need ‘fixing’ by putting plasters or bandages on and they practised doing this with the class dolls.


In Reception this week, the children have used all their knowledge of dinosaurs to create a dinosaur fact file. They enjoyed learning new facts from reading non-fiction books and used their phonic knowledge to write a sentence.


In Maths this week the children have been learning about doubles. They used a magic doubling cauldron to investigate doubles and made double butterflies with paint. The children also learnt the maths vocabulary ‘odd’ and ‘even’ and enjoyed exploring this with numicon and making odd monsters.


This week in Year 1, the children have been writing their own versions of Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates.  In Maths, they have focused on ordering and comparing numbers to 20.


In Year 2 this week, the children have continued learning about the importance of hygiene. This has involved learning about different microbes and they had the opportunity to create their own bacteria, fungi and viruses. The children really enjoyed doing this!


They were very crafty at Forest School last week and created their own bracelets and key rings and they also got to use a variety of tools to whittle the wood.


Year 3 have had another great and busy week in school. In Maths, they have been working hard when dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using a range of formal methods and their times tables knowledge. In English, they have continued to write their Greek Myths and have been including inverted commas for speech.


In RE, the children have been looking at prayers and blessings for the world. They have looked at what they are thankful for, what they would like help with, what they are sorry for and what they would like people around the world to be protected from.


In Geography, the children looked at the features of a volcano and were able to label a volcano and identify the features of a volcanic eruption. In Science, they have looked at muscles and were able to identify the different muscles in their body that they use when carrying out different activities. They were also able to name how many muscles there are in the body and identify how they can keep their muscles healthy.


The children have had a really fun and productive week in Year 4.  In Maths, they have just begun their new Maths unit on perimeter and length.  They have spent some time converting between km and m’s and have begun calculating the perimeter of rectangles.


In English, they have finished off their ‘Escape from Pompeii’ recounts, using Talk-for-writing to guide us.  The children did a fantastic job incorporating speech into their recounts and correctly punctuating this, as well as including fronted adverbials and powerful vocabulary. 


In History, the children learnt more about the Celtic warrior Boudicca and wrote inspirational battle cry speeches.  In Science, they carried out an experiment aimed at exploring how the distance from a sound source affects how loud it is heard.  They used a data logger to record the decibels detected of a sound source at varying distances.  After that, they had a go at recording their results in a line-graph.  It was the first time that the children had come across line-graphs and so the task was quite challenging, but they amazed Miss Snioch with their determination and resilience. 


The children have also been working really hard to perfect their recorder and singing skills in preparation for their music performance next week.  The children can’t wait to showcase their musical talents.


This week in Year 5, the children have been busy writing up their innovated Twisted Tales for the Three Little Wolves making sure they’ve been adding expanded noun phrases, dialogue and relative clauses. The children have been really excited to write their own versions and share their ideas with the class.


In Maths they have been securing their knowledge of multiplying two-digit numbers by two-digit numbers using the long multiplication column method. The children have been trying really hard to perfect the method and even answer tricky word problems.


In Art this week they have been looking at bold drawings on busy map backgrounds. The children drew things that were famous in Mossley or the surrounding Greater Manchester areas on their maps and made them bold by using shading and over-drawing techniques.


Year 6 have been well and truly globetrotting in geography this week as they’ve turned their attention to the 50 states of the USA. They’ve been learning all about the physical and human features of North America for a few weeks now and the children were keen to delve deeper and explore the diverse nature of America’s states. They worked in small groups and focused on one state each to discover everything they could about its population, history, physical features and what it’s like to actually live there. Our budding geographers then presented their findings in the form of a website, which links brilliantly with their ICT unit of work and was a great way to showcase their computing skills!




It’s been another busy week in school. The children enjoyed National Handwriting Day on Tuesday when they were given the opportunity to showcase their handwriting skills whilst writing poems for display in school. Some of our Year 4 and Year 5 children had an action packed Thursday with Freddy Fit as they trained to be play leaders for our Wake up, Shake up and lunchtime activities.


In Nursery, the children have been thinking about Healthy Schools this week and have linked this work with their text ‘Handa’s Surprise.’ The children have enjoyed acting out the story and recognising the different fruits and animals in the text.


In Reception this week, the children have been working super hard on their writing. Their dinosaur egg hatched and they found muddy dinosaur tracks in the corridor meaning the dinosaur had escaped. The children worked hard to make wanted posters to see if anybody had seen the dinosaur.


Their number of the week is number 6. Reception have been representing the numbers 6, 7 and 8 on a 10 frame and with numicon and have been practising forming the numbers with chalk. 


The children have enjoyed learning their new sound of the week- j. They have been feeding the j words to the jellyfish and went on a j hunt around school, spotting things that begin with the j phoneme.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been using talk for writing to start to plan their story writing based on their text Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates. They have also continued their RE unit of work all about sacred buildings and have been thinking about why a church is sacred to Christians. They have thought about some of the special artefacts they might see in a church and what they are used for.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about the importance of hygiene. They completed two scientific investigations which involved using glitter and oil to see how germs can be spread from person to person and to different surfaces. They then explored the most effective method to remove germs and made predictions before trying out their different theories. During this week’s forest school session, the children made their own dens in some very windy conditions!  


In Maths, Year 3 have been working hard dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers with remainders. The children have used a range of methods and used their times tables knowledge to help them. In English, they have been writing their Greek myths and have included some fantastic descriptions and details.


In RE, the children have been looking at where and how Hindus pray and they discovered that they can pray anywhere. They also looked at the Hindu shrine and decided which of their own special items they might put on their shines.


In our Spirituality session this week, the children looked at what they are thankful for. As a class they created a list of everything they are thankful for and why they are thankful for these things. The children worked hard and came up with some brilliant ideas. In Geography, they have looked at the Ring of Fire and locating some of the world’s volcanoes and earthquakes. In Science, they have looked at the three different skeleton types and they sorted animals which either have an exoskeleton, an endoskeleton, or a hydrostatic skeleton.


This week has been really fun in Year 4! In English, the children began writing their recounts of ‘Escape from Pompeii’ using their talk-for-writing to help them.  In Maths, they learned how to divide 2 and 3 digit numbers, using place value counters and part whole models to help them.


On Tuesday, it was ‘National Handwriting Day’ and so the children spent some of the morning copying out poems to show-case their fantastic handwriting.  Year 4 have made so much progress with their handwriting!  On Wednesday, Year 4 went on a school trip to Mossley Library.  Many of the children became members and lots of other children felt really inspired by the trip and plan to become members in the future. 


In History, they learned about Boudicca and how she led a rebellion against the Romans.  They acted out the rebellion and then wrote rebellious speeches in the role of Boudicca. In Science, they carried out some experiments to help them understand what pitch is and why some sounds are high pitch and some sounds are low pitch.  In RE the children learned all about Jesus’ eight Beatitudes and had a go at writing their own.


This week in Year 5, the children have been looking more closely at subtracting fractions in Maths. They have recapped converting mixed numbers to improper fractions and back again in order to subtract two mixed numbers. The children have been sharpening their Maths and English skills with Countdown this week! They have all enjoyed trying to get the number (or as close to it as possible) and sharing with the class how they got there. They have also been trying to make the longest words possible using their spelling knowledge. They even had their first Countdown champions!


Some Year 5s joined Y4s this week for Freddy Fit training where they updated their Wake up, Shake up moves and play leader activities.


In Computing they have been enjoying using the Spheros. The children used the Spero Edu app to make codes for the Spheros to follow, this week’s challenge was to see if children could make their Sphero follow the shape of a square.


Year 5 also celebrated National Handwriting Day on Tuesday by finding some of their favourite poems by David Mason (our resident author) and writing them up as neatly and as beautifully as possible. They did a fantastic job and everyone produced some amazing handwriting and creative thematic backgrounds for their work.


It has been another jam-packed week in Year 6! It started with the children throwing themselves in to their volleyball session! The warm-up of running three times around the pitch got their hearts racing and after a little time to regain their breath, and mine too, they got stuck into the volleyball session. 


Maths this week has been all about life-learning. If you ever need to know how to change the proportions of a recipe, then Year 6 are just the people you need! They loved solving a range of recipe ratio problems and then to put it into a real-life context, they took a flapjack recipe that serves 6 and made enough for 24 people. They applied all the skills they had acquired over the unit to make the flapjack with enough for one piece each. It was delicious too! 


Year 6 were also given the opportunity to interview a Humanist this week – they have been learning about codes for living and the difference between being ‘good with God’ and being ‘good without God’. It was fascinating to talk to Kevin about his life as a Humanist and it was really interesting to discover that actually there are a lot more similarities between Christianity and Humanism than they thought there would be.





It has been a very cold and snowy week at Micklehurst. The children enjoyed being able to play in the snow on Tuesday and make snowmen. We are hoping that the ice that remains will have thawed over the weekend so we can get back outside at playtimes!


It has been Healthy Schools Week in school and the children have been working really hard to eat healthily, bringing healthy snacks to school for playtime and having healthy packed lunches or eating all their fruit and vegetables for their school meal.  They have talked about how exercise can help us stay healthy and how it can help our own mental health and wellbeing. The children have also covered the content in the RSE curriculum and have had the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about a range of subjects related to Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.


In Nursery this week, the children have been continuing to learn about winter and they observed first hand how cold it can be at this time of year. They enjoyed exploring the snow and seeing what it felt like and they have been finding out all about penguins by looking at lots of information books. The children have also enjoyed a mini athletics session this week.


This week, Reception have been continuing to learn about dinosaurs. They practised their text map for our topic book ‘Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp’ and used their phonics knowledge to write captions to retell the story. The children were very excited to find a dinosaur egg in our classroom; they are hoping it will hatch soon!


Our Maths work has been focused around weighing. The children have enjoyed exploring weighing different objects using the scales and have been using the maths vocabulary ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’ to describe what they noticed.


The snow has been a wonderful addition to our topic work this week. The children wrapped up and went on a Winter walk, spotting signs of winter and observing the seasonal changes.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been using a range of adjectives to write descriptions of the characters in the text Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates. In Maths, they have been looking at numbers up to twenty and thinking about the numbers that are one less or one more than a given number. Year 1 have also enjoyed their RSE work this week where they have been labelling the main parts of the body, thinking about who is special to them and who looks after them in their family but also the special people who might help them within the community.


In Year 2, the children have absolutely loved their first Forest School session – they made fires, climbed trees, litter picked, played in the mud kitchen and best of all they toasted their own smores! It was so much fun exploring and they can’t wait to build their own dens next week.


Year 3 have had another great and busy week in school. In Maths, they have been working hard dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using visual methods and the partitioning method. In English, they have been designing their own Mythical creature, creating a plan for their myth and the children have started writing their opening to their myths.


In RE, they have been looking at how Muslims pray. They have learned about prayer times, which way they face when they pray and how they use a prayer mat. In class, they designed their own prayer mats.


This week for healthy schools’ week, the children have been looking at a range of different areas. They have looked at safe and unsafe situations and discussed how their bodies feel during these situations. They looked at how their body gives us early warning signs to show and tell us when they don’t feel safe. They have also looked at different types of secrets and how they can be good or bad, looked at how to stay safe online and understanding touch and their own personal space.


Year 4 have been learning all sorts this week.  In English, they have been focussing on powerful verbs and possessive apostrophes. The children are going to be writing a recount of the ‘Escape from Pompeii’ book and hope to be able to apply their learning into their writing.  In Maths, they have been learning how to use formal methods of multiplication and division.  Initially, they used practical equipment to help them with this, but now most of the children are quite confident to solve multiplication and division problems without it! 


In RE, the children have been learning about the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 and thinking about why Christians find this story so inspiring.  In Science, they have been making and using yoghurt pot phones which have helped them to understand that sound is caused by vibrations and that the further away you are from a sound source, the fainter the sound.  Year 4 have also enjoyed learning about the Roman Emperor Claudius in History.  They carried out their own research and created fact files all about him. 


They spent any spare time that we had this week looking at our Year 4 RSE curriculum and learnt about all sorts of things, including puberty, peer pressure and bullying. 


It's been very busy in Year 5 as they have been celebrating Healthy Schools Week. The children have been learning all about puberty and the changes their bodies will go through. They’ve also explored feelings and emotions and they enjoyed creating emotion ladders and anger sandwiches filled with strategies to keep ourselves calm.


In English this week, they’ve been enjoying exploring their new text, a twisted fairy tale: The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig. The children have explored the characters and the plot and giggled endlessly at the creative twists on the original text. They’re now busy writing diary entries from the perspective of one of the key characters.


In Maths they have been becoming masters at adding, subtracting and converting fractions. The children’s confidence is really growing!


As part of Healthy Schools Week, there has been lots of purposeful discussion in Year 6 – the children have learnt about growing up, puberty, healthy relationships and how to keep themselves safe when using social media. We’ve been really impressed by their mature attitudes and thought-provoking questions.  

In English this week, their attention has turned to all things innovative! The children have taken key elements of their class text, The Lost Happy Endings, and creatively innovated them in order to plan their own version of the fantasy narrative. They’ve looked at creating their own vindictive villains and used drama to plot out the events of their sticky end – it’s been great fun getting creative with the story and they’re looking forward to putting pen to paper next week and producing their own literary masterpieces.  


It has been a very busy week in school. The children have been working hard and enjoying lots of exciting learning.


In Nursery this week, the children have continued to learn about winter.  They have been on a winter walk, looking for signs that winter is around us. The children enjoyed finding crunchy ground and twigs with no leaves.  They all collected a twig which they decorated with white paint and sparkles to look like snow and ice.


They have made their own information books all about Winter, selecting their own pictures and then having a go at overwriting winter words.


This week, Reception have enjoyed learning about dinosaurs. Their focus text for this half term is ‘Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp’ and the children have enjoyed learning the text map to retell the story. The children have been busy hunting for dinosaur eggs and spotting tricky words. They also made dinosaur tracks using dinosaurs and paint and painted different kinds of dinosaurs.


In Maths, Reception have been finding 1 more and 1 less. They have been singing lots of number rhymes and acting them out using masks and props. The children’s favourite was 5 currant buns!


In Year 2, the children have been learning about different Jewish artefacts in RE. They enjoyed looking at the artefacts and completing their own research using the Espresso app. In English, they received a very exciting visit from a pirate dinosaur who requested that they make some new crew members for him. The children loved being creative and modelling their dinosaurs and they are now going to create their own non-chronological report about their dinosaurs.


In Science, the children have been learning about the importance of having a healthy diet – they then looked at a variety of food labels to compare their sugars and fats.


Year 3 have had another fun and busy week in school. In Maths, the children have been working hard multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using visual methods and using the column method. In English, they have been retelling the myth 'Theseus and the Minotaur' and have done this verbally by creating a class performance of the myth and using a story board. They have worked very hard creating wanted posters for the Minotaur using a range of descriptions.


In Science, they have continued their new unit called ‘Animals including Humans and this week have looked at the function of the skeleton. The children discussed the reasons why they have a skeleton and looked at some of the joints in their bodies.


In Geography, Year 3 have been looking at the earth’s tectonic plates and have been labelling the different tectonic plates on a world map and identifying which plate they live on. In RE, they have been looking at why we talk. They have created a list of different reasons why we talk and discussed special people we could talk to. In Computing, they have started looking at the new unit on an app called ‘Scratch’. The children had great fun navigating around the new app.


This week, Year 4 have enjoyed reading more of their class text ‘Escape from Pompeii’.  They have had fun acting out one of the scenes from the book and using this to help them to complete some work on speech and how to correctly use inverted commas.  The children have also delved deeper into their class topic on Romans, learning about the highly organised and skilled Roman Army, what life was like for Roman soldiers and what equipment and clothing they had. 


Our Year 5s have thoroughly enjoyed showcasing their scientific enquiry skills this week as they’ve delved deeper in to their Animals including Humans topic. They’ve been looking at the development of the foetus during pregnancy where they discovered at what stage the foetus develops lungs, joints and even fingernails. The children represented their findings in the form of a scatter graph and were very precise with the data that they collected.


In Maths this week, the children have been learning to add fractions including using mixed numbers and improper fractions. They have been focussing on using a range of methods to find their answer and then discussing which is the most efficient for them – they’ve been impressing us with some fantastic mathematical vocabulary and some very accurate calculating too!


In Art the children enjoyed looking at typography and different font styles. They then began to create their own in their art books which they were very proud of!


During English they’ve been looking more into the trial of the three little pigs and ran a debate as to whether they should be found guilty or not guilty. The children enjoyed the challenge of speaking formally and arguing respectfully! Finally, the children received their Wondrous Book Club books this week and they are eagerly getting into their new books from the Fantasy genre.


Year 6 were definitely intrigued at the start of this week to discover what their new book would be and there were some very interesting questions raised when they were presented with a sack full of rather bizarre items. Our band of inquisitive linguists were tasked with making predictions about what the text may be by looking at the contents of the sack, which included a woolly scarf and hat, a child’s t-shirt, underwear and some gloves…with six fingers! Eventually, it was revealed that their new text was Carol Ann Duffy’s ‘The Lost Happy Endings’. Since then, they’ve been busy delving in to the atmospheric story and finishing their forest-inspired artwork.


In Maths this week, they’ve been introduced to the concept of ratio and the children have been using a range of manipulatives to answer increasingly more challenging questions. They’ve learnt about the meaning of the symbol for ratio and have been looking for patterns when solving problems.

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a lovely Christmas and a restful break.


It was lovely to welcome the children back to school on Wednesday and hear all about their Christmas activities.


In Nursery this week the children were pleased to see Mrs Brown return to school. The children have talked all about their Christmas holidays and the special gifts they have had from Father Christmas.  They have also begun to talk about their new topic ‘Winter’.  Their Story is ‘Jack Frost’ and the children have designed their own Jack’s, made hats, scarfs and gloves for him and been looking for signs of winter.


Reception have had a wonderful first week back at school. The children have enjoyed talking about the Christmas holidays and sharing what Father Christmas brought them. They then drew pictures of their favourite present and used their phonics knowledge to write a sentence about it. The children have enjoyed being back playing with their friends and enjoying the new dinosaur provision for our new topic.


In Year 1 this week, the children have satrted their new Art ubit of work. They have been busy experimenting with water colours using different techniques e.g. wet on wet and splattering.


In Year 2, the children have had a fantastic start back to school after the Christmas break. In Geography, they have started their new topic which is all about Continents and Oceans and have enjoyed using the globes, atlases and Google Earth to locate where we are in the world.


In English, the children have had a very exciting visit from a pirate dinosaur who left them a variety of clues and a new book. They really enjoyed working in partners to look at the first page of the story and they made a variety of inferences and predictions.


Year 3 also had a great first week back at school. They have been extremely busy with all of their learning.


This week in English, they have been looking at the Greek Myth ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’. The children have studied the maze where the Minotaur was kept and tried to find their way out of it as well as thinking of questions to ask the characters in the myth.


In Maths, they have been multiplying and dividing 2-digit numbers by 10 and using related calculations to help them with multiplying and dividing. In Science, the children have started their new unit called ‘Animals including Humans and they started off the unit by looking at the human body and labelling the skeleton with both the common name and the scientific name. They worked scientifically by conducting their own research to name the bones.


In Geography, the children have started looking at volcanoes and earthquakes and this week they have looked at the layers of the earth and were confident to label the layers and name some facts about each layer.


Although it’s only been a three-day week, Year 4 have managed to fit quite a lot of fun and learning in!  The children have started their new History topic on Romans, which they began by doing some work on chronology and learning about Julius Caesar.  Linked in with this History topic, they have begun reading their new class text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit.  The children enjoyed reading the first few pages together which describe what Pompeii is like and writing their own descriptive settings.  They have also enjoyed acquiring some new vocabulary this week, using thesauruses to find synonyms for some familiar words. 


As well as this, Year 4 have begun reading their new Guided Reading text ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes.  In Maths, they have been looking at factor pairs and have also begun learning how to multiply decimal, one, two and three digit numbers by ten.  Their new RE topic is all about Jesus and why some people find him inspiring.  The children began this topic by considering who their own heroes/heroines are and discussing why they were inspired by them. 


Year 4 also enjoyed their first Dance lesson of the year on Wednesday.  The children had fun learning new dance moves, working in teams and showcasing their own dances.


It's been a great first week back in Year 5! In English, the children have immersed themselves in to the world of Twisted Fairy Tales. They began by using role play to recall the events of one of their favourite classics: The Three Little Pigs. This proved to be absolutely hilarious (there were some particularly expert wolf impressions!) and it gave us the opportunity to establish the key features of Fairy Tales. The children then experienced their first Twisted Tale as we watched a riveting news clip that cast doubt on the wolf’s guilt – they’re now fully engrossed in trying to work out who is the guilty party!


In their science lesson this week, they launched a new unit of work focusing on Animals including humans where they looked at different animals and learnt lots about different animal types – there was some brilliant scientific vocabulary used and lots of prior knowledge recalled too. Their enquiry skill for this week’s lesson involved looking for patterns and they made predictions about the gestation periods of a number of different insects and mammals.


It’s been a busy start to the term in Year 6. This week, they’ve embarked upon a brand new Graphic Design project as part of their art curriculum. The children brought in samples of cardboard packaging from home and they explored the design elements of each box and thought about what appeals to customers. The children also investigated a number of artists tasked with re-branding familiar products for supermarket shelves. They then explored the nets of their packaging and redesigned each one using different media and techniques – the children have really enjoyed learning about Graphic Design and it seems like it could be quite an interesting future career prospect for some!


They’ve also launched their new class text this week. Whilst the children are yet to discover the title of their upcoming fantasy picture book, they have been introduced to the villain! Our keen linguists used a range of descriptive writing techniques to describe the witchy-looking rogue and then used marbling and silhouetting to display their work in a brilliantly vivid and creative way.



It’s been a fun last week of term! Nursery and Reception performed ‘The Wriggly Nativity’ and were such superstars as they confidently told us the story of Christmas. The children have also enjoyed their Christmas parties and our Ethos Group led a wonderful assembly to encourage us to think about how we can show compassion to others over this festive period.


Our choir have been spreading festive cheer this week. On Monday, they visited Sandon House Care Home, the COOP in  Mossley and Tameside General hospital to sing a range of Christmas carols and songs. Christmas bingo took place on Tuesday and the children enjoyed our Christmas Jumper Day today.


In Nursery, as well as their fantastic performance in the nativity, the children have enjoyed their Christmas lunch, pulling crackers and wearing their Christmas hats. At their party on Wednesday the children enjoyed lots of games and a bouncy castle. They even met Father Christmas and he loved their super singing! 


The children also enjoyed Thursday’s activities including having their faces painted with festive characters and playing on the bouncy castle. It’s been a fun week with lots of happy children. Mrs Nield wanted to tell you how much she has enjoyed working in Nursery and getting to know the children during Mrs Brown’s absence.


Reception have had a wonderful week enjoying all the festivities. The children made us all proud in their Nativity and had lots of fun playing Christmas bingo. They used their phonics knowledge to complete some Christmas labelling in literacy this week and made gingerbread houses on the cutting table. In Maths, they have been learning the differences between night and day and playing lots of Christmas counting games. The children also enjoyed their Christmas dinner this week.


Year 1 have had a very exciting week. On Wednesday they went to watch Lost and Found at the Aviva Studios in Manchester and they were mesmerised by the whole experience.


In Year 2 this week, the children have really enjoyed being festive. They have finished designing and sewing their Christmas stockings and have thoroughly enjoyed getting their faces painted too! In History, they finished off their Great Fire of London unit by learning the very popular nursery rhyme ‘London’s burning’. They used a range of percussion instruments to enhance their performances and created some musical masterpieces!


WOW what a busy and Christmassy week it has been in Year 3. The children started the week by continuing to learning their 8 times tables in Maths and then they started to look for patterns with the 2, 4, and 8 times tables. In RE, they retold the Christmas story and worked extremely hard to include some time adverbial phrases.


Year 3 have taken part in Christmas bingo where they had lots of fun and lots of chocolate winners. The children have been making their Christmas cards which included some painting. They had their Christmas party on Wednesday afternoon, where they enjoyed lots of games, pass the parcel, had some treats to eat and had a special gift left by Santa! They have also had their faces painted, been on the bouncy castle and made their Christingles. They have had a brilliant and busy week!

Although it’s been the last week before we break up, Year 4 have actually been continuing with their usual work!  Last week, they wrote fantastic poems about the Kraken and so this week, they edited them and then typed their perfected poems up using Seesaw.  The children are going to show off their fabulous work on one of the school display boards. 


This week, Year 4 also finished their Guided Reading text ‘James and the Giant Peach’ and completed reviews of the book.  As a Christmas treat, they also watched the film and spent some time comparing the book to it.  The children have completed their RE unit of work all about celebrations this week, learning all about the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah.  They learnt about the kinds of food that Jewish people eat during this time and the symbolic significance of each food item. 


Of course, Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without all the fun and games in school too.  This week, they have made Christmas cards, played bingo, enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner and had much merriment at their Year 4 party, bouncing around on the bouncy castle and having their faces painted. 


In Year 5, the children have been festive too! They have been making their Christmas cards, playing bingo and making their Christingles. They also enjoyed their Christmas party and Christmas dinner!


They’ve had a brilliantly festive end to the term in Year 6. The children have taken part in several Christmassy activities throughout the week and have thoroughly enjoyed getting in to the festive spirit! They’ve tried their luck at Christmas bingo, used a range of artistic techniques to produce some mince pie themed Christmas cards and showcased their dance moves at the Christmas Party. 


In maths this week, they’ve been working on their understanding of BODMAS and solving some gift-themed calculations. In English, the children planned and wrote persuasive letters to Santa Claus in order to apply for the position of ‘Elf’ at the North Pole - they came up with a whole host of arguments that would persuade Saint Nick to hire them, their letters were hilarious and full of elf-thusiasm! 


It’s been a great term and a fabulously fun week, but now we are all ready to spend time with our families over the Christmas holidays. Have a lovely Christmas everyone!


What a fabulous week! Key Stage 1 have performed their Christmas production ‘It’s a Baby’ for parents, carers and family members and Key Stage 2 have performed ‘Elf.’ The children have all worked hard remembering their lines and the lyrics for their songs. It was lovely to see the children enjoying themselves and it is starting to feel a lot more Christmassy!


On Wednesday afternoon, our Street Dance team took to the stage and showcased their performance which they have been learning for the competition. They had a brilliant afternoon and performed fantastically.


In Nursery this week, the children have been very busy decorating their Christmas tree. They have made winter pine cones, candy canes and reindeer to put on their Christmas wreaths. The children have also been very busy rehearsing their part in the Nativity, ready for their performance on Monday. They have also written letters to Father Christmas and he now has a very long list!


Reception have enjoyed a festive week in school learning about the Nativity story. The children painted a stable and then used their cutting skills to add the nativity characters. They then labeled them. They have made Santa decorations, written letters for the elf to take to Santa and made gingerbread Christmas cards.


In Maths, the children have been learning about shapes. They sorted squares, triangles, rectangles and circles into 4 hoops and then organized them into 2 groups- 4 sides and not 4 sides. Reception have also been drawing the different shapes on the whiteboard and making festive shape pictures with them.


In Science this week, Year 1 have been looking at the seasons of Autumn and Winter. The children have enjoyed a number of experiments to remove colour from leaves and have made snow and ice crystals. It was lots of fun!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been completing their textiles Design and Technology unit, which has involved creating their own Christmas stockings. They enjoyed creating their designs, making a template and cutting out the felt. They then learnt how to thread a needle, tie a knot and join two pieces of material together. The children loved their finished Christmas stockings and also enjoyed peer reviewing each other’s stockings.


WOW it’s been another busy week in Year 3. In Maths, the children have been looking at the four times tables and have been learning to confidently multiply and divide in 4s. In English, they have been writing some fantastic descriptions of the Weather Monster and Joe from their book and they have used some superlative adjectives, similes and adjectives.


In RE, the children have been looking at Humanism. They have been discussing the different values they live their life by and looking at which they think is the most important.


The children have been working extremely hard when practising their songs and lines for the Christmas production. In Guided Reading, they have continued looking at their new text, ‘Stone Age Boy’ where they have been making predictions and answering retrieval, explanation, summarising and inference questions.


Yet again, it’s been another busy week in Year 4.  The children spent a lot of time this week rehearsing their lines and songs for the KS2 Christmas performance.  They are so glad they did though, as all their hard work paid off and they did a fantastic job with their performance.


In between, rehearsing and performing, the children still managed to fit most of their usual lessons in (I’m not sure how they did, but they did!).  In English this week, they enjoyed listening to more of their class text ‘Pugs of the frozen north’ and using it as inspiration for some vocabulary and poetry work.  In the book, there is a Kraken and they used thesauruses to gather some powerful vocabulary that they might use to describe it’s appearance and movements.  The children then used some of this vocabulary to create similes and alliterative phrases, before combining some of these to create a free verse poem.  They had great fun and produced some fabulous poetry. 


Year 4 have also spent some time reading James and the giant peach this week.  They have been focussing on how to summarise pieces of text/chapters.  In Maths, they finished off their unit on multiplication and division, focusing on multiplying three numbers together and developing their understanding of how this is commutative (i.e. it doesn’t matter what order you complete the multiplication in, the answer will always be the same). 


In Geography, the children learnt about famous mountains across the world and created fact-files on some of them.  In RE, they learnt about the Jewish celebration of Shabbat and why this weekly day of rest is so important to Jewish families.



This week in Year five, the children have been working super hard all week completing assessments. The children have done really well and definitely deserve a well-earned treat- a Christmas film!


They are starting to feel the Christmas spirit this week too as they have their lovely tree and decorations up and even personalised baubles!!


In English Year 5 have been creating newspaper articles on Pages on the iPads, they look really effective and very professional! In Science they have been creating bee pollination diagrams and in Geography they have learned all about the Amazon Rainforest and created layers of the rainforest infographic on Adobe Express.


It might be the penultimate week before we finish for Christmas, but this has not stopped Year 6 from working hard on all areas of learning. Year 6 threw themselves into the new English unit of work, which is based on the 2021 John Lewis Christmas advert, and centres on Sky (an alien) and Nathan. Having watched the advert, they discussed and ordered the events within it. It sparked a discussion about traditions that surround Christmas, and they then created a Chatterpix explaining one of traditions from the perspective of Sky.


In Science, Year 6 found out about the different parts that make up a balanced diet. They had a great discussion and debate about food myths that commonly exist. For instance, are all low fat versions of food actually better for us? Year 6 then found out more about what the different food groups do for the body.

It has been a very busy week in school. The children have been working hard learning lines and songs for their Christmas performances and have been practising a lot!


Our Ten Pin Bowling team took part in the second stage of the Greater Manchester competition this week in Bolton but despite bowling well they did not make it through to the regional finals. Well done to everyone for getting this far.


In Nursery this week, the children have been sharing their ideas about what Christmas means to them. They have watched the ‘First Christmas’ story and made a lovely Nativity display in the classroom with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. They have also painted angels and stars and acted out the Nativity story using character masks.


The children have enjoyed singing songs with actions and getting ready for their performance. They have learnt a new song – Five Christmas puddings in the bakers shop!


This week, Reception have enjoyed their learning based on the story ‘Mrs Honey’s Hat’. They have been labelling the different items that were found on Mrs Honeys hat and counting how many there were.


In Maths, the children have been learning all about the number 5. They went on a number 5 hunt outside, completed various exercises 5 times such as jumping, clapping and tapping their head and enjoyed performing 5 little speckled frogs. Reception have also been finding 1 more and 1 less using various manipulatives this week.


The children were very excited to find that our Christmas elf has arrived today and have been busy creating their gingerbread Christmas cards.


This week, the children in Year 1 were very excited to finish their puppets. They have been sewing, then cutting and sticking, to turn their designs into a completed puppet. Finally, they have evaluated their puppets and shown them to Year 4. Don’t they look great!


This week in Year 2, the children have been learning all about the properties of 3D shapes – this has included naming the number of faces, edges and vertices. They really enjoyed creating their own 3D shapes using the construction kit. In Design and Technology, the children have begun their very exciting textiles project, where they are creating their own Christmas stockings. They have created their designs, made their templates and cut out their felt ready to sew next week!  


WOW it’s been another busy week in Year 3. In Maths, the children have been looking at the three times tables and have been learning to confidently multiply and divide in 3s. In English, they have been writing their instructions for the birthday cakes they have designed.


In RE, the children spent the afternoon at Mossley Methodist Church where they took part in the ‘Experience Christmas’ workshop. They looked at the different elements of Christmas including the promises that were made, the messages and good news given to Mary and the Shepherds, the journey that Mary and Joseph embarked on and the gift of Jesus.


Year 3 have been working extremely hard practising their songs and lines for the Christmas production. In Guided Reading, they have continued looking at their new text, ‘Stone Age Boy’ where they have been making predictions and answering retrieval, explanation, summarising and inference questions.


Well done to our bowling team who competed in the Greater Manchester finals at Hollywood Bowl in Bolton on Wednesday morning. They had a great time!


This week has been Year 4’s Design Technology week.  They have learned all about the tradition of Kantha in parts of Southern Asia.  For those of you that don’t know, Kantha is the process of recycling and repurposing of old saris and fabrics into new blankets and garments.  Kantha purses are sewn together using running stitch, so they practised this stitch in a needlework lesson.  They also learned about different kinds of fastenings (zips, buttons, Velcro, toggles etc).  The children thought about the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of fastening before deciding which kind they wanted to use for their purses.  They also spent some time looking through sari scraps and deciding which bits they might incorporate into their designs.  They then spent time designing their Kantha purses (including a paper prototype), before making them.  The children really enjoyed designing and making their purses. 


In Year 5 this week, the children have been busy! In English they have been writing their own newspaper reports on the Gritterman losing his job and they made them look super professional on their iPads! In Maths they have been looking at fractions and converting improper fractions to mixed numbers using bar models.


On Wednesday they celebrated ‘No Pens Day’. The children learnt the British Sign Language alphabet, some useful phrases and even how to sign one of their favourite songs, ‘My Lighthouse’.


It’s beginning to look – and sound – a lot like Christmas in Year 6 as preparations have begun for their Christmas Performance. They’ve been busy practising songs and learning lines and the children are already looking fabulous on stage – they can’t wait to wow their audience next week.


On Thursday it was National No Pens Day so in the morning, they put their writing tools back in their pots and learnt something totally new: British Sign Language. The children discovered how to sign a range of greetings and questions as well as how to say their own names and they then collaborated with Year 5 to perform one of their favourite songs – My Lighthouse – in sign language. It looked brilliant and the children really enjoyed learning a new language!


They’ve also been getting to grips with some tricky new concepts in maths this week and the children have proved themselves to be quite the experts when it comes to fractions – they’ve been multiplying and dividing using fractions and even solving some complex two-step problems!


It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas in school as the children have started to learn songs for their Christmas Nativities and performances. The children are starting to get excited as we prepare for Advent. We have also welcomed Freddy Fit into school and all classes enjoyed a fitness session with him on Monday.


This week in Nursery, the children have had a very busy week. They have been reading ‘Elmer’ by David McKee. They listened to lots of Elmer stories and talked about what makes them special and unique. They have enjoyed painting a patchwork elephant and designing their own patterned Elmer. This work has led to the children looking at patterns and they have printed two step patterns using different colours. They have also enjoyed learning an Elmer counting song, playing instruments and making an Elmer head band.


This week, Reception have been learning about birthday celebrations. They enjoyed role playing in the birthday themed home corner, putting up birthday banners, writing birthday cards, opening presents and wearing the special birthday hat.

The children have been busy making playdough birthday cakes, writing tricky words in cake icing, designing and using their phase 2 phonics knowledge to label the ways they celebrate their birthdays.


In Maths, Reception have been focusing on the numbers 4 and 5. They have strengthened their fine motor by threading 4 and 5 beads onto string and used various manipulatives to make groups of 4 and 5. In RE the children have been thinking about special people. They enjoyed dressing up as ‘people who help us’ and drawing pictures of their special jobs.


In Year 1 this week, the children have taken part in a workshop called Crafty Penguins. This Lost and Found Adventure was an interactive and immersive workshop linked to the themes of Lost and Found including resilience and friendship. The children embarked on an adventure to take penguin eggs found in our school to the South Pole. However, to get there they had to cross the stormy sea. The children took part in solo, partner and group activities including drama, dance and discussion games. When the children arrived at the South Pole they made penguin sock puppets and could see their penguin come to life!


What an exciting week Year 2 have had! On Wednesday they visited the Fireground Museum in Rochdale to find out more about the Great Fire of London. At the museum, the children had the opportunity to wear the firefighters helmets and look inside a fire engine. They had great fun sliding down the firefighters pole.


Year 3 have had another very busy week in school. They started the week by taking part in a ‘Freddy Fit’ workshop where they had lots of fun! In Maths, they have moved onto their new unit of multiplication and division and the children have been able to create equal groups, make arrays and confidently recall multiples of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. In English, they have been looking at the features of instructions, understanding adverbs for how and imperative verbs and then they have been editing a set of instructions using their acquired knowledge.


In Art, the children have been looking at cave art in caves in France. They looked at the different designs on these caves and then were able to create some of these designs. In RE, they have been looking at Hindu Gods and Goddesses including the Trimurti. In Guided Reading, Year 3 have started reading their new text, ‘Stone Age Boy’ where they have been making predictions and answering retrieval questions.


In Science, the children have continued their unit on rocks, looking at the process of fossilisation and ordering the process. They have also found out about the famous paleontologist ‘Mary Anning’ and looked at her life and work. Year 3 have been working extremely hard practising their songs and lines for the Christmas production.


Well done to our Year 5 and Year 6 Hockey team and our Year 6 dodgeball team, who took part in Tameside's Glow Festival. They all had a fantastic time!


As always, it’s been really busy in Year 4.  The children started their week with a Freddy Fit session, which was super fun and energetic.  In Maths, they have continued working on multiplication and division and this week, they have been multiplying and dividing by 7, 11 and 12.


 In English, the children have begun writing their character descriptions, based on characters from their class text Pugs of the Frozen North.  In Science, the children learnt about the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees and used classification keys to help them identify different leaves.  In Geography, they’ve used atlases to locate the main mountain ranges and significant mountains across the UK and in RE they learned about why and how Muslims celebrate Eid and compared this celebration to Easter, thinking of similarities and differences between them.  Christmas preparations have also commenced this week, with Year 4 practising their class poem and Christmas songs!  They have had loads of fun and can’t wait to continue their learning next week!


This week has been a very busy week for Year 5! To start their week off they had a visit from the police to talk about cyberbullying and being safe online. The children asked very insightful and thoughtful questions.


They then had a visit from Freddie Fit who got all the children taking part in his energetic boot camp! The children loved it!


We enjoyed our STEM day with the RAF and Smallpeice where we took part in their Road to Riat. The children learned all about how to rockets and all the science behind it. They planned their designs, tested them using scientifically fair tests and recorded their data. One child managed to make their rocket fly almost 5 metres! 


Year 6 started their week with a visit from Holly, who works for Greater Manchester Police. Holly’s visit was to share with the children about ‘Cyber Crime’ and how to best protect themselves against this. Their knowledge of how to stay safe on social media platforms was widened, as well as knowing about the importance of things such as: protecting passwords, having a positive digital footprint and the laws around ‘Cyber Crime’.


Year 6 showed stamina and skill when they completed a workout session from ‘Freddy Fit’. During the session, they took part in a warm-up, individual challenges using a bean bag and an aiming game that was completed as a team.  The session culminated in an energetic workout that got everyone’s heart rate going!


In Science, they have been continuing to develop their understanding of the circulatory system. This week’s lesson centred on knowing the components that blood is made up of. Year 6 particularly enjoyed making their own blood and thinking about what each of the parts might be. For instance, we came to the conclusion that the marshmallows represented white blood cells because there were fewer marshmallows than Cheerios (red blood cells).


The children have enjoyed another busy week in school. They have been involved in Anti-Bullying week and have been ‘Making a Noise about Bullying.’ This has been the focus for their PSHE lessons throughout the week. They have also enjoyed supporting Children in Need today. They came dressed in non-uniform and wearing spots, yellow or anything Pudsey! Thank you to everyone who donated to this event.


Our Year 5 and Year 6 hockey teams played in the Tameside Hockey Competition this week and played brilliantly. Our year 6 team came in second place and our Year 5 team came in fourth place. Well done everyone!


In Nursery this week, the children have been reading The Gingerbread Man. They have then been on a gingerbread man hunt around school, and they were so excited when they found some! They have also been designing their own gingerbread man and baking it. The best bit was decorating it with a range of goodies.


This week, Reception have been learning about seasonal change. Reception enjoyed their Autumnal walk outside and found lots of conkers, colourful leaves and trees. The children have worked hard to create Autumn books and used their phonics knowledge to label the Autumn pictures.

The children have enjoyed their shape work this week and have been focusing on triangles, squares and circles. Reception went on a shape hunt around school spotting different shaped objects and have drawn pictures using different shapes.


In Year 1 this week, the children in Art club have been exploring watercolours. They have used eaves as an inspiration or a tool to make shapes and patterns. Have a look at the photos to see some of the work that they created.


In Year 2 this week, the children have really enjoyed their music lesson and Mrs Willcox was amazed at the amount of progress they had made. This week they completed their ‘silly face’ warm up, before learning a new song and two new notes on the recorder. In Computing, they have been using paper bots and bee bots to follow algorithms – the children found it quite difficult to follow the instructions correctly but had a good go!


It has been another busy week in Year 3. In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting 3-digit and 2-digit numbers and solving a variety of mixed word problems and some multistep problems. In English, they have been looking at the features of instructions and creating a what you will need list including adjectives and quantities.


In History, they have been looking at changes during the Stone Age. The children have looked at how farming changed the lives of people and the different settlements they lived in. In RE, they have been looking at the names of Allah and have learned there are 99 names. The children have had a go at writing these names in Arabic.   


In Science, Year 3 have continued their unit on rocks and have been testing the different properties of rocks. They looked at the rocks density, durability and permeability. In Computing, they have used a website to create their own branching diagrams using yes and no questions. Well done to the certificate achievers this week.


The children been up to all sorts of fun things in Year 4 this week.  In Maths, they have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 9.  They have used arrays to help them with this and have begun to notice some patterns which help them to remember their 9 times tables. 


In English, they have enjoyed listening to more of ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’ and have completed persuasive posters and character profile fact files.  In Science, the children have learned about what vertebrates (has a backbone) and invertebrates (does not have a backbone) are and how they can classify living things according to these characteristics.  They looked at lots of pictures of living things and sorted them into ‘vertebrates’ and ‘invertebrates’ groups and then went outside for a mini-beast hunt.  They now understand that all mini-beasts are invertebrates.


In Geography, the children have been looking at what the climate of a mountain is and why and in RE they have learned more about the Hindu celebration of Diwali.  Year 4 have also been busy with their daily Guided Reading and arithmetic as well as spelling and handwriting practice, not to mention Music, PE/Swimming and Music lessons.  


This week, Year 5 have been celebrating Anti-Bullying week. They had such a lovely morning writing kind words to describe each other and sharing them in front of the class. Each child then gave their kind words to each other. It lifted their spirits and brought a smile to everyone’s faces!


In English, the children have been looking at formal and informal writing by writing different types of letters and a diary entry.

In Maths they have been multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 and the children used place value charts to help them visualise how it worked. They have done really well and are all little maths whizzes!


Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed reflecting on the value of kindness in order to celebrate Anti-Bullying Week - they were keen to spread the love to each other and sent messages and compliments around the room that made them all smile. The children were inspired by their recent Art and Activism unit to produce ‘zines’ designed to promote Anti-Bullying messages – they combined different media and techniques to create some truly eye-catching and thought-provoking pieces of work.


It was time for the big reveal in English this week too as our budding detectives were finally given the last piece to the puzzle and discovered what truly happened at the crime scene they’ve been investigating. They discovered that their new text was The Highwayman and listened to the poem to find out how the events unfolded – the children also completed a very complex puzzle in order to define new vocabulary from Alfred Noyes’ famous poem.

It has been another busy and exciting week in school.


In Nursery, the children have been learning all about Diwali. They have worked well together to create a large Diwa lamp for their display. They have also really enjoyed their ‘Stay and Play’ session with their parents and carers today. The parents and carers enjoyed tasting the indian food and completing the activities with their children.


This week, Reception have been learning about the Hindu festival, Diwali. The children have enjoyed reading Binny’s Diwali and creating Diwa lamps from clay. They have been making rangoli patterns in the rice and sand and also by using numicon. The children have been busy designing mehndi patterns and making Diwali paper chain decorations.


To mark remembrance day the children have made poppy bracelets to wear this weekend using paint and washing up liquid. They also made remembrance wreaths.


In Design Technology, Year 1 have been learning about puppets. The children created four different designs before completing their final design. Some of the children have also managed to sew their puppets together. Watch this space to see their finished products because they have had great fun making them and have been working really hard.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning all about Remembrance Day and the importance of the poppy appeal. They participated in the Mossley Town Council remembrance activity and used the Ipad’s to research the lives of different soldiers who had fought in World War 1 and World War 2. The children have displayed their tributes to the Mossley soldiers on the windows of our classroom. In Computing they have been learning how to program bee bots and the children loved watching their bee bots move!


WOW what an extremely busy second week back Year 3 have had! In English they started the week by writing some brilliant poems related to Remembrance Day. Then they received a letter from Tom from their English text asking for ideas to cheer up his friend, the Weather Monster. The children have created a list of ideas to cheer him up, including making sunshines and baking him a cake. They really enjoyed baking cakes!


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been working extremely hard subtracting two 3-digit numbers. They have been using the column method and have been exchanging both in the hundreds and the tens. They have also been learning their 3 times tables. 


In RE, the children have been looking at Holy Trinity and the three parts. They used this to create their own trinity linked to their own lives. In History, they looked at how life was very different in the Stone Age and looked at how they survived. 


In Science, the children have continued their unit of work about rocks and have been learning about the three different groups of rocks. They have also looked at the different properties of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks.  


Year 4 have been really busy this week.  In English, they have begun writing their non-chronological reports on Pugs.  In Maths, they have started their new topic on multiplication and division.  The children have begun looking at patterns and using little tricks to help them remember some of their times tables.


In Geography, the children have started to learn about the different types of mountains and how they are formed.  They used plasticine to construct models of the different mountains.  In Science, they looked at how they can use classification keys to group things according to their characteristics.  The children had a go at arranging themselves in the playground and then they used a classification key to group Pokemon characters.  After that, they had a go at grouping some animals.


In RE, the children have been looking at why Holy Week is a special time for Christians.  They looked at some of the symbolism associated with this celebratory week.  As usual, they have also had their weekly Music, Spanish and PE lessons.  The children have been focusing on giving their bodies full body workouts in the form of stretches, jumps, squats and some yoga moves.


This week in Year 5, the children were very excited to come to school in their pyjamas as they started their new English text – The Gritterman. They have also been learning about factors in Maths.


Our Year 6s have blown us away this week with their resilience and determination to succeed. They’ve been put to the test with some practice SATs papers and have definitely risen to the challenge – the children were really keen to discover their results and spot any mistakes that could help them learn.


