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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2 Class page!  


Welcome back after the Whit holidays! We hope you have had an enjoyable break in the sunshine.


This half term, we will be beginning our very exciting new history topic – Explorers.

In this unit, the children will look at the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. This will include comparing aspects of Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong’s life. We will be using a variety of sources and artefacts to learn about these key historical events. We will then be using our understanding of chronology to plot the key events on a blank timeline. Following this, we will watch a selection of video clips and will discuss what we can learn from these sources.  


This half term, the children will have dance on a Wednesday.  Please ensure your child has their kit in school.


It is really important that you read with your child as often as possible.  Reading books will be sent home and must be returned to school each day in the plastic wallet provided.  The children will be heard to read once a week and then their book will be changed.  Please complete the reading record diary to show your child has read their book and is ready for a new one.


For this half term, homework will be set via Seesaw on Wednesday and will include spellings, Numbots and Lexia.


If you have any concerns or information you want to share with us, please send a message on Seesaw and we will reply as soon as possible.


Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs E Willcox (Class Teacher) and Mrs J Turner (Teaching Assistant)

