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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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We are fortunate to have an active PFTA who raise valuable funds for school.  Events include Christmas and Summer Fairs, movie nights and fashions shows.  Members of the PTFA also attend open mornings and evenings for prospective parents and we always welcome new members.


This year the PTFA have bought us a new lighting system for our hall to be used in conjunction with the sound system that they helped buy the previous year.  Together this gives us a state of the art system that we use for both assemblies, school productions and our successful Musical Theatre Club and our Singing Club.  In response to a request from our Year 6 leavers they have agreed to purchase leavers hoodies for all Year 6 children this year and going forwards.  Our children are very grateful for this kind gesture.  This is another example of how our children's voice is heard.