They also enjoyed a visit on Thursday from two members of Greater Manchester’s ‘Magistrates in the Community’ team as they launched their brand new topic: Crime and Punishment. Sean and Karen, both Magistrates themselves, delivered a workshop detailing the role of the magistracy, including who they are, what they do and sentencing options in the Magistrates court. 

Welcome back after half term, we hope you have had a good holiday and enjoyed the break.


It has been a fun week in school. Year 6 children have had the opportunity to take part in the MCSP Maths Challenge and the Debating Society this week. Please read on to find out how they performed!

Children throughout school have enjoyed their Top of the Tree reward and have enjoyed a visit to Summit Up in Oldham where they took part in a clip and climb session.


Nursery have had lots of fun learning about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot this week.  The children have learnt all about Bonfires, fireworks and keeping safe whilst out celebrating. They have made some amazing pictures of fireworks, sparklers, Catherine wheels and bonfires. In the finger gym area, they have made sparkers from pipe cleaners and beads.

The children also enjoyed having sparklers on Friday, writing their names with them and watching the different colours that they made.


Reception have had a wonderful first week back learning about Bonfire night. They enjoyed watching videos of Disneyland fireworks and listening to the different sounds a firework can make. They then used their phase 2 phonics knowledge to spell the sounds, ‘pop’ ‘bang’ and ‘fizz’.

The children have enjoyed creating firework artwork. They painted glitter mixed with water and PVA glue onto black card to create a starry night sky and then used lolly pop sticks and vibrant paints to create the fireworks. Well done Reception on creating such an effective piece of artwork.

In Maths, the children have been focusing on the numbers 1, 2 and 3 and sorting objects, numicon, counters and numerals into 1, 2 or 3. Reception have also worked hard ordering numerals 1-5.


Year 1 have had a very exciting start to the term! A penguin appeared in their classroom this week! The children have been very busy thinking about good adjectives to describe him and have then made found posters to try and find out where he has come from.


In Year 2 this week, the children have started their new History topic all about The Great Fire of London. They enjoyed being History detectives as they studied a variety of clues to work out why The Great Fire of London is a significant event in History.

In their computing lesson the children looked at what it means to programme a robot. They then took it in turns to give each other instructions to move around the classroom. They really enjoyed following instructions to create different pictures.

In Music, Year 2 appraised and learnt a new jazz song and they even tried to play along on the recorders!


The children have had a great first week back in Year 3. They have been extremely busy with all of their learning.

In English the children have been looking at the author Julia Donaldson and the story of Zog. They have written some brilliant sentences in the past tense, including adverbs for how, and descriptions of Zog. They have also created firework safety posters and written bonfire poems using their senses.


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been working extremely hard when adding two 3-digit numbers using the column method and exchanging both in the hundreds and the tens. They have also been learning their 3 times tables. 


In RE, the children have been looking at representations of God. They have thought about what if God was a colour or a letter in the alphabet or an animal, what would they choose and why. This week in PE, they enjoyed their Dance sessions and have taken part in their Forest School session.


In Science, the children have started their new unit of Rocks and Soils and have looked at different types of rocks. They worked in groups to sort the rocks into different groups based on their size, texture, colour or appearance. In Computing, they have been looking at different question types and sorting questions depending on if they are yes or no or open-ended questions.


In Year 4, their first week back has been full of new topics and fun.  In Maths, they have been learning about area, counting squares to help them calculate the area of shapes.  In English, the children have started to read ‘Pugs of the frozen north’ by Philip Reeve.  They have been looking at some of the figurative language used in the book, including similes, personification and onomatopoeia.  They have also begun looking at the features of non-chronological texts and carrying out research into the Pug breed as the children are going to be writing their own non-chronological reports next week. 


In Science, the children have begun their new topic on Animals and their habitats.  They looked at how and why animals are classified and thought of some of their own ways of sorting them.  In RE, they began their new ‘Celebrations’ topic and have discussed a variety of celebrations that they know about and sorted them into religious and non-religious celebrations.


In Geography, Year 4 began their new Mountain topic and learnt what the correct definition of a mountain is and the geographical features that a mountain always has.  As well as being introduced to lots of new topics, the children have also completed their usual daily/weekly activities too; lots of guided reading, arithmetic, spelling, Music and PE/Swimming.  Busy, busy, busy!


Year 6 have had a very busy start to the term and have represented Micklehurst at a number of challenging competitions this week. On Wednesday, a team of budding Year 6 mathematicians attended a maths competition at Mossley Hollins – it turned out to be quite a challenge but they did us proud and finished in second place after a close battle to become champions. On Thursday, it was Year 6s turn to compete in the MCSP Debating Society’s first competition of the year. Before the event, they held their very own class debate in school to hone their technique and explore the contentious topic in detail – should fizzy drinks adverts be banned before 9pm? On the evening of the competition, our debating team were superb! They debated with passion, skill and composure and certainly wowed the audience with their professionalism. They won their debate so well done Year 6!


They’ve also been working on a new art unit in Year 6 this week – Art and Activism. The children explored how artists often use their work to convey messages and stand up for causes they believe in. They then experimented with a number of techniques in order to create their own ‘zines’ filled with messages of protest linked to causes close to their hearts. 

It has been another busy week in school and today the children have enjoyed sharing the work they have completed during Black History month. 


Year 6 have had a fantastic time on their residential at Crowden Outdoor Activity Centre in Glossop. They enjoyed a range of activities including orienteering, archery, weaseling, canoeing, crate stack and a night line walk. They have also enjoyed spending time with their friends, even though some were a little homesick on occasions!


This week, Reception have been learning about emotions. After reading the colour monster and meeting the colour monster teddies, Reception used an action to show everybody how they were feeling. The children then drew a picture to represent how they were feeling and labelled it using their phase 2 phonics knowledge.


The children have worked really hard in Maths this week, recognising repeating patterns and continuing them. They practised some musical repeating patterns altogether and also used autumn objects to create their own repeating patterns.


The children have enjoyed exploring seasonal change, playing outside in the autumn leaves and watching them float in the wind.


As part of their science work on materials, Year 1 have enjoyed completing experiments to test materials to see if they are waterproof or not. First, the children made predictions and they tested these to see if we were correct or not.


In Year 2 this week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed completing their Art week. This has involved creating a variety of spirals using different media like wax, pen, pencil, oil pastels and chalk. One of their favourite lessons was drawing large scale spirals in the playground – they thought it looked amazing when it was finished. 


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been working hard subtracting multiples of 1 and 10 from 3 digit numbers.  In English, they have been writing their own version of the story ‘The Owl who was afraid of the dark’ and they have been working really hard using a range of grammatical features.


In RE, the children have been looking at when a Christian might use a Bible in their everyday life and how these can be used in the family home, in church, at a Christening or a wedding and when someone is looking for guidance. In Geography, they have been looking at Italian culture including religion, family life, food, carnivals and the opera.


As part of their work in Black History month, the children have been finding out about Rosa Parks and have looked at her story and how she was treated unfairly. They created a fact file about Rosa Parks and looked at her life. They have also been doing lots of singing and practising their song ready for our assembly on Friday.


Year 3 have also been completing their D+T unit this week and have designed their owl decorations, created a template and sewn their owls together. They have evaluated these and worked extremely hard when doing this.


The final week at school before the holidays has been fun-packed in Year 4.  The children have finished off their Maths unit on addition and subtraction.  They found subtracting with more than one exchange a little tricky and so they did lots of practise questions to help consolidate their understanding and so that they can remember the process. 


In History, to conclude their topic, the children looked at other ancient civilisations such as Mesopotamia, The Indus Valley and Ancient China and compared them to Ancient Egypt.  They found lots of similarities between the civilisations, but also identified a number of key differences.  In RE, they also finished off their topic, looking at how and why Hindu life is so vibrant and considering why it might be hard at times for Hindu children in Britain to live across two cultures. 


Perhaps the most fun they have had this week though is during their Art sessions.  The children have been looking at patterns in art and exploring the work of various artists who use repeated patterns in their creations.  They created their own tessellated pattern art-work based on Morris Escher and Bridget Riley and are really pleased with their creations!


On Friday, it was ‘Wear Red for Racism Day.’  They all wore red as a symbolic statement; giving racism the red card!  The children used this day to deepen their understanding of what racism actually is and why it is so harmful to individuals and the world.  They also used this day to perform their Black History Month song by Stevie Wonder ‘Ebony and Ivory’ and to display the placards that they created in response to learning about Martin Luther King.  Year 4 performed their class ‘We have a dream…’speech.  Wow!  That was one busy week!


This week in Year 5, the children have been celebrating Black History Month. They have researched all about the amazing and inspiring Mae Jemison who was the first black woman to become an astronaut and go to space. Her aspirations didn’t stop there though; she was also a qualified doctor who had been a GP for a while then went on to become a medical officer in the Peace Corps. She also set up the Dorothy Jemison Foundation for Excellence, which runs science camps for students aged 12 to 16, among other projects. The children were amazed by her story, and they created some wonderful fact-files and biographies all about Mae Jemison.


To end their Anglo Saxons and Vikings topic with a bang, the children listened to the harrowing and gruesome story of Beowulf and Grendel the monster of the night. The children sat in darkness on the edges of their seats!

For our final day in school, the children took part in astronaut training which was lots of fun! It ended with them on their backs on chairs in the hall as they launched into space!


Our Year 6's have risen to the challenge of a Crowden Residential this week – they’ve proven to be daring, adventurous and resilient teammates and have made memories that will last a life time. The children rose to every challenge with gusto – they weaseled their way through caves, climbed crate towers, honed their shooting skills in archery and canoed their way across the cold waters of Crowden. They even ventured out in to the dark each night as they went for a walk under the stars and mastered an orienteering course that really put their team working skills to the test. With all that said though, it seems that the toughest challenge of all was making their own beds – there were definitely some interesting methods on show!

What a busy week! The children have been enjoying finding out about significant black people and the impact they had on society during Black History month.

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children have been taking part in Tameside’s Tag Rugby competition and the MCSP Tag Ruby competition this week. Both teams have played well as a team and shown great skill and determination and our Year 6 team came second whilst our Year 5 team came first in the MCSP competition. Well done to both teams, we are very proud of you!


This week in Nursery, the children have begun to think about Autumn and the changes that take place during this season. They have been on a walk around school collecting leaves and used these to make leaf plate collages.  They loved how all the leaves were different colours and were different shapes and sizes. Their leaf printing and conker rolling pictures are all very impressive too!


In Maths the children have been learning about heavy and light.  It was good to see how the scales worked and how the different objects made them move up and down.


This week, Reception have been learning all about their bodies. After drawing around Alby on a large roll of paper, the children labelled his different body parts and coloured him in. The children enjoyed singing ‘I have a body’ and joining in with the actions. Reception then went on a ‘body part’ hunt on the tyre park with clipboards and ticked off when they found the different pictures.


In Maths, the children have been focusing on the vocabulary ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. They enjoyed using the scales to weigh different objects and toys and observe which is heavier or lighter. 


The children also enjoyed vegetable printing using different coloured paints and making bodies out of playdough.


This week at Forest School, Year 1 have enjoyed spending the afternoon playing in the mud kitchen, making dens, and relaxing in a hammock and on the swing. They ended their session by making a fire, whittling wood and toasting crumpets to enjoy with a drink of juice, a biscuit and a reflection.


This week, Year 2 have been using their tens frames and counters to add by making 10 – they found this a little tricky, but they enjoyed using the concrete apparatus to support their understanding. In computing, the children have carried on their photography unit by learning to take pictures in both portrait and landscape mode and then they have uploaded them to Seesaw. 


In Year 3 this week, the children have been working hard adding 1 to 3 digit numbers in maths and have been crossing the ten. They have looked at different methods to work this out using place value counters, base ten resources, counting on and using a number line.


 In English, they have been retelling the story of ‘The Owl who was afraid of the dark’ and creating a story board. They have designed a new character for their story and created their plan to help them write their own version of the story next week.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the human features of Italy. They have learned about the different regions in Italy and then looked at the different cities in these areas. They also looked at famous landmarks in the cities and looked at why people visit the different areas.


In RE, the children have been looking at the story of ‘The Lost Sheep’ and have discussed the meaning of the story, looking at how everyone is equal. They looked at times when they have been kind and supported someone when in need.


In Science, Year 3 have been answering the question ‘does my shadow move throughout the day?’ The children looked at and measured their shadow at different times during the day and noticed that their shadow moved and changed in size throughout the day.


This week, the children have been up to Mossley Hollins to take part in Spanish day. They had a great morning taking part in a range of activities learning about animals, colours, numbers, retelling the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar and learning about Spanish culture.


The children have been super busy in Year 4 this week.  In Maths, they have been looking at column addition with exchanges and they have also begun to look at subtraction too.  They used the column method in Year 3, so they are fairly confident using it.  However, the children are now focusing on problem solving and reasoning tasks which require them to apply this method. 


They have done lots of writing this week as they have begun writing instructions in English and writing non-chronological reports about pyramids in History.  In Science, they have been learning about food chains and in RE they have been learning about Mahatma Gandhi and why he was such an inspirational Hindu.  As part of their Black History Month learning, the children have also continued their learning about the inspirational Stevie Wonder and Martin Luther King JR.  They have learnt all about the Civil Rights Movement and have created their own Civil Right placards. 


In Art this week, Year 5 have started to use two media types; ink and oil pastel together. They looked at how they can build up and blend colours and were very proud of the seascapes they created.


In R.E. the children looked at the natural world outside and brought in one item each. They have sketched these items and discussed whether they were too beautiful to be by chance and how they can be seen as evidence for Christians to believe in God.


In Science the children looked at the movement of the Earth and Moon and how they rotate and orbit the sun. They used the motorised planetary model to help us!


There has been extra excitement in Year 6 ahead of their residential trip to Crowden next week. As well as finalising plans for the trip, Year 6 have had a very productive week across all areas of the curriculum. 


In Maths this week, Year 6 have been learning about BODMAS and they used this to complete calculations in the correct order. They could explain how they arrived at the answers they did and justified their choices referring back to BODMAS. Great work Year 6!


In Science, Year 6 have been continuing to explore adaptation with a focus this week on animal adaptation. After listening to ‘An Evolution Story’ by Isobel Thomas, they chose three animals and researched how they had adapted to survive in their environments. They immersed themselves in this learning and produced some great work as a result.


With the Mossley Carrbrook Schools Partnership debate on the horizon, Year 6 have been preparing for this by learning about both the structural and linguistic features of a balanced argument. There was a buzz in the air when the topic of the MCSP debate was revealed. The debate centres on the question, ‘Should fizzy drinks adverts be banned before 9pm?’ Year 6 threw themselves into researching arguments for and against. The arguments they have come up with are brilliant!

It has been another busy week in school. Our school councillors led part of our Assembly on Monday to introduce Black History Month in school and explained to the children what the theme of the month is and what each class were able to do to contribute. It sounds very exciting!


We have also welcomed our new vicar, Reverend Denise Owens into school and the children enjoyed meeting her and welcoming her to our school. We look forward to seeing Denise in school again next week when she is joining us in assembly.


On Wednesday, six of our Key Stage 2 children participated in the Tameside Bowling competition and we are delighted to inform you that our children played so well as a team that they won the competition! Well done everyone, we are so proud of you!


Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Harvest Service this morning. The children were thinking about how thankful we are for the food we have and where the food comes from. Our kind donations will be given to Mossley Foodback to help people within our local community.


This week, Nursery have continued to learn about ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and homes.  They started the week by going on a stick hunt, the children had lots of fun finding different sized sticks and working together as part of a team.

Later in the week the children painted a pig each and decorated a jumper for their pig.  They have pretended to be the big bad wolf and built up their physical skills by building houses for all the pigs. On Thursday Nursery had a wonderful time at forest school.  Thank you Mrs Distin Webster!


This week, Reception have learnt about their 5 senses. They have enjoyed exploring fidget toys, smelly perfumes, classical music and nature sounds. The children got stuck in to a citrus tuff tray, investigating the texture, smell, taste and colour of citrus fruits. Reception also went on a listening walk outside and around school and drew pictures of the things they could hear.


In Maths, the children have been recognising a simple set of objects, such as a packed lunch or a set of nature objects. They have enjoyed sorting using the sorting bears and coloured cups.


In English this week, Year 1 have been learning to write a set of instructions. The children have been very busy following instructions to make a pig mask, thinking about the features of instructional writing and have then written a set of instructions of their own.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been using their knowledge of different materials to create a protective coat for their eggs. They then had lots of eggciting fun dropping the eggs and looking to see if their predictions were correct.


This week in Year 3, the children have been working hard in Maths. They have been using their number bonds to 10 and applying their knowledge of these when adding numbers to 1000. They have also been able to add and subtract 1,10 and 100 to 3 digit numbers.


 In English, they have been writing a letter and trying very hard to include a sentence including ‘although’ and describing the character of ‘Plop’ from our new story ‘The Owl who was afraid of the dark’. In Geography, Year 3 have been looking at the physical features of Italy and have learned about the different mountain ranges and rivers in Italy. They were able to locate these on a world map and label some of these on a map of Italy.  


In RE, the children have been looking at the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’ and have discussed the meaning of forgiveness, thinking about a time when they have been forgiven or times when they have shown forgiveness.

In Science, Year 3 have been looking at ways to protect themselves in the sun. They carried out an investigation to see which sun cream, protected our IV beads the best. They have also been looking at transparent, translucent and opaque materials and were able to name different materials in different groups. The children then looked at how the length of a shadow changes through an investigation in class.


Well done to our Year 3 Stars of the Week. Look how proud they are! Harrison treated us to a musical performance when he played in front of the class.  The children enjoyed their cakes during the MacMillan coffee morning.


This week has been seriously productive in Year 4!  The children have carried on with their place value work in Maths, rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  In English, they have enjoyed writing newspaper articles on the i-Pads.  The class has spent a lot of time perfecting them by proof reading and editing them.  After finishing them, they have begun looking at instructions as they are going to be writing their own soon. 


In Science, the children have been categorising animals into groups according to what their diets consist of (herbivore, omnivore and carnivore).  They carried out their own research too and were surprised by some of their findings!  Who knew that a tadpole is a herbivore while a frog is a carnivore? 


In History, Year 4 have been learning about the importance of the after-life to the ancient Egyptians and the process of mummification.  They have begun making their own Canopic jars, decorating them with hieroglyphics.  In RE, they have also been learning about the after-life as they are learning about Hinduism.  The children have learnt about how Hindus believe in dharma, karma and moksha. 


They have also done lots of guided reading this week, using James and the Giant Peach and non-fiction texts on mummification as their basis for discussion and VIPERS questions. And, to finish off the week, they have started to learn about Stevie Wonder as part of Black History Month!  Wow, that was one busy week!


This week in Year 5, the children had a special treat in science. They had a zoom call from Benjamin who is a Professor of Astrophysics at the University College of London and it was all about the Euclid Space Telescope. Benjamin plays leading roles in developing, running and analysing some of the largest and deepest galaxy surveys ever undertaken.

Euclid is the name of a new space telescope that has recently started observing millions of faraway galaxies. The children were able to get to know Euclid, explore how it uses small hints in the light that it collects from these galaxies to find signs of the mysterious dark matter.


In Art this week, Year 5 used ink to create landscapes diluting it for backgrounds and using it neat for the foreground. 

The children had fun learning new skills in Hockey this week and they are really looking forward to playing some matches next week!


This week, our Year 6s have been working incredibly hard to refine their story writing technique – they were thrilled to finally discover the fate of Jemmy Button in their class text and had lots of opinions about the decision he made to return home to his native island. They then made some interesting innovations to the original text and planned their own version of the story. There has been a particular focus on using a range of descriptive writing techniques and varying their sentence structure by using parenthesis and the children have risen to the challenge with gusto – their stories are brilliant!


In geography, they have been continuing to develop their knowledge of the world’s climate zones! After identifying the location of each zone on a world map last week, the children have worked in groups to hone in on one particular zone and research its weather and climate patterns. They’re really looking forward to sharing what they’ve learnt with the rest of the class.


The children have had a busy week in school and have really enjoyed choosing new books from our Book Fair, with their parents and carers. Thank you to everyone who has supported this event. We hope you enjoy reading your new books.


In Nursery this week the children have been reading the story of The Three Little Pigs and all their learning this week has been linked to this traditional tale. The children have been busy builders in the construction area, building a house and then seeing if they could blow it down just like the big bad wolf!


Reception have been learning about their homes and family this week. The children enjoyed sharing photos of their families and talking about who they live with. They then drew pictures of their families and labelled them.


The children have enjoyed messy play with gellibaff in the tuff tray and in Maths have been sorting natural objects into groups. Reception have learnt their first few phase 2 sounds in Phonics this week and have been writing letters in the sand and hunting for objects around the classroom beginning with the sounds.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been very busy writing a recount about their visit to a ‘Builders Yard’. They took great care to ensure they were safe by putting on their hard hats and jackets and checking their equipment. They also enjoyed looking at the designs and having a go at building a house for the three little pigs.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about changing the shape of different materials. In Computing, they have learnt how to take a good picture and then used their editing skills to upload them to Seesaw. In Music, the children really enjoyed making silly faces as part of our warmup. They then listened and appraised a piece of music.


This week in Year 3, the children have been working hard when ordering and comparing numbers to 1000. They have also been super stars at counting in 50s. In English, they have been working extremely hard when writing their non-chronological reports on owls. They have included lots of facts and some brilliant grammatical features. In Geography, the children have created their own fact files about different countries in Europe by using the internet and information texts.


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at the story of Adam and Eve and temptation. They have understood the story and looked at the meaning of temptation and have discussed times when they might have been tempted to do something wrong or when they blamed someone else when they did something wrong.


In Design and Technology this week, the children have been practising and developing their sewing skills. They were all able to thread a needle and then practised the running stitch ready for their final product.  In PE, they have enjoyed participating in both Tag Rugby and Hockey.


This week, Year 4 have once again been super busy!  In English, the children have begun looking at the features of newspapers and planning their own. They have had a lot of fun using drama to help them gather quotes for their newspapers!  In Maths, they have continued with their place value work, rounding numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.


In History, the children have enjoyed learning about how archaeologist, Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb.  They looked at different sources relating to this and used these to help them write their own diaries, as though they were with Howard Carter when he made his exciting discovery. 

In Science, Year 4 have been learning all about teeth.  They spent some time looking at their own teeth and identifying the different teeth that they have.  The children also learnt about their different shapes and functions.  After that, they looked at animal’s teeth and spent some time identifying the different teeth that herbivores, omnivores and carnivores have and why this is. 


They have also fitted in their usual Guided Reading, RE, Computing, swimming, dance, Spanish and Music lessons this week too.  Year 4 are particularly loving their Spanish sessions, where they have been learning the vocabulary for different countries and nationalities. 


The children have had a fun week this week in Year 5! In Art, they have been looking at land and cityscapes, the children had to use their photography skills to take a picture of the school building and sketch it using charcoal in books. They did really well and used different techniques to capture small details and shadows.


In English they have been presenting their innovated civilisations in front of the class, the children have been really brave and used amazing presentational skills to discuss their work with the whole class. In Science the children have been looking at the distance between planets in their Solar System, to represent this the children have made their very own ‘Pocket Solar Systems’! They look very effective and are loaded with facts about each planet! 


Year 6 have had yet another busy week! In Computing, the children further developed their understanding of IP addresses and were introduced to data packets. Writing their own data packets created lots of excitement and they can’t wait to see what next week’s lesson has in store for them.


In Guided Reading, they’re finding the drama and humour Holes even more exciting as the weeks go by! They’ve enjoyed getting to know Stanley Yelnats and learning more about the true nature of Camp Green Lake. The children have also been working hard to acquire new vocabulary, develop their summarising skills and answer increasingly more complex inference questions. 


It was lovely to welcome so many parents, carers and family members into school on Thursday for our Top of the Tree achievement assembly. The children were very excited to be back in a whole school assembly celebrating their achievements with their families. Well done to our certificates winners this week!


The children have also enjoyed having a sneak preview of the books that are available to purchase at our Book Fair next week so please check the timings on the newsletter or Seesaw detailing when you are invited to come and choose a new book with your child.


This week in Nursery the children have been busy learning about shapes.  They have looked around the school at the different shapes of objects and discovered the windows can be square and rectangular. Mrs Brown has been finding out what the children already know to help them on their learning journey.


They have also played lots of games with shapes, corners, pass the bag around the circle and used the interactive whiteboard to play eat the shapes and shape train.  All the children have worked very hard this week.


Reception have had another busy week filled with lots of learning and exploring through play. The children have been learning about ‘growing up’ and enjoyed sharing their baby photos with the class. They talked about what things they could do as a baby, compared to all the things they can do now and practised their cutting skills to sequence the stages of growth.

The rain hasn’t stopped Reception as they have been enjoying their Forest School sessions, making a fire, swinging on rope swings and hammocks, hunting for minibeasts and making gloop. They had heaps of fun.


On Friday, Year 1 enjoyed their first Forest School session of the year! They had gorgeous weather and the children enjoyed a range of activities that included drawing, litter picking, tree swings, tree climbing, a mud kitchen and Frisbee. They finished off the session with a drink of juice, a biscuit and a reflection.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about different animals that live at the coast. They’ve researched their different habitats and created their own non-chronological report about them.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been working hard in Maths and recalling their 2,5 and 10 times tables and division facts. They have also been partitioning 3-digit numbers flexibly, adding 1,10 and 100 to 3-digit numbers and understanding hundreds, tens and ones.

 In English, they have been looking at the features of a non-chronological report. The children created a plan using all the facts and information they had learned from their owl and next week, they are going to be writing their own reports on owls.


In Geography, the children have been conducting their own research and answering questions about places in Europe. They used their iPads to conduct this research and they found out the highest mountain and longest river in Europe.


In Science, The children have been looking at which material reflects the most light. They made a prediction to which material they thought would be the most and least reflective. They then used an app which measured the Lux measurement and tested a variety of materials.


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at the very first book in the Bible. They read the creation story and watched a video and then they were able to create a story board to retell the creation story.


This week Year 4 have been busy as ever.  In Maths, they have continued with their place value work, looking at number lines and plotting numbers to 10,000 on them.  In English, they have begun preparing for story writing.  The children will be writing a story based on The Egyptian Cinderella and so they have done some drama and drawing to help them with ideas for this. 

In Science, they had a lot of fun carrying out a digestive system experiment.  They used food and a variety of apparatus to create the journey that food takes in the digestive system.  It was a lot of fun, but pretty messy!  In History, the children have begun looking at Egyptian pharaohs.  They already know a little about them because there is a pharaoh in The Egyptian Cinderella and they have discussed him a little. 


In RE, the class have looked at Hindu music and how it is used in worship.  They enjoyed listening to some songs and talking about how it made them feel and what instruments they could identify.  In our actual Music lesson, the children did more singing and continued to develop their recorder playing skills. 


They also had a lot of fun in their dance and swimming lessons.  The children have all been put into swimming groups now and will be learning a new skill each week, depending on their ability.  And lastly, in Computing, they have been looking at routes and exploring websites.  This builds on their work from last week where they learnt about how the internet is made of a variety of complex networks and the role of switches and routers within this.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been playing Tag Rugby in PE. They have enjoyed learning all the basics of this sport and will continue to learn more as the half term progresses.


They have been getting in to the swing of TTRockstars yet again with their 1st ever weekly baseline of 100 times table questions and the start of their daily Rockstars focusing on the 3 times table this week. The concentration levels were very high!!


In English, the children have been innovating Weslandia to create their own civilization. The children are now very eager to begin writing all about it!


Year 6 have had a very active week this week! The children threw themselves into their new P.E. unit which focuses on tag rugby. They thoroughly enjoyed playing different games to accustom themselves with their tags and belts. As well as this, they became more confident in passing the ball to a partner and later, passing the ball backwards to a partner too. In Dance this week, they worked collaboratively in their group to both learn and then perform a routine. Well done Year 6!


Learning about Charles Darwin this week also created enthusiasm. They loved asking questions about him and his work and then researched the answers themselves. Year 6 enjoyed testing which utensil would be best to move raisins from one cup to another. They repeated the test, discussed how to ensure the test was fair and then drew conclusions from their work. Charles Darwin would have been very proud of our budding scientists. 

We have had a busy week in school. On Thursday we welcomed Melanie Barratt into school to complete our SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) and she has asked me to share with you that she had a lovely day meeting staff, children, governors and parents and getting to see how we live out our school vision at Micklehurst All Saints. She will now write her report and I will be able to share this with you in the coming weeks.


Year 3 also welcomed some special visitors into school to introduce their new English unit which is linked to the story of The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark. The children were amazed to watch the owls fly across the hall and find out all about what they eat. They even had the chance to hold one of the owls. It was very exciting!


In Nursery this week, the children have been looking at the  story of the colour monster and how the different feelings associated with the colours help them to describe how they feel. The children have also been reading the story of Noah's Ark focusing on our key values of kindness and compassion.


Reception have enjoyed their first full week at school. They have been talking about what makes them special and the children have been looking in a mirror to describe themselves and painting self-portraits. Reception have also been listening for initial sounds and got creative decorating the initial sound for their name.


The children have been working hard with their new friends to make jigsaw puzzles and have been mark making and writing their names in the sparkly sand.

Reception enjoyed forest school on Thursday, exploring the new area and learning the forest school rules.


In Science this week, Year 1 have been looking at materials. The children have searched their classroom to find different objects and sorted them into the materials that they are made from.


In Year 2 this week, the children have continued to explore their place value unit in Maths. They really enjoyed using the base 10 and part whole model to partition numbers to 100 in different ways. In Science, the children began their new materials topic – they used their classifying and sorting skills to find and sort a range of different materials. In English, they have been learning about the story ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and have used talk for writing actions to help us remember the key parts of the story.


Year 3 have had a great second week back in school. They have been extremely busy and have been completing lots of learning. In Maths, they have been reading, writing and recognising 3-digit numbers and partitioning these numbers into hundreds, ten and ones.

In English, the children have been looking at the story of ‘Owl Babies’. They have retold the story through drama and have been writing setting descriptions using a range of adjectives and prepositions. They have worked extremely hard with their writing this week!


As a special treat on Thursday, Year 3 had Wayne and Katrina from ‘Wise Owl’ in school to introduce them to a range of different owls and share lots of exciting facts. The children really enjoyed seeing the owls and had a great afternoon!


In Geography, they have continued to look at the continent of Europe and were able to locate and name a range of countries in Europe and label these on a map.


In Science, the children have been learning about light. They started their unit by looking at what dark is, so they made the classroom as dark as possible, and they found out that they needed light to be able to see. The children sorted light sources and non-light sources and had great fun doing this.


In RE, the children have been looking at the Christian Holy Book - the Bible. They have looked at the different parts of the Bible and were able to name different books. They have also enjoyed spending some time on their iPads and using the Pickatale app where they were able to read a range of different books.


Well done to our certificates winners this week!


The children have had another busy week in Year 4. In English, they have written diary entries in character as Rhodopis from ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’.  They have used lots of powerful vocabulary, fronted adverbials and comparative conjunctions in their writing.  In Maths, the children have continued their work on place value, plotting numbers to 10,000 on a number-line. and estimating where numbers might go on blank number-lines. 


In History, Year 4 have learnt about the location of Egypt and why The River Nile was so important to the ancient Egyptians.  In RE, they have begun looking in more detail about Hindu’s beliefs about God and how they worship, exploring a Puja tray and looking at the symbolic meaning of each item on them. 


They have also started a couple of new things this week: swimming, Music and their Science topic.  The children really enjoyed swimming at Copley Baths, loved singing in Music and had fun beginning their new topic on ‘Animals including humans’.  They have begun to look at the digestive system in humans, learning about the various functions of the different parts of this system.  The children used drama and actions to help them remember the different parts.


The children have been super busy in Year 5 this week! They received their very first delivery box from the Wondrous Book Club. Children were eager to unwrap their new books and delve in. This half term the focus of the books is ‘family’ and all the children have made a good start on them already!


In English they used visual literacy skills to investigate and make inferences about their new class book ‘Weslandia’, the children were very excited to finally read the story.

The children have finished their amazing ‘Wonder’ self-portraits this week and they look very effective. Well done to Year 5 for a productive week.


They’ve had another busy week in Year 6! The children completed their self-portraits and have finally worked out why they were gifted buttons the other day! They received another postcard thanking them for their brilliant persuasive pieces along with their new book: Jemmy Button. They’ve enjoyed the start of the book and are already intrigued by the central character and whether he should venture to a new land with the visiting explorers – they even held their own debate to consider the question!


In Science, the children started their new Evolution and Inheritance unit of work this week – they began by learning about the process of fossilisation and creating their own posters to detail each stage. They’ve already established some big questions to ask during the unit and are looking forward to exploring more over the coming weeks.

Welcome back to school everyone and a warm welcome to any new pupils that have joined our Micklehurst family this September. We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed the holidays.


The children have had a lovely first week in Nursery, making new friends, learning new routines, finding out about each other and exploring the classroom. They enjoyed dough disco which helps to improve their hand strength ready for writing.  It has been lots of fun squishing and squashing the dough to music. The children can’t wait to meet more new friends next week.


Reception have had a wonderful week exploring their new classroom and playing with their new friends. 


They have read ‘The Bumble Bear’ and used their cutting skills to create their own bumblebees. Their topic for this half term is ‘Marvellous Me’ and the children have enjoyed using modelling dough and loose parts to create faces.


Reception have enjoyed role playing in the home corner and in the small world area. It has been a lovely week getting to know the children as they settle in their new environment.


Year 1 have settled well into their new classroom and class routine. The children have worked hard to complete English, Maths and PSHE tasks. They have also created their class charter and enjoyed new experiences like church assembly and playtime on the top pitch. Please see the photos above to see Year 1 completing a Maths task and exploring their classroom.


The children have had a wonderful start to Year 2 so far! They have enjoyed getting to know their new routines and have created their own self-portraits to decorate their classroom. In Maths, the children have begun their place value unit – they have blown Mrs Willcox away with their understanding of tens and ones and they have all enjoyed using different manipulatives to create two-digit numbers.


The children have had a great first week in Year 3! They have discussed their class charters and agreed their classroom rules. They have also discussed their dreams and aspirations for the year ahead and into the future.


In Maths, the children have been measuring different parts of their bodies, representing numbers to 100 and partitioning numbers to 100. In Geography, they have been looking at the world and have identified the world’s continents and oceans. They have also located Italy and Great Britain and found the Equator.


Year 3 have been voting in class for their Eco, Ethos, School and Sports council reps.


The children have really enjoyed their first week back in Year 4 which has been full of fun and learning.  They started their new history topic on Ancient Egypt this week and also began reading their class English text ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’.  The children compared this book to the original version of Cinderella and used comparative conjunctions to compare the main character, Rhodopis, to the servant girls.  Year 4 have also begun their Guided Reading text, 'James and the Giant Peach' and are really enjoying this book. 


In Maths, the children have been consolidating their understanding of place value of numbers up to 1000 and have used practical equipment and drawings to help them with this.  Their new RE topic is all about Hindus in Britain today and they have shown that they already know quite a lot about Hinduism because of their lessons in Year 2 and 3, so they will be delving deeper into this religion during this term.  Year 4 have also enjoyed their first dance lesson of the term, with the new dance coach Becky.  The session was great fun, but really hot!


The children have had a fantastic first week in Year 5. They have based some artwork around their Guided Reading novel, 'Wonder'. The children drew self-portraits in the same style as the book cover, used water colour paints to decorate, then they all thought of some positive words that described themselves and others to finish their portraits off.


In Maths they got stuck into Roman Numerals and Place Value. The children used the Place Value charts and counters to better visualise and understand numbers up to 1,000,000.

Children have enthusiastically chosen their first books of the year and have really enjoyed reading them in our reading area.


I think they are all excited to see where their learning takes them next week and throughout the rest of Year 5!


Year 6 have really hit the ground running this week and made a brilliant start to their final year at Micklehurst! They have showed some real creative flair already by using mixed media and a range of techniques to produce self-portraits that express their personality. They’ve also enjoyed working together to produce their class charter and setting their goals for the year.


In English, the children were intrigued to find that they had each been left a button in their places and a mysterious message in the form of a postcard had arrived from ‘J’. The message set a task for the children to research the idyllic location of Tierra Del Fuego in South America and write a persuasive advert to encourage more tourists to visit. Whilst they’re still not entirely sure what the buttons symbolise, they’re hoping to discover more next week.


It has been a brilliant week in school. On Monday some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the Mossley Olympics at Mossley Hollins High School. Unfortunately, due to the weather the event took place indoors, but the children still enjoyed their events and competing against the other Mossley Primary Schools. Our children showed great sportsmanship and teamwork and I am thrilled to inform you that Micklehurst All Saints team won the Mossley Olympics this year! Well done everyone!


We’ve also been proud of our Key Stage 2 children who have led music performances in school this week. On Monday, Years 5 and 6 performed for the whole school and parents and carers and on Tuesday it was the turn of Years 3 and 4. We were so proud to see the progress the children have made over the year and we were very impressed with the concentration they showed and the overall performances.


Year 1 and Year 2 have been to visit St George’s Church this week and have finished off their RE units looking at the key features of a church. Year 3 have enjoyed being Victorian children for two days this week and have learned firsthand what school was like during the Victorian period.


In Nursery this week, the children have been playing games and learning how to take turns. They have enjoyed their ice cream shop in the role play and playdough areas and have been completing and sharing their learning journeys to celebrate their time in Nursery.


Reception have been learning about different modes of transport this week. They made a class bar chart to show the different ways Reception travel to school - the children noticed that most of the class walked to school. The children then enjoyed drawing a picture of how they travel to school and have worked hard labelling different modes of transport in their phonics challenge area. They have been singing lots of different transport songs and watching videos of vehicles, boats and aeroplanes.


In Maths, Reception have been talking about simple maps and enjoyed drawing maps of their journeys to school. The children also created their own obstacle courses, gave them a go and then had a go at drawing a simple map of their obstacle course.

In Year 1 this week, the children have been to visit St George’s Church where they looked at the features of the church and shared what happened during a baby’s baptism. We were very lucky to have baby Lily baptised whilst we were there.


Then they made the most of the nice weather and enjoyed a play in Mossley park with their friends.


This week in Year 2, the children have enjoyed their visit to St George’s Church where they have been looking at the different features of the church and finding out the purpose of a number of artefacts. They have also been using Chrome Music Lab in Computing to make different notes, exploring different tempos and the effect this has on the music.  


WOW what another busy week we have had in Year 3. The children loved our school fair last Friday and really enjoyed the bouncy castle and having their faces painted. This week they have been completing their Design and Technology unit which has involved conducting some research into different types of breads and different sandwich fillings. The children then used this information to do some taste testing and were able to try a variety of different fillings and express their opinions on these. They then designed and made their own sandwich which was lots of fun! The children demonstrated brilliant skills buttering and assembling their sandwiches. The best part was they got to eat them so they were able to self and peer evaluate the sandwiches. The children had great fun trying some new and different foods that they hadn’t eaten before. 


This week has also been Year 3’s Victorian days in class. The children had two days where they went back in time to the year 1894. Luckily the Education Act was established so they were all able to attend school, act in role and experience how life for children during this time would have felt. They learned about Victorian schools, Queen Victoria, advantages and disadvantages of the railways and then shared their homework projects.


The last full week in Year 4 has been really fun and full of seriously exciting activities.  On Monday, some of the children got to compete in Mossley Olympics, while the remaining children went swimming.   Both activities were so much fun! Then, on Tuesday, the children performed a variety of songs and recorder pieces to the school and their parents.  All the children’s hard work paid off, as the performance was a real success. 


On Thursday, the class had a lady come into school from The Blue Cross, who talked to them about taking care of pets and how looking after pets can help us to feel calm and happy.  In between all of this, the children have also managed to do some end of year Reading and Maths assessments and have also begun a Design Technology project.  They are all designing night lights which use electrical circuits!  Super fun!


Year 5 are getting very excited about their upcoming trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters and this week’s history focus has been all about Operation Pied Piper. The children carried out research using secondary sources to discover why children were evacuated during the war, where they were evacuated to and what life was like for evacuees. They were also given the opportunity to explore the contents of an evacuee’s suitcase and it was fascinating to find out what children packed for their journey. 


The children presented their findings in the form of a poem. They thought about how parents and children would have been feeling at the train station and put these thoughts together to produce some very emotional poetry!


Year 6 have been busy this week preparing for their Leavers Service next week and are looking forward to performing for parents, carers and family members. Today they have enjoyed their end of year celebration - they have been to Denton's Wellbeing centre to play Hyperbowl and then enjoyed some tasty pizza and cake on their return. 





It has been another exciting week in school. The children in Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 finally got to enjoy their Sports Day on Tuesday and it was lovely to see so many parents and carers cheering them on. Our Cheerleading Squad took part in the Tameside Cheer Fest on Tuesday afternoon and performed a fantastic routine. We were very proud of them!


Representatives from Global Grooves came into school on Thursday to deliver workshops with our Y5 and Y6 children in preparation for the Blue Dot festival next weekend. The children enjoyed drumming, dance and art workshops. 


In Nursery the children were keen to look at the photos of their trip to Cockfield Farm and talk about their day. They have told Miss Trelfa all about the animals they met and fed. They have also enjoyed Science Week and have been looking at objects and predicting which ones they thought would sink and which ones would float. They were very excited to see if their predictions were correct!


Reception have enjoyed Science week and have been learning all about different animals and how important they are. The children watched videos of baby animals and chose their favourite to draw. They then wrote an adjective sentence to describe their animal. The children enjoyed making their own hanging spiral animal decorations to take home to their families too.


The children conducted their own science investigation this week with a water tank and different objects. They explored which objects floated on top and which sank to the bottom and recorded it on their clipboards.


In Maths, the children have been creating their own patterns and enjoyed playing number games by throwing beanbags into different hoops.


In Year 1 the children really enjoyed their Sports Day this week and loved getting stickers for the races they took part in. They especially liked the parents race!


This week in Year 2, the children have been creating their rainforest inspired python headdresses ready for our very exciting carnival day. They can’t wait to wear them!


The children have had another busy week in Year 3. They were finally able to have their Sport’s Day and had great fun participating in a variety of different events and earning lots of stickers! This week they have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes in Maths, looking at their properties and drawing and making some of these shapes.


In Science, the children have been considering the question ‘where does our rubbish go?’ They have looked at how they can reduce, recycle and reuse and looked at ways in which they can do this. They have also looked at how their rubbish can be made into energy. They had a debate of the pros and cons of different ways of getting rid of their rubbish.


In RE, Year 3 have been finding out about the Jewish festival of Passover. They looked at the story behind the festival and then looked at the way it is celebrated in the home. In forest schools, they  really enjoyed making their own dens and developing their team work skills, communication and problem solving skills all in one afternoon!


Some of the children from Year 3 along with children from Year 4 & 5, took part in Tameside’s Cheerleading competition on Tuesday and really enjoyed participating in this event and showcasing the routine they been learning at after school club.


Year 4 have crammed lots into this week. They have had lots of fun during Science Week, learning about how water is cleaned, the water cycle and why it is important to save water.  They have carried out lots of fun experiments and even made their own water butts.  The children also had a rather exciting Sports Day this week, completed their swimming assessments and did as many of their normal lessons as possible!


Year 5 have proven themselves to be extremely keen scientists this week! They have thoroughly enjoyed Science Week and have become experts on renewable energy sources. It’s perhaps safe to say that their favourite activity involved mining using chocolate chip cookies to simulate how coal is sourced. They have also been building their science capital this week by researching different careers in science. They discovered what becoming a zookeeper entails, what marine biologists do and what’s involved in being a toxicologist amongst other things – the children were particularly keen to find out about the different salaries too!


In history this week, they have been delving deeper in to their World War 2 study by focusing on the Holocaust and Anne Frank. They used a range of texts and some primary and secondary sources to find out all they could about Anne’s diary and the impact it has had on the world. The children have thoroughly enjoyed presenting their findings in creative ways in their history book and they have produced some outstanding pieces of work.


They have also been preparing for the upcoming Blue Dot Festival this week – the children have created colourful headdresses for the parade, brushed up on their carnival dance skills and enjoyed a drumming masterclass. They can’t wait for the festival now!


Science Week in Year 6 has been a blast so far and the children are looking forward to continuing it next week with a practical activity. Their unit was based on sustainability and affordability which has stoked up some super relevant discussion points.


Also, on Thursday, Year 6 joined up with Year 5 and got into the carnival spirit with preparing resources, groovy dance moves and drumming for the Bluedot festival at Jodrell Bank. As they near the end of Year 6’s journey they have been chatting about their primary memories, ready to present them at our Leavers Assembly and have even dug up their time capsule, buried in 2022. We are still waiting for its contents to dry off before looking through!




It has been another exciting week and the children have enjoyed a lot of activities in school. Year 4 enjoyed an afternoon at Bridgewater Hall where they played with the Halle Orchestra. It was amazing!


This week, nine of our Year 4, 5 and 6 children took part in the Brownlee Foundation triathlon. They had a great time swimming, cycling and running. Well done to our athletes. On Tuesday, eight Year 3 children visited the Priory tennis club, where they had a great time participating in a range of tennis activities.


This week has been a busy one in Nursery and Reception. The children have had a fantastic time on their trip to Cockfields Farm!


This week has been ‘French Week’ in Reception and the children’s learning has been centred around France. They found France on a map and have been learning some French greetings. Reception have been creating their own French flags and writing some French words. The children were very excited to listen to some French versions of Frozen songs.

In RE, the children have been recognising that our world is very special and looking at beautiful videos of nature. The children have learnt that God made the world in seven days.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring music during their computing lessons. They have listened to the famous composer Gustav Holst and created their own pictures based on his music. They then used Chrome Music Lab to create music with different pitches. They enjoyed sharing and appraising each other’s music.


On Friday, Year 3 had a special treat and welcomed two fluffy visitors into class. Mrs Bradley’s dogs came to visit for some well-deserved cuddles. Oscar and Treacle loved all the cuddles just as much as the class.


In Maths this week, the children have been looking at angles. They have been able to recognise and compare right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles.  In History, they found out about some inventions from the Victorian era and then ordered a timeline of inventions from this time. In English, they have written a description of Bob the space man, created their own character and made a plan for their own version of the story.


This week has been a busy one in Year 4, full of new and exciting experiences.  On Tuesday, the children sang their hearts out and tooted their recorders along with The Halle orchestra at The Bridgwater Hall.  It was a truly special, once in a lifetime experience! On Thursday, the children had a ‘Moving up Morning’ where they got to meet their new Year 5 class teacher, teaching assistant and class fish!  The fish in particular were a big hit!


It's been a very exciting week in Year 5 and the children have thoroughly enjoyed their transition morning – they definitely rose to the challenge of being the oldest in school and were especially thrilled to find themselves sitting on the benches in assembly! During the morning, the children wrote Kennings about themselves made up of verbs and nouns to describe their personalities. They’re looking forward to working out who is who when we look back at our Kennings in September.


They also enjoyed exploring their personalities on transition morning – they found out all about Mrs Flint, Miss Jarman and Mrs Radley and then created personality bookmarks that they can use in Year 6. Their final task of the morning was to write a letter to their future selves – they summarised their favourite moments in Year 5 and wrote about what they hope to achieve in their final year at primary school.






