Welcome back, we hope you have had a good holiday. We have been very busy planning a fantastic half term for your children. This half term we have several short topics, ‘Bonfire Night’, ‘Diwali’ and ‘Christmas’.
Diwali/Bonfire Night - During this topic we will be learning about sounds, colours, descriptive language, 2 dimensional shapes and staying safe. During this topic we will also be finding out about the Hindu festival of Diwali. There will be lots of pattern making during this topic. We will also be welcoming you to a ‘Stay and Play’ session.
Christmas – In this topic we will be learning about the story of Christmas, enjoying acting in the Christmas performance, singing and dancing to a beat, exploring different media - making Christmas Lists, Christmas cards, baking Christmas treats and making tree decorations. Finally, our fantastic Christmas performance, where your little ones will be shining as they tell the Christmas story.
Things you can do at home:
- Looking for patterns in the environment – patterns on curtains, jumpers, socks. Are they repeating? Can you see a pattern?
- When you are out and about ask your child about what they can see and hear – these activities will be part of lots of our phonics games.
- Look for numbers in the environment – door numbers, car number plates, prices in a shop, telephone numbers.
- Counting – count the stairs, count the green cars in the car park.
- Practise writing your child’s name and lots of opportunities to write in different ways (sand, goo, jelly).
We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead.
Thank you for all your support.
Kind Regards, Mrs Brown and Mrs Larnder-Cox