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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Our School Governing Body comprises of twelve Governors.  We have four Committees, Finance & Personnel, Curriculum & Standards, Premises, Health & Safety and Pastoral, with each Governor sitting on at least one Committee.  Each Committee meets at least once per term with Full Governing Body meetings taking place termly. 


Apart from the Head Teacher and the Ex Officio Foundation Governor, Governors are elected or appointed to serve for a four year term of office.  At the end of their term of office, Governors may be re-elected or re-appointed.  A Staff Governor ceases to be a Governor if the member of staff leaves the school.


Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.


Should you wish to contact the Governing Body please email in the first instance to

Who are we responsible to?

School Governors are responsible to and must be prepared to explain their actions to anyone with a valid interest in the school.  This includes parents, staff, pupils, the LEA, DfE and the local community.


What do we do?

Our job is to work with the school on planning, developing policies and keeping the school under review so that all our children have the best opportunity to achieve their full potential.


Our key objectives are:

  • To ensure that the Christian ethos of the school is evident in all aspects of school life
  • To set high standards for all children and clear targets for improvement
  • to agree policies, targets and priorities
  • To monitor and review aims and objectives and whether policies, targets and priorities are being achieved.
  • To be a critical friend in the process by challenging school leaders, asking probing questions and through working with the Head Teacher and the staff.
  • As Governors we support the work of the school and have an oversight of the schools day to day running.
  • To help the school be responsive to the needs of parents/carers and community.


Clerk to the Governing Body: Kate Sanderson

c/o TMBC Council Offices

Shirley House

5 Oldham Street


SK14 1LJ


How to make a complaint:

The school follows the LA's procedures for consideration of complaints about the school, curriculum and related matters.  Initially all concerns or complaints should be referred to the class teacher or Head Teacher.  If your complaint us not resolved to your satisfaction, please put it in writing to:


The Chair of Governors

Micklehurst All Saints CE Primary School

The Rowans