It has been another exciting week in school. On Tuesday, despite some showers, Nursery, Reception, Year 5 and Year 6 enjoyed their Sports Day activities and the rest of school took part in curling. Our Year 5 and 6 children have taken part in the Tameside Swimming Gala and competed brilliantly to take third place, missing second place by only 2 points. Well done!


Some of our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children have taken part in the Quad Kids athletic event at East Cheshire Harriers this week and thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the 400m, 600m, spring, vortex throw and the long jump. Both groups came 7th, which is amazing!! I have received so much fantastic feedback about how well our children performed and the sportsmanship they demonstrated.


Reception have enjoyed their continued learning based on the book, ‘Sharing a Shell’ this week. The children worked had to write an adjective sentence to describe the shell they had designed.

In Maths, they have been learning about even and odd numbers and sorting the numicon into groups of even and odd. They then made ‘odd monsters’ ensuring they had an odd number of eyes, arms, legs, noses and mouths. 

The children have been creative this week, painting shells and printing their name using letter sponges and paint. The children were also introduced to watercolours and painted an under the sea scene.


In Year 1 the children wanted to share some more photographs from Sports Week as they enjoyed Thai Chi, Curling and Mini stations. The children have also been designing Carnival Trucks as part of their final DT project. Watch this space to see Evie and Tilly’s final model.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been baking Biscuit Bears as part of our English unit. They thought the biscuits tasted delicious and they were so excited that they got to eat two of them! In Science, they have been completing a planting investigation. This has involved planting seeds in different growing conditions. The children are looking forward to observing the changes that take place over time. In Computing, they have really enjoyed using ‘Chrome music lab’ to create different rhythms.


The children have had another great week in Year 3. In RE, they have been looking at the Hindu festival of Diwali. They have looked at the story behind the celebration and how people celebrate Diwali. They then created some of their own blessings for themselves, friends, family, the local community and the world. In Maths, they have been looking at durations and have been working out how long events take and looking at different units of measure.  


In English, the class have read their new story ‘Man on the Moon,’ written a diary entry in role as Bob the spaceman and created a description of space. The children have enjoyed their swimming lesson again this week, continued doing their daily mile, participated in a curling session and enjoyed their weekly dance session. They had a special treat on Monday when they had a taster lacrosse session, which they loved!


In History, Year 3 have started their new unit the ‘Victorians’ and they located this era of time on the timeline and looked at how life changed during this time. They also looked at inventions and some significant people during this period.


Year 4 have been up to lots this week.  In English, they have been writing in role as Bobbie from ‘The Railway Children’.  The children have had a lot of fun writing persuasive letters, including using flattery and emotive language in them.  They used teabags on plain paper to make paper look old as when they have finished their letters, they are going to write them up in neat on them. 


In Maths, they have been learning more about different angles.  The children have done lots of practical activities to help them understand angles better.  In History, they have learnt about the growth of the railways and in RE, they have learnt about the Jewish Bar and Bat Mitzvah celebrations.  The class were supposed to have their sports day on Tuesday, but unfortunately the rain meant that it couldn’t go ahead.  However, they did do some orienteering and singing instead which cheered us up a little!


Sports Day proved itself to be a big hit in Year 5 even if it did start to rain! The children raced their way to sporting success and thoroughly enjoyed each and every race. There was of course the traditional egg and spoon race that tested their core balance as well as the challenge of the hurdles and the sprint.


They’ve also been delving deeper in to their history topic this week by researching two key pivotal events in 1940: Operation Dynamo and The Battle of Britain. They used a range of secondary sources to discover how thousands of British soldiers were rescued from the beaches of Dunkirk and discovered why the Battle of Britain became such a turning point in the conflict. In Guided Reading, the children have been enjoying Letters from the Lighthouse and this week it inspired them to look in to the life of Sir Nicholas Winton MBE who rescued hundreds of Jewish children during WW2 by creating the Kindertransport. His story was certainly a moving one and they’re so glad that he eventually gained recognition for his heroism during the war.

What a busy week it has been in school! It has been a fantastic Sports Week and the children have enjoyed a range of sports including dodgeball, cone it, Tai Chi, dance, athletics and activity stations. We are looking forward to Sports Day on Tuesday.


On Thursday we welcomed Christian Knight from Jodrell Bank to talk to the children in Years 5 and 6 about an exciting project they are going to be involved in - the Blue Dot Festival. Christian then explained some of the work that takes place at Jodrell Bank and some exciting experiements.


In Nursery this week, their learning focus has been all about ‘Cows.’ The children have learnt about milking and the process.  They have enjoyed having a go at milking, using plastic gloves as udders.  They have painted some amazing cow pictures, played farm games and enjoyed using the new ‘Farm Shop’.


The children have continued to enjoy Little Bikers this week with some of the children graduating to riding bikes with pedals.


This week, Reception have been continuing their learning on their text 'Sharing a Shell.' They have used collage technique to create their own shells using lots of different colours, patterns and materials. In circle time, they have been thinking about who is special to them and why. The children have used their Phase 3 phonics to write a sentence about who they would share their shell with.


The children have enjoyed all the Micklehurst Sports Week activities throughout this week and have been enjoying their little biker’s sessions, riding balance bikes round the playground.


In Maths, Reception have been learning about sharing into two equal groups. The children enjoyed having a teddy bears picnic and sharing the food equally between the two teddies.


During Sports Week, Year 1 have really enjoyed their mini athletics session with Gareth. They have enjoyed working together as a team and had lots of fun!


In Year 2 this week, the children have enjoyed participating in a variety of different sporting activities including, cone it, mini athletics and Tai chi. The children have also spent the week researching the European games. They thoroughly enjoyed using the IPads to research some of the more unusual sports that are taking place this year.  The children have shown fantastic sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the week.


WOW what a fantastic sports week the children have had in Year 3. They have been so busy doing lots of sports and being physically active. They are looking forward to counting up their minutes from the week and counting how many hours they have been physically active this week in school. The children have worked so hard during their daily mile each day to try and beat their previous scores and there were some children running two miles!


Year 3 started the week with an intra school dodgeball competition against Year 4! They had great fun in the sunshine playing and even winning a few matches! On Tuesday the rain stopped our Sports Day, however in class the children carried out some dance videos to keep active. On Wednesday, they started the day with a dance session where they did a variety of fitness dances. They then went straight out and did some more running and then finished the day with a rounders competition. They had great fun even when the rain came down! On Thursday, the children tried something new! Tai Chi! It was a fantastic session where they carried out a range of animal poses and really thought about their core strength. 


Amongst all this fantastic sport, Year 3 have been carrying out some research about the European Games. They have used this research to write a non-chronological report and have looked at the countries taking part in the European games, colouring in some of the flags.


This week in RE, Year 3 have been looking at the Christian festival of Easter. They have worked really hard remembering the main events of Holy Week and creating some work to show this. In Maths, they have been working really hard when looking at the months in a year and working out minutes and hours in weeks.


The children have been really active in Year 4 this week as it has been Sport’s Week.  They have done daily dancing, Smile for a Mile and loads of other fun PE activities.  As part of sports themed week, they have also enjoyed learning about The European Games which are being held in Krakow, Poland at the moment.

 In English the children have finally written their train themed poems, taking time to edit and improve them and write them up in their best handwriting.  In Science they made Solar Panel ovens, although they didn’t work very well as there wasn’t a lot of sun on the day that they tested them out.  Year 4 plan on testing them out again when the sun is out!  In history, the children have really enjoyed researching and learning about some of the earliest locomotives.


Year 5 have fully embraced Sports Week this week! In class, they have been researching the European Games – the children used their iPads to find out when and where the games are being hosted and which countries will be competing. They also discovered which sports will be being played at the games and who will be competing for Team GB. In order to present their findings in an interesting way, the children then used the Adobe Sparks Video app to create an animation all about the event.


They’ve also enjoyed getting active this week and taking part in lots of sporty activities. The children have completed multi-sports sessions and a dance workshop and have even had a go at Tai Chi! Our budding athletes have also enjoyed taking part in Smile for a Mile, which saw them complete fifteen laps around the top pitch each day!


Year 6 have had a particular busy week! This has included an inter-school dodgeball battle, swimming, dancing, smile for a mile, court battles, tai-chi, a debate, met the police, the fire service and learnt about drugs and staying safe, a science presentation from Jodrell Bank and attending a leavers service at Manchester Cathedral. They have barely come up for air! But it has been an thoroughly enjoyable time and everyone has maintained an extremely positive attitude to everything which has been thrown upon them. 


Welcome back after the half term! The children have enjoyed the holidays and have had a busy week in school. Year 4 have been busy learning their times tables facts in preparation for the Y4 Times Tables Check which they completed on Wednesday and our Year 1 children have been busy completing the Phonics Screening Check. The children have done really well and we are very proud of them.


Year 6 took part in the MCSP Maths Challenge on Wednesday. They got off to a fantastic start and were in the lead but classes from the other Mossley Primary Schools soon found their stride and the challenge soon heated up! Our Year 6’s managed to finish in fourth place. Well done!


Nursery have had a great first week back, finding out what they have all been up to in the holidays and beginning their new topic ‘Down on the Farm’. The children have enjoyed planting their new small world area outside and have played nicely with the new toys.

They have also had fun playing in the water in this hot weather.


This week, Reception’s learning has been focused on their new topic, ‘Under the Sea.’ The children have enjoyed reading their topic book ‘sharing a shell’ by Julia Donaldson and they have used different materials to design their own shells. 


The children have been learning about doubling in maths and have enjoyed creating double butterfly wings with paint and matching the double ladybirds together by counting their spots. 


In RE, the children have enjoyed recognising how special and beautiful our world is. They went on a nature walk around school and used their nature goggles to search for trees, flowers and butterflies!


The lovely weather has allowed Reception to spend lots of time in their outdoor environment this week and the children have enjoyed washing cars and trucks with different tools and soapy water, and have been staying cool with lots of water play.


This half term Year 1 are looking at the text 'Nat Fantastic' as part of their literacy work. On Monday they shared the story of Nat Fantastic then used role play to create ideas for the next problem that Nat was going to solve.  They had a great time and enjoyed presenting their ideas to each other!


In Year 2 this week, the children started their new History topic all about famous explorers. The children enjoyed being History detectives and they studied a variety of clues to work out why Christopher Columbus is a significant individual in History. In their computing lesson they listened and appraised a variety of music by the famous composer Gustav Holst. The children thought of different adjectives to describe the music and are looking forward to creating their own music throughout the rest of the unit using the iPads.


This week in Year 3, the children have had a great first week back at school. In Maths, they have been looking at time. They have been reading the time to 1 minute intervals both on digital clocks and analogue clocks. In English, the children have been designing their own spacesuit and completing some research on space. They then used this research to create a poster all about space.


In RE, they have been looking at celebrations. The children created a list of both religious and non- religious celebrations and discussed which are their favourite celebrations. They really enjoyed their swimming lesson this week as they were able to cool down in the swimming pool. In Guided Reading this week, the class went outside and read the next two chapters of their novel ready to answer some more VIPERS questions.


The children have also been making Father’s Day cards, so keep an eye out for your special card.


Year 4 have had a busy week back at school.  They have started their new History topic on the history of railways and their new Science topic on famous inventors and scientists.  Linked in with these topics, the children are using E. Nesbit’s famous novel ‘The Railway Children’ to inspire their writing in English.  This week, they have had fun reading and performing a variety of railway themed poems, including Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘From a Railway Carriage’.  They used thesauruses to find synonyms for train related words and then used some of these words to write their own train themed poetry.


They’ve had a busy start to the term in Year 5! The children have proven themselves to be quite the budding historians and have thoroughly enjoyed the launch of their new topic on World War Two. This week, they’ve journeyed all the way back to 1918 in order to establish the root causes of the conflict and of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. The children used a range of secondary sources to develop their understanding and then created a documentary using the Adobe Spark Video app to explain their findings.


In English, they’ve enjoyed exploring their brand new text this week: The Wolves in the Walls. They began by recalling all the knowledge they have about the roles wolves usually play in stories before opening the book and delving in to the eerie world of Neil Gaiman. The children are fully engrossed in the text so far and they can’t wait to find out what happens next.





It has been another exciting week in school as many of our children have celebrated their Top of the Tree reward and have taken part in a slime workshop or have painted a cup at Doodle Pots in Mossley. 


Some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children have been to Mossley Hollins to take part in the Mossley Carrbrook Schools Partnership Cone It competition. The children played nine games and showed great skill and determination. They came in 3rd position, and we are very proud of their efforts.


In Nursery this week, the children have been reading and enjoying the story of ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’ by Eric Carle. They have made crickets and enjoyed moving like minibeasts.


Inspired by Alan Titchmarsh, Reception have enjoyed designing their own gardens this week. First, they created large garden models using artificial grass and natural objects, before using their cutting skills to complete a small scale garden design. The children have been writing some super sentences using their phase 3 phonics this week and were very excited to be learning their first trigraph ‘igh’.

In Maths, they have been focusing on manipulating shapes. The children have worked hard to create some fantastic shape rockets.


During circle time, the children read the story ‘Ted the Tiger Tamer’ and enjoyed talking about their big feelings. Reception then had fun creating faces using natural objects such as sticks, flowers, logs and leaves to show different emotions they may feel.


On Tuesday as part of their Science unit, all about plants, Year 1 enjoyed working outside looking at and identifying different types of leaves and flowers. They also enjoyed seeing the changes in the Forest School area where Years 2, 5 and 6 have planted new trees. On Wednesday they enjoyed completing the ‘Implementation’ part of their Design and Technology unit and made the fruit salads that they had designed. 


On Thursday the children created a map of Mossley showing the physical features that are in their town. It was a whole class effort and they had a great time making it!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been enjoying their Art week. This has included taking a familiar object (stick) and using their imagination to think about what it might become. They have then used their sketchbooks to create designs and generate ideas. Following on from this the children have used a variety of materials, including wool to create ‘stick people’. The children loved making their stick people, although it was a little tricky at times!


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been adding and subtracting money and finding change. They have worked very hard with this and applied their knowledge of the column method to find the answers to these questions.


In Science, the children have completed their ‘plants’ end of term assessment. They then went outside and found seeds in the school’s gardens and did some observational drawings of these. In PE, they have enjoyed an orienteering lesson, their weekly swimming lesson and their ‘daily mile, it was a hot one running in the sun!


In Guided Reading, the children have continued to look at ‘The Butterfly Lion’ and found out some more about Bertie’s life in Africa. Some parts of the book were emotional, but the children discussed the different feelings this had created.


In RE, Year 3 have looked at Rosa Parks and what she was famous for. They looked at how she stood up for herself and her rights, then they acted out the scene on the bus. As a treat for working so hard this week, the children had some fun in the sun playing on the tyre park and being physically active.


The children have had a busy and creative week in Year 4.  They started the week writing a magical description.  Although they had a good chat about ideas, watched videos and looked at pictures to help them, when it came to the writing, they just did it completely independently, showcasing everything that they have learnt in English and SPAG lessons so far this year. 


The children also finished off their money maths and then they began the fun-ART WEEK!  They have spent a lot of time exploring and appreciating the still life art-work of traditional and contemporary artists, including Cezanne.  They have used paint and collage techniques to create their own Cezanne inspired still life pieces. They have had loads of fun and produced some really impressive pieces!


In science this week, Year 5 have continued their exploration of forces with a closer look at air resistance. The children investigated the effects of air resistance by carrying out a fair test to discover how the surface area of a parachute affects the time it takes for it to fall to the ground. They soon discovered that the larger the surface area, the more air resistance there was and the slower the parachute fell – they had a great time investigating and using their enquiry skills and the children are becoming even more adept at recording their results and pattern seeking.


Their English lessons this week have focussed on narrative writing and they have been busy innovating the story of ‘FArTHER’. The children have employed a wide range of techniques to bring the setting and the characters to life and they have used dialogue to convey character and advance the action. On Friday, our master storytellers were excited to share their work with the children in Year 1 and it was lovely to see their writing captivate the audience. 


Year 6 have been busy putting the finishing touches to a range of pieces of writing for their portfolios this week because these will be moderated after the holidays. They have enjoyed a netball session today, led by one of our past pupils Ellie, who has worked with the class as part of her end of year assessment at college.

What a busy week we have had in school! Year 2 have worked very hard with their SATs papers this week and we are very pleased with how they have tackled each assessment. On Monday, we welcomed David Mason, our resident poet, into school and each class enjoyed listening to and retelling some of his poems.


The children enjoyed Outdoor Learning Day on Thursday; Year 5 taking part in Bikeability whilst Nursery, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 6 enjoyed their first session of Forest School. Year 4 completed some of their English work outdoors and Year 3 enjoyed exploring the local area as part of their Geography work.


We have also celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week and each class completed their PSHE session with activities relating to anxiety which is the theme for the week.


In Nursery, the children started their week with a visit from David Mason who read them a poem about Bertie the Bee. The children have then been learning about pollination and acting out how the bees drink the nectar from flowers and then pollinate the flowers. They have also enjoyed tasting honey on their honey sandwiches.


This week, Reception have been learning about plants and growth. They learnt that plants need sun, soil and water to grow and they labelled the different parts of a flower. Reception love singing so they had lots of fun singing their ‘flowers’ song and drawing pictures of their favourite colourful flowers. The children also used their super cutting skills to create their own spring scene with their choice of flowers, trees, rainbows and spring animals.  Reception have also been learning about Steven Brown’s McGoo cows and used pastels to create their own colourful cows. Subtraction has been our Maths focus this week; the children have been using 10 frames, numicon and toys to understand the concept and some have written their own subtraction number sentences.


In Year 1 this week, the children have enjoyed working with David Mason to retell one of his poems about a crocodile. They then acted out and retold the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. They have had a great session and the class shared how much they had enjoyed it!


This week in Year 2, the children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the outdoors this week. On Wednesday, they went on a special mission to collect ‘Y’ shaped twigs and branches for out Art project next week. The children loved doing this and they managed to find lots of branches! On Thursday, as part of outdoor learning day, the children had their first introductory lesson to forest school. The children loved playing in the mud kitchen, planting trees, climbing in the trees and relaxing in the hammock and they can’t wait to hopefully have more forest school lessons in the future.   


WOW what a busy week Year 3 have had! In English, they started the week by listening to a range of poems by David Mason. In Maths, they have been looking at counting in tenths and finding tenths as decimals. In Science, the children have been looking at seed dispersal and looking at all the different ways seeds are dispersed. They then made their own spinners and watched how they were transported. In Geography, the children have been on a walk around the local area where they identified human and physical features. They also looked at the ages of different buildings and houses and marked these on a map. They also looked at compass direction where they drew different pictures of what they saw at north, south, east and west. The children also used their senses and described what they could hear, see, smell and taste at different points.


For our outdoor learning day, they carried out a forest school lesson, where they had great fun learning in the outdoors. They planted some trees, played in the mud kitchen, climbed trees and made dens.

In Computing, they looked at making their own animation and made their own flipbook. In RE, they looked at how Christians can make a difference in their community and looked at the different things Christians can do to help other people.


The children have been seriously busy again in Year 4.  In English, they have been writing a non-chronological report on broomsticks which included subordinate clauses.  In Science they made ice-cream and learnt about how salt speeds up the freezing process!  The children were also really lucky to have a poet, David Mason, come into class, to perform some of his amazing poetry.


Year 5 have had a very creative week this week and have thoroughly enjoyed embarking upon a new project in art all about typography and maps. The children studied the work of artist, Louise Fili, and looked at a number of beautifully designed maps, including the Wizarding World’s very own Marauder’s Map. They then explored how designers work with fonts and layout (typography) and how we can use the way words look to help us communicate ideas and emotions. We are now busily using everything we’ve learnt to design and create our own maps of the United Kingdom complete with 3D artwork – they’re already looking incredibly impressive.


We’ve also been completing our Bikeability course this week; the children were very excited on Wednesday and Thursday to bring their own bikes to school and receive expert tuition from our Bikeability Instructors. The sessions began on the school playground and then the children ventured on to the roads around school to learn how to ride safely – it was lovely to see their confidence grow over the course of the two days!


Year 6 had a lovely finish to SATs week last week when the children ventured up to top Mossley Park with treats and fun galore. The fun continued into this week with an outdoor adventure where the class had the chance to reminisce on their younger years by playing with mud kitchens, den building and digging for worms. Year 6 loved their forest school session on Thursday and have already asked to do it again! In class, The children are working hard on their writing, this week and have been concentrating on completing their biographies on a scientist linked to our science topic – electricity. And in Maths, they have been examining value for money. Using a project from the White Rose scheme, they have been looking at how to get more for your money in terms of day-to-day life and shopping. This will continue nicely onto an enterprising activity where children will set up a make-believe baking business.


What a busy week! Year 6 have worked really hard completing their SATs this week and they should be proud of how well they have tackled them. I hope they get the results they deserve, despite some papers being particularly tricky. Other classes have continued their learning about King Charles’ Coronation and there are some lovely photographs to share.


In Nursery this week, the children have continued celebrating the King's Coronation and have had a class tea party.


Reception have been learning about King Charles this week in light of his coronation. They watched a video of the crowning and wrote sentences about King Charles’ and Queen Camilla’s special day. The children loved making their own King and Queen crowns using sparkles and gems, and they painted some beautiful coronation crowns too. The children have also been talking about London, finding it on a map and colouring in the famous landmarks.


Their Maths focus has been writing number sentences and adding 1 more. They made a bus and bus stop using chairs and enjoyed role play by counting how many children were on the bus and how many were at the bus stop.


This week in Year 1, the children have been writing their Jack and the Beanstalk stories and in Maths they have started their new unit on multiplication.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning to tell the time to the quarter hour. They enjoyed setting the times on their own individual clocks and are looking forward to the challenge of telling the time to five minute intervals next week. In Computing they have continued their pictograms topic and have gathered data using a tally chart, created a digital pictogram and interpreted the data.

In Year 3 this week, the children have been working extremely hard with their arithmetic, reasoning and reading assessments. In Music they enjoyed playing their ukuleles and learning a range of notes.


In Science, they have been looking at the pollination process. The children have looked at the life cycle of a flower and were able to order the pollination process. In Spanish, they have been looking at the Eurovision song contest, giving their opinions of the songs and rating them using their numbers in Spanish.


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at Holy Communion and the stages of Holy Communion in a church. In Guided Reading, they have continued to answer a range of VIPERS questions about their book "The Butterfly Lion' and are very intrigued to find out if the boy leaves the compound.


Yet again, Year 4 have had a super busy week!  They finally finished their invisibility potion instructions and, continuing with their magic theme, have begun learning about and planning a non-chronological report on broomsticks!  In Maths, they have continued to learn about decimal numbers, comparing, ordering and rounding them. 


In Science, the children had great fun carrying out experiments on melting solids.  They used a thermometer to measure the temperature of water and the melting points of different solids.  They learnt about how particles are arranged in solids, liquids and gases and what actually happens to these particles when they are heated and cooled.  The class had lots of fun pretending that they were particles! 


In Geography, they have been further exploring the physical and human features of the UK and in RE they have been learning about Humanist beliefs.  They’ve done loads more, including music, PE, reading and Spanish!  I’m not sure how they’ve managed to fit it all in, but they have!


The Coronation theme continued in Year 5 this week as they reflected on a spectacular weekend. Inspired by Michael Morpurgo’s new book, The Boy Who Would Be King, the children have written letters in role as Charles on the morning of the coronation to his younger self, a schoolboy struggling with life at boarding school. They thought really carefully about what he would want to say to his childhood self and the letters are really heartfelt, full of helpful advice and also quite humorous in places.


They’ve been carrying out a rather fascinating science experiment this week too in order to discover how changing the length of the string on our pendulums affects the length of time that they swing for. They ensured their investigations were fair by changing only one variable and carrying out three tests at each stage; the children then made conclusions using their scientific knowledge of forces. At the end of their lesson, they loved trying out a new experiment too…Antigravity Maltesers (they enjoyed eating the Maltesers afterwards too!).

We hope you have enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend! It has been another busy week in school.


In Nursery the children have continued their journey through Eric Carle stories about minibeasts, and this week they have been reading ‘The Very Busy Spider’.  The children have been rewriting their own story about the Spider’s Day.  They have thought of different animals and their sounds to go in the book. 


Friday started our Coronation celebrations; these will be continuing next week in Nursery.  The children enjoyed pretending to be King or Queen for the day, making crowns and a enjoying a fantastic whole school picnic.


This week, Reception enjoyed continuing their learning within their ‘In the Garden’ topic. They began the week by reading the story, ‘Mad About Minibeasts’ and sharing which minibeast is their favourite and why. The children then labelled some minibeast pictures and wrote some super sentences to describe them.


They have been focusing their learning on shapes this week and have been creating their own tangram animals using different sized rectangles, triangles and circles. 


The children were excited to see that their tuff tray bean seeds are growing tall and some of their sunflower seeds are beginning to sprout; they have been fantastic gardeners by ensuring the plants have enough soil, water and sunlight.


Although this week has been a short week in Year 1, the children have still managed to fit an awful lot in.  This week has been used as an assessment week, with the children undertaking tests in maths and reading. 


In Year 2 this week, the children have been busy learning about King Charles IIIs Coronation, making bunting for our big lunch and writing acrostic poems.


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been finding unit and non-unit fractions of numbers and have worked extremely hard with this.  In English, they have been writing their non-chronological report about their monsters that they designed.


In Science, the children have been looking at how water is transported around a flower and have set up an investigation to see how this happens.  In Art, they have been doing some drawings showing our natural world. In Spanish, they enjoyed learning how to say the different colours in Spanish. The children have been working very hard during handwriting sessions practising their letter formation and joining different letters. In Geography, they have been looking at the human and physical features of Mossley.


Although this week has been a short week in Year 4, the children have still managed to fit an awful lot in.  This week has been used as an assessment week, with the children undertaking tests in maths and reading.  The children all tried their very hardest and did amazingly well.  It hasn’t just been tests this week though. In English, the children worked incredibly hard on their invisibility potion instructions, using fronted adverbials, imperative verbs and adverbs as well as colons and semi-colons. 


In Geography, Year 4 researched the physical features of the United Kingdom and in RE they looked at the similarities and differences between The Ten Commandments and The Beatitudes.  The most exciting part of the week has to be the King’s Coronation celebrations though.  Year 4 created some amazing bunting for this momentous day and generally had a ball being part of the celebrations.


This week, our Year 5s have proven that they’re quite the budding scientists by taking on a pendulum challenge. Firstly, they recalled all of their knowledge from last week about different forces before learning about the findings of Galileo Galilei. The children then made their own pendulums and discovered how they could be used to measure time.


They’ve also been busy preparing for the King’s Coronation; the children have been making bunting to help decorate our school in preparation for the Big Lunch on Friday. We’ve also been enjoying Michael Morpurgo’s new Fairy Tale inspired by King Charles: The Boy Who Would Be King. We loved the illustrations and the links to another King we’ve learnt about this year, King Alfred the Great.


This week in Year 6, the children enjoyed taking part in a performance of Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream at Mossley Hollins which was led by The Young Shakespeare Company. The class have also continued their science unit of work on electricity and have been using this week to get in some further practice for their SATs next week.


The children have had an exciting week in school. The School Council led assembly on Monday and launched our litter project, so the children have been busy designing posters to spread the message in our local community. Four children from our Ethos Council attended an Ethos Conference at St George’s CE Primary School in Hyde on Thursday and have come back bursting with ideas of how we can enhance some of our practice in school. Watch this space!


In Nursery this week, the children have been reading a new book by their author, Eric Carle. This week’s story has been ‘The Bad-Tempered Ladybird’ and the children have been counting the spots on each of the ladybird’s wings and counting the total number of spots.


This week, Reception have planted sunflower seeds and are looking forward to seeing them grow. They have talked about the different things plants need to grow and have been observing their bean seeds in the tuff tray- the children were very excited to see the roots and the stem beginning to grow in the soil.


Building on their class text, the children have used their text map to innovate ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story. They found it funny choosing new foods for the caterpillar to eat, such as mint sauce and Easter eggs!


They have also been consolidating their understanding of numbers to 20 this week and have been playing a race to 20 game using counters, a dice and a number track. 


Year 1 have been busy this week. In Geography, the children have been exploring our school grounds looking for features to complete our ‘I spy’ and ‘I spot’ hunts. They have also looked at some of the schools other exciting features including the tyre park, adventure playground, MUGA and garden.


In English, the children have been creating the story map of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’, ready for orally rehearsing the story and writing their own version.


In Year 2 this week, the children have carried on their Geography unit and they were very excited to look at some artefacts all the way from Zambia. These had been brought in by Edgar and were from the 1970’s. They included fantastic wooden spears, bongo drums and a special tankard and plate made from copper.


In Computing, the children have been continuing their unit on pictograms. They enjoyed using the iPads to generate their own and then they answered questions about the data.


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of amounts. They have worked very hard! In English, the children have written a letter and designed their own monster ready to write a non-chronological report about it next week.


In Science, they have planned their comparative investigation about the different factors that plants need in order to survive. In PE, they have enjoyed their swimming lessons and completing orienteering.


In Guided Reading, the children have enjoyed answering a variety of inference questions. In RE, they have been looking at the different activities that happen in the church during the week and linking these to passages from the Bible. In Geography, they have been locating the local area on a world map and a map of the UK.


Year 4 have been busy again this week.  In science, the children carried out some experiments, making predictions beforehand as to what they thought would happen.  They didn’t realise that if you mix white wine vinegar with Bicarbonate of Soda, it produces a gas.  The children carried out this experiment and the gas produced actually inflated a Latex glove! 


In English, they began writing instructions for ‘How to brew an invisibility potion’.  The children are writing their instructions using the Clicker app which has been great fun.  Perhaps the most fun thing this week though was our trip to Mossley library.  Lots of the children have become members and are really excited about being able to borrow books from the library.


Year 5 have been stretching their scientific minds this week by delving in to the world of FORCES. After recalling everything they already knew about forces, the children experimented with a variety of objects around the classroom – they eagerly pushed, pulled, stretched and dropped in order to identify the forces acting upon each item. They then researched Isaac Newton’s discoveries and used Force Meters to measure each force in Newtons.


In RE, the children have been asking the question: If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship? This week, in order to investigate further, they discovered the differences and similarities between Baptist and Anglican Churches. By exploring each type of church, they were able to discuss some key beliefs and identify why places of worship are so special to people of different faiths.


Year 5 are also thoroughly enjoying taking part in Forest School this term – they’ve already explored our forest area, picked litter and climbed the trees and they can’t wait to see what’s in store for them over the coming weeks.

Welcome back! We are looking forward to another exciting term in school. It has been a very busy week as we welcomed our Ofsted Inspector into Micklehurst All Saints. The Inspector enjoyed speaking to our children, staff and governors to find out as much information as possible about our school. We are looking forward to receiving the final report and sharing it with you.


This week Nursery have enjoyed starting to learn about their class author Eric Carle.  The book they have been reading is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.  The children have enjoyed painting, cutting and making caterpillars and butterflies. At the end of the week, they had a tea party with butterfly cakes and juice.


The new topic ‘In the Garden’ is in full swing in Reception. The class story is ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and the children have enjoyed creating and practising their text map to orally retell the story. Using their phonics, they have labelled the different foods the hungry caterpillar ate.

The children have been exploring their minibeast investigation area, using magnifying glasses to look closely at different insects and find them in nonfiction texts. Their garden centre role play area has been very popular this week as the children have been shopkeepers, selling flowers, seeds, plants, soil and gardening tools to their friends; they have loved using real money and role playing using the till and the phone.


In Maths, staff are deepening the children’s understanding of number by looking at the composition of teen numbers using numicon, 10 frames, tally charts and numerals.


Reception have been learning about seasonal change and what we might see in the springtime. This week, they went on a spring walk outside with clipboards and observed signs of spring. The children enjoyed listening to the birds tweet and noticing the new growth around them.


On Wednesday, Year 1 enjoyed their first dance session with our Dance coach. The children had a great time thinking about how animals move and started to create an animal dance. Watch this space for the completed dance sequence at the end of this half term!


In Year 2 this week,the children have been using atlases, Google Earth and globes to locate Zambia on a map. They have also used the internet and information texts to find out some basic facts about what life is like in Zambia. Prior to the Easter holidays, the children completed their Design Technology unit that included making Easter cards that used sliders and levers. The children really enjoyed making cards that had moving parts.   


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been looking at capacity. The children have been reading different scales to read different volumes. They have been using their division skills to work out the intervals on each scale.


In English, they have been looking at their new text ‘The Day Louis got Eaten’. The children looked at a picture from the text and created a list of questions about the text and made a prediction. They then read the story and verbally retold the story. Next, the children created a setting description using prepositions, looked at some of the stories that the author, John Fardell, had written and created an author review. 


In Science, Year 3 started their new unit on plants. They were able to label the parts of a plant and describe their function. They then looked at the flower and were able to label parts of a flower from looking at their own flowers. In PE, the children thoroughly enjoyed their first swimming lesson.

In Guided Reading, the children have started reding their new text by Michael Morpurgo and have made some predictions and have really enjoyed reading the book so far. 


As usual, Year 4 have come back from their holidays and got stuck into their learning straight away!  In English, they have begun their wizard inspired unit on instructions.  They have had fun, designing and describing their own wizard characters as well as following instructions to make Harry Potter wands.  In maths, they have been looking at hundredths, both written as fractions and decimals.  In science, the children have begun their new topic on states of matter.  They looked at balloons filled with water, air and ice and started to think and ask questions about solids, liquids and gases. 


In RE, they have been thinking about rules and in Geography, they have begun their new topic on the UK.  The children have been using maps and atlases to help them learn about the different countries which make up the UK and the varying landscapes across these places. 


They’ve had a great start to the half term in Year 6. In literacy, the children have been honing their narrative skills by planning a recount. In maths, they have been learning about the importance of representing data in the form of pie charts, line graphs and bar charts with some fabulous links to other areas of the curriculum. RE has been a particular favourite for the class this week with their new unit – Racism and whether religion can help. This has engrossed the children into some quite serious and deep conversations. They also, chose a scientist earlier in the week and produced a fact file about someone who had important connections to electricity.

Where has the half term gone? It has been so busy! This week our Year 4 children took part in the MCSP Virtual Times Table Challenge, and we were so proud of them all. They did so well recalling their times table facts under timed conditions and we are thrilled to say that they came in second place!


The children have also enjoyed getting ready for our Easter service which took place today.


Nursery have been very lucky to have the chicks with them for another week.  They have been feeding them, filling up their water bowl and playing with them so they have some exercise.  They have also enjoyed giving them cuddles.


This week the children have also been looking at the Easter Story, they have read a few books, watched a video and retold the story through re-enactment.   Come and have a look at their beautiful display! They have cut palm leaves, made bread, retold the story through pictures on a cross and created a collage of the tomb.  They have learnt lots about how and why Jesus died this week.


Their Easter plate competition was amazing, and they had so many lovely entries.  Thank you to everyone for getting involved, the children loved showing off their plates to the rest of the school.


Reception have also enjoyed learning about the Easter story this week. They began by talking about Palm Sunday when Jesus was welcomed to Jerusalem; the children designed their own palm leaves and sang ‘sing hosanna’. They then read ‘The Easter Story’ and were excited to learn that after Jesus died, he came back to life. Reception did a super job of sequencing the Easter story using picture cards.


The children have enjoyed being introduced to 3D shapes this week and exploring making different imprints in playdough using cubes, cuboids, spheres and cones.


The children were sad to say goodbye to our chicks this week and have been using their phase 3 phonics to label the life cycle of a chick. Reception are working really hard to write independently and in full sentences- Miss Austin is very proud! 


In science this week, Year 1 have been exploring their senses as part of their ‘Animals including Humans’ unit of work. They had great fun completing experiments using each of their senses. Year 1 have also been using role play to retell the Easter Story. Please see their class page for further photos.


This week in Year 2 the children have been completing their Design and Technology unit which has included making sliders and levers. They have incorporated these moving parts in to their Easter card designs and the children are very proud of them. They have also created a Celtic cross in preparation for our whole school Easter service. The Celtic cross has one unbroken line which forms a continuous path to the sacred point in the centre which enfolds heaven and earth.


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been comparing mass and adding and subtracting mass. In English, the children have finished writing their adventure stories and shared them with the children in Year 2 and Year 6. They have done a fantastic job! 


In History, they have looked at the conversion to Christianity during the Anglo Saxon times and some key people who helped to bring Christianity into the UK.


In RE, the children have looked at Easter Sunday and discussed how this was a good time and how the people felt when Jesus rose again. They also carried out some drama reenacting Palm Sunday.


In Science, Year 3 were able to make predictions and work out if two bar magnets would attract or repel. They created some scientific drawings to show their results. In Design and Technology, they have completed their unit on structures and made an Easter basket following their design specification.


Year 4 have been really busy this week, finishing off their diaries and their Geography and RE topics.  In Geography, the children have been learning about the Himalayas mountain range in Asia.  They have had fun creating their own Himalayas leaflets, including facts about the people that live there and the problems that they sometimes face.  Linked in with this, they have also had their Design Technology week, where the children have learnt about Kantha, which is a tradition in Eastern India.   This up-cycling textile tradition uses scraps of sari material to make other items such as purses and bags. They have designed and made their own Kantha purses, using a variety of stitches (running, back and cross).  They faced a few challenges during this process, but the children are very pleased with their completed purses!


Year 5s visit to the Place Between has come to an end this week with a fantastical unit of work on instructions. The children were tasked with creating their very own potion in order to add some additional spark to Abdul Kazam’s magic show…their ideas ranged from levitation spells to transfiguration potions and were all truly magical.  After exploring the linguistic features of instructions, the children planned and wrote their own potion recipes and loved reading them aloud to share with the class.


They’ve also been brushing up on their art skills this week with a unit of work on ‘Set Design’. They looked at and discussed the work of two different artists who design sets for theatre productions, and then created their own dramatic drawings using charcoal and focussing on light, dark and shadow. Next, the children worked together to create their very own cardboard box sets that would capture the essence of The Place Between – it was fantastic seeing them work together to bring to life a story that they’ve enjoyed so much in class.


It has been another fabulous week in Year 6 this week. In their topic work they are examining the effects of Alexander the Great’s empire upon Persia. In RE, the class had the most fantastic discussion surrounding the ideas of free-will and determinism and in Science they had a lot of fun trying to generate electricity using potatoes and lemons! I cannot say they had the most success but what was great was the number of questions raised and the lines of investigation it uncovered.


To further our science capital, on Friday, Year 6 attended a virtual visit by Dr Sheila Kanani, author of ‘Can you get Rainbows in Space’ who demonstrated experiments to do with space and light (a future topic for Year 6). The children will also have the opportunity to find out about the different types of jobs in the world of space and science.







It has been a very exciting week in school. Our Nursery and Reception children had a very special delivery on Monday, eggs which were nearly ready to hatch. The children were shown the special incubator where the eggs had to stay and be kept warm and they have been eagerly waiting to see if any of the eggs started to move and hoping that some chicks would hatch. On Wednesday they could hear some quiet cheeping and they all gathered excitedly to watch a chick hatch from one of the eggs. This was closely followed by another four and then another four!  It was magical!


Reception have enjoyed their learning about Jack and the Beanstalk this week; they had fun reading the story and role playing in their ‘Giant’s Castle’ role play area. On Tuesday, the Giant visited their classroom and the children were excited to find huge Giant footprints on the floor. The children have been using their phonics skills to write a letter to Jack to tell him that they have seen the Giant too.


Reception have worked super hard in Math’s this week, as their learning moves on to finding different ways to make the number 10 and introducing the children to number bonds. They have all fallen in love with the chicks in nursery and the children have very much enjoyed observing them throughout their hatching journey.


In RE this week, the children have been comparing special religious celebrations- Christmas, Diwali and Sukot. They have been thinking about the similarities and differences between these special times.


This week in Year 1, the children have finished their latest art project. This half term they have completed a sculptural project where they have made drawings from observations, explored media, and transformed their drawings from 2d to 3d to make a bird.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring the importance of hygiene in science. This involved putting five pieces of bread in different test conditions and the class are now going to observe what happens over time. On Wednesday they also had a very exciting visit from a range of animals – all the children were so brave when handling the animals and thoroughly enjoyed the experience!


This week in Year 3, the children have been looking at measuring in grams and kilograms in maths. They have been reading scales and converting measurements. In English, they have continued to write their adventure stories and have made a great effort with these!


In History, the children have looked at some Anglo Saxon artefacts. They became archeologists and asked a variety of questions and were able to make observations. In RE, they have been thinking about Good Friday and created some art work to show the three crosses on the hill. 


In Science, they carried out an investigation to show how they can make things move using magnetic force. The children got their car to move over the bridge. In PE, they have really enjoyed practising their under arm throws and batting the ball in rounders.


Year 4 have been really busy this week, squeezing in all sorts of learning and activities.  They have just finished their maths unit on fractions and begun learning about decimals, looking specifically at tenths and hundredths.  The children have also begun writing their own Tear Thief diaries, which has been lots of fun.  They have written diaries before and so they have found writing them a little easier this time. 


In science, the children had yet more fun making switches and in RE they discussed temptation in relation to Lent.  They looked at temptations in their own life and discussed whether they experience the same temptations that Jesus did in the wilderness.  They have also started making a large cross for the Easter service next week.  Year 4’s cross is inspired by the designs of crosses in the country of El Salvador and so it will be very vibrant and eye-catching.


Year 5 started this week with their Times Tables Rockstars Baseline challenges, you could feel the concentration in the room as the children battled to beat their scores.


They have also taken part in the NSPCC’s Speak Out Stay Safe campaign this week. The programme began with a virtual assembly delivered by Ant n Dec who have left the jungle behind in order to introduce the children to the vital work of the NSPCC, the nation’s leading children’s charity. On Thursday, the children took part in a workshop delivered by NSPCC volunteers; they explored in detail how to keep themselves safe and learnt about the different forms that abuse can take.


It’s been a very musical week in Year 5 too as they’ve been busy practicing and preparing to take part in the MCSP’s Big Sing. On Thursday, they made their way up to Mossley Hollins to join schoolchildren from several other schools for the big event. The highlight was definitely joining forces with the entire audience for a rousing performance of Under the Sea. The children also did Micklehurst proud with their very own performance of Gary Barlow’s Sing.

It has been a very different week in school due to some classes being closed due to strike action. The children in school have been busy enjoying their learning.


This week, Reception have been learning about Mothering Sunday and using adjectives to describe their Mummy. They have completed their beautiful mother’s day cards and have used their very best handwriting to write inside them. Using their fine motor skills, they have enjoyed cutting and sticking a bunch of Mother’s day flowers to take home.


The children have enjoyed exploring the Three Billy Goats Gruff small world and the Jack and the Beanstalk Giant’s castle role play area this week, correlating with our Traditional Tales topic.


Reception have been practicing their super counting to 10 and beyond this week in maths and recognising numerals on a number line.


This week, Year 1 have been using Flip Flap Animals books in English to create non-chronological reports. They have used the Flip Flap Farm Animals to create some new animals of their own. Keep an eye out for their  non-chronological reports about their new animals.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been understanding equivalent fractions using a number line and a bar model. In English, they have designed their own characters for their adventure stories, made a plan and started writing these stories. 


In History, the children have looked at life in an Anglo Saxon village. They have looked at how they lived a very different life to Romans and found out about some of the different types of jobs carried out in the village.


In RE, they have looked at Maundy Thursday, the Last Supper and the main events during that day. They then designed their own Last Supper thinking of their own special people and their favourite foods.


In Science, Year 3 carried out an investigation to test which material was magnetic. They predicted whether they thought the material was magnetic or non- magnetic then tested the material using a magnet.


The children have also been making their Mother’s Day cards this week, so keep your eyes peeled for your special card this weekend.


In Year 4 this week, the children wanted to share some of their learning from Forest School. They have thoroughly enjoyed their forest school sessions and have been keen to explore the environment, engaging in a treasure hunt to find pinecones and working in the mud kitchen to make mud cakes with petals.


On Thursday, Year 5 hopped on the bus to Ashton to visit Ashton Central Mosque; the children were very eager to ask all of the questions they still had following their unit of work on Islam last half term. Their learning has focused on what it’s like to be a Muslim in Britain today and visiting the mosque gave them a brilliant insight into how Muslims pray and some of their key beliefs.


At the mosque, they were warmly welcomed and treated to an interactive presentation on Islam, where the children impressed our host Nabeela with the knowledge they already had! They were then invited on a tour of the mosque and introduced to a range of items that are important to Muslims. They also learnt about the practice of wudu and the steps taken to cleanse before prayer – they were even given the chance to have a go themselves! Lastly, they visited some of the classrooms in the mosque and the children were amazed to learn that there were more classrooms than back at school – it was interesting to see that the classroom rules were very similar though!

The children have had an exciting week in school. Y6 have enjoyed going to Mossley Hollins to watch their production of ‘We Will Rock You’ and it was great to see so many past pupils playing lead roles and taking part in the chorus. We have also welcomed David Mason, our resident author, into school and he has been working with Year 6 to produce some amazing creative writing.


In Nursery, the week started with a new story, Jasper’s Beanstalk.  The children discussed what happens on each day of the week, they are very good at remembering the days of the week especially as they know a good song to help them.


They have planted a bean and are looking forward to watching it grow.  As a class the children each painted parts of a beanstalk, then they put it all together and it was so tall.  Make sure you have a look at it on their display.  They have also enjoyed colouring and collaging Jasper the cat pictures.


On Tuesday morning Nursery had a visit from Police officers from Ashton and Mossley stations.  PC Dan told the children all about his uniform and the equipment he uses.  Then they went to investigate the police car, the siren was very loud and they had to cover their ears!  It was good fun to have high fives and pictures with Constable Cub who came to see us too.


In Reception this week, The Little Red Hen visited the classroom and left a note asking the children to bake her some bread. Reception enjoyed mixing, pouring, measuring, baking and most of all eating their bread! They left some for The Little Red Hen too.


The children have been retelling the traditional tale using our text map and sequencing the story using pictures.


With Mother’s Day approaching, the children used finger painting to create beautiful Mother’s Day cards ready to write inside next week.


The children have also been working hard in Maths, using number tracks to find one more and one less and have been learning about the Jewish celebration- Sukkot.


As part of their sculpture work in Art, Year 1 have used mixed media to complete observational drawings of feathers. They observed the feathers carefully and looked at their shape, size and colour and tried to replicate these in their drawings.


In Year 2 this week, everyone has been overjoyed that their class meerkat Sunny, had been returned by the Jackal. The children decided to write some new, tasty recipes for Sunny and  are putting together a class recipe book for him.


In History, they have loved finding out about the life of Florence Nightingale - in particular, they have been focusing on the improvements that Florence made in the hospitals. The children have also enjoyed reading a range of fiction and non-fiction books all about her life. 


This week in Year 3, the children have been recognising the numerator of non- unit fractions and ordering and comparing them. They have also shown an understanding of a whole one and how to read fractions on a scale.


In English, they have been describing Manfred using a range of adjectives to describe his appearance and personality, they have been ordering the story of Manfred the Baddie, creating a dialogue between Manfred and the Doctor using inverted commas and writing a diary entry in role as Manfred.


In History Year 3 continued their new unit on the Anglo- Saxons and looked at the different place names in the UK and the names from the Anglo-Saxon period. They looked at a map of the UK and looked at the place names which originated from the Anglo Saxon names.


