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Micklehurst All Saints

C of E Primary School

'Learning Together, Growing Together, Succeeding Together'

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Year 3

Welcome to the Year 3 class page


Welcome to our Year 3 class page!


We are hoping you had a wonderful Whit break and are ready to start a very exciting and busy final half term. There are lots of new and fun learning opportunities planned and as always, we can’t wait to get stuck into it!


Year 3 will be taught by Mrs Flint and Mr Shove will be supporting the learning through the week too. Mrs Sowler will continue to work with Year 3 on a Friday.


We are starting this half term by putting our historian hats back on and immersing ourselves in to the life of the Victorians. This fascinating historical unit will start with exploring who Queen Victoria was and placing the Victorian period on a timeline. After this, we’ll explore the major events that took place during this time and consider what life was like in this period of history. Towards the end of the unit, we’ll explore what life was like in a Victorian school and we’ll even turn our classroom into a Victorian one.


Alongside this historical unit of work, Year 3 will also be learning about inventors and scientists in science. We’ll explore the work of Marie Curie and George Washington Carver as well as finding out about fossil hunters and work on electromagnets. It will be Science Week too this half term and it will focus on time. During the week, we’re going to explore ‘Boats Through Time’. We’ll test the suitability of materials for a purpose and consider why certain materials float and others sink. We’ll consider forces that are important in floating and sinking and make our own sailing boat, which we will then test to see if it meets the given criteria.


We are also very much looking forward to starting swimming this half term as well as continuing to broaden our Spanish knowledge and musical skills.


Some key information:

Swimming - Mondays

Music – Tuesdays

Spanish – Tuesdays

P.E.  –  Tuesdays


Homework is given out on Wednesdays and should be completed by the following Monday. Reading books can be changed once they are completed and we ask that children remember to read at least 3 times a week.

Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day and please bring in a water bottle every day too making sure it is filled with water only (no juice).


Thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Flint and Mr Shove

