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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Welcome to the new school year.  Mrs Larnder-Cox and I have been very busy making name cards, making sure the children have a place to hang their coat and the classroom looks like an inviting place to learn.  We are looking forward to finding out more about your child in the year ahead.


Our first topic is ‘All About Me!’, including ‘Feelings.’  During this topic we will be learning about what your children are good at, how they learn and what their favourite Nursery Rhymes are.  To help us get to know your children, we will be asking them to do specific tasks e.g. can you colour a picture where we will look at their pencil control and grip of a pencil, can you count my cubes, what shape is the clock? Let’s jump as high as we can and many more. 


Things that you can do at home:


  • Practise writing your child’s name with them, making sure they hold the pencil correctly.
  • Ensure that they are able to recognise their name when they see it.
  • Pointing out letters in their name in the environment, look there is the letter at the start of your name.
  • Counting cars that you pass on your way to school.
  • Looking for numbers in the environment, on doors, car registration, on lamp posts, in the shop etc.
  • Counting as you go up the stairs to bed.
  • Singing nursery rhymes before bed – I will be sending a list home of some of the ones we are learning at Nursery.


Snack and other information

Please provide your child with a healthy snack that will accompany their milk in the morning. This can be cheese strings, crackers, yoghurt tubes, fruit etc.  This will need to be in a sandwich bag with their name on.  The children only need ONE snack.


Please can you make sure all your children’s clothes have their names written on the label or sewn on the inside.


Don’t forget that the children also need a set of spare clothes to be kept on their peg at school.


We are looking forward to an exciting term ahead, getting to know your children. Thank you for all your support. 


Mrs Brown and Mrs Larnder-Cox