In RE, the children have started their work about Easter and have looked at Palm Sunday. They looked at the events of the day and discussed the feelings of the donkey during this time.


In Science, they have carried out an investigation to see which surface the car travels further on. They set the car off from different heights on four different surfaces to see which surface produced the most friction.


In Spanish, the children have been learning how to say names for the different members of their family and in PE, they have been working hard in gymnastics completing a variety of movements and jumps.


Year 4 have had another jam-packed week, full of exploration, discussion and problem solving.  In Maths, they have learnt more about fractions and now understand what proper, improper and mixed fractions are.  They even learnt how to convert improper fractions into mixed fractions. 


In Science, the children learnt more about electricity; the components required within a circuit and how a circuit must be complete in order for electricity to light a bulb or make a buzzer work.  In English, they have written character descriptions and have just begun planning a persuasive letter. 


In Geography, the children have enjoyed learning more about the features of mountains and in RE they have used the gospels to carry out research into what happened to Jesus in the wilderness.


In Year 5, the week began with a bang as they hosted their very own Magic Show and revealed their new text: Leon and the Place Between. Their showcase was a feast for the senses as they were surrounded by the sounds of excited children and music from the barrel organ; they also sampled some sweet treats in the form of candy floss and popcorn. The children used their experience at the Magic Show to inspire their next piece of writing and they can’t wait to explore the story further.


They’ve been marking Fairtrade Fortnight in Year 5 this week too by learning about how supporting Fairtrade helps improve the living standards for farmers by investing in their communities and businesses and protecting their environment. The children shared their understanding by writing prayers and poems and using the Green Screen to bring them to life!


What a Year 6 have had a thoroughly entertaining week. On Monday, they were gifted the opportunity to visit Mossley Hollins and watch a performance of 'We Will Rock You'. Made even more enjoyable by the fact that past Micklehurst students were leading the pack in the cast and playing some of the main characters! Then, on Thursday, our resident author came to inspire the class and get them to write things down they never thought they were capable of doing. Some amazing results read so far...


In class, Year 6 have been inventing their own animals to write reports, they've turned their heads to revising in Maths and spelling and in Science this week, they've been investigating electrical circuits.

Welcome back after the half term holidays! It was lovely to see the children and hear all their news. 


It’s been a very exciting week in school as the children have celebrated World Book Day. They have enjoyed attending our book swap event where they brought a book from home to swap for a new book of their choice. They have been learning and performing poetry this week in preparation for the Micklehurst Poetry Slam on Thursday afternoon which was amazing and lots of fun to listen to and watch the wide range of poems that the children had learned and performed.


Fairtrade Fortnight has started in school this week with a visit from Mossley’s Fairtrade Ted who flew into Micklehurst on Monday in his eco powered aeroplane. You may have seen him in other venues around Mossley this week! The children have participated in assemblies about Fairtrade and will be finding out more about how we can have an impact on the lives of farmers around the world by buying Fairtrade products.


Year 6 have enjoyed the annual MCSP Careers Fair at Mossley Hollins this week where they were able to find out about a range of careers that might be of interest to them for their futures. These included a photographer, a scientist, a senior fire engineer, a physiotherapist, a Royal Engineers warrant officer, a computer software analyst, a representative from the charity Reuben’s Retreat and a paramedic, Mr Norgate, Harper and Alissia’s Dad from Micklehurst.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning about the life cycle of frogs. They have been practising ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’ ready for the Poetry Slam and they made non-fiction books where they have talked about each stage of the life cycle.


Reception were surprised to find that The Little Red Hen had visited their classroom over the holidays; they found a big mess of oats, flour, a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon and red feathers scattered over the floor. The children have been working hard on their text map of the traditional tale and have enjoyed retelling the story. They have been working super hard in phonics learning their new sounds ‘sh’ and ‘ar’ and have been labelling pictures of The Little Red Hen’s farmyard friends.


In Maths, the children have been focusing on numbers 9 and 10 and have been using numicon to explore different ways of making 9 and writing number sentences to match.

In continuous provision, Reception have been grinding oats to make their own bread, retelling the story using puppets and masks, and have enjoyed role play in their small world farms. The children had fun sharing photos of them reading in ‘peculiar’ places for World Book Day too!


On Thursday, Year 1 enjoyed World Book Day. They loved playing the guessing game where the children brought in an object from home that you would find in a story book and they all had to guess the name of the story. The children also performed the rhyme Rickety Train Ride by Tony Mitton in the Poetry slam.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been finishing off their Van Gogh masterpieces and the new display is looking fantastic outside the classroom. They have also explored the use of thick acrylic paint to make different gestural marks in our sketchbooks – the children particularly enjoyed using their fingers! For World Book Day they had lots of fun looking at each other’s objects that relate to their favourite books – some of them were very tricky!


The children in Year 3 have had a great first week back at school. They started their week by learning all about Fairtrade, locating on a world map where the different Fairtrade products around the world are grown. In Maths, they have been ordering and comparing unit fractions and learning about the denominator and numerator of fractions.


In English, they have been practicing the poem ‘Please Mrs Butler’ by Allan Ahlberg ready for the poetry slam. Also in English, the children received an email from ‘Manfred the Baddie’ telling them he had lost his swag bag in the school playground, so they went to hunt out the bag and looked at the contents. The children have written a letter back to Manfred to let him know that they have found his bag and asking him why he has all the different scientific equipment. 


In History, they have started their new unit about the Anglo- Saxons and they looked at the different countries they invaded in England during this time. In Science, they have started looking at their unit on forces and magnets and they looked at different push and pull forces using scientific enquiry skills to sort different push and pull forces.


Year 4 have got straight back in to work after the holidays, starting their new Maths unit on fractions and looking at their new English text, ‘The Tear Thief’ by Carol Anne Duffy.  In Maths, they have spent some time refreshing their knowledge from Year 3 and practically exploring fractions by building towers and folding paper. 


In English, the children have started to look at figurative language and have even written their own class poem.  They have also started their new science unit on electricity and began thinking about mains and battery operated appliances, sorting them into a Venn diagram.  They even had a go at making a bulb light up by building a simple circuit.  The children had a lot of fun and have already learnt that a circuit always requires a power source and that plastic does not conduct electricity.  They can’t wait to carry out lots of experiments during this science topic!


They’ve been performing their hearts out in Year 5 this week with a poetry themed unit of work based on Michael Rosen’s hilarious poem, ‘The Outing’. They studied the poem in detail and identified all of the features that made it both hilariously funny and cleverly informal before planning and writing their own versions – they intend to tweet Michael Rosen himself with some examples of their masterpieces! They then used a wide range of performance techniques to bring the poem to life and perform it at Micklehurst’s World Book Day Poetry Slam.


In RE this week, they’ve started a new unit of work which asks: What would Jesus do? They looked at some of Jesus’ key teachings and discussed how they could help Christians today before writing their very own Mission Statements.


The children took part in Ready Steady Read in connection with Tameside Libraries. They were lucky to attend a zoom meeting with author Maisie Chan where she read some of her books to the class and also gave some very interesting writing tips.


This week, Year 6 had the opportunity to attend the Live ‘n’ Learn workshop at Mossley Hollins. Alongside the Year 6 classes from the other Mossley primary schools, they were shown inspirational videos and took part in group activities which pushed them to think outside the box. The event was also a careers fair and even though many of our children are unsure of what they want to do in the future they had the chance to speak to many differing professionals from paramedics to scientists and soldiers.


They’ve also enjoyed World Book Day – completing a show and tell game with props and guessing which are others’ favourite books. In addition, Year 6 performed a poem in front of the whole school in our Poetry Slam. In class, they are working extremely hard in all subjects, writing a non-chronological report, dealing with decimals and fractions, being introduced to the Ancient Greeks and electricity and finally recounting the Easter Story. Busy little bees!

It has been another exciting week in school. Year 5 have been to Mossley Hollins to watch a production of Hamlet by the Royal Shakespeare Company and they were enthralled by the performance. Year 5 have also enjoyed a virtual STEM workshop where they have made their own rockets, it was amazing!


This week Nursery have completed their learning about ‘People who Help us’. They learnt more about hospitals, doctors and the jobs that they do. Look at the photos of their amazing doctor’s bags and stethoscopes that they have made.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning new songs and we hope you enjoy listening to them at home!


Reception have had a busy last week of term celebrating Valentine’s day. The children talked about how they can show someone they love them and made beautiful Valentine’s cards for our grown-ups. The children have enjoyed decorating hearts with gems and posting tricky words through the valentine’s post box.


Reception have used their text map to retell the story, ‘Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp’ and have been labelling pictures from the text. In Math’s, the children have been building towers and using new vocabulary to describe which ones are taller and shorter.


This half term in Geography, Year 1 have been looking at the four countries of the UK and have completed fact files about each country. This week the children have also been looking for early signs of spring in Science and making doubles of numbers in Maths.


In Year 2 this week, it has been art week! The children have spent the week exploring different artists that use expressive painting techniques and they have then tried to create their own. They have also looked at how to mix primary colours to make secondary colours. One of their trickiest challenges this week was trying to replicate Vincent Van Gough’s ‘Starry night’. The children have made a great start and hopefully they will be on display outside the classroom very soon!


WOW WOW WOW! What an extremely busy week Year 3 have had this week. The children started the week by making their own volcanoes. They have made and painted these and then they made them explode. They thoroughly enjoyed watching them erupt.


The children have had a brilliant week finishing their Science unit where they have looked at the different food groups and found out what nutrients their body needs to stay healthy. They looked at a variety of different foods and their nutritional value and have also designed their own healthy meal making sure they included food from all the different food groups. Finally, the children looked at the muscles in their bodies and carried out different actions to work out which muscles they were using.


In Geography and English, the class have carried out some research about the world’s volcanoes and earthquakes. In Maths, they have been adding and subtracting lengths. In RE, they have designed a multi-faith prayer room and they have included all the knowledge they have learned about different religions and prayer. In Music, they have practised the rhythms they have been learning and had lots of fun.


This week in Year 4 has been a fun one because it’s been art week.  The children have been considering the art of display.  What is art?  What’s worth displaying and how is art displayed?  They have been specifically focusing on sculptures and the purpose of plinths to display them.  They have learnt all about ‘The Fourth Plinth’ in Trafalgar Square in London and have also explored the work of Andrew J Price.  The children then had fun thinking about how they might view a sculpture, striking poses and making little figures from modelling clay.  All of this work has gone towards creating and curating their own miniature art-gallery.  Enjoy our photos!


They’ve certainly been reaching for the stars this week in Year 5… on Thursday, the children were tasked with completing THE SPACE CHALLENGE delivered by the Royal Air Force Youth STEM project. They learnt all about what being an engineer involves and became Aerospace Engineers for the morning. Their challenge was to build their own rockets and propel them through the air using a straw; the children were asked to consider which variables they could change to make their rocket travel further and they were keen to experiment and record their data. Our team of budding engineers worked brilliantly together and they had a great morning.


They’ve also been working their way through another unit of Design and Technology this week. They’ve experimented with different types of fabrics and then designed their very own literary-themed patchwork cushions that they’re hoping will brighten up our school library.


They’ve been very busy in Year 6 this week – perfecting their narratives in English. They have been writing to entertain and have been working hard to up level their vocabulary and grammar choices. In Maths, there has been a lot of revision on decimals and in topic, the children have been researching a famous physical feature of North America – Mount St Helen.


Science has probably been their favourite subject this week as they got to investigate micro-organisms and attempted to blow up balloons using powdered yeast. They got lots of laughs from this practical and some unexpected results which they will now be discussing in class – linking their theoretical learning to their experiment.







It has been an exciting week in school as children have celebrated Child Mental Health Week and Safer Internet Day. On Monday the children were introduced to Child Mental Health Week and this year’s theme of ‘Let’s Connect.’ The children considered how they can connect with others and how this can help their wellbeing. During the week the children have taken part in team building activities, yoga and other activities linked to this theme. It’s been a brilliant week!


Our Digital Leaders led an assembly to introduce Safer Internet Day which was based on ‘Want to Talk About it?’ Children thought about the benefits of the internet and then some of the issues that can arise when using the internet and who they can talk to if they are worried about anything they see. Our Digital Leaders have led workshops at lunchtime each day that children could drop into to find out more about how they can stay safe whilst using the internet.


In Nursery this week the children have been learning about ‘People who help us’ outside of school. On Monday there was a crime scene in the classroom, someone had stolen Mrs Larnder-Cox’s shoes.  The children went on a detective hunt to try to find them.  Eventually we found one in the hall and another in the entrance hall.


The children were very excited to have a visit from a Paramedic, Mr Norgate, who talked all about his job and how he helped people that were very poorly.  He told the children the number they need to ring and how they only dial the number in an emergency. 


The dentist and police role play areas have been very popular as the children learned about oral hygiene and the job of the police.


On Monday, Reception were very excited to find that their dinosaur egg had hatched! They watched a video of the dinosaur in their classroom over the weekend before it escaped- they were amazed that the diplodocus was sleeping on their carpet spots! They have had fun exploring the dinosaur role play area and have been learning some new scientific vocabulary- fossil and palaeontologist. They have enjoyed being palaeontologists themselves and digging for dinosaur fossils and building a giant dinosaur. 


In Maths, they have been learning about numbers 6,7 and 8 and have been exploring different ways of making 5 and 10 with dominos. The children had heaps of fun at our ‘Stay and Play’ on Wednesday which had a focus of early reading and phonics; a big thank you to our wonderful parents for making it such an enjoyable and educational morning.


During Child Mental Health Week, Year 1 have been looking at how they can work together to connect and make their learning and school time easier and more fun. They have also looked at different strategies they can use to help them to relax, unwind and have a healthy mind.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring the importance of exercise in Science. This involved answering the enquiry question ‘Which exercise will increase our pulse rate?”. The children really enjoyed completing a variety of exercises and then measuring their pulse rates. They then compared the results.


As part of Mental Health Week, they completed a variety of team building activities – one of which was maintaining eye contact with a partner. They also looked at how to spread positive messages and acts of kindness to improve their wellbeing.


This week in Year 3, the children have worked extremely hard in English writing their non-chronological reports about the mythical creatures they designed. They wrote paragraphs about their appearance, their hobbies and what they liked to eat. In Maths, they have been converting measurements between metre, centimetres and millimetres.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the short and long term effects of earthquakes and how people can prepare for an earthquake. In PE, they have carried on working through the unit on athletics and this week they practised throwing the discus and shotput.


In RE, they have looked at creating some of their own prayers and blessings. The class have looked at blessings for other people, wishes for the world, things they are thankful for and things they would like to be forgiven for. In Science, the children carried out an investigation and looked at how the skull protects the brain, but also how the fluid around the brain provides protection. They looked at how an egg would crack in a glass jar if they shook it, but if it had water in it, then it was harder for the egg to crack. 


For Children’s Mental Health week and the theme ‘Let’s Connect’, they carried out a range of activities where they ‘connected’ with each other. They worked as a team to pass a hoop around the circle whilst holding hands, they connected by looking into each other’s eyes and finally they connected by finding people in class, who have the same birthday month as them.


It’s been another busy week in Year 4.  The children have spent the week editing and self-assessing their Escape from Pompeii recounts, continued with their perimeter work in Maths and carried out yet more sound science experiments.  They have been using musical instruments to explore pitch and volume, thinking carefully about how the sounds are made and how pitch and volume can be altered. 


As it has been Children’s Mental Health week this week and the theme is ‘Let’s Connect’, the children have also spent some time doing team building activities within class.  They have spent time getting to know one another and connecting in different ways.  The pictures show them spending time, just looking into one another’s eyes for 3 minutes.  At first, they found it quite funny, but after a while they really did feel like they got to know and understand their partners a little better.


Year 5 have been busy marking Children’s Mental Health Week with a range of activities linked to the theme: Let’s Connect. Their favourite activity involved making paper chains; the children eagerly decorated paper strips to reflect the things in life that help them to connect with others and their ideas were brilliant, ranging from connecting through nature, sports, music and school. The final product was very impressive and a colourful reflection of lots of ways to connect with others. 


They’ve also been stretching their vocabulary skills this week with a challenging Bananagrams tournament, which involved the children competing in an exciting word race and developing their linguistic skills in the process. 


On Friday, the children enjoyed a workshop delivered by the National Theatre exploring William Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The aim of the workshop was to prepare the children for their visit to Mossley Hollins next week, where the company will perform the Shakespearean tragedy for them – they can’t wait to be enthralled by the show. 


It’s been another fabulous week in Year 6. The class have developed their own website pages using the research and all their newfound knowledge of North America. In RE, Year 6 had a visitor come in to talk to them all afternoon about Humanism, giving them the chance to ask many interesting and probing questions.


In English, they are beginning to innovate their class text by coming up with their own versions of the ending. They cannot wait to read the finished pieces! In science, they have moved onto looking at microbes; and have two very exciting experiments to complete over the final week of half term including one which allows them to observe changes over time.






It has been busy week in school and the children have been enjoying a range of activities in class.


This week in Nursery, the children have finished off their learning about China.  They looked at the large world map in school and placed markers on where they live and where China is.  At the same time, they also found Antarctica, where penguins can be found and Africa, where Handa lived.


At the end of the week, the children have been focusing on their fine motor control with lots of activities to help develop these skills.


This week, Reception have been learning about dinosaurs. On Monday, the children came in to school to find a dinosaur egg in their classroom. They have been watching it closely and waiting for it to hatch. They have been exploring different non-fiction books to learn all about dinosaurs and the children have worked hard to create dinosaur fact files. Reception enjoyed their tricky word dinosaur egg hunt this week and building dinosaur skeletons. They have worked hard to paint different dinosaurs and have had lots of fun in the dinosaur role play and small world areas. They are hoping their dinosaur egg will hatch next week!


This week Year 1 have been exploring ‘Winter.’ They had great fun making ice crystals using Epsom salts and hot water and used two different methods to make snow! The children had a great afternoon and are looking forward to Mrs Moorcroft buying more ingredients so they can have fun during golden time playing and making some more.


In Year 2, the children have been learning about multiplication and division in Maths and enjoyed using counters to make arrays. In Geography, they have been learning about the human and physical features of different continents. In Science, they have enjoyed learning about animals and what they eat and need to survive.


This week in Year 3, the children have worked extremely hard in English when writing their Greek myths and these are now complete! They are fantastic! In Maths, they have been looking at their new unit of measurement and have been measuring in metres, centimetres and millimetres.


In Geography, the children have been learning about earthquakes. They have been able to locate on a map, four major earthquakes that have happened around the world and then learned some key information about these earthquakes.


In PE, the class have continued their unit on athletics. They really enjoyed learning the correct technique for javelin throwing and competing to see who could throw it the furthest! In RE, they have looked at the Muslim, Hindu and Christian main prayers. This involved comparing these prayers and listening to them being read in different languages. In Science, the children have been looking at different types of skeletons. They were able to identify different animals with endoskeleton, exoskeleton and a hydrostatic skeleton.


Despite it only being a four day week due to the strike day, Year 4 have crammed a lot in!  They have just about finished their ‘Escape from Pompeii’ recounts, carried out yet another sound science experiment, begun their maths topic on perimeter and learnt about the Roman invasions of Britain! 


In RE, the children have thought about who Jesus considered blessed, creating their own Beatitudes.  They thought really hard about how to lead a happy and fulfilled life. And if that wasn’t enough, they have also read yet more of their guided reading book ‘James and the Giant Peach’ and enjoyed their weekly music and Spanish lessons. 


The children have had another busy week in Year 5! They began by completing their very own Twisted Fairy Tales by innovating some of the elements of The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig. The children have been focusing on using descriptive vocabulary, varying their sentences structures and adding dialogue to convey character. On Tuesday, they visited a number of editing stations with their purple pens and up-levelled different sections of their stories. The final products are nothing short of Fairy Tale Tastic…even the Big Bad Pig himself would be impressed.


They’ve also been developing their programming skills this week in their computing lesson. They’ve become quite adept at directing the spheros to zoom around the classroom now so they have moved on to some more complex manoeuvres, including using the block coding to create a square shape and adding graphics to the sphero screens.


In history this week, the children have been learning all about Gods and Kings. They worked in groups to create a presentation of their choice about different factors like the role of the king and sacrifices & rituals. They all did so well and were very creative when it came to presenting their work.


The class have had a fantastic week in Year 6! In English, they are prepping for their next debate competition – this time, the discussion is whether or not teachers should be replaced by computers. As much as some of them complain about coming to school, turns out they love teachers really! In maths, the children continue to dig deep and learn even more new concepts surrounding algebra.


In RE, they had a very good discussion about the values shown in the parable of the Good Samaritan. The work produced was to an excellent standard. In science, the children began applying their new found classification knowledge to more weird and wonderful plants and animals. The lattice stinkhorn and naked mole rat getting the biggest chuckle from the class. Geography and Computing has once again tied nicely together. On the one hand, the children are building website content by researching The Rockies and then putting their sites together as a follow up page by page.


It has been another exciting week in school! We welcomed visitors from the charity Show Racism the Red Card and Odd Arts who led workshops and a performance during the morning with Years 4 and 5 and after school they led training for staff on the theme of racism. This is part of a project Tameside are running and aims to raise awareness and critical thinking around issues relating to race discrimination. The children really enjoyed the workshops and it lead to some fantastic discussion.


Freddy Fit also visited school on Thursday and worked with our Year 4 and 5 children to lead some training to become a play leader. The children are looking forward to fulfilling this role.


What an amazing week the children have had in Nursery. They have had celebrating Chinese New Year.  They started off by going to the airport, checking in and taking a flight to China, Mrs Brown was the Pilot and Mrs Larnder-Cox was Cabin Crew.


The children have learned all about the different Zodiac animals and the animal who is being celebrated this year, the Rabbit. Most of the Nursery children were born in the Year of the Dog (2018) or the Year of the Pig (2019).  It was difficult understanding the Chinese language and they couldn’t read any of the Chinese writing in the Chinese newspaper. 


The food they tasted was lovely and they enjoyed the school lunch together, thank you Mrs Neville.


The week ended with lots of mums and dads coming to stay and play and they did lots of crafts and sang a song they had been learning.


Reception have been celebrating Lunar New Year! They have enjoyed exploring traditions and creating their own Chinese Lanterns. The children enjoyed tasting different Chinese foods, such as spring rolls, noodles, rice, prawn crackers and fortune cookies. They then had a go at drawing some of the foods and used their super phonics to write a sentence explaining which was their favourite.


Reception have also been looking at some new maths vocabulary- full, empty, heavier and lighter. They have enjoyed exploring these new concepts using practical resources.


In Science, Year 1 have been completing science investigations to find out why leaves lose their colour and fall to the ground in Autumn. The children have found out that in autumn the chlorophyll in the leaves breaks down allowing the other colours to shine through. The leaves need more sunlight to make chlorophyll.


In their investigations the children tricked a leaf into thinking it was Autumn and removed the chlorophyll from the leaves.


They also explored colours. To do this they have looked at felt tip pens and used filter paper and water to discover which other colours were hidden within them. It was very exciting!


This week in Year 2, the children have been consolidating their knowledge of different Continents and Oceans. They worked together in partners to match a variety of clues. In Maths, they have been learning about multiplication. They used counters to create different arrays – the children really enjoyed doing this!


In English this week, Year 3 have been working extremely hard writing their Greek myths! They have used inverted commas for speech, some fantastic adjectives and clear paragraphs. In Maths, they have been dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the features of volcanoes. They labelled a volcano and then looked at the features of a volcanic eruption. In PE, they have carried on with their unit on athletics and really enjoyed completing different relay races.


In Computing, Year 3 have been looking at different instruments as their sprites and creating a sequence of music using Scratch.


In RE, they have been looking at how Hindus pray. The children looked at ‘Puja’ and the contents on a shrine and a puja tray and then what special items they might put on their own shrines. In Science, they have been looking at a skeleton and answering the ‘big question’ of why they need a skeleton. They looked at the function of a skeleton, then researched which organs are protected by the skeleton.


Yet another busy week in Year 4.  The children have used Talk for Writing to help them to write recounts, started their new maths unit on measurement and perimeter and carried out further sound science experiments.  They used a new data logger app in science this week, which allowed them to accurately measure sound in decibels. 


In History, the children learnt about Roman soldiers and how well organised and disciplined they were and in RE they have been listening to, retelling and understanding the meaning of some of Jesus’ parables. 


And as if that wasn’t enough, they also enjoyed their ‘show racism the red card’ day.  The children learnt a lot about race, ethnicity and racism and left feeling really inspired to challenge discrimination as and when they see or hear it.


Year 5 began the week with a technical challenge as they were tasked with programming their Sphero robots to whizz about the school hall. There was a real buzz of excitement as the children got to grips with the coding app and learnt how to send the robots zooming in all directions.


On Wednesday, they thoroughly enjoyed taking part in workshops on the theme of anti-racism – the workshops aimed to provoke thoughtful discussion and educate the children about the prevalence of racism in our society both in the past and in the present. The first workshop involved a group of actors bringing to life the true story of Len Johnson, a Mancunian boxer who battled racism throughout his career and beyond. His determination to stand up and make positive change through peaceful protest was both inspirational and fascinating and his bravery inside the ring and outside the ring gave us real food for thought - they’re now keen to find out even more about this local hero. The children were enthralled by the performance and were even given the opportunity to improvise and involve themselves.


Their second workshop encouraged the children to challenge different stereotypes and explore what racism actually is. The children thoroughly enjoyed studying several high-profile sportspeople and working with a representative from the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ charity to deepen their understanding and challenge their thinking. In the afternoon, it was over to the children…they were tasked with spreading the message about anti-racism as part of the Tameside Pledge and they certainly didn’t disappoint, there were posters, protests, poems and even some drama!


There has been lots of great work going on in Year 6 this week. In Maths, the class have been introduced to algebra, looking at expressions, forming expressions and substituting numbers for letters and vice versa. They are planning in English to write an alternative ending to their class novel – The Lost Happy Endings.


Combining both Computing and Geography, Year 6 have been looking at both physical and human features of North America and then zoning in on The Rockies, designing a website homepage to encourage people to visit.

This week in school we have been celebrating Healthy Schools Week. The children have been focusing on healthy lifestyles and trying really hard to ensure that they have a healthy snack and a healthy lunch box. Thank you to all parents and carers for your support and we hope this continues moving forwards.


The children have also been covering the SRE curriculum and learning all about Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World.


In Nursery this week, the children have been enjoying lots of learning about their bodies and what they need to be healthy.  They have discussed food that is good for them and what they should have in their lunch boxes or snack bags. The children enjoyed making and eating fruit kebabs, making yoghurt and muesli cups and making a fruit basket for our story ‘Handa’s Surprise’

With the unexpected snow this week, the children had fun running around and catching the snow in their hands.  Mrs Larnder-Cox even dressed up as Olaf the Snowman!


The children have had a fun filled week in Reception learning about how to keep healthy. Creating fruit and salad kebabs and eating them was their favourite part! They created healthy meals based on the eat well guide using paper plates, and talked about the delicious foods in ‘Supertato’.


Reception also had fun fruit printing using apples, potatoes and peppers. In Maths, they have focused on the composition of numbers to 5 and have been singing and acting out the song ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’. In RE, the children continued their learning all about special places of worship and enjoyed looking at pictures and videos of inside a church. They have enjoyed playing in the snow and frost this week too as they continued to notice more signs of winter.


This week in Year 1, the children have been looking at the characters from the story book ‘Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates.’ They have completed ‘slow writes’ about some of the characters. Have a look at our photo gallery to see some of the work describing the baddie ‘Barnacle Bill’.


This week in RE, Year 2 have been learning about the importance of the Jewish Mezuzah. The children made their own cases and placed prayers inside in tiny little scrolls. During Healthy Schools Week lessons they have been thinking about how to keep safe – they looked at different situations and what the best course of action would be. The children also learnt about safe touches and not keeping secrets.


In Geography, they used atlases to locate the 5 oceans in the world. The children also recalled the 7 continents from last week’s lesson – it was very impressive!!


This week in Year 3, the children have been looking at the features of a myth in English. They have designed their own mythical creatures and then created a plan, ready to write their own Greek myths. In Maths, they have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1 digit numbers using column multiplication.

In Geography, the children have been looking at the difference between active, dormant and extinct volcanoes, identifying the ring of fire and locating famous volcanoes from around the world and seeing when they last erupted.  


In Computing, they continued with their unit using ‘Scratch’. They have been able to create new ‘sprites’ and make these move following a sequence. In RE, the children have been looking at how Muslims pray and they have looked at what is needed during Muslim prayer. They have also designed their own prayer mat.


In PE, the children have continued with athletics. They really enjoyed learning to do the long jump and practicing their skills on the speed bounce. This week, they have enjoyed carrying out different activities linked to the SRE curriculum including looking at the early warning signs and the effects on our bodies when we don’t feel safe, how to stay safe online, understanding the difference between good and bad secrets and understanding our own personal space.


Year 4 have been hard at work again this week.  In Maths, they have spent a lot of time exploring a variety of efficient multiplication strategies.  They are beginning to realise that you don’t always need to use a formal method of multiplication as there are lots of methods and tricks which can be used to help you tackle problems mentally.  They have also spent some time looking at the formal method of multiplication this week and are beginning to understand when it’s best to use this method.


In English, the children have looked at rhyming couplets and alliteration and used their knowledge of these to write their own poems.  They have also looked at powerful verbs within their class text, carried out some conscience alley drama and have started creating a Talk 4 Writing story map to help them with their recount writing next week.


In Science, the children have enjoyed planning their own fair test, where they explored how to make the best yoghurt pot telephone possible.  They worked in groups and altered variables such as yoghurt pot size, pot shape, length of string and material of string.  They really enjoyed working scientifically and are trying their hardest to use scientific vocabulary during their discussions.


The children have been very busy in Year 5 celebrating Healthy Schools Week. The children have been learning all about puberty and the changes their bodies will go through. They’ve also explored feelings and emotions and they enjoyed creating emotion ladders and anger sandwiches filled with strategies to keep themselves calm.


They also had a visit from three Police Officers, who came to talk to them about staying safe online and avoiding anti-social behaviour. Their presentation was both engaging and thought-provoking and even involved making a bit of a mess with a tube of toothpaste – the children discovered that it’s far harder to get the toothpaste back in to the tube than it is to get it out just like pictures on social media…they’re quick and easy to send but impossible to get back!


In English this week, they’ve been enjoying exploring their new text, a twisted fairy tale: The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig. The children have explored the characters and the plot and giggled endlessly at the creative twists on the original text. They’re now busy writing diary entries from the perspective of one of the key characters.


It has been a busy week in school and the children have been enjoying their learning and activities in their new units of work. They have also been excited to receive their achievement certificates in class.


In Nursery, Winter has continued to be the theme this week with the children learning about climates and animal homes. They have been learning about penguins and practised walking like them too. 

They have painted with ice, rescued penguins from an iceberg and looked at winter colours to paint with. Congratulations to the new Nursery children for settling in so well, making lots of new friends and for learning the new routines so quickly. Thank you to all our other Nursery children for helping them along the way.


In Reception, the children have been learning about seasonal change and observing Winter changes. They enjoyed their very wet Winter walk around school, observing the bare trees and evergreen trees, rain from the sky, birds, umbrellas, hats and gloves. The children ticked the Winter pictures off on their clipboards as they spotted them. They also used finger painting to design a beautiful snowy tree for our classroom display.


The children have been busy using their super reading to read the words on the fish and feed them to the penguin too. Reception enjoyed reading Jack Frost and creating a Wanted poster for his disappearance, using their fantastic phase 2 phonics knowledge to write a sentence to describe him. They also had fun using their fine motor skills to build a tower. Reception have also been artists this week, creating mosaic art by cutting lots of different coloured shapes and sticking them onto black paper. Another super week of learning!


In Year 1, the children have been excited to share the portraits they have created in their after-school Arts and Crafts club. Please look at the photos, they are fantastic!


This week in Year 2, the children have been creating their own Pirate Dinosaurs based on the story of ‘Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs.’ In RE, they have been looking at a variety of Jewish artefacts.


In Year 3, the children have really enjoyed looking at the Greek myth ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ in English. They have enjoyed doing some drama and verbally retelling the story. They have also created a story board of the myth, created a wanted poster for the Minotaur and written a diary entry in the role of Theseus.


In Maths, the children have been using their multiplication knowledge to answer related questions and have been multiplying and dividing by 10.   


In Geography, they have been looking at tectonic plates and have been able to label a map of the world’s tectonic plates and which plate we live on.  


In Computing, the children continued with their unit using the programme ‘Scratch’. They have been able to create new ‘sprites’ and made these move. In RE, they have been looking at why people might communicate, and they have created a list of all the reasons why we communicate. They also looked at how we can communicate with God through prayer.


In Science, the children have been looking at the human skeleton and all the bones in the body. They have been able to use their scientific enquiry skills to conduct their own research to label the bones in the body. In Art, they have looked at a piece of artwork of Medusa, linked to our Greek myth topic, and they have completed some drawings of different parts of the picture.


Year 4’s first full week back at school has been jam packed!  The children have just begun their new science topic on sound.  They kick started this by carrying out a variety of fun experiments which really got them thinking about exactly how sounds are made.  They’ve started to understand that sound is caused by vibrations, but they still have so much to learn and they cannot wait! 


They also started their new history topic this week.  The children refreshed their memories on chronology, including the meaning of BC and AD, ordered key dates in relation to the Roman Empire and then looked at maps, which showed how much land they conquered during the height of their power.  They really were a force to be reckoned with and the children are excited to learn more about them!


Year 4 have also undertaken their daily Maths lessons where they have multiplied by 10 and 100.  They have done a really good job at carrying out some of the trickier reasoning tasks this week.  In English, they have explored more of the Escape from Pompeii text.  They have carried out thesaurus work, role play, work on inverted commas and performed a poem using the Reader’s Theatre technique. 


Our Year 5s have thoroughly enjoyed showcasing their scientific enquiry skills this week as they’ve delved deeper in to their Animals including humans topic. They’ve been looking at the development of the foetus during pregnancy and the children really enjoyed using fruit and veg to represent the size of the foetus at different stages – they were amazed by the fact that we all start out the size of a poppy seed! They also discovered at what stage the foetus develops lungs, joints and even fingernails. The children represented their findings in the form of a scatter graph and were very precise with the data that they collected.


In maths this week, they’ve been learning to subtract fractions including using mixed numbers and improper fractions. The children have been focussing on using a range of methods to find their answer and then discussing which is the most efficient for them – they’ve been impressing us with some fantastic mathematical vocabulary and some very accurate calculating too!


The children have had a lovely week in Year 6. In English, they have been perfecting their descriptive writing skills through their use of figurative language and expanded noun phrases. In RE, they have been building a ‘Code for Living’ whereby the class have been considering all the necessary qualities to allow a community to live happily and peacefully.


In Geography, Year 6 have been identifying countries in North America and in ICT, they are exploring what makes a good website.


Maths has been a massive highlight for the children this week. Having been introduced to a brand new concept – ratio, Year 6 have fully challenged themselves with some very pleasing problem solving abilities. They are really starting to build some resilience for the subject which is super exciting to see.


Happy New Year! Welcome back to a new term and a new year. We hope you have had a lovely Christmas and a nice holiday. It has been lovely to catch up with the children and find out all about the exciting things they have done over the festive period.


In Nursery, the children have had a lovely three day week back, finding out what they have been busy doing in their holiday and seeing if they had a very special visit from Father Christmas.  The children had a lovely discussion about their presents and wrote or drew pictures about them. They enjoyed listening to each other and asking questions about their gifts.


This week the children have also been looking at their names, focusing on having a go at writing them or working on the formation of individual letters.  They made snowmen using the letters from their names.


They are looking forward to the new children joining them next week as they begin to learn all about the season of Winter.


In Reception, the children have enjoyed settling back into school this week and they have used their super Phase 2 phonics to write a sentence sharing what Father Christmas brought them for Christmas. The number of the week is zero the hero and the children have been looking at the number zero in the environment, and sorting different numbers into the categories ‘0’ or ‘not 0’.


They have begun looking at seasonal change and what happens when Winter arrives. The children investigated melting ice this week and were mesmerised when they added salt to blue glittery ice and it made a crackling sound. A super-duper start to the Spring term!


Year 1 had a fantastic day on Thursday! As part of their History Unit on Toys from the Past they had a visit from a member of staff from Portland Basin Museum. This visit allowed the children to look at and play with toys from the past. They looked at how they have changed over the years and compared the toys with those they play with today. The children also had the opportunity to make a ‘Thaumatrope.’


In Year 2 this week, the children have been exploring where they are in the world. They enjoyed using atlases, globes and Google Earth to locate their town, county, country, continent and hemisphere. In English the children had a visit from a pirate dinosaur who trashed their classroom and left them a new book. They enjoyed reading Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs and they used their inference and prediction skills to answer a range of questions.


WOW in Year 3, the children have had a very busy couple of days back in school after Christmas. In English, they have started their new unit of work on Greek Myths. The children have looked at the myth ‘Theseus and Minotaur’ and they worked very hard to solve a maze related to this myth. They then watched a video of Theseus and the Minotaur and read a book about the myth. The children discussed the different characters and created different questions to ask them. They really enjoyed reading this myth.


In Maths, they have been completing their fluency and reasoning assessments and the children have worked extremely hard with these. 


In Geography, the children have started their new unit on Volcanoes and Earthquakes. They have looked at their knowledge organisers and discussed some of the key vocabulary they are going to be using. They then looked at the layers of the earth and were able to label them.


In Computing, the children have started their new unit of work using the programme ‘Scratch’. They learned about the different areas within the programme and we were able to create an animation making their sprite move, make a sound and they also changed the background.


Despite only having a three day week, Year 4 have managed to pack a lot in.  The children have started their new class text, Escape from Pompeii and have used their senses to write a detailed description of the streets of Pompeii.   They have also begun their new guided reading text ‘James and the Giant Peach’ by Roald Dahl and have even managed to complete some VIPERS questions on the first two chapters.


In Maths, the children have begun looking at factor pairs.  Their times table knowledge has really helped us with this.  In RE this term, they will be looking at how and why Jesus inspires some people.  The children started thinking about some of their heroes and why they inspire them.  And finally, they have also had their weekly Spanish and gymnastic lessons.  Busy, busy, busy!


The children have had a great first week back in Year 5! In English, they’ve immersed themselves in to the world of Twisted Fairy Tales. They began by using role play to recall the events of one of their favourite classics: The Three Little Pigs. This proved to be absolutely hilarious (they had some particularly expert wolf impressions!) and it gave them the opportunity to establish the key features of Fairy Tales. The children then experienced their first Twisted Tale as they watched a riveting news clip that cast doubt on the wolf’s guilt – they’re now fully engrossed in trying to work out who is the guilty party!


In their science lesson this week, they launched a new unit of work focusing on Animals including humans. The children especially enjoyed turning detective and asking different questions to determine their secret animal identity – there was some brilliant scientific vocabulary used and lots of prior knowledge recalled too. Their enquiry skill for this week’s lesson involved looking for patterns and they made predictions about the gestation periods of a number of different insects and mammals.


Happy New Year to Year 6! They’ve had a lovely first few days back – caught up, and then got straight down to their new learning. In both English and Guided Reading, they have been making predictions based on their new texts and using clues from both the front covers and blurbs. Lots of creative thinking to be done in the coming weeks.


In Science, the children have started with a greater emphasis on identifying enquiry types. Their new topic, Living Things and their Habitats has already drummed up a couple of great questions. In Geography, they will be looking at North America and comparing both the human and physical aspects of the continent. They are hoping this will link well with their digital literacy, as in computing, the children will be learning about how websites are developed. Busy, busy and all very exciting.








What a fun and exciting last week of term! The children have thoroughly enjoyed their fun morning of face painting and getting a go on the bouncy castle, as well as their Christmas parties, Christmas Dinner, Christmas Bingo and our Christingle and Carol Service.


What a busy and fun-filled week in Reception. The children were shining stars in their ‘Whoosp-a-Daisy Angel’ Nativity on Monday and enjoyed performing for their grown-ups. They had heaps of fun at their Christmas party; meeting Father Christmas was very exciting. The children have been using their super phase 2 phonics to write captions and labels for Christmassy pictures and played lots of festive maths games using a giant dice and mini Christmas trees. They have been counting down to Christmas with their felt advent tree and talking about what a special time of year it is for Christians.


This week in Year 1 the children had a great time at their Christmas Party.  They had party games, dancing, food and they also had a special visitor.


It has been a very crafty week in Year 2 this week. The children have made some fantastic Tudor houses. It was clear to see the children had really studied the key features of these houses and they have all made their own unique interpretations. At the end of their Design and Technology week they have also evaluated what they liked about the houses and what they would improve next time if they were to make them again.


WOW what a busy week Year 3 have had! The children started the week by having their Stone Age day to finish their history unit. They had a great day all dressed up and they enjoyed creating their Stone Age cave art using the skills they have developed using charcoal. The children then used clay to create their own Stone Age necklaces. Look how brilliant they are!


During Design and Technology, the children have been extremely busy with their sewing. They have made templates, cut out their material, applied their decoration and sewn their fantastic Christmas tree decorations. 


In RE, they have created their Christingles and learned all about the parts of the Christingle.


Well, Christmas is finally here!  Year 4 have had a lot of fun this week, finishing off their moving Christmas cards, enjoying Christmas dinner (served to them by the teachers!) and showing off their dance moves at the Christmas party.  They also enjoyed bingo, face painting and the bouncy castle.   Everyone is pretty tired now (especially the teachers) so they definitely need some time off to relax and enjoy some family time.  Happy Christmas Year 4!  See you in 2023.


Year 5 have been showcasing their impressive Design and Technology skills this week and in the true spirit of Christmas, the children designed and made mechanical toys to gift to family members and friends. They learnt all about gears, pulleys and cams before designing their own animal-themed toys with moving parts – they then worked incredibly hard to bring their designs to life and showcase a whole host of technical skills.


They’ve also been helping Year 1 to evaluate their Design and Technology projects this week too. The children were very impressed with their puppets and loved asking them questions about how they designed and made them.


As a special treat, they finished their Active Body sessions this term with a Table Tennis tournament in the classroom. There was definite improvement in their skill level by the end of the session and they had a brilliant time too!



What a fantastic week we have had in school!  It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas with Christmas Jumper Day and Key Stage 1 and 2 Christmas performances. What talented children we have at Micklehurst All Saints! Throughout each performance, the children spoke their lines clearly and confidently, sang beautifully and danced superbly.  They also thoroughly enjoyed performing to their families and friends. We are very proud of you all and we hope you all enjoyed it!


In Nursery this week, the children have been making candy canes, have enjoyed the Christmas café and have been busy writing Christmas cards. The children thoroughly enjoyed performing ‘Whoops-a Daisy Angel’ to the rest of school.


Reception have been full of festive cheer this week, enjoying their Christmas role play areas and completing the elves’ daily kindness challenge. After reading ‘The First Christmas’ Nativity story, they have worked super hard to paint their own stables and have been cutting, sticking and labelling all the nativity characters too.


Their phonics sound of the week was ‘b’ and they have been focusing on the difference between a ‘b’ and a ‘d’ sound and listening for the ‘b’ sound in words. They have also been working really hard with their Christmas Nativity and are excited to perform on Monday.


This week in Year 1, the children have been very busy in Design and Technology designing and making puppets. They have really enjoyed it and persevered with the tricky sewing. All the children have worked very hard. How fab do they look!


In Year 2 this week, the children have started designing their Tudor houses for their freestanding structure Design and Technology unit. They really enjoyed looking at a range of Tudor houses and they used these as inspiration for their own group design. The children can’t wait to make their houses next week!


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been looking at the 8 times tables and dividing by 8. They have been working very hard with their times tables and are really enjoying going onto TTRockstars on their iPads.

In Science, they have looked at the permeability of soils. The children have tested the soils to see which was the most and least permeability and they really enjoyed using their observations skills when doing this.

They have been working really hard during their Christmas production rehearsals ready for the production today and have really enjoyed learning the songs.

On Tuesday, the children really enjoyed performing to their parents and family members during their Music lesson. They were able to show their skills playing as part of a samba band and sharing the songs they have been learning.


Year 3 have also started their Design and Technology unit, where they have been given the design specification to design and sew a Christmas decoration for a family member. They have carried out some research and are ready to start designing their decorations.


Christmas has begun in Year 4.   The Christmas tree is up and they have been spending a lot of time rehearsing for the school play and practising their Christmas songs!

The class have just begun their design technology topic, which is to use pivots and levers.  The children have been given the challenge of designing and creating a Christmas card which uses loose and fixed pivots and which produces an oscillating output motion!  Watch this space!


Aside from all the Christmas madness, they have just finished off their multiplication and division unit in maths and have just completed their end of term maths assessment.  The assessment included questions on all units taught so far this year (place value, addition and subtraction, area and multiplication and division).  The children did exceptionally well and should be really proud of themselves.

In English, the children have been gathering powerful vocabulary and writing similes for our Kraken poems.  They have made a really good start on them, but will finish them off next week.



The children have really been getting in to the Christmas spirit in Year 5 this week…the stage was set and the spotlight was on as Key Stage Two wowed a packed audience on Friday with their performance of ‘Away in a Spaceship’! We’re really proud of our Year 5 choir - they raised the roof singing some traditional carols with a special sci-fi twist!

In dance this week, the children thoroughly enjoyed choreographing their own World Cup inspired dance inspired by this year’s opening ceremony in Qatar.


The children have also been getting to grips with the news this week; they’ve loved reading the First News newspapers and summarising key stories to share with their peers. Our Year 5 Top 10 Books collection is proving a big hit too – our enthusiastic readers are showing a real eagerness to work their way through each text and we love sharing with each other which books we’ve enjoyed the most.

In geography this week, our attention has turned to looking at the causes and consequences of deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest. We were horrified to hear some of the shocking statistics about the impact of logging on one of the world’s most fascinating ecosystems.


It has been a lovely week in school. The newly appointed digital leaders have enjoyed their first training session this week. They focused on Christmas challenges using Adobe apps; they made an animated Christmas card, a festive video and webpage. They will be teaching their classes what they have learnt in the coming weeks. 


On Wednesday, some children from Years 1, 2 and 3 really enjoyed their afternoon at Denton Community College where they took part in the Pentathlon multi-sport festival. On Thursday afternoon, our Key Stage 2 dance group took part in the Urban Street Dance Competition where they performed their dance superbly.


The children are so excited about performing their Christmas productions for parents/carers next week. Don’t forget it’s Christmas Jumper Day next Wednesday, 7th December so get ready to get festive and wear your Christmas Jumpers or other Christmas accessories and let’s get in the Christmas spirit!


In Nursery this week, the children have had so much fun as they have been introduced to the story of the Nativity. They have also enjoyed turning the classroom into a Christmas Workshop, Christmas Café and the writing area into a Post Office. The children have learnt about the importance of Christmas and the people that came to visit Jesus.  Our Christmas production is also coming along nicely and they cant wait to share it with you. 


This week in Reception the children have been been busy making some Christmas crafts (using lots of festive glitter!) They were so excited to find that two of Father Christmas’ elves- Jingle and Belle have come to stay with us until Christmas!


