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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Happy New Year to you all and a warm welcome back after the Christmas holidays. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas.


Our topic for this half term is ‘Dinosaurs’. We will be using non-fiction books to learn many interesting facts about dinosaurs- their names, how big they were and what they ate. We will use this information to create a Dino Fact File. Our focus book for this half term is ‘Saturday Night at the Dinosaur Stomp’. The children will be using our text map to retell and perform the story.


We will be learning about fossils and bones and looking at what the dinosaur’s names were. We will also be designing and naming our own dinosaurs and thinking about what kind of environment the dinosaurs lived in. 


Alongside ‘Dinosaurs’ some of our topic work will be based around seasonal change -what changes happen in Winter and Spring. At the end of January, we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and this year it is the year of the snake. We will be making snake masks and puppets, tasting Chinese food and thinking about some of the Chinese traditions that come with celebrating this special festival. This will be an exciting time for the children in school.


P.E will be on a Tuesday this half term. Children will not need a full PE kit whilst in Reception.


Reading at home is super important in EYFS and every child will be provided with a ‘read with me’ reading book to share with you at home. As their phonic knowledge develops, they will then receive an additional book which is phonetically decodable and they can read themselves. Books should be read twice at home and books will be changed once a week. Homework will continue to be sent home on Wednesdays and collected back in on Mondays.


Children can bring a healthy snack into school for snack time and until they are 5 will be provided with milk.


If you wish to contact me, do not hesitate to message me on class seesaw or grab me at the school gate! I will be keeping you updated with all the fun learning we are doing together in school on the school website or on class Seesaw.


Thanks for your continued support and we are very much looking forward to another busy term!


Miss Austin and Miss Burney

