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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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A very warm welcome to Reception!


I hope you have all had a wonderful Summer break. We are so excited to welcome the children into class to begin their Reception journey.


Our topic for the first half term is ‘Marvellous Me.’ This is a wonderful way to get to know all the children and for us to learn what makes them special and unique. We will be talking about our families, where we live, how we stay healthy, our feelings and our senses. The children will enjoy learning through play together and have access to a well-planned curriculum based around the seven areas of the EYFS. They will be provided with a rich learning environment which enables them to follow their own interests and be ‘active’ learners.


Reading at home is super important in EYFS and every child will be provided with a ‘read with me’ reading book to share with you at home. As their phonic knowledge develops, they will then receive an additional book which is phonetically decodable and they can read themselves. Books should be read twice at home and both books will be changed once a week. Homework will come home on a Wednesday and collected back in the following Monday.


In Literacy, we will be using various mark making equipment to practice writing our name. We will be writing about our family and developing our speaking and listening skills. We will also be developing our understanding of rhyme and alliteration and developing our awareness of letter sounds. We will be participating in ‘squiggle whilst you wiggle’ and dough disco sessions which will help the children to develop their fine and gross motor skills in readiness for writing, and they are heaps of fun!


In Numeracy, we will be following the White Rose scheme of learning where the children develop a deep understanding of numbers, starting with numbers 1-5. Alongside numbers, we will be learning about shape, measures, patterns and how numbers can link to many of these concepts.


The children’s PE session will be on a Tuesday this half term. The children will need pumps in school in a named bag ready for these sessions. Children do not need a full PE kit whilst in Reception. 


Please ensure your child has a suitable coat and shoes for outdoor play. As we move towards the autumn months we will continue to learn and play in our outdoor classroom.


If you wish to contact me, do not hesitate to message me on class seesaw or grab me at the school gate! I will be keep you updated with all the fun learning we are doing together in school on the school website and regularly on class Seesaw.


We are looking forward to a fantastic year together.


Miss Austin and Miss Burney