The children used their phonics to write a letter telling them all the ways they have been good this year. In Maths, they have been learning about the difference between day and night. The children have also enjoyed writing their tricky words in the Christmas glitter and playing in their elves workshop role play area.


In Year 1 this week, to celebrate their work on the story of Lost and Found, the children have had a penguin party. They will be writing a recount of their party to share next week. They had great fun making penguin hats, eating delicious food, going on a chocolate hunt and singing a snowman song.


This week in Year 2, the children have been completing their History unit based on The Great Fire of London. They really enjoyed finding out about how London was rebuilt and looking at some of Sir Christopher Wren’s designs. They then finished their topic by creating their information booklet which explained what happened before, during and after the fire. Next week, the children are going to begin their D+T project where they are making Tudor houses – they can’t wait!


In Year 3 this week, the children have been writing their own instructions for the Weather Monster’s birthday cake in their English lessons. In Maths, they have been looking at the three times tables and dividing by three.


In RE, they have been looking at Humanism values and in Science, they have looked at the famous paleontologist Mary Anning and why her work was important.


In History, the children have looked at the changes from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age and how these developments have helped with technology. In Spanish, they have been learning how to talk about the weather. The class have been working extremely hard when practising their songs for the Christmas production.


The children have been super busy again this week in Year 4. They finally finished and self-assessed their character descriptions and have done some work on multiplying and dividing numbers by 1 and itself. Next week, they are going to be writing some poetry on the legendry creature, the Kraken and so the children have been gathering powerful vocabulary for this.  They have used thesauruses to find synonyms for non exciting words like ‘big’, ‘scary’ and ‘ugly’ so that we can use new vocabulary in our poems.


In geography, the children have been looking at how human activity can affect rivers.  In RE, they have continued learning about different celebrations, focussing on Judaism and Shabbat. They enjoyed learning about how Jewish people really value family time and use the Shabbat to spend quality time together.


They have also been busy rehearsing and learning the songs for the school production!


Things are looking particularly festive in Year 5 and they’ve enjoyed adding a little Christmas sparkle to the classroom. As well as perfecting their carol singing ahead of the KS2 Christmas Concert next week, they’ve also been making the final touches to their festive-themed Scary Tales. The teachers were truly terrified as they read their stories aloud and crowned their winning storyteller! Some of them were even given the opportunity to film themselves on the green screen reading their stories to a captivated audience – they’re busy editing them ready to share on Seesaw.


Towards the end of the week, the class showcased their drama skills as they brought to life the story of the Christmas Truce. They were able to take on a role, create tableaus and take part in occupational mimes as they learnt about what happened on No-Mans Land on Christmas Eve, 1914.


The children have also been very active this week – on Tuesday, they took part in a special gymnastics lesson exploring key steps routines and on Thursday, their Active Body, Active Mind sessions continued with an outdoor team building and communication session – they were tasked with finding new ways to communicate without talking, which was pretty tricky for some of our chatterboxes!


This week in Year 6, the children have had an intensive week and have practised a full SATs set up. One thing is for sure, the class have responded amazingly, and we are so proud of how each and every one of them faced it. Some fabulous outcomes too and certainly lots to build on.


Aside from the assessments, the children have continued their Highwayman unit in English. This week they have been writing diary entries from a character perspective. In RE, children have been finishing off their church designs and in science, Year 6 have been looking at building a working heart. Rehearsals for the Christmas Production are becoming super exciting now! The class have learnt lines and are considering their drama elements and cannot wait to perform next week.


This week has been another busy week in school.


In Nursery, ‘Patterns’ has again been the focus this week.  The children have been part of the ‘Amazing Elmer’s Band’ making patterns with instruments and making our own rhythms.

During phonics they have been listening to and repeating rhythms, the children have learnt how many syllables are in all their names and can clap them out.


They have enjoyed a variety of different matching games, finding pairs and explaining what is the same or different. The children particularly enjoyed the spot the difference game.


Reception have enjoyed their learning all about birthdays this week. They have sung happy birthday, made sparkly birthday crowns and used their phonics skills to label pictures of birthday celebrations. They used their cutting skills to make birthday cake hats for our teddies and made birthday cakes using playdoh.


Their number of the week is the number 5, and the children have enjoyed collecting 5 objects and putting 5 candles on their playdough birthday cakes. They enjoyed using their funky fingers and cotton buds to paint nail polish onto the fingers. Reception have also been super busy practicing for their Christmas nativity; they have the most beautiful singing voices!


Looking at our photos this week you may well wonder what Year 1 have been up to! They have been exploring light and dark and one of their tasks was to find equipment from inside their VERY DARK stockroom. The children found this difficult and realised that it was because there was no light to help them to see. They were then able to use torches to find their equipment. They had great fun playing with the torches too!!!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about 2d shapes and naming and recognising their properties. The children were challenged to see how many pentagons they could make using 15 lollipop sticks. Well done to those children who used their prior mathematical knowledge of their times tables to work out that they could make three pentagons!


Year 3 started the week by having a special treat, the children enjoyed watching England play their first match in the World Cup and they loved cheering them on! 


This week during their English lessons, the children have been editing a set of instructions and improving them. They have also designed a birthday cake for the Weather Monster and started writing a set of instructions for how to make the cake.  In Maths, the children have been developing their understanding how to find groups and how to share numbers, they have also looked at the four times tables and dividing by four.


In RE, they have been finding out about Hindu Gods and Goddesses. The children looked at the Trimurti and the Gods. In Science, the children have looked at how fossils are formed and studied the stages of fossilisation and different types of fossils.


In History, they became archaeologists. They looked at clues and discussed how they knew what life was like in the Neolithic village of Skara Brae. In Spanish, the children loved learning all about Spain and the Spanish culture. They have been working extremely hard when practising their songs for the Christmas production.


It’s been another busy week in Year 4. The children have worked hard on their times table knowledge and have tried to apply this knowledge to reasoning tasks.  In English, they have begun writing their character descriptions.  The children are focussing on using powerful adjectives and conjunctions to extend sentences. 


Year 4 have had loads of fun learning about the different stages of a river too.  They watched videos, carried out research, drew pictures and tried to use geographical language to explain what happens at each stage of the river.  They also made up actions to go with geographical words to help us remember them.


This week in Year 5, they’ve been getting to grips with a new unit of work in maths: fractions! They began by finding out what the children already knew and using a range of manipulatives to create pictorial representations of what a fraction actually is. It’s safe to say that the children thoroughly impressed staff with their prior knowledge and their understanding of the related mathematical vocabulary – they especially enjoyed using strips of paper to identify different fractions and create their very own fraction walls.


In English, it’s certainly been a tense week as the children have continued with their efforts to compete in our scary story writing competition. They’ve used a whole host of techniques to develop tension in their writing and they’ve definitely been on the edge of their seats whilst reading each chapter…they can’t wait until the stories are finished and ready to share!


Our exploration of the Amazon Rainforest has continued this week too, with a particular focus on the indigenous tribes that call this unique ecosystem their home. The children were fascinated to discover all about these uncontacted tribes and worked in groups to become experts about one particular tribe before confidently sharing their findings with the rest of the class. 


This week in Year 6, the children have been working super hard, keeping on top of not only their work but also the added responsibility of learning lines and staging for the KS2 Christmas Play. They will be glad for a rest this weekend we think!


In both Science and Spanish, they have been exploring why exercise is important and how to stay healthy. Very impressive that the class can speak about this topic in not one but two languages. In RE, the children have been looking at examples of Christian architecture and are now designing their own church buildings. In maths, they are multiplying and dividing fractions and have also moved onto devising their own verses to the Highwayman poem in English.



It has been an exciting time this week as the children have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week. The children marked the start of this week by wearing odd socks on Monday and our School Councillors lead an assembly to introduce this year’s Anti-Bullying Week theme: Reaching Out.


Classes have also started to get to know their songs and parts for their Christmas productions. Nursery and Reception are going to be performing Whoops -a-Daisy Angel, Key Stage 1 – The Nativity and KS 2 are performing Away in a Spaceship.


We have welcomed visitors from Safe Squad into school this week and they have worked with Year 6 to reinforce key safety messages, including online safety, learning how to administer CPR and personal safety.


Year 6 have also watched a performance about criminal exploitation led by the police. The children have had lots of things to discuss and consider which will help them to keep themselves and their friends safe.


In Nursery this week, the children have enjoyed learning all about being Unique, with the story ‘Elmer’ by David McKee.  The children linked their work with the anti-bullying week theme.  Their Mathematical development learning has been focussed on patterns this week; the children have tried very hard with making two step patterns, some of them becoming very proficient.


During iPad time this week, the class have enjoyed using the Chatterpix app, the children took pictures of Elmer and then used their own voice recording to make him speak.


This week’s topic of ‘friendship’ was lots of fun for Reception! They read ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers and talked about how they could be a kind and caring friend to others. The children enjoyed making friendship bracelets, friendship chains and writing cards for one another. In Maths, they have been learning about numbers 4 and 5 and the children have enjoyed exploring these numbers in provision and comparing them on 5 frames. Forest school was heaps of fun this week too!


During Anti Bullying week, Year 1 have been thinking about what makes a good friend. They have written a list of what a good friend does and how someone who is not a good friend might behave. They have also thought about their own friends, thinking about what they play together and what they do to help each other.


In Year 2 this week, the children have had a visit from the gingerbread men! They are still waiting to find out where they have come from.


In History, they have learnt about the events of The Great Fire of London and have created their own timelines. In Science the children enjoyed learning about how to make fabric waterproof – they explored how to use wax to create a barrier to the water. They couldn’t believe what happened and enjoyed recording their predictions and findings.


This week in Year 3, the children have been looking at the features of instructional texts during their English lessons and looking at quantities needed in the list of what you will need.  In Maths, they have been looking at equal groups, making arrays and understanding multiples of the 2 times tables.


In RE, the class have been considering what Muslims believe about God. They have looked at the names of Allah. In Art, they have continued to use charcoal and have been practising some Stone Age sketches using their hand prints and blending techniques.


In History, the children have looked at the periods of time during the Stone Age and the different changes that happened during these different periods. They really enjoyed their Active Body and Active Minds sessions again this week and they learned some more relaxation techniques during Yoga.


It’s been another busy week in Year 4.  The children have continued multiplying and dividing in maths, have designed persuasive posters in English and learnt about the uses of rivers in Geography.  In Science, they went on an invertebrate hunt outside.  Once they had identified several invertebrates, the children had a go at classifying them, using their observational skills and scientific language. 


Things are already looking a little festive in Year 5 as they’ve delved further in to the ‘spooktacular’ world of The Christmas Dinner of Souls! In the story, several gruesome dinner guests compete to deliver the spookiest tale possible in a bid to win the DEAD MAN’S JABBERERS and vanquish Christmas forever. Our Year 5s have created their very own scary personas and each received a bauble in preparation for their spooky storytelling…they’ll compete just like the guests in the story with their own festive-themed scary tales.


In RE this week, they’ve been investigating how Muslim’s care for the world around us. They looked at the teachings of Prophet Muhammed and discovered that he encouraged those of the Islamic Faith to care for the natural world and all of its inhabitants. The children then thought about some of the different ways that Muslim’s look after the environment today, including supporting Islamic charities that plant trees and by designing eco-friendly mosques, such as Cambridge Central Mosque. 


This week in Year 6, the children have had the blessing of two superb workshops which took into account our ever-maturing children, informing and teaching them about personal safety and any potential dangers they may face in society as they grow into young teenagers.


English became very analytical as the class began to look at ways authors like to manipulate their readers’ enjoyment through their use of language and structure. Using their text, they examined its use of figurative language and discussed how mood and suspense was created.


In Maths, the class have been progressing to answering multi-step reasoning questions involving adding and subtracting fractions. Science examined why our bodies need nutrients and how these nutrients are transported and in topic, they completed their piece about Mayan Gods. RE included both links to Art and Maths as the children looked at and produced their own examples of Islamic Art. Some very creative outcomes had!



It has been an exciting week at Micklehurst! On Thursday, some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils took an active in role in our annual Open Morning and Evening for prospective parents. They all did a fantastic job of showing our visitors around school and answering any questions they had. Our pupils were fantastic ambassadors for our school and we were all very proud of them.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning about two mini themes.  At the beginning of the week, the class talked about bonfires they had been to and what they had seen.  They have used some amazing language when discussing the fireworks.


At the end of this week, the children have been learning about ‘Remembrance Day’.  They have enjoyed watching a BBC video which helped them to understand about what we are remembering.  The children have made poppies, roleplayed jobs that soldiers did and discussed how people would be feeling.


This week in Reception, the children have loved their learning which has focused on bonfire night and fireworks. They finger-painted fireworks using fluorescent paint and added lots of sparkles! They made 2D rockets and used their phonics skills to write sounds that fireworks make. The children made lists for a bonfire night party and drew fireworks using paintbrushes in sparkly sand. They made beautiful Remembrance Day poppies and used their handprints to make a class wreath.


Filling our marble jar meant they had a class treat, making edible sparklers and watching the Disney firework show. Forest school was a fantastic way to end our week, learning our forest school rules and exploring our forest area.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been enjoying their PE session with Tom, our Tameside Active sports coach. They have been practising moving in different ways and throwing and catching balls whilst they compete against other children in a number of races!


This week in Year 2, the children have been learning all about Remembrance Day – this has involved writing an acrostic poem, using Clicker on the Ipads to write a report and writing letters to thank the soldiers. In Gymnastics, they have been working with a partner to create a short sequence that involves different ways of travelling and a variety of jumps. The children then used 3 stars and a wish to provide constructive feedback for each performance.  


WOW what an extremely busy second week back Year 3 have had! In English, the children started the week by writing some brilliant poems relating to Remembrance Day. They then received a letter from Tom asking for ideas to cheer his friend up. The children have written a list of ideas and incorporated these into posters, they have made some sun shines to cheer him up and baked him a cake. The class really enjoyed baking!


In Maths, they have been using their estimating skills to make an estimate to check if their answer is correct when adding two 3-digit numbers.


In RE, the children have been looking at Holy Trinity and the three parts. They used this to create their own trinity linked to their own lives.  In Art, they have continued to use charcoal and have been practising some Stone Age Sketches in their sketchbooks. In History, they have looked at how life was very different in the Stone Age and how they survived.  


This week in PE, Year 3 have enjoyed their Dance session again where they created their own routines and they have also taken part in their Active Body and Active Mind sessions where they have carried out physical activity and some yoga.


The children have had another busy and fun-packed week in Year 4.  Linking in with their class book, Pugs of the Frozen North, they have been busy writing non-chronological reports on Pug dogs!  The children have been trying their hardest to use correct features of non-chronological reports as well as including some grammatical features such as fronted adverbials and arranging paragraphs around themes.


In Maths, they have been working super hard, looking at arrays, multiplication and division.  The children have been focusing on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables and corresponding division facts.  They have been looking at patterns and ways to help them to be able to quickly recall times tables and divide number facts.  They have carried out lots of reasoning tasks, as well as playing some fun games like Hit the Button!


In the afternoons, Year 4 have been up to all sorts of stuff; learning about how we classify living things, about the significance of Easter and how Christians celebrate it and the features of rivers.  Not only this, but they have had their usual PE, swimming, Spanish and music, computing and guided reading lessons!  It really has been a BUSY week!


The children have had another action-packed week in Year 5! Their computing lesson this week saw the children take to the outdoors to investigate different filming techniques. They explored a number of different shots and camera angles using themselves as the subject.


In English this week, they delved deeper in to Lemony Snicket’s haunting world of Laszlo and The Dark. The children looked closely at the dialogue in the text and then used a range of linguistic features to write their own tense conversations between the protagonist and the villainous ‘dark’. They also used drama strategies to explore the thoughts and feelings of Laszlo as he made his way down the stairs to the basement to meet his fate; the children created a conscience alley and each contributed their own ideas about what was going through his mind at this pivotal moment in the text.


It’s been another fantastic week in Year 6 – it’s great to see the children’s’ attitudes to learning week in, week out. Last week, the class began their latest text in English – The Highwayman and we have seen some absolutely fabulous Police Incident Reports completed. In Maths, the children have been practising their ability to add and subtract fractions including some rather tricky reasoning style question for some.


In RE, they have been examining the differences between Islamic and Christian art. Topic has also held religious undertones, this time, exploring the polytheistic beliefs of the Ancient Maya. To top off an eventful week – Year 6 had a go at building their own pumping hearts in science!

Welcome back! We hope you have had a good half term break and enjoyed the holidays. The children are very happy to be back and are thoroughly enjoying their new topics and learning opportunities.


In Nursery this week, the children have been celebrating Diwali.  The children have enjoyed learning about a new religion and have been fantastic at asking questions.  They have made clay diva lamps, Mehndi hand patterns, created firework printings and enjoyed making and tasting mango lassi. They thoroughly enjoyed their ‘Stay and Play’ session with parents, carers and grandparents.


This week in Reception the children have also enjoyed learning about and celebrating Diwali. They enjoyed their ‘Stay and Play’ morning and have been busy making mehndi patterns, rangoli patterns and reading their class story, ‘Binny’s Diwali’. They have also used apple printing to make mini pumpkins and enjoyed their first forest school session!


In Year 1 this week, the children have been working hard in Maths. On Thursday, they looked at addition using the ‘part + part = whole” model. They have been using practical apparatus to work independently to solve calculations and record them on the tens frame. The children have also used visual representations such as the part whole model before writing their number sentences.


In Year 2, the children have had a very busy first week back and have thoroughly enjoyed beginning some of their new topics. In Gymnastics, they have explored different ways to travel around the hall. In History, the children used their ‘giant timeline’ to locate The Great Fire of London. They then looked at and compared what life was like in the 17th Century with the present day.


This week in Year 3, the children have had a great first week back at school. They have been extremely busy with all of their learning.


This week in English, they have been looking at books by Julia Donaldson. The children have read the story of ‘Zog’ and written some brilliant sentences to describe Zog using the past tense and including adverbs for how. They have also created firework safety posters and written bonfire poems.


 In Maths, the children have been subtracting two 3-digit numbers where they have exchanged in the 10s and 100s columns. They have also been adding 3-digit and 2-digit numbers using the column method. The class have been working very hard with their times tables.


In RE, the children have been looking at representations of God. They have discussed if God was a colour or a letter in the alphabet or an animal what they would choose and why. In Art, they have been using charcoal and practicing using this in their sketch books.


This week in PE, the class have enjoyed their Dance session and have taken part in their Active Body and Active Mind sessions where they have carried out physical activity and some yoga to concentrate on their mental health and wellbeing.


In Science, the children have started their new unit of Rocks and Soils. They have looked at different types of rocks and looked at natural and man-made rocks. The children have used this information to look at different types of rock including metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous.


The first week back has been a busy one in Year 4.  They have started their new book ‘Pugs of the Frozen North’ and have started carrying out their own research in to Pug dogs, ready to write a non-chronological report on them next week.


In Maths, the children have had fun exploring the area of shapes, counting squares and comparing the areas of two shapes.


They have started their new topic this week too.  Their topic is all about rivers and so they started learning about the water cycle.  The children even learnt the words and moves to a water-cycle rap!


In Year 5, their week began with a spooktastic feast of scary tales! The children came to school on Monday morning looking quite the part in their pyjamas and slippers before getting themselves comfortable and cosy in order to be treated to a selection of spooky stories, read expertly by our resident spooksters: Mrs Fernandez and Miss Jarman. The children were truly on the edge of their seats as they listened to the tales and then eagerly took part in a performance of Ian Seraillier’s classic poem: The Visitor. The morning gave them the opportunity to launch their new Scary Tales unit in style and they can’t wait to get writing!


They were also thrilled to receive their Wondrous Book Club box from Mossley Hollins this week; the children were each treated to a wrapped up mystery book that they’ll enjoy this half term.


In PE, they took part in their first Active Body, Active Mind session this week with a focus on team work and communication; the children thoroughly enjoyed the team challenges and learnt a lot about communicating effectively with their peers.


It’s been a busy week in Year 6 this week! On Wednesday, six of our class represented Micklehurst in the MCSP Maths Challenge. All performed amazingly and we achieved 3rd place – couldn’t be more proud. Following that, after school on Thursday, four children buckled up for an exciting debate against other Mossley schools in a debating competition. Although the team did not win, they held themselves excellently, driving their arguments forwards and presenting themselves extremely professionally. In class, the children have started many new topics; they are looking at the Mayan Civilisation, the circulatory system and religious architecture. In English, they have turned themselves into detectives to report on some dastardly goings on…


On Monday our Ethos Group led our assembly about Diwali. This was the first assembly they have led this academic year and our new Ethos Group members did a great job. A great start to the week, well done everyone!


This week, some of our children in Key Stage 2 attended Tameside’s Ten Pin Bowling competition and really enjoyed honing their skills on the bowling lanes. For some, it was their first time bowling and they had a fantastic time.


Our Year 3 children have enjoyed their Modern Foreign Languages morning at Mossley Hollins where they consolidated numbers and colours through song and dance, learned about Spanish foods and had the opportunity to taste some of these, participated in a session about various Spanish festivals involving arts & crafts and learned to express their opinion in Spanish. They had an amazing time!


The final week for this half term in Nursery has been full of fun.  The children have continued to enjoy learning about Autumn.  They have learnt about nocturnal animals, their favourite being Owls.  The book ‘Owl Babies’ has been their book of the week.  The children have made an owl nest in clay and then collected bedding of leaves, twigs and feathers.


Fun was had baking a fruit pie, the children rolled the pastry, layered in the fruit and then put the topping on.  We are very lucky that Mrs Neville was able to cook the pie for us.  Lots of us tried the pie, we didn’t all like it!


Changes to the weather has meant the children have enjoyed running in the rain like superheroes, followed by their favourite dance, Superhero’s Unite.


In Reception this week, the children have been learning all about staying healthy. They have enjoyed trying some delicious healthy foods, using their cutting skills to create a healthy food plate, using their fine motor skills to brush and remove food from the plastic teeth and using their phase 2 phonics to write a healthy shopping list. Retelling the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus using props and photos was lots of fun too. They have very much enjoyed their first half term in Reception together!


This half term, Year 1 have been looking at materials. On Wednesday afternoon they spent time performing tests to see which materials would be best to build a new house for the ‘The Three Little Pigs’. The children decided that Lego bricks would be the safest as Mrs Moorcroft could knock down the houses made from paper straws and lollipop sticks easily. They also spent some time exploring magnets and finding our which objects/materials were magnetic and not magnetic.


This week in Year 2, it has all been about Art! The children have spent the week exploring the use of different media to create spirals. They have listened to a range of classical music whilst exploring how to create loud and quiet movements with their bodies to create different sized spirals. They have enjoyed using chalk on the playground to create larger spirals. Their final piece involved using chalk and oil pastels to create a dramatic snail spiral on black paper. The children really enjoyed blending the colours and picking a media of their choice.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been writing their own version of ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. They have worked very hard to use a variety of sentence types.


The class really enjoyed their visit to Mossley Hollins on Monday where they took part in a Spanish morning. They had lots of fun learning about numbers, colours, Spanish food, cultures and festivals.


In Maths, the children have been adding and subtracting two 3-digit numbers using the column method, exchanging a ten and a hundred.


In RE, the children have been looking at the different uses of the Bible and how people may use the Bible in their lives.  In Geography, they have been looking at the culture of Italy and have looked at music, family, religion, food, fashion and carnivals. They have enjoyed looking at these different aspects of Italian culture.


Year 4 have had a fun-packed last week.  Not only did they visit a Hindu mandir, but they have also enjoyed ‘Art week’. The children weren’t able to take photos in the mandir, as it is a place of worship.  However, their guide did let us take a few of them enjoying the day and learning how to complete a Hindu blessing.


Their art week has been all about patterns.  They have created surface patterns by piercing holes in paper and patterns with rulers. The children have enjoyed learning about artists who use patterns in their work, such as Shaheen Ahmed, Morris Escher and Bridget Riley. Both Escher and Riley use tessellated shapes in their work.  The class have used their art-work to inspire their own. The children have made their own tessellation templates this week and have begun drawing around them.  After that, they added colour, using Riley’s vibrant tessellation art-work to guide them. 


The children have enjoyed being very creative in Year 5 this week; the children have been developing their art skills throughout the week by exploring mixed media land and city scapes. They’ve looked at several different landscape artists and explored their processes, discovering how they use their sketchbooks to sample different media and make marks that eventually inspire their final piece. The children loved using ink in different dilutions to practise mark making and explore various landscape features. They’ve also been using chalk pastels, biros and watercolour this week to compose their own landscape art and create front covers for the books they’ve been writing in their English lessons about their own unique civilisations – they can’t wait to put them all together and marvel at their final products.


It's been another great week in Year 6. In English, they children have conducted a debate to discuss the notion of ‘Should the voting age be lowered to 13’. In class, they are now recording their work in the form of a formal balanced argument.


Maths has been about deepening their understanding of how factors and partitioning can help them to become more confident with their arithmetic work. The children have also touched on division with remainders in the form of problem-solving questions.


In Science, the class have assessed what they have remembered from their evolution topic and looked at the advantages and disadvantages of adaptation and in Geography, they have written a weather report. Please enjoy our Art pictures as we continue our flowers unit, this week using clay and 3D modelling. Here’s to a restful and well deserved half term break!

It has been a very exciting week for our Y6 children who have spent three days at Crowden Activity Centre in Glossop for their Y6 Residential. They have had a fantastic time and have enjoyed the challenges of crate stacking, river walking, weazeling and paddle sport. They have all come back full of tales of their time at Crowden but extremely tired. They were all very well behaved and staff were very proud of everyone!


Our Y6 children taking part in their Junior Award Scheme for School (JASS) have also completed part of their award by delivering our harvest festival donations to Mossley Foodbank this week. The children helped to unpack the tins and packets, check dates and sort them into the right categories before replenishing the shelves for our community to benefit from.


Some of our Y5 children participated in the heats of the Tameside School Games Tag Rugby competition this week. They played brilliantly as a team and showed good skill but unfortunately it wasn’t enough, on this occasion, to get them through to the next round of the competition.


In Nursery this week the children have been learning all about Autumn and the changes that take place.  They had a lovely walk around school looking at the different things we could see that had changed.  They noticed that the leaves had changed colour and had fallen on the floor.


In class, the children have been learning some new songs about what happens to the animals in Autumn and how they need us to look after them. They also talked about Harvest and what happens during this time. They have made their own scarecrows and planted some vegetables.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about their wonderful bodies. On Monday, they drew around Oliver and labelled his body parts using our phase 2 phonics skills. They enjoyed their ‘squiggle whilst you wiggle’ dance and have been using their fine motor cutting skills to snip spaghetti and to decorate a pirate.


The children have also been enjoying the new season of Autumn; they have used leaf rubbing and leaf printing to create an autumn scene and made repeating patterns using autumn leaves and conkers. Using heaps of glitter and shiny scales, the children have finished decorating their beautiful rainbow fish and have been learning about Jesus and his special friends by acting out the bible story of ‘Jesus and the first disciples’.


In RE Year 1, the children have been looking at stories from the Bible. This week they have shared and discussed the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’. The children have then worked hard and enjoyed acting out the story.


In Year 2 this week, the have been ‘scientists’ – they have used a range of working scientifically skills to investigate which materials can change shape. They then recorded their findings in a table and answered questions about what the data showed them. There are lots of budding scientists in Year 2.


In Music, the children have been listening and appraising the famous song ‘Eye of the tiger’ – the children loved it that much that we also added our own dance moves.


This week in English in Year 3, the children have been designing their own character for their own version of ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. They have written plans for their stories and started writing the beginning of these.


In Maths, they have been adding and subtracting two 3-digit numbers using the column method.


In RE, the class have been to Mossley Methodist church where they took part in Experience Harvest. The children have looked at the link between harvest and the fruits of the spirit: patience, joy, peace, humility and generosity. They looked at five parts of harvest; harvest of the flock, harvest of the earth, harvest of the sea and harvest of the grain.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the human features of Italy. They have looked at famous landmarks in different cities across Italy. These have included Milan, The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Colosseum and The Grand Canal in Venice.


In Science, they have been looking at the scientific language of transparent, translucent and opaque. The children have tested different materials to see if they are transparent, translucent or opaque and have discovered if they allowed some or no light through.


It’s been another busy week in Year 4. In Maths the children have been using the column method to subtract with exchanges.  It’s quite tricky, but they have really persevered and done a great job.


In English, the class finished off their amazing newspaper reports and have started their next writing challenge, which is writing instructions for how to cross The River Nile. They have had fun researching famous Egyptian landmarks and drawing their own maps to help them with this task.


Perhaps, their most exciting lesson this week though, was their science lesson.  Last week the children designed their own fair test and this week they set it all up. The test is to find out which liquids affect teeth and cause tooth decay.  The children have placed hard-boiled eggs in different types of liquid because egg shells are similar to tooth enamel. They are carefully observing the eggs on a daily basis to see what affect the different liquids have on them. 


This week in Year 5, the children have embarked upon a new unit of work in English: newspaper report writing. Our budding young journalists began by writing reports about their brand new civilisations inspired by our Weslandia text…from Dylanlandia to Evalandia to Jaydelandia, their reports are hot off the press and we’ve been very impressed by their catchy headlines.


On Wednesday, they took to the TARDIS to travel back in time to 1955 and meet Rosa Parks. They discovered how her brave stand against prejudice helped to spark change in the USA. The children wrote some stunningly emotional poems about Rosa and they’re now busy researching further in to the events that surrounded her arrest in order to write their next newspaper report.


In PE this week, the class have been honing their Tag Rugby skills; the children have been practising a range of passing and catching skills and learning how to effectively pull the tags from their opposition.


What a week! Year 6 have been on their residential this week at the Crowden Outdoor Activity Centre and what an experience it was for them. For many, a chance to be independent, packing bags, preparing equipment. For all, several challenges had. For some, the first nights ever spent away from home. We are super proud of how all the children conducted themselves and faced their fears with some of the activities such as crate stack, night walking, kayaking, stream scrambling and weazling. In terms of pictures, here are only a very small select few of the children really enjoying every aspect of the trip. Now they are back in class, they are writing thank you letters to the centre; they will also be reflecting on how physical challenges can positively influence their mental health and then next week, they will be writing a report, detailing the exciting adventures they faced.






It has been an exciting week in school. We were thrilled to find out that we have won the School Commitment to PE award at the Tameside Active awards ceremony. Gavin Browne from Tameside Active came to present the trophy and certificate to us on Tuesday and some of our Y6 children proudly received it.


The children have enjoyed our Harvest Assembly today and we would like to thank you for donating food parcels, tins and packets for our Harvest Festival. Some of our Y6 children will be delivering our donations to Mossley Foodbank next week so we can support those families in need within our local community.


In Nursery this week, the children have been reading the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ They have investigated floating and sinking using a gingerbread man biscuit in the water tray. The children have also enjoyed baking their own gingerbread man and linked this learning to naming parts of the body.


The children have been learning about their five senses this week in Reception. They enjoyed getting messy in their oranges and lemons tuff tray and making patterns in our flour tuff tray. The used their sense of hearing to go on a listening walk outside and they drew what they could hear.

Their favourite activity was using their sense of taste to try different crisps and guess the flavours! In RE, the children have been talking about being a kind friend like Jesus and have been making some beautiful iridescent rainbow fish for their display.

They have been busy in phonics this week too, learning some new sounds N I and P and they are beginning to spell simple CVC words independently using their new sounds- Miss Austin is very proud of them!


Year 1 have been working hard this week in both Maths and English.  In Maths, the children have been working with a ‘Part Whole Model’ to explore addition. In English, they have been writing their instructions for ‘How to make a Pig Mask’.


In Year 2 this week the children have been ‘scientists’ – they have used a range of working scientifically skills to investigate which materials can change shape. They then recorded their findings in a table and answered questions about what the data showed them. There are lots of budding scientists in Year 2.


In Music, the children have been listening and appraising the famous song ‘Eye of the tiger’ – the children loved it that much that we also added our own dance moves.


This week in Year 3 the children have been writing a letter to Polly, who is Plop’s mum in the story ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’ and they have suggested ideas why they like the dark. They have also retold the story and described Plop.


 In Maths, the children have been adding multiples of 1 and 10 to 3-digit numbers crossing the next ten or hundred. They have used their place value chart to help with this. In RE, the class have looked at the story of ‘The Prodigal Son’. They have discussed the story and the message of forgiveness and times when they have been forgiven and times when we showed forgiveness.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the physical features of Italy. They have looked on a map and were able to identify the mountains and rivers. They have also named these features and looked at some information about the mountain ranges and the rivers.  


In Art, the children have been doing some printing using the brilliant leaf designs they have made.

WOW look at their certificates. They have been working very hard!    


It’s been another busy week in Year 4, full of lots of learning and laughter!  In Maths, the children have begun using the column method to add two 4-digit numbers together.  They learnt how to do this in Year 3 and so they are consolidating in Year 4 and completing lots of reasoning challenges. 


In English, the children have begun writing their own newspaper reports.  They are using iPads to do this as they want to make their reports look really professional.


The class have done so much more, including PE, swimming and improving their technique when blowing into their clarinets.  Perhaps most fun though, is the weekly Spanish lesson.  The Spanish lessons are full of songs, role plays and games and as you can see by the photos, there is always lots of laughter and smiles.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been looking at how the planets in our solar system move. Two children were able to demonstrate how planets orbit and rotate.


The children were super concentrated in this week’s handwriting and it’s beginning to show in their books. Well done everyone!


This week in English in Year 6, the children have been continuing their Jemmy Button text. The class have been realising how well it links with some of our other subjects, namely geography and science. They have been working on their use of figurative language, writing descriptions, and beginning their first Year 6 narrative.


In Maths, the children are growing accustomed to using concrete resources to deepen their number knowledge. This week they have used multilink and counters to represent both square and cube numbers. In art, they are looking closely at flowers, using 2B pencils to create texture and tone. In RE, as we near the end of their first unit, they are now comparing how two different religions, or world views differ in their beliefs about life after death.


It has been another exciting week in school with children enjoying looking at and buying books at our Book Fair and raising money for Macmillan through our cake sale.


In Nursery the focus this week has been the ‘Three Little Pigs’ continuing to speaking about homes and families. The children have looked at what houses need to be made of so that they don’t fall down like the house of straw and sticks.  They had lots of fun testing which materials might not be good for building houses, using a straw to blow the houses down.


The children have been amazing at re-enacting the story with masks and using the large construction bricks to build houses. Mrs Brown has been very proud of how hard the children have worked in dough disco and practising using scissors.


This week in Reception the children enjoyed a walk around the local area to see what different types of houses they could spot; Miss Austin is proud of them for being super sensible and grown up during the walk. Harrison said, ‘there’s a semidetached house because the two houses are stuck together!’

The children have also impressed with their phonics work this week, learning the sounds ‘c’ ‘a’ ‘t’ and ‘s’. They have used super ‘phoneme fingers’ and have completed lots of activities based on their sound of the week- the ‘C’ sound.


On Monday, Year 1 were busy following instructions to make pig masks. They had a great time and later in the week, the children were busy writing instructions of their own. They have also been looking at the greater than, less than and equal to symbols in Maths.


This week in Year 2 the children have been learning about ordering numbers and counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. They have enjoyed using number lines, base 10 and number squares to help with their counting.


In Computing, the children have been looking at what makes a good picture. They worked in pairs to take a variety of pictures and added them to the class Seesaw page. They loved taking selfies!


In Music, the class have been learning a new song all about friendship – before their singing session they warmed up their mouths and voices and this created some very funny faces!!!!


In Year 3 this week, the children have been working extremely hard in English and using all their owl knowledge to write a non-chronological report all about owls. They have found lots of facts about the appearance of an owl, types of owls, all about Barn owls and what owls like to eat.


In Maths, the children have been adding 1 and 10 to 3-digit numbers and using and applying their place value knowledge of 3-digit numbers.  


In RE, they have looked at the story ‘The Temptation & Fall’ (Genesis 3:1-24). They have discussed how the serpent tempted Adam and Eve and thought about what temptation is. They have created their own examples to show when they have been tempted.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the different countries in Europe and have created their own fact files. They have found lots of information about the different countries in Europe.

In Guided Reading, Year 3 have started their new text ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark’. They have worked very hard in reading the first chapter and answering their VIPERS questions. We have used the dictionary to define some of the words in the text.


WOW look at their certificates. Year 3 have been working very hard!    


It has been another busy week in Year 4! The children have finished writing their Egyptian Cinderella stories and have begun looking at the features of newspapers, ready to write their own newspaper report.  They had some fun, pretending to be journalists and interviewing their friends, noting down quotes for their newspaper reports.


The children also carried out a very messy science experiment.  The experiment helped them understand the digestive process and what happens with the undigested food!


In Maths, they have been rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1000 and have used number-lines to help them with this.


This week, Year 5 have been producing science work that’s simply out of this world! Our team of savvy scientists have been researching the features of the different planets that make up our Solar System and they’ve used a whole host of ICT skills to present their findings in the form of an interactive planet guide.


In RE this week, they’ve continued to consider why people may or may not believe in a God. In order to gather evidence for their investigation, the children formulated a range of thought-provoking questions to ask an atheist and a theist; they were then given the opportunity to interview Kevin, a Humanist and Brian, a Christian. Their answers were fascinating, and the children developed a brilliant understanding about why these two individuals have chosen to believe or not believe in a God.


The children have also been working hard to plan their very own narratives this week. They’ve been inspired by their class text, 'Weslandia', to create their own unique civilisations and they’re thoroughly enjoying innovating different elements of the story. They can’t wait to get writing next week!


It’s been a busy week in Year 6 this week. In Maths, the children have moved onto factors and multiples and looking at ways of dissecting numbers using multiplicative and divisive laws.


In English, we have seen excellent progress in the children’s abilities to write descriptively. ICT was one of our favourites this week as we did some group work, communicating only via the iPads – a fact file about a country is what they have been tasked to produce…we shall await the outcomes of this unfamiliar project.


In Geography, the children have been comparing the precipitation and temperatures of different climate zones and in Spanish, they are very much enjoying our Beat the Teacher sessions with Mrs Chapman from Mossley Hollins.

The children have had another busy week of learning despite it being a shorter week in school.


In Nursery the children have been talking about who lives in their house.  During circle time they talked about different family members that are special to them and how many people live at home.  The children counted all the people and then stuck them onto a picture, Mrs Brown wrote their names underneath.


Their self-portraits are brilliant, they thought about their eye and hair colour and talked about the shapes of their noses and mouths.  Can you guess who they are? Transient art also included making self-portraits, the children did make some funny faces in the mirror to copy and used lots of different objects for hair or eyes.


They have also created their class charter this week, they thought of the rules themselves and they are trying very hard to follow them.


This week, the children have had heaps of fun in Reception role playing as doctors and nurses after their visit from Nurse Ali. They have been mark making in the glitter sand. They have enjoyed looking at their baby photos and guessing who’s who and talking about the different stages of growing up.


Year 1 are very lucky to be the first class to enjoy Forest School with Mrs Distin Webster. During their first week of the sessions, the children had a great time exploring the Forest School area on the top field of our school grounds. They also came up with Forest school rules, set out the boundaries and enjoyed a juice and a biscuit. They are all looking forward to Week 2. Keep an eye open for future Forest School posts where the children can share other exciting activities that they have enjoyed.


This week in Year 2, the children have been learning all about the coast as part of our Geography work. They had a fabulous flash back to previous lessons where they discussed the human and physical features of the seaside. The children then moved on and worked with partners to research which animals they would find living in a seaside habitat. They really enjoyed working with different partners and they found some amazing facts and illustrations.


The children have had another great week in Year 3! In English, they have had a special treat and had a visit from a company called ‘Wise Owl’. They brought lots of owls for us to see. The children learned lots of facts and got to hold an owl. They then wrote a recount about their day. The children are going to use these facts to write a non-chronological report about owls.


In Maths, they children have been ordering and comparing 3 digit numbers and placing and estimating numbers to 1,000 on a number line. In Science, they have been looking at shadows and have investigated the question ‘does our shadow move throughout the day?’ They carried out an experiment to measure their shadows at different times during the day.


In Geography, the children have been conducting their own research to find out about Europe. They have used their iPads to research and find facts and have found out what is the largest country in Europe, the smallest country in Europe and the longest river in Europe.   


Year 4 have packed a lot in to their unusually short week! Not only have they successfully got to and from their weekly swimming lesson (no bus break downs this week!), they have also begun writing their stories based on the Egyptian Cinderella.  The children have done lots of shared and independent writing, focussing particularly on powerful vocabulary and fronted adverbials.  They have enjoyed their clarinet lesson and are really beginning to improve their technique when blowing into the reeds.  They’ve also been doing some really tricky Maths this week, plotting numbers to 10,000 on a number-line.  The children have coped fabulously, really persevering even when they have found it quite challenging. 


Year 5 have been journeying back in time this week in order to discover everything they can about the Vicious Vikings. Their focus has been on the Anglo-Saxon King, Alfred the Great, who bravely and heroically protected Wessex from the incoming Viking invaders. The children thought about what they’d have really liked to ask King Alfred and then used a range of secondary sources to try and discover what his answers would be…the children are now in the process of writing interviews with this famous English monarch. 


In Maths this week, they’ve been developing their place value knowledge by comparing numbers up to 100,000. The children enjoyed investigating using counters and place value charts as concrete representations to make and manipulate the different numbers.


Staff were very proud of our Year 5 poets this week too; during Collective Worship on Wednesday, they took centre stage in front of a very impressed audience to perform the poems that we’ve been writing in their RE lessons.  


This week in Year 6, the children have been writing letters to Jemmy Button – following their debates last week. Half of the class were writing to encourage Jemmy to leave for England; the other half, trying to persuade Jemmy to stay where he lives.


In Maths, their human number line has made another guest appearance, this time to represent negative numbers. The children have been using this to help them both add and subtract beyond zero. Giant number lines drawn out on the floor in the hall have also been utilised to cement our understanding in the context of temperature.


Science has also been super fun! Drawing on Darwin’s research on evolution and finches, the class have conducted an enquiry to find out what sort of beak worked best at picking up seeds. Laughter aplenty as Year 6 endeavoured to pick up chickpeas using tweezers, scissors and straws!


What a busy week it has been in school! The children have enjoyed a range of learning across school.


In Nursery this week, the children started reading ‘The Colour Monster’ story.  They loved finding out about all of the monster’s feelings and how mixed up he was.  They talked about their feelings using the colour monster book.


It was fun finding objects around the classroom that matched the colour monster’s feelings, the children then collaged paper jars in each of the feeling colours.  These look super displayed on our wall and they can use them to talk about their feelings when they need to.


The children have also been finding their names and printing them in paint for their special ‘We Are’ Nursery display. 


This week in Reception, the children have enjoyed making lots of mess hunting for sounds in the gellibaff. They have been talking about ‘special people’ and enjoyed Nurse Ali’s visit and then role playing doctors and nurses! They have painted beautiful self-portraits and have been showing photos of their families and drawing them too.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been working on the story of ‘The Three little Pigs.’ On Tuesday, they had fun visiting a construction site to find out how to build new brick houses for the little pigs. Following this, the children are going to write recount of what they did whilst they were there.


This week in Year 2, the children have been continuing their place value unit in Maths. They have enjoyed using the base 10 apparatus and the part whole model to partition two digit numbers. In Music this week, they were learning to move to a beat and use their voices to create high and low notes. As you can see from the pictures they really enjoyed making silly faces for the warm up activity.

In Computing the children have been exploring taking pictures – this has involved using the camera in both the portrait and landscape setting.


The children have had another great week in Year 3! In English, they have been creating some setting descriptions using prepositions using the story ‘Owl Babies’ and have enjoyed some drama to retell the story. They have looked at lots of books related to owls and enjoyed some reading for pleasure. They have also created some book reviews for these books.


In Maths, the children have been partitioning 3 digit numbers and representing 3 digit numbers in different ways. They have been continuing to develop their knowledge of the place value of 3-digit numbers.


In Science, they have looked at the sun as a light source and have looked at the positive and negative effects the sun can have. The children have learned how to be safe in the sun and how to look after themselves and then they designed a sun safety poster.


In RE, the children have been looking at the very first book in the Old Testament in the Bible. They have studied the creation story and what happened on each day.  


In Geography, they have focused their attention on the continent of Europe and looked at all the countries in Europe, labelling some of these on a map.  


The children enjoyed their Spanish lesson again this week and have learned some more greetings and practised their conversational skills in Spanish. In PE, they have been honing their skills playing Tag Rugby and Hockey, learning how to control the ball in different ways.


In Art, Year 3 have been doing some observational drawings of leaves. They did an amazing job!


This week in Year 4, the children have had lots of fun, carrying out their own independent research into the different parts of the digestive system and their functions.


In English, they enjoyed completing some drama in groups.  The drama will help them write their own versions of ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ next week.


In RE, the children have started to look at how Hindus show their faith.  They explored a Puja tray with their senses.


Year 5 have been receiving some rather unusual letters and clues recently from a boy called Wesley and this week, the mystery has finally resolved itself as their new class text has been revealed! They’ve immersed themselves in to the world of Weslandia, a brand new civilisation created in Wesley’s back yard. They’ve now turned their attention to creating their very own unique civilisations and planning their own versions of this captivating tale! They’ve had great fun discussing the kinds of plants, games, foods and creatures that might be found in their new worlds of wonder. 


In RE this week, the children were faced with another big question that has really got them thinking? They’ve been discussing why people believe in a God and have been given the task of investigating ‘is God real?’ They began by exploring what the Bible tells us about God and why it’s difficult to draw and describe God. They wrote their own pieces of poetry after being inspired by the work of Maimonides, a medieval thinker who decided to describe what God is not rather than what he is.


In Year 6 this week, the children have been honing their debating skills – their class text is based on the true story of a boy called Jemmy Button who was brought to England to be ‘civilised’. The class have been debating whether or not that was a good idea in preparation for some more persuasive writing.


In Science, they have talked inheritance and have been developing their own Mr & Mrs Potato-head babies based on inherited characteristics. In geography, the children have been looking at the different types of climate in the world and understanding how climate zones are determined by lines of latitude and the positioning of the Earth in relation to the sun.


Maths has been fun this week too as we turned some children into a human numberline – working with numbers up to 10,000,000!


Welcome back to a new school year! We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed the break. It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school and see how happy the children are in their new classes. Everyone looks very smart. 


It has been a busy week settling into new routines, but the children have enjoyed their first week and have done some fantastic work.


In Nursery this week, the children have been getting to know their new friends.  They have had lots of fun playing games, painting, drawing, reading and learning new routines.  What a lovely group of Nursery children we have!


The children have all settled well and are beginning to learn some of our routines and rules.  They have had fun painting their hands and having their first day pictures taken for their special learning journey’s.  They have also measured themselves with some very special ribbon, they are going to keep it safe until the end of the year when they will measure themselves again and see how they have grown. We can’t wait to see what fun we will have next week!


This week in Reception, the children have had a wonderful week beginning their Reception journey. They have been playing with their new friends and enjoying their outside area. They have been using their cutting skills to make their own buzzy bee’s after reading ‘Bumblebear’ and have been practising writing their name.


In Year 1 this week, the children have settled well into their new classroom and class routine. They have worked hard to complete English, Maths and PSHE tasks and have created their class charter. They have also enjoyed a range of new experiences like our weekly church assembly and playtime on the top pitch. 


It has been a very busy and exciting week in Year 2 this week and it is safe to say that the children have all settled in very well! In Maths they have begun their place value topic and have been using base 10, bead strings and tens frames to represent two digit numbers. In English, the children had a very exciting discovery when they returned from their lunch – they found a variety of shells, sea creatures and a new book on their chairs! They have loved reading different sections of the book and have based lots of their writing around the main character ‘Erin’. This week they have also made their own ‘aspiration rockets’ and Mrs Turner has created a fabulous display in our classroom.


The children have had a great first week in Year 3! They have discussed their class charters and created their classroom rules. They have discussed their goals and dreams for the year and the future.


In Maths, the children have been representing numbers to 100, partitionbing numbers to 100 and counting in 100s. 


In Science, they have looked at light and dark and have identified light sources and non- light sources.

In RE, the children have been looking at the Bible. They have discussed how the Bible is used by Christians and have looked at the new and old testament and studied different books in the Bible.


In Geography, they have been looking at the world. They have identified the world’s continents and oceans, have located Italy and Great Britain and found the Equator.


In Year 4 this week, the children began their topic on Ancient Egypt.  They looked at some photos of Egyptian artefacts and used their historical skills to decide whether they were authentic or replicas.


The class also started their science topic on living things. They began by thinking about what happens to their food when they eat it.  They all ate a cracker and thought hard about what parts of their body were used in the digestive process.


The children had a brilliant start to life in Year 5 but it has definitely been a busy first week back. On Monday, they began by delving in to a brand new book: The Boy, the mole, the fox and the horse. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the world of Charlie Mackesy and were inspired by the images and the quotes in the book to produce their very own examples. They also used the ideas from the text to help them write their Class Charters. Their favourite character was the mole, whose love of all things cake meant they just had to sample some sweet treats themselves whilst working on their skills of inference and deduction. 


On Wednesday, the children received quite an unusual letter from a boy called Wesley…in his letter, he asked them for some advice and they felt compelled to write back. The children thought long and hard about how to help Wesley with his dilemma and wrote some brilliantly thoughtful responses - they’re hoping to hear back from him soon!


They also had their very first Spanish lesson with Mrs Chapman this week - they practised their greetings and enjoyed role playing as well as tuning their singing voices to perfect their pronunciation.  


The children have had a fabulous week and start to Year 6. Routines are starting to feel embedded already and the class seem to be thinking seriously about the responsibilities which come alongside being in their final year of primary. This week, they hit the ground running with place value in maths – working with numbers up to 10,000,000 and really focussed on their use of mathematical explanations.


In English, the class received a postcard from a stranger from a little-known place in the world – they are now researching and producing a persuasive piece to rebuild its tourist industry!


The children have looked at lines of latitude in Geography and have been introduced to the terms Evolution and Inheritance in Science. We are absolutely certain that the children are going to sleep well this weekend!


It has been an exciting week in school. Year 6 have enjoyed their leavers celebration with a morning HyperBowling at Denton Wellness Centre, followed by a feast of pizza and cake and a party to finish the day! Year 5 have enjoyed a day in the life of an evacuee and have prepared themselves for their trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters on Monday.


It has been a week of musical performances earlier in the week with Years 5 and 6 treating us to a concert on Monday morning to showcase the amazing skills they have developed whilst learning to play their brass instruments. Then on Tuesday children in Year 3 performed for us and showcased the range of skills they have developed using percussion instruments and ukuleles. What a talented bunch we have. We were very proud of them!


Two of our Year 6 children received the Commonwealth Games Baton in school and then took part in the relay by carrying it to Buckton Vale where they handed it to two of their pupils to continue the relay.


In Nursery this week, the children have enjoyed the hot weather and found lots of ways to cool themselves down. They have had fun in the Spa and the ice lollies helped to keep them cool. The children have also enjoyed lots of water play and bubble play.


This week in Reception, the children have been reflecting on what has been a fantastic year. They have talked about some of the things they have enjoyed and talked about some of their favourite moments from this year. The children have written sentences about their favourite memories.


In Maths, the children have been solving problems based around the stories ‘Mr Gumpy’s outing’ and ‘How Many Legs?’ The children have really impressed staff with how much mathematical knowledge they have and how they can use this to solve problems. They finished off their week with the annual Beach Party. What a fantastic way to celebrate a wonderful year!


Following on from their Carnival work in DT, Year 1 have been very busy using their designs and the folding skills that they have developed to create their own collar ready for our Carnival next week. The children are very excited!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been writing their ‘Toys in Space’ stories and staff are so impressed with the final outcomes of these stories. Well done Year 2! In Maths, the children have been counting in fractions. In History they have been learning about the British astronaut Tim Peake and have enjoyed creating a fact file and a timeline of his life.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been looking measuring weight and capacity in Maths and have read scales and compared weight and capacity.


In Science, they have been looking at the job of the flower and have labelled the parts of a flower and looked at their functions. The children have also looked at the pollination process and the life cycle of a flower.


In Design and Technology, they have been designing sandwiches. The children have researched different bread types and fillings and have tested some different fillings and rated them. They then designed their own sandwich before making them. The children then went to the park and had a picnic and enjoyed their sandwiches. On the way home, they designed their own map of the route from the park back to school.


This week in Year 4, the children have been enjoying practical science! They conducted an experiment to investigate changing states of matter when a force of temperature is applied. In literacy, the children have written letters to the Tear Thief to offer advice and persuade our cunning character not to steal children’s tears. In Maths, they have continued with geometry, and have met the idea of symmetry this week. In ICT, our programming topic has led them to animate the letters of their names and write increasingly complex algorithms using Scratch.


In Year 5 this week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed their World War 2 style school day. The children came dressed in costume from this period and enjoyed a range of activities including making a box for a gas mask, making paper models of war planes and learning dances from the 1940s.


Our Year 6's have thoroughly enjoyed a very busy final full week at primary school – we can’t quite believe that they only have two days left and we’re expecting a tear or two when they wave goodbye on Tuesday!


During their final week, the children were challenged to stretch their Maths skills by planning and budgeting for a family holiday. Our band of globetrotters set to work without hesitation in order to find the most cost-effective and exciting destinations, travel options and accommodation – they also planned some interesting activities for the holidaymakers to enjoy. Throughout the project, the children had to carefully price each element of the trip, take in to account time differences and explore the distance travelled - they then used their iPads to make short persuasive pitches to market their trip.


On Thursday, the children took a trip down memory lane as they dug deep in the school grounds to find their time capsule. They were thrilled to discover the notes they had written to their future selves back in Year 4 and it was great to reflect on the progress they’ve made and the experiences they’ve had over the past three years.


As a special treat for our school leavers, we visited Denton Wellness Centre on Friday for a HyperBowling treat – it was great to see so many smiles on faces as the children (and the teachers) competed to be bowling champions. After a pizza treat at lunch time, they showcased their dance skills in the hall as they celebrated with one final party at primary school!


The children have enjoyed another busy week in school. Some of our Key Stage 2 children have taken part in the Mossley Olympics at Mossley Hollins and many of them won medals for the events they took part in. It was very close in terms of points this year, but it was Buckton Vale who were crowned the winning Primary School.


In Nursery this week, the children have been very excited because they have had their first school lunch at Micklehurst instead of their packed lunch! They were very grown up as they chose their meal and collected their tray and cutlery. They have also been making bubbles and making the most of the sunshine and learning outdoors.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about things that live under the sea. They have created their own little rock pools and have been writing about some of the creatures that live under the sea. In numeracy the children have been practising sharing in our challenge area and have been learning all about odd and even numbers. They enjoyed making an odd monster by putting odd amounts of features onto their bodies.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been designing collars for their Carnival Day. They have been working hard creating mood boards thinking about the colours, shapes and textures they would like to use to make their collars.


This week in Year 2, the children have been finding out about how germs spread. This has been part of their science work and the children have been finding out about Louis Pasteur and his work has influenced the importance of hygiene to humans.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes. They have also been looking at different types of angles including right angles, acute angles and obtuse angles. 


They had a great afternoon on Tuesday at the Mossley Olympics, where they competed in a range of events.


In Science, the children have been looking at how water is transported around a flower. They carried out an investigation to find out if different conditions affect how quickly water is transported around a flower.


In History, the children found out how Mossley would have looked during the Victorian era. They looked at the different mills and discussed how life would be for a poor Victorian child.


This week in Year 4, the children have started their unit of work based on ‘The Tear Thief’ by Carol Ann Duffy. The children have been looking at the figurative language within the text and have been writing character descriptions. 


In science, the children have been investigating how materials change state when they are heated or cooled and thoroughly enjoyed investigating the temperature at which chocolate melts. In Geography they have been identifying physical characteristics of the United Kingdom and finding out which are the highest mountains and the longest rivers.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been filling their journals with diary entries and newspaper reports. They have created a 3D pull up cuboid net to use as an evacuee suitcase. They even created tiny items of clothing and belongings to go inside! 


As the end of the term speeds towards us, Year 6 have been reflecting on their time at Micklehurst and working hard to prepare for their upcoming Leavers Assembly. The classroom has been filled with music as the children have come together to practise and rehearse a selection of songs that they’ll perform on their final day at primary school. We’ve also been using the green screen to produce a few additional segments for the assembly and we’re looking forward to the big reveal on the day…just where has technology taken Year 6 this time?

In our English lessons this week, the children have been writing in role as the protagonist from our shared text, The Matchbox Diary. Using an informal tone, they’ve planned and composed letters to the boy’s grandmother back in Italy detailing what life is like in his new home: New York City. The children considered what it would have been like to arrive in a new, unfamiliar country and settle in a city so different to the young boy’s rural Italian home - the letters were truly heartfelt and extremely thoughtful!

In their dance lesson this week, Year 6 have been bringing together everything they’ve learnt this term and showcasing their contemporary dance moves in some mini performances – they really are a groovy bunch. 

It’s been smiles all round this week as Year 6 have outdone themselves once again with some absolutely stellar SATs results! They’ve exceeded all our expectations and made everyone at Micklehurst extremely proud – all of the hard work and effort that the children have put in this year has definitely paid off and we’re thrilled by their achievements and by the fantastic progress made by all – well done Year 6!


The children have also enjoyed a visit from Freddy Fit this week and all classes have had the opportunity to move around stations and engage in a range of sporting activities.


The children in Year 6 who have taken part in the JASS (Junior Award Scheme for Schools) this year and the Year 5 children who have just started the scheme have really enjoyed their adventure day to fulfil the adventure section of the awards. They took part in climbing activities, archery and survival skills where they have been chopping wood and cooking smores on the fire.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning about all about octopuses as they continue their topic ‘Under the Sea.’ They have been counting the legs of an octopus and looking at addition up to 8. They have also read ‘Octopants’ by Suzy Senior and Claire Powell and have been making collages of octopuses from the story.


This week in Reception, the children have been reading ‘Sharing a Shell’ by Julia Donaldson. They have created their own shell and written sentences to describe what their shell is like. They have also linked this work with PSHE and have been thinking about who they would like to share their shell with. In Maths, the children have been sharing amounts and objects into equal groups.


In Year 1 this week, the have continued their work about Islam and have been finding out all about the Muslim faith and their celebrations. The children have also really enjoyed their session with Freddy Fit.


This week in Year 2, the children have been developing their singing and instrument playing! At the beginning of the lesson none of the children had played a recorder before and by the end, all children could play two notes in time with the music. Miss Trelfa was very impressed with their performance and even played some tunes of her own! In History, the children have absolutely loved learning about the first moon landing. They imagined what it was like to be watching the landing in 1969 and wrote their own diary entries about this monumental moment in time. The children have also researched and watched numerous videos about what life is like on board the International Space Station.  


In Year 3 this week, the children had a brilliant Victorian day in class where they experienced life in a Victorian school. They were able to write with chalk on a chalk board, carry out drills, experience the daily routines of life as Victorian children and create a portrait of Queen Victoria. They had a brilliant day.


In Maths, the children have been looking at durations and how long things take and looking at start and end times.In RE, they have been looking at celebrations. This week the children have been looking at the Muslim festival of Eid and they looked at how the celebrations happen across the country.


In Science, they have been looking at parts of a plant and the job of each part. They have looked at different flowers and learned the name of some of them.


Some of our children took part in their Top of the Tree reward and had a great afternoon rock climbing, doing archery and learning some survival skills.


This week in Year 4, the children have been looking at a map of the UK and locating major cities, further building their mapping skills. In Maths, they have been looking at how line graphs tell us a story and of how trends and patterns can be analysed using the data represented. In RE, the children played a game with no rules to see how it would affect their relations with their peers and then discussed the benefits of living with a rule system. Coding continued in ICT, looking at infinite loops – they made lots of dinosaurs dance! A great week!


In Year 5 this week, the children have made WW2 inspired journals from scratch for their English and History topics. They started by creating the cover; they used brown paper bags, scrunched them up and added ink then glued them to card. Next, they tea stained lots of paper, cut to size and sewed them together. Then they glued everything all together and added finishing touches. The children have started their journals with a creative family crest and family tree. 


We had a very busy start to the week in Year 6 as the children made their way up to Mossley Hollins to take part in a Food Technology day. Throughout the day, they worked hard to showcase a whole host of newly acquired culinary skills by preparing a three course meal that would impress the likes of Jamie Oliver and it’s safe to say that their professionalism in the kitchen would even keep Gordon Ramsay at bay. The menu included homemade bread, a pasta dish and some deliciously jammy cookies and our Year 6's have promised that with their newfound skills, they’re going to be cooking tea more often at home now – you’re welcome parents and carers!


We also took to the streets on Monday to take part in a litter pick; the children worked incredibly hard to tidy their local environment, including the Sycamores and Mansfield Road, as they collected a grand total of six bin bags full of litter!

It has been an exciting week in school as we have been thinking about transition. Our Year 6 children have spent two days at Mossley Hollins this week and others will be visiting West Hill next week. Children from Reception up to Year 5 enjoyed their transition session in the classes they will be in from September and got to know their new teachers.


In Nursery this week, the children have been finding out all about sea turtles. They have watched a video that showed them how sea turtles lay their eggs and how the hatchlings hatch and make their way back to the sea. The children have learned a wealth of new vocabulary and enjoyed lots of creative activities.


This week in Reception, the children have started to learn all about holidays and going to the seaside. They have been talking about what you might find and see at the seaside and have been writing about the arrival of a beautiful shell in their classroom. This has stimulated their writing for this week.


In maths, the children have been learning about doubles and have been finding the doubles of numbers up to six. Mrs Harding has been so impressed with how the children have absorbed all the learning around their new topic.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been learning all about the Islamic faith. They have been looking at artefacts that are special and important to Muslims and how are they used.


This week in Year 2, the children have witnessed a very strange and mysterious event! On Monday they discovered a range of toys in their classroom and they each had different notes attached to them. On Tuesday they received a fantastic book called ‘Toys in Space’ and this explained how the toys arrived in the classroom. The children were so excited and couldn’t wait to read all about their adventures.


In History this week the children have used different sources of information to research about the first man and woman to travel to space. They have created some lovely fact files which are now proudly displayed on their new History timeline.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been on a trip to Quarry Bank Mill. They had a fantastic day and learned all about what it was like to live in the Victorian period. They looked around a Victorian school, the apprentice house and around the mill. 


In Maths, the children have studied the 24-hour clock and looked at duration. In RE, the children have found out about the Hindu festival of Diwali. They have looked at different blessings from their family and community.


In Year 4 this week, the children have been opening their golden eggs in literacy to reveal dreams, ready for a narrative piece based on the Literacy Shed video of ‘The Dreamgiver’. In Maths, they have been starting a brand-new topic – statistics and so far, have been interpreting a variety of charts and graphs.


In RE, the children have been looking at the different journeys made by Jesus and as a bonus, have also been learning how the Bible referencing system works. We have also been introduced to the wildlife artist – Gary Hodges and this week have been practising our pencil skills using various types of artist pencil.


This week in Year 5, the children have been learning how to play tennis with Hayley, they enjoyed learning new skills and the rules of the game. On Thursday our Year 4’s came to Year 5 for the morning, they had a great time getting to know their new teachers and classroom.


Our Year 6s have reached a real milestone this week as many of them have been visiting Mossley Hollins High School for their transition days. The children were really excited to discover what’s in store for them in September and they were bursting with questions to ask – they also couldn’t wait to find out which form they were going to be in! We can’t wait to hear all about their new adventure when they return to Micklehurst on Monday.


We’ve also been reflecting this week on our brilliant Mock Trial experience at Salford Magistrates Court last Friday - the children who participated have enjoyed sharing with the rest of the class how the events of the day unfolded. They were superbly professional ambassadors for Micklehurst as they each took on a role as part of the prosecution team and fought hard to persuade the magistrates that the defendant was guilty. We were also joined at the event by Greater Manchester Police, the Transport Police and the Fire Service and the children loved finding out about their roles. Our team members also included a court artist and a court reporter who have been working hard this week to produce pieces of work that we can enter in to two additional competitions!


The children have thoroughly enjoyed starting our new geography topic this week too: Marvellous Mapping. They’ve learnt how to use grid references in atlases to locate different places around the world and then use the information on the map to describe the physical features of each location. We’ve also had a very interesting discussion about the merits of digital maps versus paper maps and atlases.



What a busy and energetic week we have had in school. It has been Sports Week and the children have enjoyed a range of sporting activities throughout the week including Bollywood dancing, archery, curling, skipping, dance, activity stations and of course our favourite – Sports Day! It was lovely to see so many parents/carers at the event cheering their children on and we so pleased to see how much everyone enjoyed it.


On Thursday, Year 4 had the amazing experience of playing their clarinets with the Halle Orchestra at The Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. They were completely in awe of the hall and its acoustics and thoroughly enjoyed the performance. Teachers were so proud of their impeccable behaviour.

Year 6 have taken part in a virtual transition session led by Kooth where they were shown an online platform where children could ask questions about any concerns they may have regarding transition and access resources to support them. There was also other articles and links to websites that the children can use.


Year 6 have also had members of their year group represent school at the MCSP Debating Society where our team argued against the topic This house believes that all fizzy drinks and junk food adverts should be banned before 9pm.” Our children presented their argument confidently following a lot of research to support their case and their hard work paid off as they won the competition!


In Nursery this week, the children have had lots of fun during sports week.  The Bollywood dancing was amazing and we learnt lots of new moves to use in our wake up shake routines too.

Sports day fun was had by all the nursery children, staff and parents.  The children joined in with all the races and loved seeing their mums and dads in the races at the end.


When Paris came to teach us how to skip properly, she was impressed with our skills and we showed her how much we had learnt.


Our favourite activity of the week was curling, it was funny watching Mrs Larnder-Cox forget to let go of her curling disk.


During this week we have also been learning about patience, our new fruit of the spirit word.  We watched ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and talked about how the tortoise took his time with all the things that he did and he eventually ran the race because of his patience.


This week in Reception, the children have enjoyed sports week. They have had the opportunity to try out lots of different sports from skipping to archery. It has been lots of fun! The children have showed fantastic teamwork, cooperation, and support for each other whilst they have been participating in the sporting activities. They have tried hard and persevered even when they have found it difficult.


The children have also written a recount in Literacy all about Sports Day and they have written about their favourite race. Lots of children liked the mummies and daddies race the best! In Numeracy this week, the children have been experimenting with shapes, learning how to move and rotate them to make new shapes. The class have made a quilt for grandpa using square tiles and have moved shapes to make new patterns. A fantastic week in reception this week and Mrs Harding is very proud of all the children.


In Year 1 this week, the children have had a great week taking part in a number of sporting activities including Bollywood dancing, Sports Day, curling, archery and skipping. They really enjoyed trying their hands at archery and curling but their favourite was skipping.


This week in Year 2, the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning a variety of new sports skills. They have amazed their teachers during sports week as they have shown real perseverance and good attitudes throughout. Not only have they completed a variety of sports, they also got the opportunity to watch a fantastic Science assembly – the children were all ‘buzzing’ about it! Finally, they said a fond farewell to Miss Meepe this week who has been completing her teaching practice with us. Everyone was sad to see her go but they really enjoyed reading the stories that she had bought the children.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have also enjoyed Sports Week and have had a great week taking parts in lots of sports. They have taken part in Bollywood Dance, Sports Day, archery, skipping and a Dodgeball competition.


This week in English, the children have been researching all about the Commonwealth Games and have used this research to create a non-chronological report.

In RE, they have been learning about celebrations. They have looked at the celebration of Easter and the main parts of Holy Week.


A bucket load of extra-curricular this week in Year 4! Sports Week officially kicked off with a game of curling. Followed by an excellent participation in Sports Day, everyone loved it. Year 4 did lots of other sports too, including archery and skipping. Alongside all these sports, Year 4 had the opportunity to play their instruments with the world-famous Halle Orchestra this week at the Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. The theme covered music from Central, North and South America and songs aplenty were either played or sang beautifully. Year 4 have represented Micklehurst amazingly this week and we are very proud of them.


In Year 5 this week, the children have all thoroughly enjoyed Sports Week and all the sporting activities they have experienced. Well done Year 5, you all did so well!


Year 6 have taken Sports Week by storm and have thoroughly enjoyed the athletic challenges that have come their way. On Monday, they found their dancing feet by participating in a Bollywood workshop and mastering several new moves, including the light bulb and the flower - they certainly found their rhythm and groove! On Tuesday, our Year 6 sports stars competed in their last ever Sports Day at Micklehurst and the sunshine even made an appearance for them too. They demonstrated great skill in a number of races including the traditional favourite the egg and spoon race and some other classics like the hurdles and of course the sprint. It was target practice for Year 6 on Wednesday as the children picked up a bow and worked on developing their archery skills - going for gold turned out to be quite the challenge but our budding archers definitely made good progress in the session! We also took part in a grand game of dodgeball on Wednesday and pitted our skills against Year 5. On Thursday, we took part in a skipping workshop and learnt a whole host of new tricks - the pretzel was definitely the hardest!

As well as partaking in a wide range of sporting activities this week, we have also been learning about the upcoming Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. We began by considering what ‘commonwealth’ actually means and by using the world map to locate all 53 Commonwealth countries!

Welcome back! We hope you have had a good holiday and enjoyed the break. It has been another busy week in school. The children have enjoyed having their photographs taken with their class and Years 3, 4 and 5 have enjoyed celebrating their Top of the Tree reward day at Mossley Park.


In Nursery, the children have begun to research their new topic about oceans and animals that live under the sea.  They started off by thinking about what they already know, the children knew lots about different animals that live under the sea.  Then they talked about what mammals are and fish.  What is the difference and why?  The children have had lots of fun pretending to live under the sea and dance like different fish, their new songs will wow you when you hear them.


This week in Reception, the children have shared their holiday news and written a recount about what they have been getting up to. In numeracy they have been learning to subtract from 10 using a tens frame and have been solving subtraction problems. Their phonics challenge this week has been to write sentences to match pictures. This has allowed the children to apply their phonics skills. They have also enjoyed carrying on their learning all about minibeasts.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been looking at the text Nat Fantastic as part of their literacy work. On Monday they shared the story of ‘Nat Fantastic’ and then the children used role play to create ideas for the next problem that Nat was going to solve.  They had a great time and performed their ideas to each other!


This week in Year 2 the children have been learning how to code using Discovery Coding on the iPads. They really enjoyed making their characters move and creating their own apps. In History, the children began their new ‘Space Race’ topic where they looked at the key events that have taken place from 1940 – 2022. They then created their own timelines and used their range of space books to do their own research. They also really enjoyed watching different space videos!  


In Year 3 this week, the children have been designing their own space man based on the new class text they are going to be looking at in English. They then looked at the front cover of the book and discussed the setting of the story. They decided the story was set in space, so they then carried out their own research about space. Following their research the children made their own space posters.


In RE, the children have been looking at celebrations. They have discussed why people celebrate and created a list of celebrations. They then sorted these into religious and non-religious celebrations.


In Math's, the children have been learning about time. They have been reading the time on an analogue clock for half past, o’clock, quarter past and quarter to and have been looking at the months in a year, days in a year and hours in a day.


This week in Year 4, the children have been forming healthy habits – beginning the final half term off by doing Smile for a Mile. An invigorating run of 15 minutes in the playground has set the class up for the day nicely. 'States of Matter' is our new topic in science and children enjoyed some active learning by becoming molecules themselves! In ICT, the children are developing their programming skills, drawing shapes using a set of coding instructions to include elements of repetition. In English, they are writing newspaper reports, and in Math's, their topic is now time – looking at both 12hr and 24hr formats.


This week in Year 5 the children started their new PE topic- Orienteering. This week was all about communication and teamwork. The class had to guide their teammate (with their eyes closed) through an obstacle course. On Thursday, some of the class celebrated Top of the Tree at the park. The children had a fantastic time in the sun! 


It’s been a busy first week back for Year 6 and we can’t quite believe it’s our final half term at Micklehurst! The week began with a rather explosive science lesson as we explored all there is to know about BLACK HOLES! The children thoroughly enjoyed discussing the findings of renowned scientist, Stephen Hawking, and using tin foil and balloons to form their very own black holes - Miss Harding then very much enjoyed popping the children’s balloons in order to demonstrate how an exploding star can create a black hole.


In English, we’ve launched our transition unit of work this week and the children are already hooked on our new text: 'The Matchbox Diary'. We’ve been finding out about The Statue of Liberty, which features in the text, and its role as a beacon of hope to thousands of immigrants that made their way to America.


We’ve also been crafty this week creating some extremely ‘cool’ Father’s Day cards – our ice lolly theme has certainly been a fitting one given the weather this week too! On Friday, we welcomed Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service in to school to share with us some news about their new summer safety campaign: safe4summer. The campaign aims to help tackle anti-social behaviour, grasslands fires and teach about the dangers of water safety, ensuring everyone has a safe and enjoyable time.

What an exciting week it has been in school with the children enjoying all the celebrations for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Our Cheerleading team took part in Tameside’s Cheerfest and we were so proud of their performance. Unfortunately on this occasion we did not receive a place in the top three but we certainly have some fantastic talent in our team.


Nursery have had an amazing week celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.  The children have learnt all about the Queen and her life. They particularly enjoyed pretending to be the Queen in her carriage and waving to the crowd. 


Their cutting skills have improved as they cut out and assembled the Queen’s guard.  The castle was good fun and the children loved building the tower of London.  Mrs Brown and Mrs Larnder-Cox enjoyed copious amounts of tea at the royal garden party. Have a look at some of the amazing pictures of the Queen that the children have made.


In Reception this week, the children have enjoyed learning all about the Queen’s Jubilee. They have created fact files about the Queen, designed menus for the Queen’s lunch and painted portraits of the Queen.

In Maths the children have been combining groups to find totals.


This week in Year 1, the children have been revisiting their learning all about 2D shapes.  They have been revising the names and the properties of each shape. They have had a great time exploring shape through fun activities.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been celebrating their Top of the Tree reward day with a visit to Mossley Park. They have also been using clay to make African inspired masks and creating Jubilee bunting using oil pastels. On Wednesday, the children had a special visitor, Sofia's Dad - Liam, who came to talk to the children about his time in the Royal Navy and to share with the class the special Jubilee awards he has been presented with by prince William. 


This week in Year 3, the children have been writing a diary entry in their English lessons. They have written in role as the characters of either Sarah or Louis from the book. They have been working really hard to include a variety of sentence openers and using conjunctions.

In RE, the children have been looking at inspirational Christians. They have looked at Rosa Parks and her life story. We discussed how she would have felt and discussed why her actions were important.  

In Geography, they have been looking at what happens during a volcanic eruption and the effects of a volcano. The children looked at volcanic ash, lava flow, volcanic bombs, pyroclastic flow and mud flow.     

In Science, the children have been testing magnet strength. They used five different magnets and tests to see which was the strongest by seeing which magnet could hold the most paper clips. They then made a bar graph to show their results. 

To celebrate the Queen’s jubilee, the children have made their own bunting with Union Jacks and used a variety of materials. They have also been looking at life in the 1980s, which is one of the decades during the Queen’s reign. They looked at a timeline of the Queen over the last 70 years and ordered a timeline of events during her reign.


In Year 4 in Science this week, the children have been creating a moving picture using a motor, a circuit and pictures that light up using a bulb. They have finished their Roman shields which are now proudly on display outside of the classroom. The children have made bunting to celebrate the Jubilee day and have worked hard to add and subtract money all week – using the real life context of spending and saving.


This week in Year 5, the children have been comparing and ordering angles in Maths. In Science, they have been testing the friction of different surfaces and looking at which material creates the most friction.

On Monday, we kicked off our week with an absolutely cracking assembly, presented by the Year 6 members of the Ethos council. Based on the theme ‘kindness,’ the children discussed how we can show different acts of kindness, and the positive effects that showing kindness can have both on themselves and others.  Throughout the week, we’ve been working together as a school to show random acts of kindness, adding these onto our whole-school kindness paper chain as we go.

In Tuesday’s P.E session, Year 6 worked on building their rounders skills. Working together in small teams, they had the opportunity to practise fielding, batting and bowling techniques (even Mrs Radley had a go at batting the ball – when are the next Olympics?).

We were also treated to a special workshop from two Justices of the Peace this week; they discussed with us how Magistrates courts function and their role in upholding the law. There was even a gripping game of Who Wants to be a Millionaire to compete in as the children brushed up on their legal skills and discovered why it’s so important to be law abiding citizens.

It’s been quite a regal week in Year 6 too – the children loved creating red, white and blue bunting to help decorate the school for our jubilee celebrations and they’ve been using a range of secondary sources to discover what life was like for the Queen in the 1950s. They studied how she came to be on the throne and the grandeur of her Coronation. The children then used the magic of technology (aka the green screen) to transport themselves to 1950s Westminster and deliver live reports from the event.


Well to done to the children in Year 6 who have been leading after school clubs this half term as part of their Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS). The children have led fun & games club, language club and a reading club. Some children will also be leading an arts & crafts club next half term. 

The children have enjoyed another busy week in school. Year 2 have been busy completing their SATS tests and they have worked their way through some rather tricky papers and demonstrated a real willingness to succeed - we are so proud of them all.


This week in Nursery the children have been reading a new Eric Carle book entitled ‘The Very Busy Spider.’


The children have worked hard to write their own Busy Spider story.  The noises the animals made have made them laugh lots.  The finger gym activity this week was to make spiders webs on the fences, it was very hard work!  No wonder the spider was tired at the end of the story.

The children have enjoyed finding out why a spider’s web is sticky and had fun investigating how they could stop the flies getting stuck in the spiders webs.


Well done to all the children for their counting skills this week, some of them have been working on numbers to twenty and counting objects to match that amount.


This week in Reception the children have started to sequence the story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar in readiness for them starting their ‘Talk For Writing.’ The children have also enjoyed writing adjectives to describe caterpillars.  In Math's the children have been learning about symmetry. They have enjoyed making symmetrical butterfly biscuits and have been exploring symmetry using a variety of activities.


In Year 1 this week, the children have made the most of the sunshine by playing whole class games to develop their social skills. They spent some of their ‘Golden Time’ going outside and playing games such as ‘Duck, Duck, Goose’ and ‘Isn’t it Funny, how a Bear likes Honey’.


This week in Year 2, the children have completed their African lions art work, I’m sure you agree they look fantastic! They have also been exploring making African, clay masks which was a little tricky but they are looking great and we can’t wait to paint them next week.


In Science, the children have been learning about different habitats. This week they explored our garden and mindfulness area to locate a variety of mini beasts – we had a great time in the sunshine.  


This week in Literacy, Year 3 have been writing character descriptions for the characters from their class text and as part of this, the children have been discussing the characters personality and appearance.  In RE, they have looked at what happens during Holy Communion at church and the significance of the bread and the wine and what each represent.


In Geography, the children have been locating active volcanoes around the world. They have used google earth to locate these and then located them on a map.   

In Science, they have been looking at magnetic and non-magnetic materials. Each child had a magnet and went around the classroom and playground to identify magnetic and non-magnetic materials.


It’s been a fun week in Year 4. In Science, the children have been building complete circuits to drive motors. In their History work, the class have been researching, designing and making their own Roman shields based on designs sought from this ancient civilisation.


Money is the name of the game in Math's, Year 4 have been covering lots of money objectives. From ordering monetary amounts to understanding the decimalisation system of pounds and pence. In English, their diary entries are now finished and being preened in order to write them up for display – we cannot wait to see their amazing work up on display!


In Year 5 this week, the children have been using direct and reported speech in their writing and in Maths place value has been their focus. They have been multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. They have also enjoyed learning some new songs as part of the MCSP choral tuition.


It’s safe to say that the bard himself, William Shakespeare, would be impressed by Year 6’s writing skills this week! They were set quite the challenge when Puck, one of their favourite characters from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, requested their help to write persuasive adverts for his ground breaking, revolutionary new love potion. Despite Puck being somewhat of a mischievous troublemaker, they decided to offer their support and immediately started planning persuasive adverts to market his new product. The results were both hilariously funny and incredibly persuasive…watch out Athens, there’ll be lots of love in the air soon!


In Geography, they’ve been focusing on climate zones this week. The children recalled everything they’d learnt about our orbiting planet in Science last year in order to discover how climate zones differ from each other. They then located several different countries and described the typical climate and weather patterns of each location.


The children have also enjoyed the first chapters of their brand new class novel: 'When the Sky Falls!' They’re already gripped and really looking forward to finding out what happens to Joseph, a troubled youngster struggling to get to grips with his new home in London during the Blitz.

What a busy time we have had in school this week! We are very proud of all our Year 6 children who have completed their SATs and have shown perseverance, resilience and determination to do their best. Well done all of you!


In Nursery this week, the children have thoroughly enjoyed fruit smoothies. They have used some of the hungry caterpillars favourite fruit and fourteen of us enjoyed the smoothie and ten of us weren’t very keen! 


The children have also been very excited at how much the class caterpillars have grown, in five days they have become much bigger.  They are now waiting to see how long it will take for them to spin their cocoon.


This week in Reception, the children have been excited by the arrival of their tiny little caterpillars which they are looking forward to looking after. They have been watching them grow and drawing what they can see, using the magnifying glasses to observe their growth more closely. The children have enjoyed making caterpillars in the play dough area and have been getting creative making hairy caterpillars. They have been writing a list of the food that the hungry caterpillar ate and have been using the finger gym to thread the foods onto the caterpillar in the correct order.


In numeracy the children have been matching shapes, looking at different shape pictures and arranging and rotating shapes to make them fit the picture. They have also enjoyed using the multilink cubes to copy and make models.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been reading the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. This week they have been creating their story maps and using talk for writing to retell the story. The children will then use these to help them retell and write the story.


This week in Year 2, the children have had so much fun developing their art skills. They have learnt how to mix tones of colour by adding white – they then used their paintbrush to practice blending techniques to create African sunsets. After developing these skills, the children then created their own 3D African lions. They used different printing techniques to decorate the lion’s mane and they looked fantastic! They can’t wait to show everyone their finished pictures next week.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have been writing non-chronological reports on the monsters they have designed. In RE, they have looked at how Christians make a difference in their community through different  activities such as charity events and helping people in need. 


In Geography, the children have been looking at the structure of a volcano and its different parts and have labelled a diagram of a  volcano. In Science, they have been looking at the different poles of a magnet and investigating which ends repel and which ends attract.  


What a great week Year 4 have had! In History, children used the format of board games in order to recall important historical information about Roman Gods and Goddesses which they very much enjoyed, asking loads of questions to support their learning. In Science, children investigated the construction of circuits, including the use of switches which they made themselves from everyday conductor materials. What was amazing in this session was that children were teaching other children. A joy to watch! Then, in ICT, dinosaurs and meteors were the subject of one of the coding games made by one class member. A very entertaining (and historically accurate) concept which involved one dinosaur warning another about an imminent meteorite!


In Year 5 this week, their computing focus has been learning about online safety. The children have been finding out about the age limits on certain apps and why age limits are assigned to apps in order to keep children safe. They created their own posters using Canva to get the message across to the rest of the school. 


The children were also pleased to receive their achievement certificates this week!


If there’s one thing we can be sure of this week, it’s that Year 6 have absolutely blown us away with their winning attitudes towards SATs. They’ve shown resilience and determination whilst working their way through some rather tricky papers and demonstrating a real willingness to succeed - we couldn’t be prouder of them if we tried! The children have also thoroughly enjoyed coming in to school early for a breakfast feast of toast and cereals this week – who’d have thought that an even earlier start than usual could be such a treat!

They’ve also been using last week’s visit to watch ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’, performed by the Young Shakespeare Company, as inspiration for another project: Shakespeare inspired documentary making. The children used a range of online secondary sources to research everything there is to know about the playwright himself, William Shakespeare. They discussed the most important lines of enquiry before working together to create a collaborative padlet of findings that included details of his early life, his most notable works and some of the many words and quotes that he has become so famous for. In small groups, the children then used Apple Clips to produce documentaries about Shakespeare’s life – they combined moving images and voiceovers to produce some extremely professional productions.

We hope you enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend and those families celebrating Eid had a good time. It has been another busy week in school and the children have enjoyed a range of learning activities. Year 6 have been to Mossley Hollins to take part in Shakespeare’s 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream Workshop' led by the Young Shakespeare Company. The children had a fantastic time.


On Tuesday, Miss Trelfa and Amelia in Year 6, alongside a whole host of other members of the community, attended the ‘Big Lunch’ celebrations at Emmaus in Mossley to celebrate their 25th anniversary.  We were joined by HRH Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. It was very exciting to meet her and talk to her about how our school get involved in the community events that Emmaus lead.


What fun the children in Nursery have had this week celebrating Eid.  They have learnt about all the customs that Muslims have and how they celebrate Eid together.  The children have enjoyed dressing in traditional Muslim clothes and using non-fiction texts to find more out about Eid.

At the end of the week, they have carried on with their minibeasts topic and have seen the arrival of some caterpillars.  The children are looking forward to watching them grow and turn into butterflies.


This week in reception the children have started their new topic ‘In the Garden.’ The children met a caterpillar in their outside environment who was very upset. The children discussed why the caterpillar might be upset and wrote their own speech bubble to say what they thought the caterpillar might be saying.


The children have enjoyed making get well soon cards for the caterpillar. Their writing has been fantastic. They have been writing sentences and words independently and have made their cards beautifully. This has really cheered the caterpillar up.


The children have been introduced to our focus text for this half term ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and they are excited about getting to know this text. Over the next few weeks, the children will be exploring the non-fiction text ‘From Caterpillar to Butterfly’ which will help them explore the life cycle of a butterfly. They are hoping to have a very special delivery which will enable them to have hands on experience of the life cycle.


The children have also been enjoying our continuous provision activities - cutting and making caterpillar masks, using the dough to make caterpillars and playing in the garden centre. In maths they have been exploring numbers to 20 and making these numbers using numicon and tens frames.


As part of Science Week, Year 1 planted a sunflower seed. They have enjoyed measuring it and recording its growth over the last few weeks. Last week when we measured it, the plant was 76cm tall.  On Thursday, we tidied up the planting area ready to plant our sunflowers. Watch this space and fingers crossed it will continue to thrive outside.


In Year 2 this week we have been learning about all things to do with measures. We have enjoyed using balancing and weighing scales to measure mass and then using different containers to compare volume. In Music, we have been learning how to appraise music, follow a beat, perform a song and play along to the beat with a percussion instrument – we found this a little tricky!


This week in Literacy, Year 3 have created a setting description from the book they have been reading. They have received a letter from the author John Fardell, asking if they could design a character for his book so the children have written a letter back to him and designed their own monster. 


In Maths, the children have been looking at tenths. They have been counting in tenths, finding tenths of shapes and looking at tenths as a decimal. 


In RE, they have been looking at how a church would look at different times throughout a week. They have looked at all the different activities that happen in a church such as Sunday service, Sunday School, Bible study groups and choir practice.


In Geography, the children have been looking at the Ring of Fire – finding out where most of the world’s volcanoes are located and learning that there are 452 volcanoes on the Ring of Fire.  


In Science, the class have been looking at forces and have been testing how a car moves on different surfaces and looking at which surfaces have more friction.


This week, Year 4 have been getting practical with decimals, using physical manipulatives to understand how whole numbers can be broken down into tenths and hundredths. They could compare decimals and order decimals in both ascending and descending order and could use inequality symbols. Continuing on with our text, ‘Escape from Pompeii,’ the children have completed some very well written, exciting sensory descriptions. They were also able to identify a poem within their text and then write and perform their own poems.


In RE, they have started to recount the story of Moses – the children very much enjoyed a choral account of the famous biblical narrative and have now began recording their own recounts.


In Year 5 this week, the children have learned all about Isaac Newton’s theory on Gravity in Science. They used Newton Meters to measure the amount of gravity acting upon different objects.


This week the children have received their Wondrous Book Club delivery box. They were very excited to open books and start reading! This box’s theme is humour so I’m sure the children will love them!


This week, our Year 6's were introduced to the world of Shakespeare when we were treated to a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by the Young Shakespeare Company. The children were immediately enthralled by the show’s humour and mystical setting as the actors brought to life the characters and the plot in their unique twist of this treasured classic. Before long, the children themselves were playing a vital role in the play, adding sound effects, actions and even taking on some of the different characters too - who’d have thought we had such Shakespearean talent in our midst? As a class, we’ve decided that Puck was our favourite character although the ass was a close second! By immersing themselves in the production, the children gained an incredible understanding of what is an extremely complex tale and we’re really looking forward to delving deeper in to the text over the coming weeks.


In Maths, we’ve been carrying out some final revision in preparation for our SATs next week with a focus on statistics and shape. The children particularly enjoyed recalling their knowledge by drawing and measuring a range of angles on their desks and then using this information to tackle some tricky reasoning questions calculating missing angles in different shapes. 

Welcome back after the Easter holidays! It has been lovely to see the children settle back into a new term and see them excited about the learning ahead. This week we have celebrated the winning entries to the National Science and Engineering week poster competition. The children had to create a poster all about ‘Growth.’ Well done to our school winners Violet and Eva in EYFS, Isabel in KS 1, Scarlett in lower Key Stage 2 and Lucy in upper Key Stage 2.


As part of our work within the local community the children have also been involved in designing a new badge for a competition run by Emmaus to celebrate 25 years in business. Our winning entries have been designed by Aela and Skyla in Year 3 and Lucy and Orla in Year 6.


In Nursery, the children have come back to school with lots of enthusiasm and readiness to learn.  Our whole school ‘Fruit of the Spirit’ theme has been enjoyed by the children, as kindness is our theme, we have been looking at how we can show Kindness to each other.   Our kindness bucket has been overflowing with acts of kindness from the children.


We have also begun to delve into our new topic, ‘In the Garden’ and investigate minibeasts.  The children can’t wait until their caterpillars arrive next week.


In Reception, the children have started their new topic ‘In the Garden.’ They have enjoyed playing in the new garden centre role play area and investigating the mini beast station, where they can explore various different mini beasts using the magnifying glasses and explore the characteristics they have.


In Maths they have started to look at numbers up to 20 and have been exploring what these numbers mean and how they can be represented. They have also ordered these numbers and played matching pairs. The children have amazed staff with how much they already know!


This week in Year 1, the children have enjoyed using the iPads to complete their coding work using the Discovery Education Coding program. The children have got a good grasp of coding and are doing really well.


This week in Year 2, the children have been learning how to measure in centimetres and metres. They were very excited to have their own metre sticks to measure various objects around the classroom. In English, the children have started their new topic based on the book, Biscuit Bear. They really enjoyed baking their  own biscuits as part of their lesson on writing a set of instructions.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been introduced to their new English unit and new text ‘The Day Louis got Eaten’ by John Fardell. They started by looking at a photo from the book and discussed and created some questions about the picture. They then made predictions about the text. After reading the book the children retold the story orally.


In Maths, they have been learning about equivalent fractions - ½ being the same as 2/4. The children have also been counting using fractions.


In RE, the children have been looking at how Christians live their lives. They have discussed how they do normal everyday things, but then certain things they do show that they are a Christian e.g. going to church, praying and singing songs.  


In Geography, the children have started their new unit on volcanoes. To start the unit, they discussed what is under their feet. They looked at the layers of the earth and made their own world with the different layers.  


In Science, their new unit of learning is Magnets and Forces. The children discussed what forces were and looked at the difference between push and pull forces. They went into the hall to see who had the most force by having  a tug of war. The children really enjoyed this!


In English this week, Year 4 have met a new text which links fantastically with their current topic work: Escape from Pompeii. The children have so far explored the use of figurative language and sensory elements and are now beginning to compose a description of the city of Pompeii.


In Maths, children have used manipulatives to deepen their understanding of place value including the decimal system. Computing has seen the class begin to code using their own algorithms – this week, we animated names with the eventual objective being to construct simple games.


In Year 5 this week, the children have become experts on the characters in their new book then worked as teams to share their expert knowledge. 


In history the children started their new topic ‘WW2’. They went down to the timeline to see the difference in time between their new topic and our old one the Shang Dynasty. Children also identified lots of history periods and events that they had studied in other year groups on the timeline!


Well done to Rio & Evie, our English & Maths stars of the week!


The children have enjoyed a brilliantly positive start to the summer term in Year 6! They’ve welcomed Miss Harding back to school and in to our Year 6 team and she’s already been impressed by the children’s enthusiasm for learning. Their main focus has been preparing for their upcoming SATs week and they’ve found a whole host of creative ways to revise and practise those all-important nuggets of knowledge that they’ll need to succeed.

On Wednesday, they embarked upon a SPAG hunt like no other as the children worked in teams to locate a range of hidden questions around the school. Each question, when answered correctly, provided a letter and together the letters spelt out a secret message. It took a lot of hard work and the children were required to recall lots of grammatical terminology in order to crack the code and reveal the message but in the end, there was success all round.

They’ve also been getting sporty with their revision and playing some active outdoor team games that have proven to be both great fun and a successful way to recall their knowledge. In class, they’ve utilised technology too as the children have been enjoying competing in online revision kahoot quizzes!

We’ve also launched a new focus for our collective worship assemblies this week: joy. In class, the children reflected on this fruit of the spirit by discussing what joy means to them and what lifts them up. The children worked collaboratively to create a piece of artwork in our reflection area celebrating joy and entitled: what lifts us up?

It has been another busy week in school and the children have been excited by all the Easter activities that have been on offer. The children in Nursery and Reception enjoyed decorating eggs and creating a range of egg characters for their egg competition and it was fantastic to see how imaginative the children had been. Well done to Joshua, Maisie and Tilly in Reception and Alissa, Oliver and Poppy in Nursery for their winning entries.


We celebrated our Easter Service in school on Wednesday and some of our Y6 children led the service and retold the Easter story. Children across school have made Easter cards and of course today, they have enjoyed our annual Easter Bingo event.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning about the Easter story. They have sequenced pictures to retell the story and painted crosses. They have also enjoyed making bunny Easter cards and singing and dancing to bunny tunes.


This week in Reception, the children have been enjoying activities related to Easter. They have written instructions to make an Easter nest and then made their own Easter nest. They have written about the Easter story and enjoyed lots of Easter crafts.


In Year 1 this week, the children have completed their Access Art topic for this half term on the theme of ‘Creating Birds.’ The children had lots of fun, firstly completing observational drawings of feathers. They then manipulated the wire to create feet and cut out their bird’s body. Finally, they used their observational drawings of their feathers to collage onto the birds. Don’t they look amazing!


At the end of last week Year 2 had a fantastic theatre performance called ‘Tango’s Big Adventure’. The performance explored the importance of recognising that every family is different and that friends are the family you choose. The children loved meeting the different animals within the story. In PE this week the children have been exploring how to dribble using two feet and how to stop the ball using different parts of their body – they found this lots of fun! In Geography they have been using their binoculars to spot animals during our Kenyan safari. The children then used their map skills to design their own Nature reserve. Finally, in Science they have concluded their sunflower experiment and today they have used their powers of observation to observe and compare the differences in their sunflowers that have been grown in different conditions.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have been learning about fractions and non-unit fractions in

Maths. In history they have been finding out about Greek Gods and have enjoyed researching about each God carefully. In RE, the children have been learning about the Easter story.


This week Year 4 began the week by creating a story mountain to help plan their narrative writing. Using this, they were able on Wednesday and Thursday to write an independent narrative in the style of our key text, “William and the Missing Masterpiece”. After all their hard work this half-term, it was so genuinely pleasing to see the quantity and quality of the work that the children were able to produce in their final written piece. We are very proud of them. 


In Maths, the children have been enjoying learning about Roman numerals. They picked this up so quickly and by the end of the week were able to answer addition, subtraction and problem solving questions using Roman numerals. The children also enjoyed participating in the fierce Y4 Times Tables Rockstars battle which took place between our partner schools across Mossley this week. Well done to all those involved.


In Science, the children were able to make a working circuit as part of our Electricity topic and use this to test whether materials around the classroom were conductors or insulators. What an electrifying end to the half term!


In Year 5 this week, the children have investigated separating materials in science and had lots of fun judging the Easter egg competition.  They have also been using computing skills to create a documentary about Amazon Rainforest animals. They have filmed, used green screen and edited the whole video by themselves. 


As the term comes to an end, Year 6 have enjoyed taking part in a number of Easter events whilst also working studiously to produce their final piece of writing of the Spring term. We were incredibly proud of several members of the class who led our Easter Service on Wednesday morning and did so with both confidence and flair; they worked hard to rehearse their lines before delivering them to our entire school community. They’ve also been making Easter cards in class this week – they’ve gotten crafty with some fingerprint chicks and some humorous puns…Year 6 really do think they’re EGGstravagantly funny.


In literacy this week, the children were intrigued to hear that a job has become vacant on the Land of Neverbelieve and Norman Messenger has head hunted Year 6 at Micklehurst, believing that his perfect Island Guardian is within our midst. They’ve carefully planned and written formal letters of application identifying their experience and qualifications in order to convince Norman that they are the perfect candidate for the position. They’re looking forward to hearing who has been given the prestigious role!


For their final RE lesson in the run up to Easter, they’ve been considering the role that ‘free will’ and ‘determinism’ played in the crucifixion and debating whether Jesus had free will or not. They’ve made comparisons with key elements of their lives and considered what things they have control of and what is pre-determined for them. The children asked some brilliantly intriguing and thought-provoking questions which sparked quite a debate and as ever, we were extremely impressed by their ability to debate and question others views in a mature and considerate manner.



What a busy week we have had in school. The children in Years 2, 3, 5 and 6 enjoyed their visit from author Christopher Lloyd who took them on a whirlwind adventure through his new book ‘It’s Up to Us’ which highlights the issues created by climate change and how we must all remember we are part of nature.


On Thursday, the children welcomed Imam Ghulam Moyhuddin from Ashton Central Mosque, who delivered an assembly about Ramadan.


Today, Years 1 and 2 have enjoyed the performance of "Tango’s Big Adventure". This performance linked to some of the work the children have completed in their PSHE and SRE lessons.


In Nursery this week, the children have been looking at the different parts of a flower.  They painted their own flowers and then cut out and labelled the different parts. They have had fun practising learning how to write the sounds they have learnt, and it was amazing to see how the children have improved their pencil control.


At the beginning of the week, the children enjoyed the sunshine and played cooperative games together.


This week in Reception the children have been learning about Spring. The children enjoyed a spring walk where they looked for changes to the environment. They found lots of things and then used their ideas to write a recount.


They have also enjoyed being creative and have created observational pictures of daffodils and cherry blossom trees. The children have been exploring how to grow beanstalks in the sand tray and in numeracy they have been measuring various sunflowers using non-standard units of measure. They have also been learning to combine two groups together and have looked at creating number statements to match.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been learning about capacity in Maths. They have also been writing a set of instructions about how to make their Easter cards.


This week in Year 2, the children have been learning about time. They have enjoyed reading times on analogue clocks and moving the fingers on the clock to show the given time. The children were really excited about their author visit and were very interested in the books that he had written. They took part in their first book signing with Christopher and many had their own books signed with a personal message.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been finishing writing their Greek Myths. They have been working extremely hard with these and are getting them ready to display in school. Keep your eye out for their finished pieces of work.


In Maths, they have started their new unit looking at fractions and have also completed their length and perimeter assessment. The children have also been practicing their arithmetic skills.

In RE, the children have been learning about Easter Sunday and the resurrection. They looked at the story and the importance of new life and Spring.  In History, they have been comparing the modern Olympics with the Ancient Olympics and looking at who could take part in the Ancient Greek Olympics.  In PE, the children have really enjoyed practicing their striking and fielding skills during Rounders.


This week in Year 4, the children have visited Mossley Methodist church to ‘Experience Easter’. The children were impeccably well behaved all afternoon and were a real credit to the school. The children were split into groups and rotated around a range of stations which were associated with Jesus and Easter. The children were surprised to see our very own Brian on arrival at the church and were able to explain to the other members of the church that Brian leads our church assembly at school. The children experienced eating bread at the last supper, wrote their hopes and dreams on pebbles to make a pathway, learned about the servant king and were taught about how Jesus rose from the dead. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and the children were rewarded for their hard work with juice and a biscuit.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been enjoying their science work which has included investigating which materials dissolve. The children have been able to explain what dissolving is, the difference between melting and dissolving and the factors that speed up the process of dissolving. In Maths, they have been finding fraction of different amounts.


This week in Year 6, the children have been expanding their science knowledge by testing Isaac Newton’s theory about the colour spectrum in light; the children produced their own colour wheels to explore whether Newton was right when he said that all colours are mixtures of red, green and blue light.


In literacy, they’ve been delving further in to the extraordinary Land of Neverbelieve as discovered by Norman Messenger. They’ve used his detailed recordings of the island and its rather quirky inhabitants to create their own lands of wonder and awe – they then wrote introductions to their islands in role as intrepid explorers. The children combined some superbly creative vocabulary with a whole host of literary techniques to bring their islands to life and transport the reader to their imaginary worlds.


They’ve also been continuing their unit of work on the crucifixion this week in their RE lesson. The children were introduced to the terms ‘free will’ and ‘determinism’ before exploring how these definitions may help them to view the events of Holy Week in different ways. They then discussed morality and played a game called ‘The Worst Things In The World’ that prompted some very deep discussion about the role of free will in determining how evil an action is.


We have had another busy week in school.


This week in Nursery, the children have busy learning about ‘Frogs.’  The children thought that they knew all about frogs but they have learnt lots of fascinating new facts, for example they didn’t know that some frogs are dangerous.  Their fact finding taught them that frogs could be poisonous, a word they hadn’t encountered before.


The children thought it was incredible that when they were born frogs didn’t look anything like what they do as adults. Learning about the lifecycle of the frog has been fun and they have learnt a new game where they pretended to be each of the different stages in the frogs life.


Happy Mother’s Day to all our Mummies, we hope you like your cards and flowers and are being looked after on Mothering Sunday.


This week in Reception, the children have been celebrating their wonderful mums. They have been writing sentences, making cards and writing lists of all the jobs their mums do. The children have been getting creative and making badges, portraits and cards in readiness for their special stay and play. They have sung lots of songs and learnt a poem to share with their mums. It has been a very special week!


In Year 1 this week, the children have been learning about mass and weight in numeracy. They have been comparing weights and using non-standard units to measure the weight of objects in our classroom.  


This week in Year 2, the children have thoroughly enjoyed watching their sunflowers grow. They have completed seed diaries and compared the growth of our seeds. In Geography, they used the iPads and worked in pairs to research what life was like in Kenya. The children then created their own fact files and enjoyed drawing the Kenyan flag.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have learning all about perimeter. They have been finding the perimeter of different 2D shapes. In Literacy, they have been writing their own version of ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ but have used their own Mythical creature.  


In RE, the children have been learning about Good Friday. They looked at the story and created some beautiful art work showing the three crosses on the hill. In History, they have been comparing two cities from Ancient Greece and the children looked at how life is different in Athens and Sparta and decided where they would prefer to live.


This week in Literacy, Year 4 have been continuing on with their narrative re-write of William and the Missing Masterpiece. They paid extra attention to their editing this week because that’s what it shows in the two photos they mocked up and it was really good.


In Maths, the children have begun a whirlwind affair with decimals. They could write some tenths and their equivalent fractions and also write some decimal tenths on a number line and it was really good.


In Science, everyone enjoyed experimenting with the practical equipment as we made our first circuits. The children could explain what makes a complete circuit and why some examples of circuits did not work and it was really good.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been focusing on South American art, in particular the artist Frida Kahlo. They have created self-portraits in her style. 


On Thursday, Year 6 were treated to a full day’s workshop with our resident author, David Mason. The children were soon engrossed in a world of creativity as David used drama to transport them to an entirely new setting: the middle of the ocean. Before long, their creativity seemed to know no bounds and the children wrote their own narratives detailing their experience stranded on a boat and taking in the surroundings. The end result was very impressive and we clearly have some budding authors in our midst. Towards the end of the day, David treated us to a performance of some of his poems and then even wrote a poem to encapsulate his experience at Micklehurst!


The children have also been studying refraction in science this week by observing how light affects the appearance of a straw in a glass of water. They learnt that refraction occurs when waves of light pass from one medium to another and there is a change in the speed that the light travels.

This week we have been celebrating National Science and Engineering week. The theme for this year has been ‘Growth’ and the children have all enjoyed being part of our whole school challenge to see who can grow the tallest sunflower. The children have also been developing their scientific enquiry skills through a range of investigations and experiments and lots of practical exploration in EYFS.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning all about spring. The children went on a spring walk to look for signs of spring and took photographs of what they saw. The children have also been measuring using nonstandard units to see how tall they were.


This week in Reception, the children have been enjoying Science week. They have been exploring beans, planting their own beans, comparing different sized beans and predicting how they will grow. They have also been labelling a bean plant and learning about its life cycle. The children have been learning all about Alan Titchmarsh and his work as a gardener. Alongside this, they have been studying the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk.’ The children have been retelling the story using props and masks and thinking about the setting and the characters.


In Maths, they have been exploring 3d shapes and their names, have enjoyed being a shape detective in our outdoor environment and have been using these shapes to print with so they could explore their properties further.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been looking at height and length in Maths. They have been comparing sizes and using non-standard units to measure objects and pictures. The children have linked this learning to their science week activities and have looked at how they change as they grow. They have then compared their heights to objects around the classroom, measured their heights and other body parts using both standard and non-standard units and used their feet to measure equipment in the playground.


This week in Year 2 the children have been learning about all things Science related. They have taken part in our whole school ‘growing’ competition; this has involved planting sunflower seeds in different conditions and monitoring how they grow. In Geography, they have been using various maps to locate the continent of Africa and then Kenya. The children enjoyed labelling a map of Kenya and they learnt about how to use compass directions and a key.


In Year 3 this week, the children have been looking at measurement in Maths. They have been converting mm, cm and mm. In Literacy, they have been writing diary entries in role as Theseus and Ariadne from our Myth Theseus and the Minotaur.


In RE, the children have been looking at Maundy Thursday and the Last Supper. They have looked at who was there and what happened during this time and then designed their own Last Supper and discussed who they would invite to their Last Supper and who is special in their lives.


In Science for Science week, the children have been looking at Wilhelm Roentgen, who invited the X-ray. They really enjoyed learning about him and they answered some questions and created some portraits of him.


In History, Year 3 have ordered a timeline of events from the Ancient Greek times and have designed their own Greek Pot.


This week in Year 4, the children have been writing some amazing mystery stories about William and the missing masterpiece in Literacy. They have used amazing techniques to create description and intrigue.


The children have also used their Fairtrade chocolate to make some really lovely gifts for Mother's Day. Mothers your gifts will be arriving soon so please act surprised.


In History this week, the children have been looking at Hadrian's Wall and have used different sources of information to find facts about when the wall was built, who built the wall, how long it took to build, and they also had the opportunity to build their very own Hadrian's wall within the classroom - ours didn’t stay standing for long!


In Maths this week, the children have started to look at decimals and have really focused on using equipment to investigate tenths and hundredths.


In coding, the children enjoyed learning how to move images across a screen, make the icons chase each other and disappear when clicked upon.


As part of Science week, the children have planted their sunflower seeds at home and have also set up an investigation in school to look at how temperature affects the growth of a sunflower. The children used the criteria for a fair test to plant their sunflower seeds and then have changed the temperature the seed will grow in by placing their pots in the freezer, the fridge, inside the classroom and outside in the playground. They can't wait to see if their predictions are correct and how tall their sunflowers will grow.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been celebrating National Science Week. They started a class investigation on the growth of sunflowers and are excited to see the outcome. 


The Wondrous Book Club books arrived this week and we have been excited to start reading our new books.


In Literacy, the children started a new book- ‘Leon and The Place Between’. Children have used their Literacy and Computing skills to create some very impressive missing posters with integrated eyewitness videos which I’m sure you will see on Seesaw. 


Year 6 have been demonstrating some fantastic learning behaviours this week whilst working their way through a full set of practice SATs. They’ve shown real resilience and a desire to succeed that will take them far and stand them in good stead to make us truly proud in May.


As well as striving for SATs success, they’ve also discovered what their new text in literacy is: The Land of Neverbelieve. They’ve been on a fascinating journey with naturalist Norman Messenger to discover some of the quirky inhabitants of this ever-changing island. The children worked hard to write detailed observations of the Multi-Winged Parrot before creating their own fantastical critters and adding them to Norman’s journal of discoveries.


In RE this week, they have been discussing the importance of ‘grace’ to Christians; the children explored the life of Martin Luther King, a famous Christian, and considered how he demonstrated grace in both his thoughts and his actions. The children made some excellently thoughtful contributions to our classroom discussion and enjoyed learning more about this inspirational activist.

This week in school we have been celebrating Fairtrade. The week began with an assembly where we looked at common products including cocoa, cotton, bananas and coffee and where they are farmed. The children identified the Fairtrade logo and we discussed how buying Fairtrade products can help the farmers to get a fair deal for their products. The children have also participated in a range of activities in class to find out more about Fairtrade and how we can support the farmers.


In Nursery this week, the children have continued their work based on the text ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk.’ They have been ordering the events of the story and making their own beanstalks. They have been ordering the days of the week, recognising numbers and counting leaves on beanstalks. Using iPads the children have painted their own colourful beanstalks that will be printed out and displayed next week.


In Reception, the children have been learning how to make ten. They have been using the numicon and tens frames to help them. The children have been learning about Fairtrade and completed a labelling activity and made flags. They have started their topic based on ‘Jack and the Beanstalk,’ enjoyed lots of activities in their continuous provision and have written letters to the magic bean seller asking him to send them some of his magic beans.

With the change in weather the children have enjoyed being outside this week. They have been using the chalks to create pictures and patterns.



In Year 1 this week, the children have been looking at Fairtrade. We have enjoyed looking at the different types of Fairtrade products and the difference we can make to farmers by buying Fairtrade products.


In Year 2 this week, we have dedicated our afternoons to Design and Technology. This has involved designing, creating, making and evaluating our own ‘top secret’ product. We learnt how to create our own mechanisms and used levers and sliders to make pictures move. We enjoyed looking at and evaluating different children’s books that had moving parts and used the inspiration for our own designs.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have been working hard learning about their new topic of Greek Myths. They have been retelling ‘Theseus and the Minotaur’ verbally and creating a story board to retell the story. They have also been asking questions of the characters and created a wanted poster for the Minotaur.


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at Palm Sunday. They have been reading the story and thinking about the feelings of the donkey that Jesus rode on.


In Maths, the children have continued to look at the topic of statistics and have been creating bar charts and reading tables. They have been working extremely hard as they continue to practise their 3, 4 and 8 times tables.


In Science, the children have been finding out about nutrient groups and the benefit these have on their body and in PE they enjoyed their tennis lesson.


For Fairtrade Fortnight, Year 3 have been looking at the impact of climate change on cocoa famers and how buying Fairtrade products ensure the farmers can get a fair price. The children have looked at a world map and located different Fairtrade products and where in the world they are grown.


In Year 4 this week, the children were stunned with the theft of one of their art gallery masterpieces! They searched for clues within the classroom to identify the suspect. The masterpiece was later returned (in disguise) to the gallery, but thankfully the astute children saw through this ruse and thwarted the cunning trickster’s plan to win first prize in their Art competition. The theft has led to some superb creative writing.


The children have enjoyed their Fairtrade activities this week and have completed crosswords, made fortune tellers and have designed a chocolate bar to be made with Fairtrade ingredients. They have learned all about the journey from bean to bar and how fair trade helps communities.


In Maths, the children have excelled when subtracting fractions and have drawn bar models to help them subtract fractions and find the difference between fractions and mixed numbers.


In Geography, the children used an atlas to identify cities within England. They were able to plot the route of Roman roads on a map and create a key. They could confidently describe how and why Roman roads were made.


Year 6 have enjoyed launching their new science topic this week: ‘light.’ In their first exciting lesson, the children have looked at several different sources of light: the sun, lamps and lightning. They were then tasked with creating their own periscopes, which were made from a cereal box and two mirrors. They learnt that periscopes work when rays of light hit the mirrors at just the right angle to cause it to be reflected twice.


They’ve also been celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight this week by looking at wants and needs. They considered their own wants and needs and those of farmers overseas that produce many of the products we love to consume. The children learnt that low wages result in many farmers being unable to meet their family’s basic needs and their situation is being made even worse by the impact of climate crisis. On Friday, the children gathered all of their thoughts on the subject and used them as inspiration for a Fairtrade rap in the style of Will Smith’s Fresh Prince – the children loved rapping to the beat and getting their message across in such a unique way!



We have enjoyed welcoming the children back to school after the half term holidays and what a week it has been! It has been exciting to celebrate Shrove Tuesday and think about Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. The children have focused on both of these special days as part of their assemblies and in some classes, as part of the RE curriculum.


The children have enjoyed lots of activities related to books this week as we have celebrated our love for reading and World Book Day. The children enjoyed coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters and staff also joined in and came dressed as characters from the popular Harry Potter stories. The children took part in a book hunt and have played ‘Book Bingo’ where they won a book as the prize for a full house.


What an amazing first week back the children in Nursery have had.  It’s been a busy one but they have had lots of fun.  They started the week by reading their new topic book ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’, the children loved how Jasper looks after his beanstalk and they can’t wait for next week to see what adventures he goes on when he climbs the beanstalk.


This week, the children have also celebrated Shrove Tuesday, an important part of the Christian calendar as it means the beginning of Lent.  They used up all the flour, eggs and milk to make their pancakes but the best bit was trying all the different toppings!  The winner for the children’s favourite topping was chocolate sauce, a clear favourite as they all had chocolate covered faces!


Also, this week the children have been enjoying lots of new stories as part of World Book Day.  On Monday they watched ‘Matilda’ live from the Cambridge theatre.  Thursday was their best day of the week as the children got to dress up as their favourite book characters.  All the teachers came as characters from the Harry Potter books and everyone loved it.  They went on a book hunt, following clues all around the school, made their own story books and they shared stories with their friends.  Mrs Brown and Mrs Larnder-Cox shared their favourite stories with the children too.


This week in Reception the children have enjoyed Shrove Tuesday and making pancakes. They tasted lots of different toppings and chose the one they liked the best. The children then created a pictogram to show which topping was the most popular. They have enjoyed writing about their favourite pancakes and cut out the toppings they enjoyed and stuck them onto their own pancake creation.


The children have also enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They have been dressed as their favourite book characters. They took part in a book hunt in search of some new stories for them to enjoy in their classroom. They have also taken part in a world book day bingo to win bookmarks, book vouchers and lots of other reading prizes.


This week, Year 1 have had a fantastic World Book Day. The children have enjoyed coming into school dressed as some of their favourite book characters. They also enjoyed the whole school book hunt and finally the children enjoyed performing the songs we have been learning as part of Tameside Music Hub’s ‘Princess and the Pea’ performance.


This week has been fantastic in Year 2! The children have thoroughly enjoyed finishing off their shape topic, where they made 3D shapes with straws and also patterns. They are now shape experts! In Geography, the children have started their new topic all about Kenya. They have used the atlases to locate the different continents and oceans in the world. Finally they ended the week celebrating World Book Day, as you can see their costumes are fantastic and they had lots of fun taking part in various activities.  


Year 3 have had a great first week back at school. In Maths, they have been looking at statistics and the children have been making tally charts, creating pictograms and interpreting data from pictograms.


In RE, the children have started looking at the Christian festival of Easter. They have been looking at the celebration of Lent. They have discussed how Jesus spent 40 days in the desert and resisted temptation. They looked at how Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and giving. The children then decided what they might start doing in Lent such as more exercise or helping people and what they are going to stop doing during Lent such as eating unhealthily.


In Literacy, Year 3 have been celebrating World Book Day. They have had question and answer sessions with various authors including Holly Webb. They learned about her books and some of the inspiration she has had for writing her various stories. The children have also carried out a book hunt around school.


In Science, the children have been looking at what is needed for a healthy and balanced diet and have been looking at the different food groups.


In Literacy this week, Year 4 began their new text ‘William and the Missing Masterpiece.’  They pieced together the clues to work out who had stolen the missing ‘Mona Cheesa’ painting. They then produced their own masterpieces for our working wall and were able to complete story mountains about the text. In Maths the children have looked at mixed numbers and improper fractions, counted in fractions and have begun to add fractions.


On World Book Day, the children wowed us with their book character costumes. The Riddler, the Mad Hatter, Billionaire boy and Bruno from Encanto amongst others, joined the class for the day. The children enjoyed their book hunt around school, and it was lovely to see all of the children parade around the hall in their costumes.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been celebrating World Book Day and they looked fantastic as they came to school dressed in their favourite book character costumes. We had Maleficent, Tracy Beaker, Cruella de Vil and Minecraft characters join us in school for the day! The children also enjoyed the challenge of playing ‘Bananagrams’ as part of their reading activities and playing an enthusiastic game of ‘Book Bingo.’


Year 6 have had a fantastically magical week this week; they’ve celebrated the wonder of literature by immersing themselves in to the wizarding world once again and this time, it was Newt Scamander and his fantastic beasts that were their topic of choice. The children studied a range of fantastic beasts in guided reading before embarking on their own hunt for a new beast and producing non-chronological reports about them for a brand new volume of Newt’s best-selling chronicle of creatures.

On Thursday, Year 6 were quite the sight in their literary-themed costumes as we celebrated World Book Day and worked together to crack a range of clues and locate books hidden around the school. The book hunt saw them venturing both outdoors and indoors to find new books to add to their class library – they can’t wait to start reading them!

The children have also taken part in the MCSP annual Careers Fair this week; the children were given the opportunity to join Year 6s across Mossley and hear from members of two different professions in order to discover what it’s really like to be a scientist or a paramedic. They even had the chance to ask some of their own burning questions!

We have had a very exciting half term in school and this week the children have been working hard. On Monday, Year 3 enjoyed coming to school as people from the Stone Age era and loved taking part in activities from this historical period. Our Y6 children have taken part in Tameside’s Athletics competition, and they gave 100% in each of the events they participated in to earn points for the team.

We are waiting to see which team has made it to first place!


In Nursery this week, the children have been thinking about love and finding out about Valentines Day. They have been talking about who they love, why they might love and what they can do to show someone they love them. The children have made cards, have been on a treasure hunt to find hearts and have made their own cut out bouquets of flowers.


This week in Reception, the children have been focusing on measurement in Maths and have been measuring a range of objects using non-standard units of measure. The children have also been planting sunflower seeds and are going to see how tall they can grow.


In literacy, the children have been practicing their phonic skills and segmenting and blending sounds to read 'real' words and 'pseudo' words. They are getting really good at this!


In Year 1 this week, as part of their Science topic the children have been experimenting and exploring their sense of taste, smell and touch. They have had great fun guessing the flavour of crisps, guessing the smells of a variety of foods and using their hands to guess classroom objects found hidden inside the feely bag.


In RE the children have been looking at sacred buildings and this week they have been looking at the similarities and differences between Church, a Mosque and a Synagogue.


This week in Year 2, the children have continued learning about 2D and 3D shapes. They really enjoyed using the sorting circles to sort a variety of 2D shapes based on their colour, shape, vertices and lines of symmetry. They were then challenged to write their own criteria to sort the shapes!


In Literacy the children have enjoyed researching and creating their own non chronological report about meerkats. Their favourite section has definitely been the ‘Fun fact’ box.  


In Year 3 this week, the children thoroughly enjoyed being cavemen and cavewomen for the day. They finished their topic about the Stone Age by coming dressed as cave people and enjoyed a range of activities, including making clay necklaces, designing and making spears for hunting, studying and creating cave drawings and eating a stone age feast. They had a brilliant day!


In Literacy, the children have been writing a set of instructions based on the book, ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’. They have written their own instructions for how to wash different prehistoric creatures. They also enjoyed reading questions based on ‘Stone Age Boy’ in guided reading.


In Maths, The children have been learning about money. They have been converting pounds to pence, recognising different amounts and adding and subtracting money.


In RE, they used all the knowledge they have learned over this half term about why people pray and designed their own multi faith prayer room. The children made sure these included the different features they have looked at for different faiths such as: prayer mats, a Puja tray and Holy books.


This week in Literacy, Year 4 have written some brilliant non-chronological reports on their own type of dragon. They have been able to write about their appearance, diet, habitat and also include some interesting facts about their dragon.


In Maths, the children have used bar models and number lines to investigate equivalent fractions. They are becoming more skilled at identifying the numerator and the denominator and know that when the numerator and denominator are equal then the fraction is a whole and equals 1.


In R.E this week, the children talked about the message or moral code which Jesus Christ was trying to convey through the ‘Beatitudes.’ They considered real life moral conundrums and identified their importance.


Art this week involved the children using pastels, chalks and painting to create their own version of the Jabberwocky. These were really impressive but a little bit terrifying.


In ICT, Year 4 manipulated digital images of themselves dressed as Wizards/Witches. They manipulated the images to make them look ‘good’ and ‘evil’ using the Apple photos App. They investigated the effect of different colours and filters on their image and could explain why they made their choices.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been learning all about fractions in Maths. They have also been creating digital illustrations based on the text ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig’ story and have written their own version of this story.


It’s become very clear this week that we have some budding web designers in Year 6 and they’ve utilised all of their ICT skills to design and create their very own websites. The children used the Google Sites platform to build their animal-inspired websites and then integrated a range of different features, including drop-down boxes and external links.  There’s also been love in the air this week in Year 6 as they marked Valentines Day by making cards in their Spanish lesson complete with Spanish greetings and some very eye-catching designs.

In their history lesson this week, the children ventured on a virtual journey back to the 9th Century in order to meet and interview Alfred the Great and discover what it was that made him so ‘great’. They used a range of secondary sources to enquire about this famous Anglo-Saxon king and his mission to defend Wessex from the vicious Vikings and their fearless leader: King Guthrum. The children then shared their findings in the form of an interview with King Alfred himself by using Avatarify to bring the legend to life! In RE, they’ve been learning about the Hindu belief in ‘Sewa’: a selfless service that is performed without any expectation of result or award from preparing it. The children really enjoyed linking their learning to last week’s lesson on Gandhi and they even created a word cloud inspired by his acts of Sewa.


We hope you have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing you after the holidays.


It has been a busy and exciting week in school! This week the children have celebrated Children’s Mental Health week. Our assembly on Monday introduced the theme ‘Growing Together’ and the children considered how much they have grown in the last 12 months. They thought of ways in which they can continue to grow together and how this can help us all to look after our mental health.

During the week the children have completed daily mindfulness sessions using the GoNoodle resources, which have included thinking about their breathing, how to destress and relax and how to grow strength and confidence from inside themselves, through stretching. The children have also focused on the five ways to wellbeing and other activities to promote good mental health and wellbeing.


 On Tuesday the children participated in Safer Internet Day, a day for promoting a safer and better internet for all users, especially children. Staff introduced the theme in their class assembly – ‘Together for a Better Internet’ and all the children have taken part in age-appropriate activities to consider how to stay safe on the internet.


In Nursery this week, the children have continued their learning about Chinese New Year. This week has been all about tigers, the children know that tigers are part of the cat family but they are much larger.  They love the black stripes on their orange coat and have found out that tigers have very big teeth and use them to eat lots of meat.

The ‘Year of the Tiger’ has lots of different characteristics and we have been learning about some of them.


This week in Reception, the children have been working hard in Maths using the whole part model to add two numbers together and looking at the different ways you can make the same number. They have also been making their own 3D dinosaurs which look fantastic!


Year 1 had a fantastic day as they celebrated Diversity Day.  They looked at the celebrity Elton John. The children worked hard writing facts about Elton and his life, then researching the clothes and glasses he is famous for wearing. Following this, the children designed and made their own ‘Elton John Style Glasses’.


In RE the children have been looking at sacred buildings and this week they have been looking at the features of a Synagogue.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about all things to do with shape. Their focus has been learning the properties of 2D shapes. They have used the new ‘Geoboard’ app to create a variety of 2D shapes and have discussed the number of vertices and sides each shape has. They have thoroughly enjoyed using their high level mathematical vocabulary!  


This week in Year 3, the children have been working very hard writing an explanation for the invention machines they have designed. They have been using some formal language and a range of conjunctions. In Guided Reading the children have been concentrating on answering a range of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising questions about their text entitled ‘Stone Age Boy’.


In Maths, they have been applying their prior knowledge and completing some Maths assessments.

In RE, the children have been looking at different reasons why people pray. They have found out how people can pray to say sorry to God, to ask for forgiveness, to ask for help or to say what they are thankful for. The children had lots of lovely ideas for what they are thankful for.


In History, they have created posters on Seesaw about the Stone Age using their knowledge gained through the research they have conducted.  In Art, they have been creating their cave paintings.


In literacy this week in Year 4, we had a dragon attack. The children came in on Monday to scorched walls and a ransacked classroom. They pieced together the clues to predict that it was a dragon. CCTV confirmed this and the children are now gathering information about dragons to write their own non-chronological reports.


The Year 4 children have been completing activities for children’s mental health week. They had a workshop where they learned about anxiety and developed breathing techniques to help them calm down and refocus. The children also drew their support balloons depicting the people who helped them to grow. After learning about mental health and how we can grow together, the children measured themselves before they went home and then in the morning, when they measured themselves again, they had grown!


This week in Year 5, as part of Children’s Mental Health week, the children have been learning some new techniques for mindfulness following some of the GoNoodle mindfulness videos.

Some of our children have also been excited to receive awards for ‘Swimmer of the Week’ and for taking part in the Tameside Ten Pin Bowling competition. Well done!


It’s been another busy week in Year 6! In literacy, the children put the final touches to their debate preparation for the MCSP Debating Competition and then used the green screen to film the children delivering their superbly written arguments from some very ‘wild’ locations.


As part of their discussions surrounding Children’s Mental Health Week, they have been focusing on the five ways to wellbeing: connect, take notice, be active, give and keep learning. The children discussed the benefits of each of the five ways to wellbeing and the effect these have on their physical and mental health. The children then produced informative posters on Seesaw and reflected on what each of the five ways would look like in action.


In RE this week, they began by revisiting their learning about the Muslim Ummah (community). The concept really sparked the children’s interest last lesson and they still have some questions so they’ve been in contact with Imam Ghulam Moyhuddin from Ashton Central Mosque who has agreed to answer them for us! They’re really looking forward to reading his responses. This week, the children were introduced to the Hindu concept of Ahimsa (harmlessness) and have studied the life of Gandhi in order to discover how the principle helped guide him. They produced a stunning collaborative piece of word art about this inspirational activist too. There was real excitement in the room on Thursday when the children journeyed back in time to become Viking reporters and interview Alfred the Great. The children wrote their own questions for the king and then researched what his answers might have been. They then used the iPads to bring Alfred to life and record him responding to our lines of enquiry!



It has been a fantastic week in school! The children have thoroughly enjoyed coming to school in non-uniform and celebrating Diversity Day. The children looked great in their bright rainbow colours and have enjoyed exploring the lives of a range of outstanding people, from designers and artists to scientists and activists, all of whom achieved incredible things, yet each began life as a child with a dream.


On Thursday Years 4, 5 and 6 enjoyed participating in workshops led by Molly from ‘Give Racism the Red Card’ charity. They were able to explore and discuss the prevalence of racism within our society today. Years 5 and 6 then welcomed a team from Odd Arts who performed a play and workshop exploring the life of Manchester Boxing Legend Len Johnson, as a tool for challenging racial discrimination & celebrating our collective history.


In Nursery this week the children have had a very exciting time travelling to China. They enjoyed boarding the aeroplane and having their passports checked. They have learnt all about how Chinese people celebrate the lunar new year and finding out that this year it is the year of the tiger. The children have enjoyed tasting Chinese food, looking at and handling traditional Chinese New Year artefacts, making dragon crafts and playing in the Chinese restaurant.  


In Reception, the children have also been celebrating Chinese New Year. They have enjoyed tasting spring rolls, noodles and dipping their prawn crackers in sweet chilli sauce. The children have also had a go at writing their numbers in Chinese and decorating their own Chinese dragon.


In Year 1, the RE topic this half term has been looking at ‘Sacred Places’. This week the children have been looking at photographs and videos of a Mosque and have been finding out about the rules that Muslims follow when visiting the mosque to worship and socialise.


In Year 2 this week, the children have had a visit from a meerkat called Sunny! He left the class lots of clues about his adventures so far and gave us a fantastic book called ‘Meerkat Mail.’


In Science the children have enjoyed learning about the life cycles of various animals. They visited our school ducks to help us complete the life cycle of a duck. Mrs Willcox has been very impressed with the Scientific vocabulary that has been used in class this week, we have lots of budding scientists!  


In Maths, Year 3 have been working hard with their times tables and dividing 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and they have been using a range of methods to do this. In Literacy, the children have been looking at explanation texts and have ordered a text, identified the features in the texts, designed their own inventions and created their plan for when they start writing their own explanation texts.


In RE, the children have been looking at the three main prayers for Christians, Muslims and Hindus. They listened to these prayers, read them and then compared them to identify any similarities and differences. 


In PE, the children have been enjoying practising their shooting skills and the class have had a few goals scored. In Art, they have been looking at Cave Paintings. The children looked at some examples of paintings in caves around the world and identified what was on the paintings. They have had a practice at creating some of these in their sketch books.


It has been a busy week in Year 4 this week. In Literacy, the children have planned and written explanations on ‘How a magic broomstick works.’ They watched Room on the Broom and tried out broomsticks in the playground, helping them develop their understanding and use of cause and effect sentences.


In Art, the children used different media to create six identical pictures. They experimented with shading and using pressure to create depth of colour.


In Science this week, the children were investigating sound, they marked distance in metres and then moved away from a ringing alarm. They had to stop when they couldn’t hear the sound. The children learned that sound gets quieter the further away you are from the source. The children were also able to send secret messages through string telephones.


Maths this week focussed on finding area by counting squares. The children used post it notes to create shapes with the same area - including rectilinear shapes - and could find the area of chocolate bars with missing pieces by using their understanding of multiplication.


On Friday it was diversity day. The children dressed in our rainbow colour (pale blue) and studied Harriet Tubman. We had a great time using Kahoot games to develop our understanding of why Harriet was so influential and produced some beautiful art work to celebrate her achievements.


In Year 5 and 6, the children have been delving into issues surrounding diversity this week and we’ve been blown away by the maturity the children have demonstrated and the thoughtful contributions they’ve made to classroom discussion.


On Thursday, they thoroughly enjoyed taking part in two different workshops on the theme of anti-racism – the workshops aimed to provoke thoughtful discussion and educate the children about the prevalence of racism in our society both in the past and in the present. The first workshop involved a group of actors bringing to life the true story of Len Johnson, a Mancunian boxer who battled racism throughout his career and beyond. His determination to stand up and make positive change through peaceful protest was both inspirational and fascinating and his bravery inside the ring and outside the ring gave us real food for thought - they’re now keen to find out even more about this local hero. The children were enthralled by the performance and were even given the opportunity to improvise and involve themselves in a scene set at a Black Lives Matter protest. Their second workshop encouraged the children to challenge different stereotypes and explore what racism actually is and what are its root causes. The children thoroughly enjoyed studying several high-profile sportspeople and working with a representative from the ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ charity to deepen their understanding and challenge their thinking.


Diversity Day was a huge success in Year 5 and 6. Year 5 used the day to study and celebrate local fashion designer Vivienne Westwood by launching their very own Project Runway! They used all the tools at their disposal to re-purpose old clothing in to brand-new fashion showstoppers – their creativity truly knew no bounds and we’re sure that Vivienne herself would be very impressed. Year 6 took their inspiration from Emmeline Pankhurst on Diversity Day. The children established their own lines of enquiry in order to find out everything they could about the Manchester-born Suffragette before writing their very own persuasive speeches and using the magic of digital art to travel back in time and deliver them in Edwardian Manchester.


The children have had a busy and exciting week in school. We have said a very fond farewell to Father David who is leaving Mossley to begin a new adventure in North Walsham, Norfolk. Father David has been a huge part of our school and the wider community and has been a source of support and a huge advocate for Micklehurst All Saints and the other Church Schools in Mossley. We are going to miss him very much and we know he will be a hard act to follow. We wish Father David and Mother Penny our very best wishes for their next adventure.


Our Year 4 and 5 children have enjoyed working with Freddy Fit to train to become a Play Leader so they can lead our ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ sessions each day and support our younger children on the playground at lunchtimes.


As it’s National Befriending Week, Year 6 have taken the opportunity to spread some kindness and share a smile with members of our local community this week. On Thursday, they zoomed in to Sandon House Care Home in Mossley, and treated the residents to a performance of ‘A Million Dreams,’ one of their favourite songs. It was lovely to see the reactions of the residents and we thoroughly enjoyed the experience!


In Nursery this week, the children have been continuing with their learning about keeping healthy and healthy eating. They have been tasting a range of fruit and describing the taste. As you will see from the photos in the gallery, lemons were not their favourite!


In Reception, the children have been enjoying learning about dinosaurs. They have been looking at non-fiction texts to find out more information about dinosaurs and playing with the dinosaurs in the small world area.


This week in Year 1, the children have been writing their own version of ‘Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates.’ They started the week with talk for writing and creating their own story map. We hope you enjoy their video which can be found on Year 1's class page.

In RE the children have been looking at sacred buildings and this week they have been looking at the features of a Church.


In Year 2, the children have worked their socks off! In History they thoroughly enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale and her incredible life. They used our whole school timeline to identify when she was born and when the Crimean war took place. In Science, the children have been using their working scientifically skills to compare, group and sort animals based on their offspring. They found this quite tricky but it sparked lots of scientific discussion. In Numeracy they have strengthened their understanding of multiplication and division and they all enjoyed completing their number fact families.  


This week in Year 3, the children have been very busy writing their own versions of ‘Manfred the Baddie’. They have worked extremely hard to use a range of time adverbial phrases, adjectives, conjunctions, commas in a list and inverted commas for speech.


In Maths, the children have been dividing 100 by 2,4,5 and 10. They have also been practicing the column method for multiplying 2 digits by 1 digit numbers. In Science, to start their topic the children have had a competition to see who could build a model body the quickest. They really enjoyed this and it helped the children label the bones in the skeleton.


In Guided Reading, they have enjoyed reading ‘Stone Age Boy’ and learning all about life in the Stone Age. They have linked this to their History topic and the children have been doing some research about life in the Stone Age using the iPads.


In RE, Year 3 have been looking at how Hindus pray. They have looked at the Puja tray and discussed and compared their own special items, e.g. books, people and memories.


In Year 4 this week, the children have been investigating pitch. They made their own instruments and were able to identify that when you plucked a thicker/longer string on a string instrument, the pitch was lower, and when you plucked a thinner/ shorter string, the pitch was higher. They also found out that when playing a wind instrument, if you covered the holes and lengthened the air column the pitch was lower.


In assembly this week, the focus was ‘Love’, one of our fruits of the spirit. The children were able to reflect on how we know that God loves us and have contributed to our in-class reflection area. The children are beginning to write and read their own prayers in this reflection area.


In Literacy this week, the children have written brilliant and very technical explanations on how a wand works. I think we have some budding Harry Potters and Hermione Grangers. We are looking forward to writing explanations on our broomsticks next week.


In ICT, the children went outside and took photographs. They were learning to crop and manipulate images. They used effects to change the style and mood of the photographs.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been working hard to multiply numbers using the column method. In literacy the children have enjoyed writing their 'Big Bad Pig' speech and are hoping to animate this next week.


In Year 6 this week in RE, they’ve been considering the importance of ‘community’ in the Islamic faith and finding out how Muslims build their Ummah (community). The children studied the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and thought about why he is such an important messenger and how he has inspired generations of Muslims to play such active roles in the Ummah.


Their science focus this week has been all things MOULDY! They’ve studied different types of microorganisms and looked at which ones are helpful and which ones are harmful. The children then planned and carried out their own investigations involving many slices of bread hung in some rather unusual places around the classroom - they’re trying to find out what conditions cause mould to grow fastest so they’re monitoring the appearance of each slice over the course of the next two weeks.


It has been another busy and exciting week in school. This week we have celebrated Healthy Schools Week and the children have been learning about a range of topics and participated in a range of activities from the Sex and Relationships curriculum. The School Nurse visited school on Tuesday and led workshops on healthy eating and keeping teeth clean and healthy in Nursery and Reception. She then worked with Years 5 and 6 and led workshops on puberty and changes to the body during this stage. The children have really enjoyed these sessions and the School Nurse was fantastic with her responses to a range of questions.


The children have also had a virtual assembly and follow session based on the NSPCC ‘Speak Out. Stay Safe’ resources. Each class has taken part in this safeguarding programme which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly way.


In Nursery this week, the children have had an amazingly busy Healthy Schools week.  They had a visit from the school nurse, Janette, who came to speak to them about oral hygiene.  She brought her friend Mr Dragon who showed them his fantastic teeth, his toothbrush was huge and the children practiced brushing their teeth properly.  School have also bought the children a new toothbrush and their own tube of toothpaste to help them look after their teeth.

In class the children have played in the role-play dentist area, they have thoroughly enjoyed learning about what keeps them healthy.  Their healthy snacks that they made were enjoyed by everyone and they all voted for their favourite fruit. The winner was melon!

Nursery are looking forward to learning more about being healthy next week as well.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about how to look after their class dinosaur. They have been thinking about keeping healthy and how this will help their dinosaur and themselves stay healthy. The children have been learning about how to brush their teeth correctly and enjoyed a visit from the school nurse who told us lots of things we need to do to take the best possible care of our teeth. The children have been brushing the dinosaur’s teeth and have made him some healthy soup using lots of vegetables.


In our continuous provision they have enjoyed making dinosaurs with dough and have been trying to release the dinosaurs from the ice. They have completed a writing task about their favourite fruit and wrote a set of instructions about how to make dinosaur soup. In maths the children have been comparing quantities, looking at the composition of 5 and one more/fewer than numbers to 5. They have also been learning how to combine two amounts together. They have had lots of fun this week!


In Year 1 this week, the children have enjoyed ‘Healthy Schools Week’. They have been thinking about the people who are special to us and people who they can talk to about their worries. They have also been labelling their body parts.


Wow! Year 2 have definitely had a challenging time this week trying to create their own Jewish Mezuzah’s. With lots of patience and resilience they managed to create their own Mezuzah and some of them even managed to write their own prayers to go inside.  As part of their SRE lessons this week, the children have watched the NSPCC ‘Speak out. Stay Safe’ lesson. Following this the children learnt about the NSPCC ‘underpants rule’ and they worked in groups to piece together an underpants jigsaw! 


This week in Year 3, the children have been writing their own versions of ‘Manfred the Baddie.’ They have been working very hard to follow their plans and use lots of exciting adjectives. In Maths, they have been using the column method for multiplying 2 digit and 1 digit numbers and dividing using the partitioning method.


In PE, the children have been practising their throwing and catching skills and learning how to defend the ball. They have also had some mini games of basketball. In RE, they have been looking at how Muslims pray and have enjoyed designing their own prayer mats.


This week in Year 4, as part of Healthy Schools Week, the children have looked at topics such as puberty, bullying, stereotypes and peer pressure. In Science, they continued to look at sound and vibrations. The children learned that the louder the sound, the larger the vibration. They were able to label parts of the ear and explain how they hear sounds. In Maths, the children looked at concrete, pictorial and abstract ways to multiply and divide 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit.


In Year 5 this week, the children have also been taking part in a range of SRE activities including a visit from the School Nurse, who spoke to them about puberty and the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow. They have also looked at different family types.


In Year 6 this week, the children have had another busy week. As it’s Healthy Schools Week, they have been taking part in a range of SRE activities, which began with a visit from the School Nurse, who told them all about puberty and the changes they can expect their bodies to experience as they grow. They’ve also been learning about consent and saying ‘no’ to things that might make them uncomfortable and the children enjoyed sharing their understanding by making digital posters that will educate others.


In literacy, they’ve been honing their persuasive writing skills and constructing adverts for Jub’s Hole. The children used a range of features, such as rhetorical questions, powerful vocabulary and the subjunctive form to entice holiday makers to visit this luxurious retreat. They also discovered Jub’s fate by reading to the end of their new favourite book: The Lost Happy Endings! The children can’t wait to create their own villains and write new versions of this fantastical tale over the next few weeks

It has been a busy and exciting week in school.


In Nursery the children have been focusing on their new topic ‘Winter.’ They have been making penguins linked to the information book they have been reading and making snowmen. They have also said a fond farewell to Mrs Schofield who is moving on to pastures new. She will be greatly missed but everyone wishes her all good wishes. 


In Reception this week, the children have been so excited by a large egg that appeared in their classroom. After a couple of days, out of the egg came a dinosaur and the children have been engaged in lots of writing opportunities to predict what was going to be inside the egg and then how they were going to look after the baby dinosaur.


This week in Year 1, Nora sent the class a letter and a book all about herself. The children have enjoyed listening to the story of ‘Mungo and the Picture Book Pirates.’ They have been looking at and describing the character Captain Horatio Fleet. The children have shared adjectives to describe Captain Fleet and then they have used these to complete a slow write.


In Literacy this week Year 2 have been creating their very own pirate dinosaurs ready for them to join Captain Stubble on his ship. The children are going to spend next week creating their own reports about our dinosaur. In History, they have finished off their ‘Great Fire of London’ topic by learning the famous nursery rhyme ‘London’s Burning’. The children sang the song altogether and then as a round, they then worked in groups to create a performance with percussion instruments.  


In Year 3 the children have had another busy week! In Maths, they have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. They have done this practically first, using the base ten equipment, and then have introduced the column multiplication method to complete these calculations.

In Literacy, the children have been retelling the story of ‘Manfred the Baddie,’ writing a diary entry in the role of Manfred and writing a character description of him.

In History, the children have begun their topic all about the Stone Age and have been ordering a timeline of events from the Stone Age period. In Science, they have been investigating the permeability of soils. They had great fun looking at a range of soils and using their observation skills.


This week in Year 4, we have continued to develop our writing techniques through our Wizardology topic. We have created potions and written some brilliant instructions for how to turn ourselves invisible. The children have really developed their use of time adverbials, adverbs for how, imperative verbs and precise nouns. They have been trying extremely hard to neaten and join their handwriting too.

In Maths this week, the children have been investigating factor pairs and written multiplication strategies. They used manipulatives and factor bugs to aid them to find factor pairs. The children have also begun to investigate square numbers and prime numbers.

Our Science this week was based around the topic of Sound. The children used musical instruments and their voices to identify that sound was caused by vibrations. We had great fun using, tuning forks in water – some of the children were splashed by the force of the vibrations in the water. Year 4 also carried out a school sound survey and using a map of the school, they graded each area from 1 to 5 in terms of the noise level. Can you guess the noisiest area of school?


This week in Year 5 the ‘Wondrous Book Club’ books were delivered, and the children were really excited to open them! This half term’s theme is Humour and the children are looking forward to reading their new books.


What a brilliant week it has been for Year 6! 

On Tuesday, a mysterious sack, which was full of items, arrived in our classroom - clues for their new literacy book! Using their awesome inference skills, the children discussed what each of the items were, and predicted who they might belong to. The sack contained: a knitted hat, a multi-coloured scarf, one tiny t-shirt, a six-fingered glove (strange, we know!) and even a pair of pink undies! All of the items initially led them to believe that their new book must be set in the winter season, or in a really cold country. However, they would soon learn that the items in the sack actually belonged to Jub, a resident of an enchanted forest, whose job it was to sprinkle the happy endings in to the world each evening…that explained why she needed six fingers! They’ve since written to Jub to help her out of a sticky situation and the children’s solutions have been simply spellbinding.

The children have also started a new unit of maths, where they’ve been challenging themselves with some tricky problems involving decimals. And in RE, they’ve considered the values that Christians hold dear and the concept of ‘a good thing spoiled’…they created their own trees depicting the values in action and the consequences of living their lives by following them.

Happy New Year! We hope you have had a good Christmas and a lovely break and that you managed to avoid any illness over the festive period. It has been lovely welcoming the children back into school and they have all been excited to see their friends and staff. Everyone is looking forward to the term ahead.


What a lovely first three days we have had in Nursery!  The children have started their new topic ‘Winter and what lives in the polar regions.’  They have read an information book all about Penguins.  Mrs Brown couldn’t believe how many facts the children have already learnt about Penguins.  In their number work they have been honing their counting skills and recognising numbers.  Their phonics lessons have been concentrating on their listening skills and what sounds they can hear, they have been ‘Faaaaaaaaantastic!’


Our Nursery class has also welcomed some lovely new children this week, we hope that they have enjoyed their first few days at Micklehurst and everyone can’t wait to get to know them better in the coming term.


In Reception this week, the children have been sequencing and following instructions to make sandwiches. They had a very sticky time!


In Year 1, the children have had a little surprise on their return to school on Wednesday. On the class whiteboard, there was a lost poster about a lost key. After a good search of the classroom, they were able to find the key and have since been busy writing a letter to Nora to let her know we will keep it safe. The children are also going to ask her a few questions too to find out more about her!

In Year 2 this week, the children have started their new literacy unit based on the text ‘Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs’ by Giles Andreae. The children have had lots of fun  making pirate dinosaurs out of plasticine.

This week in Year 3, the children have started their new literacy unit based on the text ‘Manfred the Baddie’ by John Fardell. The class received a note from Manfred, who had lost his Swag bag in the playground. They went on a hunt to find the bag and once the bag was found the children had a look to see what was inside and discovered it was all scientific equipment. The children then wrote a letter back to Manfred explaining the importance of being honest and not stealing. In Science, the children have been learning about Mary Anning and how she was a famous paleontologist and in maths, they have been consolidating their 2,4 and 8 times tables.


Year 4 have begun their very exciting Wizardology topic in Literacy. They have made their own magic wands and created a potion to turn themselves invisible.  The children have looked at instructions for how to drive a magic bus and highlighted the features of instructional writing - ready for their writing next week. In Maths, the children have used counters to consolidate place value of two-digit numbers and used partitioning to develop their understanding of the 11s and 12s times tables. The children have begun their new topic on Mountains in Geography and have used atlases to locate the 7 summits of world.


In Year 5 this week, the children have begun their new literacy unit based on ‘The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig.’ The children have enjoyed re-enacting the traditional story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ in preparation.


We’ve had a fabulous start to 2022 in Year 6! The children were confused on Wednesday when an intriguingly mysterious package arrived; it had been found on the path outside school by a member of the public and was addressed to ‘Year 6’. The package contained thirty gold pens that were labelled with the children’s names - we’re not quite sure yet what the pens are for but we’re looking forward to finding out next week and it’s certainly been fun trying to work out who left them for us. 


In literacy, the children have been brushing up on their visual literacy skills in order to make inferences and predictions about an image from their new text. They’ve also been introduced to the villain from their new text and they’re already busy building a character description of this intriguingly haggard and sinister-looking old hag. 


In RE this week, the children have been considering the concepts of fairness, justice, freedom and forgiveness. They considered different scenarios and used drama and role play to bring them to life in order to explore how different religions guide individuals to express their freedom of choice. 


What a busy week the children have had! They have thoroughly enjoyed their Christmas Bingo and Christmas parties. There was a lot of excited cheer running through school this week and some of our classes even had a special virtual visit from Father Christmas himself!


I would like to thank all our families for their support this term and especially over the last few weeks as we have collected all our donations for the fair stalls. The children had a fantastic time and we had plenty of prizes for them to take home.


In Nursery this week the children have had an amazing time! They have had their party with a visit from Father Christmas who knew all about what they have been up to this term.  He was very proud of the children and all the hard work they have been doing.


Nursery loved bingo, they were great at finding all the different Christmas pictures and guess what???? They all won!!! They finished all their Christmas crafts by making a bauble to hang on the tree. Rudolph won’t go hungry on Christmas Eve when he comes to Micklehurst because the children have made him some Reindeer food. What a fun week they have had!  All your teachers are very proud of you Nursery, well done!


This week in Reception, the children have been having some festive fun. They have been making cards and enjoying some Christmas crafts. They had a lovely time at their party where Father Christmas made a special appearance. He told us that the children were all on the nice list. The children are all very excited and looking forward to Christmas.


Year 1 had a great day on Monday. In the morning, the children made party hats and decorations ready for their party. Then in the afternoon, they had a great time at their Christmas party. They have also enjoyed getting in the Christmas spirit with a game of Christmas Bingo!


In Year 2 this week, the children have been making Christmas cards to take home to their families and have enjoyed making their Christingles. They have also been busy learning about arrays as part of their multiplication unit in Maths.


This week in Year 3, the children have been been getting into the Christmas spirit. They have made fantastic Christmas cards and calendars for next year and enjoyed their Christmas party. During the party, the children had a great time playing games, dancing, having food and receiving a Christmas present. They also had a lot of fun playing Christmas Bingo and there were lots of winners!


In literacy this week, Year 4 have written a persuasive letter to Santa to apply for the position of ‘Santa’s Little Helper’. The children put forward some very convincing arguments and Santa is going to have a very difficult job trying to decide who will get the job.


The children had a brilliant time playing Christmas bingo, they received prizes for getting a line or a full house and spot prizes were also awarded. Some children in Year 4 were extremely lucky and won multiple prizes! They made us proud by sharing with others who hadn’t won.


The children have had their Christmas party this week and looked gorgeous in their party clothes. They had lots of fun, games, and food at the party. They played pass the parcel, musical bumps and musical chairs. We finished the party with a game of Christmas Kahoot – the children were so competitive and had a whale of a time.


Our final bridge challenge of the half term was to build a bridge out of straws and sellotape. Again, we saw amazing teamwork. They were able to research, design, make and evaluate their bridges. Well done year 4 a very busy week!


In Year 5 this week the children have enjoyed making their Christingles for our Carol service. They have also been designing a sleigh to carry Father Christmas’ presents and using the Sphero balls to see which sleigh could hold and carry the presents successfully.


Year 6 have enjoyed a fantastically festive final week of term - their last Christmas at Micklehurst! They’ve been putting the final touches to their wintry narratives, in which the children have been writing in the first person to explore an alien’s first Christmas on Earth - they’ve worked exceptionally hard to use both ambitious vocabulary and a range of sentence structures in their stories to make them more interesting for the reader. 


They’ve also been getting creative in Year 6 this week - the children added their own touch to some traditional festive delicacies to produce some hilariously mischievous ‘Mince Spies’ Christmas cards that are sure to bring a smile to the faces of their recipients. 


Christmas Bingo was a big hit this week in Year 6 too - with some expert bingo calling from Mrs Lynch and a whole host of chocolates prizes at stake, the children’s eyes were glued to their bingo cards from start to finish! 


We like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay safe and enjoy a well-deserved break.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in school this week. The children have enjoyed their Christmas lunch and pulling crackers with their friends. There have been lots of Christmassy activities being done in classes and some fantastic Christmas displays can be seen around school.


In Nursery this week the children have thoroughly enjoyed being in Father Christmas’ Workshop.  They have been his little elves, wrapping presents, giving out toys and helping him to complete his jobs list.  Some of the children even made the elves Christmas pudding to enjoy.  Christmas dinner was a lovely treat on Thursday, the children really enjoyed the food, crackers and Christmas spirit.  This week the children have also been busy making lots of Christmas crafts for their families, we hope they are enjoyed when your special delivery comes home next week.


This week in Reception, the children have been continuing with their Christmas activities. They have been learning about the Christmas story, retelling the story using their nativity scene and have been thinking about what gifts they could give to the baby Jesus. They have also been enjoying a range of festive activities in their continuous provision, using the dough to make Christmas decorations, cutting out elves, making cards and Christmas reefs and playing in our Christmas shop. The children have had lots of exciting experiences this week and are looking forward to more Christmas fun next week.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been learning all about toys today and toys from the past. They have been comparing toys and looking at the similarities and differences. The children have also been finding out about special celebrations in different religions as part of their RE topic. The children enjoyed their Christmas lunch on Thursday and have been excited to complete a range of Christmas craft activities.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been spending some of their afternoons completing a variety of art projects. This has involved creating a beautiful Christmas window display using collage techniques and a fantastic Christmas tree door display made of multiple paper chains. They have all really enjoyed learning some new skills and their classroom now feels very Christmassy.  


This week in Science, Year 3 have been looking at the process of fossilisation. The children have ordered the pictures to show the process of fossilisation. In Maths, they have been learning their eight times tables and in Literacy, the children have been describing the characters from their story ‘The Weather Monster’.


In Geography and ICT, the children finished their posters about Italy which they have created using Microsoft Word. They really enjoyed their Christmas Dinner in class and they enjoyed listening to Christmas Songs whilst they ate.


In Literacy this week, Year 4 have been studying and writing poetry based on rivers. They have looked at the work of Valerie Bloom in particular. They have identified and used rhyme, repetition and personification and have written questions and answers, shape and acrostic poems.

In Science, the children identified positive and negative changes to local environments and could identify how this would affect habitats and animals. They were able to suggest ways we could help to combat these negative changes.


Geography this week focused on the characteristics of rivers. The children used FACTFILES of the longest rivers in the world to find out the length, location, source, mouth and uses of the river. They were able to find out their own interesting facts too.

The children really enjoyed their Christmas lunch on Thursday and everyone got to share their very ‘Corny’ Christmas cracker jokes. 


In Year 5 this week, the children have been finishing their book reviews for our Mossley Carrbrook Schools Partnership Wondrous Book Club. They have prepared some reviews to share with the next school who will receive the books, so they know what is in store for them in the New Year when they get to open their new box of books. They have also filmed their performance for the MCSP Christmas Musical Performance.


This week in literacy, Year 6 have been perfecting their narrative writing skills in order to produce some wintry stories inspired by John Lewis’ 2021 Christmas advert. They used a range of figurative language techniques to paint a picture of the festive scene in the reader’s mind before putting themselves in the shoes of one of the main characters to describe their first ever Christmas.

For their final piece of artwork this term, Year 6 have been combining all of the skills they’ve learnt over the past few weeks to create a masterpiece for our calendars. The children used their understanding of perspective to capture a picturesque Mossley landscape. They then used watercolours to bring their recognisable scenes to life, which even featured a well-known landmark: St George’s Church.

They’ve also been combining different ICT skills this week to put together their virtual Christmas concert. The children used iMovie and filmed various scenes using the green screen to produce their showcase of performance poetry – with that and our Christmas lunch too, it’s certainly feeling very festive in Year 6.


This week has been an exciting week at Micklehurst All Saints. We are pleased and proud to say that following our verification visit on Thursday, we have achieved the SENDIA award for our SEND practice in school. A huge thank you to Mrs Gorton, staff, parents/carers, pupils and Governors who supported us and took part in the process. We are looking forward to sharing our news with the Local Authority and our local community.


In Nursery this week, the children have begun to learn their nativity songs, the children are enjoying the new tunes and their favourite is "Flicker, Flicker". They have been discussing and learning about the birth of baby Jesus and how he is special for Christians.  The Christmas tree has gone up in the classroom and the children have loved making our Christmas cards for our families. The children have continued learning about patterns again this week to ensure that the knowledge is embedded and as you can see from their pictures they are doing very well.


In Reception, Christmas has arrived! The children have had fun in class this week as they have put up the Christmas tree, enjoyed Christmas crafts and wrote letters to Father Christmas. They have definitely got into the Christmas spirit and the children had lots of fun.


This week in Year 2, the children have been celebrating their success in their phonics screening check. All the children have worked so hard and all their hard work has paid off! We can’t believe some of the progress the children have made since they completed their mock screening check in October. Well done Year 2!


In Year 3 this week, the children have been  working in groups testing rocks to identify their different properties. They have tested the permeability, durability and density of each rock.

They have also been writing instructions for how to bake a cake in Literacy and in Maths they have been working hard learning their 4 times tables.


This week in Literacy, Year 4 have used their very best joined handwriting to present their ‘Green Ship’ stories in a book – just like published authors. We are so proud of them and have decided to display them around school. The children have also studied the features of poetry and have used talk for writing actions to perform Valerie Bloom’s poem, ‘The River’ linking to our Geography topic. In DT this week, their bridge challenge was to construct a bridge out of paper and paperclips that would hold 5 cubes. Once again, the teamwork was brilliant, and one group’s bridge even held over 100 cubes. The children are keen to know what next week’s challenge is and which group will be the winning team.


In their Maths sessions, they have moved on to multiplication and division and the children have used place value counters and place value charts to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. They have also been using their Math’s stem sentences to help them remember the methods for multiplying by 1 and 0.


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 6 – the classroom has been cheerfully decorated with twinkling lights and there’s a real festive cheer in the air! The children have been enjoying learning some songs and putting together our piece of performance poetry for this year’s Key Stage Two virtual performance – we’ve even been watching the great Michael Rosen perform to pick up some tips from the expert. In Maths this week, the children have been tackling some increasingly more challenging fractions problems. They’ve even been working on their teaching skills and putting together explanations for the rest of the class about how to add and subtract a range of mixed numbers and improper fractions.


In their ICT lesson on Monday, the children continued to develop their 3D modelling skills as they were tasked with designing and building a virtual house, complete with doors, windows and a few additional decorations, including the odd swimming pool and some pretty impressive garden designs – our Year 6s clearly have expensive taste! On Friday, Year 6 took part in a live workshop delivered by The How People and designed to share with the children ‘Five Steps to Wellbeing Wisdom’. The workshop was an interactive and engaging opportunity for us to identify things that can trigger anxiety and develop a toolkit of strategies to help us regulate our feelings and emotions.


This week the children have started to get a little ‘Christmassy’ as they have looked at the roles they will be playing in their Christmas productions. I think I have even heard some Christmas songs being played! On Wednesday we said a fond farewell to Father Ian and wished him all good wishes for the future. We would like to thank him for his love and support over the last 3 years.


In Nursery this week the children have enjoyed reading the story of ‘Elmer’ by David McKee. They have been making repeating patterns using 2 and 3 objects or colours, painting their own Elmer patterns and sorting different coloured items in the finger gym area. 


In Reception, the children have been reading the story of ‘Mrs Honeys Hat’ by Pam Adams. They have cut and created their own hat and used their knowledge of letter sounds to label what they had put onto it. The children have also been learning about 4 sided shapes and measuring 4 snakes to find out which one was the longest and which was the shortest. They have enjoyed playing Connect 4 and have been using sticks and various other materials to make 4 sided shapes. The children have enjoyed a range of activities within continuous provision indoors and outdoors this week which has helped them to develop their independent learning. The children have also been enjoying the change in weather and have spent lots of time exploring the ice outside.


In Year 1 this week, to celebrate their work linked to the story of ‘Lost and Found,’ the children have had a penguin party. They had great fun making penguin hats, eating delicious food, going on a chocolate hunt and singing a snowman song. They will be writing a recount of our party to share next week.


In Year 2, to celebrate No Pens Day, the children have baked some gingerbread men and have been using coins to make different amounts in Numeracy. They really enjoyed getting the chance to record their work in different ways. It also allowed for lots of discussion. In History, the children used the Chatterkid’s app to bring Samuel Pepys to life. They recalled many facts about his life and read some of his important diary extracts. They then posted their work on Seesaw and many of the parents loved our work!  


This week for No Pens Day, Year 3 performed ‘The Owl and The Pussy Cat.’ They performed brilliantly using excellent expression and pace. The children also worked really hard on their times tables using MyMaths. The children also have been drawing the Leaning Tower of Pisa based on our Geography topic and in Literacy, they have been looking at the features of instructions.


In Year 4, the children have been building on their previous learning about measurement to find the perimeters of rectilinear shapes. They were able to apply their knowledge of rectangles and squares to find missing lengths in shapes and the perimeter of those shapes. In Science, the children continued to enjoy their topic of ‘Living things and their habitats’. They used a classification key in their table groups to identify and sort living things by their various characteristics. In ICT, the children have been experimenting with editing audio files. They were able to use the podcasts they recorded last week and make improvements to them by adding music and sound effects with our audio editing software. On No Pens Day, the children used their iPads effectively to complete their work and have also started to learn their Christmas songs in preparation for their Christmas performance.


It’s been another busy week in Year 6! During their PE lesson on Monday, the children worked together to create a series of hockey stations - each one designed to practise a different skill. The children worked in teams to hone their passing, dribbling and shooting techniques and they even took on the role of teacher to model to the next group how to succeed at each station.

On Wednesday, they celebrated No Pens Day with a range of practical activities, including some tricky maths challenges. The children entered the classroom to find a giant maths maze covering the floor and they were soon tasked with working together to conquer the maze. Their missions involved coming together as a team to find the highest totaling route, the lowest totaling route and a route that would total exactly 100 – it was a lot trickier than we first thought but with some systematic teamwork, our budding mathematicians rose to the challenge and escaped from the maze in one piece – mission accomplished Year 6! They then turned their attention to a bigger challenge and a hunt to find the maths problems hidden in the playground – the children had to solve each problem in order to collect a letter and once all of the letters were found, a secret message was revealed.



This week the children have taken part in Anti-Bullying Week. On Monday they wore odd socks to mark the start of the week and our assembly introduced this year’s theme ‘One Kind Word.’ The children have also focused on activities linked to this theme throughout their learning and in their PSHE lessons.


In Nursery this week, the children have been continuing their work on ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and have been re-enacting the story using props. They have also been on a gingerbread hunt around school and the children were so excited when they spotted a hidden gingerbread man! The children have also enjoyed celebrating Children in Need and dressing up in Pudsey attire.


In Reception, the children have used the computers and iPads to create their own firework pictures using the 2paint programme. In Numeracy they have been learning about the number 4 and how 4 can be represented. They have been learning how to make number 4 in different ways. As part of Anti-Bullying Week the children have been looking at positive friendships. They thought about their best friends and discussed what makes a good friend. They then made a friendship chain and a recipe for a good friendship.


In Year 1 this week, the children have had a fun but it was a rather damp afternoon walking along the local bridle path looking for signs of Autumn. They had a great afternoon and gathered lots of colourful leaves along the way.


In Year 2, the children have been retelling the story of ‘The Lost Sheep.’ They thought carefully about what Jesus wanted us to learn from this parable and they enjoyed acting out some of the key parts of the story. In Gymnastics the children have been learning how to complete a variety of rolls, some of them proved very tricky!


In Year 3 this week, as part of their science unit, they have looked at some of the rocks that they collected on their walk last week. The children worked in teams to sort these rocks into different groups. The children have enjoyed their new Literacy topic based on their text ‘The Weather Monster.’ They have been making sunshines and baking cakes to cheer up the Weather Monster.  They have also been looking at the features of instructions. In PE the children have been taking part in Athletics and this week they were focusing on jumping.


This week, the children in Year 4 have been researching bridges and were set the challenge of using a sheet of A4 paper and multilink to construct a bridge which would hold the weight of a toy car. The children worked brilliantly in teams to discuss their ideas, try out ways of making paper stronger and then were able to build their own bridge. All groups successfully met the criteria for the challenge and the car was able to drive under and also cross over the bridge. Well done Year 4 - your problem solving skills and evaluations of your designs were amazing in this activity. In Science, the children learned all about invertebrates (mini beasts) and how to classify them. They were then let loose around school to locate different habitats and collect invertebrates. Amongst lots of screams and excitement the children collected many specimens and then used a classification key to name and describe their invertebrate.


The children have had a secret friend this week as part of our anti-bullying work. They have had to Use kind words and deeds towards their friend (without letting them know) and then the children have guessed who their secret friend is based on their kind actions. We discovered that so many of us are that kind to others that it was very difficult to find out who our secret friend actually was!


In Year 5 this week, the children have been completing their digital artwork linked to Remembrance Day. The children are very proud of their designs. They have also been making ‘dragon bones’ artefacts for their Shang Dynasty topic in History. The children enjoyed receiving their certificates.


The sight of our Year 6s walking to school in their odd socks brought a smile to our faces on Monday as we marked the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week. This year’s theme was ‘one kind word’ and the children have not only been thinking about how to be kind to others but about being kind to themselves too. They used the Pages App to produce their own posters based on inspirational quotes and designed to be eye-catching, positive and to hopefully make a difference to somebody’s day when they needed it.


On Wednesday, we welcomed members of Tameside’s Safe Squad to school to deliver several workshops to our Year 6s about staying safe and looking after each other. The workshops dealt with a range of topics including anti-social behaviour, digital safety, hate crime, bullying, fire safety and First Aid. The children thoroughly enjoyed participating in the interactive workshops and having the opportunity to ask questions of our expert visitors.



It has been another exciting week in school. The children have been thinking about Armistice Day and remembering the brave soldiers that fought in World War 1 and World War 2. The whole school remained still and thoughtful at 11am on Thursday 11th November for the two minute silence to show their respect for those soldiers that fought for our country. It was a special moment.


In Nursery this week, the children have been busy learning all about ‘The Gingerbread Man.’ They have been making and decorating gingerbread men, practising their threading skills, reading and retelling the story and have enjoyed a gingerbread hunt around school.


What a busy week in Reception! The children have been looking at patterns whilst learning about Diwali and Bonfire night. They have enjoyed exploring a range of activities, making patterns using a number of colours, textures and mediums.  They have made Diva lamps and Rangoli patterns and created their own Mendhi patterns. As part of their Bonfire night celebrations, they have been dancing to firework music, writing words to describe the noises that the fireworks make and making their very own edible fireworks. The children finished off this week with a treat - lighting and creating their own patterns with real sparklers. What a super week they have had!


In Year 1 this week the children have been looking at the story of ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers. They have been using adjectives to describe some of the characters and On Wednesday the children used the computers to draw and write about the boy in the story. They have used ‘and’ to join words together in their sentences.


Year 2 have had an amazing week! They have had a visit from some gingerbread men, learnt how to add and subtract two digit numbers using column addition and completed a Science investigation. There has been such a buzz in class this week as the children have had so much fun learning new things and conquering some difficult strategies in Maths.


This week, Year 3 have enjoyed a walk along the bridal path as part of their science unit on ‘Rocks.’ They have been finding and identifying different types of rocks.


In Year 4 this week, the children have been on a river study trip to Park Bridge to study the River Medlock. They had a great walk through the valley to watch the river meander and were able to identify man-made and natural features of the river. They used nets to collect and study the wildlife within the river and used a key to determine if the river was polluted. The children concluded that even though it looked dirty it was clean of pollution. They also had the opportunity to build a dam from stones on the riverbed.


In Literacy, the children were planning their own ‘Green Ship’ narrative and produced some wonderful planning booklets. In Science, the children were able to sort and classify vertebrates into mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians and used Clicker to record their work. Maths this week, involved converting centimetres to metres and millimetres to centimetres.


This week in Year 5, the children have been enjoying improving their hockey skills in P.E. Well done to our star Numeracy and Literacy achievers this week.


Our Year 6’s have worked their socks off this week; they’ve demonstrated a real enthusiasm for learning and a dedication to making progress whilst working their way through several practise SATs papers. We’re thrilled with the scores they’ve achieved but more so with the way they’ve conducted themselves and the outstanding learning behaviours they’ve demonstrated throughout the week. They have also marked Remembrance Day in our literacy and art lessons this week. The children used figurative language to create a poem reflecting on what Remembrance means to them - they combined some strong and emotive vocabulary with the use of metaphor to paint a vivid picture in the reader’s mind. In art, they’ve been learning all about perspective and so they used this technique to produce a watercolour background for our moving pieces of poetry.  


Welcome back to school! We hope you have enjoyed the half term break. The children have returned to school happy and eager to learn and have enjoyed being back in school and learning with their friends.


In Nursery this week, the children have been learning about the Hindu festival of Diwali. They have been making Diva pots and creating Rangoli patterns and have finished their week with a Diwali party where they have been tasting Indian food and making Mango Lassi.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about Autumn time. They went on an Autumn walk to collect lots of leaves and on their return, they have created paintings and crayon prints using these leaves. They are going to be writing about their walk and including details of what they saw. The children have also been making playdough leaves and finger painting their own Autumn trees. In Maths, they have been looking at number two and learning everything they need to know about this number. Mrs Harding said: “What a super week the children have had!”


In Year 1 this week, the children have had a visitor in their classroom. A penguin appeared and the children think he may be lost! Year 1 have been working hard to create a found poster to see if we can help the penguin to find his way home.


This week in Year 2, the children have started their new Gymnastics unit and they have been learning how to create a variety of strong balances. They then made a routine with their partner that included 3 balances. In Science, the children are continuing their materials unit and this week they have been working scientifically! They have investigated how to make a piece of fabric waterproof. The children had great fun doing this and many of them managed to complete the objective by adding a layer of wax to the fabric.  


In Literacy this week Year 3 have been creating a book review of their favourite author Julia Donaldson. They have written some fantastic firework poems and performed other famous firework poems. In Maths, they have been adding using the column method and the children have worked very hard with this. In RE, the children have been looking at different representations of God.


This week in Year 4, the children made a word bank, composed poems and performed in role groups as part of their new Literacy unit. In Maths they used practical equipment to complete subtraction calculations and used a range of checking strategies using inverse operations. In Science, the children have been finding ways to classify/group living things in variety of ways including using a Venn diagram and a Carol diagram. As part of their topic work the children have started to learn about the Water Cycle and have learnt a new song to help them. They have also listed examples and features of a river, used atlases to locate the longest rivers in the world.


In Year 5 the children have started their new literacy unit based on the text "The Gritter Man" by Orlando Weeks.  The children got cosy to start reading this new text by coming to school in their pyjamas!


This week in Year 6, the children were faced with an extremely unusual mystery that required the team of budding super sleuths to join forces, gather evidence and work together to solve. The children were provided with images of two crime scenes, which appeared to be linked. They hunted for visual clues in order to develop a credible hypotheses before interviewing three key witnesses - their questioning skills would definitely give Sherlock Holmes himself a run for his money. Once their investigations had come to a close, the children identified the features of formal police reports and planned one of their own to detail their findings and conclusion – they’ll now have to wait until next week to discover who the actual culprit was! In ICT this week, the children have been introduced to a new app on the iPads called ‘Tinkercad’ – the app is a 3D modelling tool that allows them to create 3D interactive images on the screen. They really enjoyed learning the basic tools that the app has on offer and they can’t wait to start designing, building and innovating their own designs over the course of the next few weeks.

We have had a very busy week in school and the children have enjoyed a range of activities and learning opportunities.


In Nursery, the children have been reading the story ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell and learning about changes that happen during Autumn.  The children have enjoyed learning about Owls and how they fly, what they eat and the different habitats they live in.  Mrs Brown has introduced some difficult language that the children have taken in their stride and they now understand about nocturnal animals as well as those that hibernate.  They are getting very good at some new rhymes they have learnt and you can listen to these on our see-saw app. Mrs Brown, Mrs Larnder-Cox and Mrs Schofield are very proud of how well the children have worked this half term and look forward to introducing lots of new topics after the half term break.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about the body and labelling various parts of the body. They have also been learning about Harvest in our RE sessions. In Numeracy, the children have started looking at comparing numbers 1-3 and deepening their understanding of what these numbers mean. They are looking forward to lots more learning next half term.


In Year 1 this week, the children have finished their DT project which involved designing and making a house for the three little pigs. They followed the TASC wheel process to complete these. The photos show some of the finished models and the children communicating what they have done and how they have made them to children from Year 6.


In Year 2, the children have really enjoyed their Art week. They have learnt lots of new skills including weaving, collage and batik. They can’t wait to see their creations on display after half term. Their new display is based all around the seaside and this has inspired the art that the children have created. 


This week in Maths, Year 3 have been adding and subtracting multiples of 1, 10 and 100 to and from 3-digit numbers. In Literacy, the children have been looking at the author Julia Donaldson. They have read the book ‘Zog’ and have been writing some sentences in the past tense to describe Zog and Princess Pearl. In Geography they have been learning about the Leaning Tower of Pisa and have enjoyed starting their drawings of this in art sessions. Year 3 also enjoyed their African drumming workshop provided by The Vale.


In Literacy in Year 4 this week, the children created their own talk for writing maps to help them write a set of instructions. Through modelled, shared and supported composition, they have been able to create some fantastic instructions for how to cross the River Nile and rescue Queen Rhodopis. In Maths, the children have been developing their understanding of the subtraction of four and three digit numbers. To support their learning, they have used place value charts and counters to help them understand how to make exchanges.

In Science, the children worked collaboratively to sort animals and plants into food chains. They worked cooperatively in their groups to find the producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer and tertiary consumer. They worked well to develop their understanding of prey, predators, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children absolutely loved their drumming session on the djembe and snare drums. We think we’ve found the Ringos of the future! In our penultimate art lesson, the children used their prior learning to create a background wash and splattered paint. It was great fun! Sorry parents for the splattered faces!


In Year 5 in Maths, the children have been continuing their unit of work on addition and have been adding 4 digit numbers using exchanging. They have also been using the green screen app to record the stories they have written based on ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter.’


The main focus in Year 6 this week has been finalising their preparations for the MCSP Debating Competition: "this house believes that all humans should become vegetarians". The children added the finishing touches to their arguments, rehearsed their speeches and then filmed them using the magic of the green screen to transport ourselves to the Houses of Parliament. The children looked exceptionally professional delivering their speeches; they used tone, pace and emphasis expertly to engage their listeners and backed up their points with evidence and statistics to give real weight to their arguments. The children then held their own whole class debate and the final verdict… all humans should definitely NOT become vegetarians, Year 6 were seriously unwilling to give up their bacon butties! They’ve also thoroughly enjoyed supporting Year 1 with their Design & Technology project this week. They all had the opportunity to visit the Year 1 classroom and help the children to evaluate their projects – they’d each designed a new house for the Three Little Pigs! There were some extremely creative house designs indeed and our Year 6s contributed some very thoughtful advice and feedback – we’re already looking forward to being invited back again!


We have had another busy week in school and the children have been very excited about their learning. Today they have enjoyed an African drumming day and have worked with our partners at The Vale to create some rhythmic patterns of music.


Some of our Year 6 children took our Harvest collection of food over to Mossley Food Bank this week and they enjoyed their time helping staff to date the food and fill the shelves with our donations.


In Nursery this week the children have been continuing their topic of Nursery Rhymes and have been focusing their learning on the rhyme Humpty Dumpty. They have enjoyed sequencing pictures of this rhyme and re-building the wall for Humpty Dumpty in the construction area. 


In Reception, the children have been learning all about keeping healthy. They have talked about what foods are healthy and unhealthy and what their bodies need to stay healthy. The children have been reading and writing cvc words in phonics and within their continuous provision. In numeracy, they have been learning about patterns.


In Year 1 this week, the children have been writing the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ On Monday, they completed ‘Talk for Writing’ to rehearse the story that they are going to write. Year 1 hope you enjoy their performance which can be found ???


In Year 2, the children have finished their fabulous 'Black Rock' stories and have written them up neatly for their brand new display.  The children then began their new Literacy topic which involved following a variety of oral instructions. They really enjoyed pretending to be different animals! In Science, they have continued learning about materials and this week they focused on different ways to recycle. The children found it really interesting to learn that a plastic bottle can be made into a plastic carrier bag and they also enjoyed watching the recycling process.  


In Year 3 this week, the children have been adding and subtracting multiples of 10 to 3-digit numbers in Maths. In Literacy, they have been writing their own versions of ‘The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.’ Keep an eye out for these fantastic stories! 


In science, the children have been using their senses to move around and not using their sight. They have also written their names in Braille. In art, they have finished  their leaf art and their owls.  Look how brilliant they look!


This week in Year 4, the children received a letter from Shirley Climo (The author of The Egyptian Cinderella) asking them to write some instructions for her next book. In preparation for their writing, they have been giving and following instructions; they have researched the landmarks in ancient Egypt in order to help them write instructions including directions. In Maths the children have used manipulatives to add 3 and 4 digit numbers including making exchanges. The children thoroughly enjoyed History this week as they wrote to each other in secret code – including emojis – in preparation for using hieroglyphs. They even used papyrus paper to make their name cartouches in hieroglyphs.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been demonstrating how planets orbit and rotate as part of their topic ‘Earth and Space.’ They have also been creating their own digital selfies using keynote.


Following their Year 6 adventure at Robinwood last week, the children have had a great time reminiscing and deciding which were their favourite activities as well as generally being quite relieved that the Piranhas didn’t have a nibble at any of us! They’ve turned their attention to a new topic in literacy this week, the children are eagerly preparing to take part in the MCSP Debating Society’s autumn competition and the topic has got us all talking: this house believes that all humans should be vegetarian.

In maths this week, they’ve been investigating prime, square and cube numbers and using different manipulatives to explore their properties. They’ve also been calculating the answers to some increasingly more complex questions using the rule of BIDMAS.

In their RE lessons this term, the children have been considering the role of art and architecture in worship for those with different faiths. This week, they created an art gallery in the classroom by displaying numerous different examples of Christian creativity. The children perused the artwork on display whilst discussing the bible stories represented and the ways in which the artists had used their craft to convey different religious themes.

Year 6 also welcomed members of the GW Theatre Company in to class this week to deliver their Mr Shapeshifter workshop, which involved the company sharing with us a modern fairy tale about the way some adults abuse the trust of children and how children can work together and with trusted adults to protect themselves. The children were then given the opportunity to interview the characters and contribute their own ideas and opinions about the topic.


It has been a very busy and exciting week!


In Reception, the children have been learning about their senses. They have made jelly to taste, touch and smell but have also enjoyed exploring it in their water tray. They have been making textured collage pictures and exploring in their investigation tray. The children have been on a listening walk and have enjoyed completing a pictogram to show what eye colours there were in the class. The class have also been completing lots of phonics activities and have been exploring patterns and comparing different amounts.


Following their mask making task last week, the children in Year 1 have been busy writing instructions this week, to tell other people how to make a pig mask.


In Year 2 the children have really enjoyed learning about the British Isles in Geography. They have used atlases and labelled maps to locate lots of the small islands surrounding the United Kingdom. The children have also continued to develop their cricket skills with our specialist coach from Lancashire Cricket Club.


In Year 3, the children have been focusing on place value and adding 3 digit and 1 digit numbers using place value grids and counters as well as the Base 10 resources. In Art, the children have been collaging a picture of an owl and in Geography the children have been researching information about Italy.


In Year 4, in art, the children have worked with wet water colour paper to develop their skills of transparency, stippling and colour mixing. In science, the children continued to record their observations on the effect of fizzy drinks on their teeth. The children’s responses to the changes to the eggs were a picture.  In Maths, Year 4 used place value grids and counters to develop their understanding of addition and subtraction. The children were able to produce some fantastic literacy newspaper reports on the computer this week and successfully retold the events of the Egyptian Cinderella.


In Year 5, the children have enjoyed looking at the books that were available to buy at our Scholastic Book Fair. They were very excited to spot some of their favourite authors! They have also enjoyed finding out who was Top of the Rocks in their Rockstars times table competition.


Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed diving headfirst in to the action this week at Robinwood Activity centre in Wrexham. They’ve conquered the Piranha Pool without a single bite, flown like dancing superheroes on the zip wire and paddled their way to canoeing success. The children have had an absolute blast and have demonstrated incredible team working skills along the way; they’ve encouraged each other to face their fears, been resilient when a challenge has seemed too tough and solved problems by communicating effectively with their teammates.


In Nursery this week, we have been learning all about nursery rhymes with a focus on Hickory Dickory Dock.  The children have enjoyed making grandfather clocks, cutting out their mice, making clock faces and painting cork mice. They have worked hard sequencing the rhyme and have made up extra verses that rhyme with numbers 2, 3, 4 and 5.


This week in Reception, the children have been learning about growing up and the changes that take place when we grow. They have been talking about what they need when they are babies. They have also been writing the initial sounds for some baby things. In Numeracy the children have been looking at how we can sort for different attributes.


This week Year 1 have been following instructions to make a little pig mask in response to our text ‘The Three Little Pigs.’ They have then written their own instructions to show others how to make a little mask.


In Year 2 this week, the children have been learning about how the seaside has changed over time. They really enjoyed looking at a variety of images from the Victorian era so they thought they would check out our huge school timeline to help them with their understanding of chronology. The children also thoroughly enjoyed eating their cake for the Macmillan Coffee morning and we were really proud of all the money we raised.  


In Year 3, the children have had another brilliant week at school. They started their week, by going to Mossley Hollins and taking part in the MCSP Spanish morning. They were able to learn about Spanish foods, Spanish festivals, give their opinion about Spanish culture and sing nursery rhymes in Spanish. At the end of the morning, they even got to try some Spanish foods.

In Math's, the children have been counting in 50s and adding and subtracting multiples of 100s. In Literacy, they received a letter from Polly, who is Plop’s Mum from the book the ‘Owl Babies’ and who is afraid of the dark. The children gave ideas why they like the dark and they have also been retelling the story. In art, they have been creating leaf art and making their own owls. The children really enjoyed their cakes during the MacMillan coffee morning.


In Year 4 this week, the children have identified and labelled features of a newspaper report in literacy. This week in Math's, they have used practical equipment and number lines to help round to nearest 1,000. In Science, Year 4 began an eggciting eggsperiment to find the effect of sugary drinks on teeth. Stay posted for our results next week! We know you’ll be on the eggs of your seat. Continuing with our History topic of Ancient Egyptians, the children have mummified their friends and then researched to explain the process of Ancient Egyptian mummification.


In Year 5 this week, the children have been learning about Roman Numerals in Math's. In literacy they have been considering the use of powerful adjectives to improve their writing. They have also enjoyed their Music and Cricket sessions.


Year 6 have thoroughly enjoyed their final Black History Month drama workshop this week; they’ve learnt so much over the course of the three sessions about Black history in the UK and the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions about this rich and often controversial history through the medium of drama has led to some brilliantly impressive performances. 

In Nursery this week the children have finished their work on the colour monster. Over the course of the year they will continue linking this book to their feelings and will be be having circle times and mindfulness sessions that are also linked. The children have also been working on their mark making skills using a variety of different mediums. The children’s favourite was definitely the shaving foam! As you can see from the pictures they made some great marks and movements. The children have also been working hard this week recognising Numicon pieces.


In Reception this week, the children have been learning about ‘Homes.’ They enjoyed a walk around school looking at the various different houses in our local community and talking about the shape of the windows and doors and counting how many windows they had. The children have had a week exploring shapes, making pictures, shape hunting and using shapes within their play. They have painted, glued and created their own homes which now look lovely displayed in the classroom.


This week in Year 1, the children have been working on the story of ‘The Three little Pigs.’ On Monday, they had fun visiting a construction site to find out how to build new brick houses for the little pigs. Following this they are going to write a recount of what they did whilst they were there.


In Year 2 this week, our focus has been all about incorporating the Ipads into our learning. The children have really enjoyed our computing unit which looks at how to take good pictures using different devices. This week the children have explored how to take pictures in both landscape and portrait mode. During our Literacy lesson, the children have tried to ‘beat the author’ by up-levelling his work using different adjectives and adverbs of time. They enjoyed completing this work on Seesaw. In Science, the children became investigators and they explored which materials they could change the shape of. It’s been yet another fab week in Year 2!


In Year 3 this week, we have been looking at shadows in science. The children have been investigating how their shadows move throughout the day. In Art they have been painting their own owls. The children have been writing their non-chronological reports on owls this week and we have been working very hard. 


In Year 4 in Literacy this week, the children began to write their own Egyptian Cinderella narrative. They made individual changes to the story and included some fantastic sentence types. Some of the children produced the work on their iPads. In Maths, Year 4 worked brilliantly with Base 10 and place value counters to develop and show their understanding of 1000s, 100s, 10s and 1s, and were particularly good at finding 1, 10 or 100 more than a given number. In our Art topic, the children studied the masterpiece “Waterlilies” by Claude Monet. They expressed their view and how it made them feel and have begun to experiment with the use of water colours. In preparation for our Macmillan Coffee morning, the children have also made festive bunting celebrating their favourite books.


In Year 5, the children have enjoyed their cricket session and have been developing skills in batting, bowling, throwing and catching.


This week in Year 6, the children have been brushing up on their poetic writing skills to produce some phenomenally thoughtful poems inspired by Jemmy Button’s voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. They combined some ambitious vocabulary with a whole host of figurative language techniques to paint a picture of Jemmy’s journey in the reader’s mind. They  also took part in their second Black History Month workshop this week, where they used the medium of drama to discover what the Atlantic Slave Trade was and the role that British companies played in the transporting of millions of Africans. The children voiced their opinions extremely eloquently and were particularly interested to hear about the abolitionists that fought for the freedom of slaves around the world. In their cricket session on Thursday, the children worked hard to develop their skills in different positions around the field, including batting, bowling and fielding and we’re looking forward to playing in some mini matches next week.


It has been another exciting week in school and the children have enjoyed a range of activities as part of their learning.


In Reception, the children have enjoyed settling into class this week. They have been fully engaged in their play, exploring all the activities available to them. They have also been to the computer suite and have started their ‘Squiggle to Wiggle’ sessions. They can’t wait for more fun next week.


In Year 1, the children have enjoyed exploring charcoal during Arts and Crafts club. In literacy, they have been describing the characters in ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and in Maths, the children have been counting forwards and backwards and solving problems.


In Year 2 this week the children have been very busy indeed! They have had lots of fun playing cricket, learning about place value using our Base 10 resources and completing a materials hunt around the school for Science. They have also learnt to retell the story of ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and some of the children have even purchased this book to read at home as they have enjoyed it so much!  


This week in Year 3, the children have been locating the continents on a world map and locating Italy. They have enjoyed their first music lesson playing the djembe drums. 

In maths, the children have been understanding 3 digit numbers. In literacy they have had a special visit from a range of different owls and the children have written a recount about this exciting experience. 


In Year 4 this week, the children have been busy learning about Ancient Egypt. They were able to use pictures to learn about the past and could order the events on a timeline. In literacy, the children used role play to retell the story of the Egyptian Cinderella.  Some groups were even able to change the story’s ending. In Maths, the children have worked hard on place value. They have used number lines, rounded numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 and counted in 1000s.


In Year 5 the children have enjoyed their first Choral singing session which is organised through the Mossley Carbrook Schools Partnership. They were also very proud to receive their first achievement certificates since being in Year 5.


This week began with some impassioned debating in Year 6 – the children argued persuasively both for and against Jemmy Button’s voyage across the sea. They’ve been finding out lots more about Jemmy, the central character in our new text, who was a Tierra del Fuego native plucked from his tribal home by Charles Darwin’s contemporaries to become a ‘civilised’ young man on the busy streets of London. The children felt strongly that Jemmy should stay on his island and have written persuasive letters to encourage him to do just that and avoid the dangers of a perilous trip across the ocean – they’re looking forward to finding out next week what actually happened!


The children have also taken part in a Black History Month workshop this week. Through drama, discussion and even a bit of science, they delved in to Britain’s past to discover just how far back Black History in the UK really goes. They’ve also reached the end of their first unit in Maths – they’ve brushed up on all of their place value skills and even challenged themselves to tackle some pretty mind-boggling number problems. And their mathematical triumphs didn’t end there – they’ve had great success in their very first Year 6 arithmetic paper and set themselves ambitious targets that they’re looking forward to achieving.

The children have had an exciting week settling into their new classes and starting their new topics.


In Nursery this week, the children have been settling in and getting to know their new environment. They have read the story of ‘The Colour Monster’ and have been using the text to identify and recognise feelings. 


In Year 1 the children have been creating their own hot air balloons for their aspirations display 'Flying High' and have been focusing on their skills of sorting during Numeracy sessions. They have also enjoyed some mindfulness colouring and their first ever Golden Time!


In Year 2, the children have begun their unit of work on place value in Maths. They have been using tens and ones to represent numbers and recognising numbers greater and less than a given number. They have enjoyed their cricket session with our new coach Josh, from Lancashire County Cricket Club. They have also been finding out about ‘The Seaside’ and have been using atlases to locate seaside destinations.


The first full week in Year 6 has certainly been a busy one and the children have thoroughly enjoyed getting back into the swing of things. The week began with the arrival of some rather unusual items that had been left in their places: buttons (unfortunately not the chocolate kind!). The class have made lots of predictions about what the buttons are for or what they symbolise and they’re looking forward to finding out more in the coming weeks. They also received a postcard and a plight for help from an inhabitant of the Land of Fire - also known as Tierra del Fuego. Their job was to find out as much as they could about this mesmerising land – the southernmost point on the American continent - before producing a persuasive text to encourage tourists of all ages to visit. The buttons must surely link to the postcard but they’re not quite sure how…not yet anyway!


The children also enjoyed getting sporty in their first Cricket session this week. They practised a range of batting and bowling skills with their new Lancashire County Cricket Club coach, Josh. They’re hoping to further hone their skills over the next few weeks and then take part in some Year 6 matches.
